Mohamed FieldsUniversity of idaho curriculum vitae (Erie) [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey thanks for watching the video and a huge thanks to Autodesk not only did they sponsor our trip to New York Comic Con so we could share the experience with you they also sponsored the costume contest they were taking free photos of cosplayers at the Pixlr booth and they're just really awesome people who make really great products I guess I should mention at least one of their products so I will pick sketchbook sketchbook is an easy way to draw right to your computer of course sketchbook is used by a ton of artists a lot of my friends that design costumes and props also use sketchbook and if you want to try it out yourself there's a free 15 day trial no credit card required nothing like that just go to sketchbook calm and you can check it out so huge thanks to Autodesk and for all of you watching liking and sharing this video thank you so much and we'll catch you next time peace [Music] you State University of New York at Delhi.