Ashley Thomas

Assignment unisa (Dutchess) Oh take a deep breath and breathe them again and supporting and supportin blow it out my Travis's feet I'm so tired of your well first of all feel like you've been setting up there first but two hours two hours it was uh Kate man you okay yeah I probably should have said something sooner but uh hate to tell you I have homosexual tendencies stand up say holy shit 30 minutes over that's a lot of show extra their kids I like it don't tell anybody if you have a good time I'm very happy I work for that you never know what you're gonna get turn this way a little bit right down right how long does it feel like a band up here at first thought two minutes just let's start the show you'll expect the show it's already 9:30 five miles keep it up her for an hour and thirty minutes hard to believe in where are you from originally say again where's that any good South Dakota Daemen College.

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