DATP is Good Projects!

DATP is Good Projects!


What is DATP?

DATP is a trading platform built to conduct transactions using third parties with ERC-20 that use DATP Tokens as transaction costs. Make transactions quickly, become the latest innovation transactions and exchange safely with the intended seller or buyer without having to exchange for large withdrawal fees. Our platform is a project using the ERC20 platform with the purpose of third party transactions using ERC-20. The crosschain protocol utilises using smart contracts implemented on both Ethereum and DATP token. These two blockchains provide two-layer accounting and assets transfer system. Instant and low-fee transactions are fuelled by DATP token.

Use the DATP Token as a Transaction Fee.

DATP tokens are useful as payments for instant third party ERC-20 transactions. Allows users to make transactions safely and comfortably using a system on our platform.

How to use the DATP Platform, below is the explanation:

1. Install/Update the latest metamask

2. Change the network connection in the metmask to Ropsten Test Network

3. Open the link https://platform.datp.market/ then connect with metamask

For mobile users

1. Install the cipherbrowser in PlayStore or https://www.cipherbrowser.com/ 

2. Wallet settings

3. to the settings change the network connection to the ropsten or Rinkeby test network

4. open https://platform.datp.market/ in cipherbrowser


To minimize the occurrence of SCAM in transactions, the first step is that we have held the user data from KYC they did when verifying the account, the data can be used as an investigation material with the user concerned.


As the security of a DATP is as good as the security of smart contracts, to maximize the security of smart contracts. We do KYC on our platform before making a transaction.


With the latest innovations in third party exchanges. We hope to overcome the problem of low liquidity / volume exchange by using ERC-20 / DATP Tokens through strong credibility, market presence and a sophisticated platform for ease of use, DATP user experience is preferred even for popular centralized exchanges.


The main objective of this project is to develop DATP Tokens as a third party payment tool instantly, reduce the risks associated with cryptocurrency, increase the security and profitability of digital asset investments and create incentives for project investors.

To fulfil this goal we set these objectives:

  • Develop decentralized asset storage and transfer mechanisms built on Ethereum, Decentralized Asset Trading Platform, smart contracts, crosschain oracles and service oracles;
  • Increasing security Transactions between users using third party transaction intermediaries
  • Develop DATP Tokens with built-in multi-currency wallets and P2P acquisition, transfer and currency exchange tools;
  • Develop open API and release SDK for 3d party developers.
  • Using DATP Token as a third party payment on the Ethereum Network.



Cooperate with the Company or Exchange. Perform event token holders, trade events. Buy back after the ICO takes place and enters the market.


In addition to large-scale paid marketing encouragement, a useful ICO program has been implemented, we give a bonus of 10 - 50% of the purchase cost when the ICO takes place.


Community and worldwide support is very important for industrial growth, and as such, sponsorship is in the process of major upcoming events not only to help spread the word about exchanges, but to help fund the event itself to ensure the community cryptocurrency grows as much as possible.


DATP tokens generated from ICO will be traded on any exchange that is willing to list them, and of course on our own platform. Every DATP Token holder is involved with successful exchanges, which will create a natural viral eect because more people buy, sell or hold.


  • Q2 / 2018 - Planning and the establishment of the DATP project team.
  • Q3 / 2018 - Expansion and development of DATP projects and starting ICO, Airdrop and Selfdrop.
  • Q4 / 2018 - ICO, Airdrop and Selfdrop are over.
  • Q2 / 2019 - The launch of the DATP beta testing phase.
  • Q3 / 2019 - The launch of the DATP final phase.


For more information about Datp at this time, please follow some important links below:

Website: https://datp.market/

Whiteboard: https://datp.market/whitepaper.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/DATP_Official

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DATP . OFFICIAL? _Rdc = 1 & _rdr

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DATP_OFFICIAL

Dissonance: https://discord.gg/z2QzkHu

Bitcointalk Username : Bunsbunny

Bitcointalk Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2291102;sa=summary

ERC-20 Address : 0x6Fd91849a44Cf9D7bC0d5d31855d57d432aBd466

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