DAGO Mining

DAGO Mining


 independent, renewable independent crypto energy based project

In the last few years when Bitcoin was at the highest price, the crypto couple was busy in the BTC, ETH, and other minable coins. 
We have seen in the news that many people steal electricity for mine crypto because the electricity prices are high and we need enough electricity to run the mining machines so we can get money only with mine crypto but electricity consumption we cannot buy electricity at high costs for mine crypto , so this is the DAGO-MINING electricity solution   .

Introduction to DAGO Mining

Dago Mining is an independent, renewable independent crypto energy project. Dago will produce energy from sunlight with the help of the solar system and they will store heat to produce energy at night and the battery will be used to save electricity as well. DAGO MINING will convert green energy into electricity with the help of the solar system, heat exchangers, steam turbines, generators, and other machines that are also used in this project to produce electricity as you see below in the picture.

turbine. JPG

On stormy days when sunlight and heat will not be available, they will use wind and hydro turbines as we have seen in films and videos such as large fans run by high wind pressure but they only think about it but have not done it. 

However, DAGO mining will not charge any additional fees for electricity consumption. The DAGO mine creates renewable green power plants and they will not increase electricity costs in the future. The DAGO mine will not charge per Kw schedule but only an annual maintenance price of $ 0.01 per Kw and a 20-year warranty on factory components. 

In this case they will receive payment in the DAGO token, ERC20 ethereum, based on blockchain tokens.

We will use DAGO tokens to buy power / electricity at a 30% discount. The DAGO token holder will receive a good percentage of cryptocurrency mined.

After generating electricity they will use mining machines such as ASIC and GPU that are easily available on the market. 

Now we will talk about ASIC & GPU that will be used to mine crptocurrency.

Why use Green Energy?

Until now, 80% of the energy used for extraction is produced by coal-fired power plants (China, Russia …), and Blockchain works with that energy, pollution from miming is harmful to the environment and climate … Mining is very profitable, if done in the right way, using new technology. Dago Mining can install a highly scalable and low-cost PV power plant throughout the world. There are renewable energy resources in each country, they can be used to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Hydroelectric, geothermal and solar power plants are possible and at an affordable cost.

What makes us very profitable:


Team members have collaborated for years in the construction and maintenance of power plants for leading companies in the sector. We know what to do and how to make our plants.


We have the possibility to choose among the most efficient components in the market with high speed updates at low costs. Cooling immersion and the use of renewable energy combined with accumulators make us independent and very profitable.


On the market there is a storage system that allows the storage of energy produced excessively by the photovoltaic system and consumes it at night, or when the plant does not produce. They are designed to maximize their own consumption, thus increasing energy cost savings.


DAGO Tokens are EtherCum-based ERC-20 tokens. 

DAGO Tokens give the holder the right to:

• Receive 50% of mining activities divided as follows: 40% is paid every month, 1 month after commencement

• 10% reinvestment to increase mining capacity

• Receive 20% of the calculation of rental power activities divided as follows:

• 20% is paid monthly, 1 month after the start of 05% is reinvested to increase mining capacity

• Use tokens to buy mining power with a 30% discount. First information about the new ICO mine, others will be carried out.

DAGO Mining will reinvest 40% of the profits, for 18 months to be reassessed, in Hardware and Photovoltaic cells to increase the total hash strength of all miners for the benefit of all, 10% will cover maintenance, administration, personnel etc.

Initial Token Volume Volume: 150,000,000 DAGO 

Price of tokens in FIAT currency: 1 DAGO = 1 $ 

Form of payment received: ETH, BTC credit card. 

Unsold tokens will be destroyed or burned. 

For the lowest costs and secure payments we recommend buying DAGO tokens with ETH. 

Token Distribution: 

• 85% token holder

• 15% of Founders and Companies


 Starting: 12.30.2018 12.00 UTC 

 End: 05.11.2019 12.00 UTC 

Currency received: ETH USD (credit card) Price: 1 DAGO token = 1 USD


  • 30% in the form of adding additional DAGO tokens to the number of tokens you bought. (1 DAGO = USD 0.76)

Example: By purchasing 1000 DAGO tokens, you get 1300 DAGO tokens. By purchasing 3000+ DAGO tokens, you get + 50% in the form of adding additional DAGO tokens to the number of tokens you buy. (1 DAGO = USD 0.66)

Example: By purchasing 4000 DAGO tokens, you get 6000 DAGO tokens. Purchase 9000+ DAGO tokens, you get + 70% in the form of adding additional DAGO tokens to the number of tokens you buy. (1 DAGO = USD 0.58)

Example: By purchasing 10,000 DAGO tokens, you get 17,000 DAGO tokens.


 Starting: 05.11.2019 12.00 UTC 

 End: 06.11.2019 12.00 UTC 

Currency received: ETH USD (credit card) Price: 1 DAGO token = 1 USD


  • 30% in the form of adding additional DAGO tokens to the number of tokens you bought.

Example: By purchasing 1000 DAGO tokens, you get 1300 DAGO tokens. (1 DAGO = USD 0.76) By buying 3000+ DAGO tokens, you get + 50% in the form of adding additional DAGO tokens to the number of tokens you bought. (1 DAGO = USD 0.66)

Example: By purchasing 4000 DAGO tokens, you get 6000 DAGO tokens.

ICO stage 1 

 Starting: 06.11.2019 12.00 UTC 

 End: 07.11.2019 12.00 UTC 

Currency received: ETH USD (credit card) Price: 1 DAGO token = 1 USD


+ 30% in the form of adding additional DAGO tokens to the number of tokens you bought. (1 DAGO = USD 0.76)

Example: By purchasing 1000 DAGO tokens, you get 1300 DAGO tokens. By purchasing 3000+ DAGO tokens, you get + 40% in the form of adding additional DAGO tokens to the number of tokens you buy. (1 DAGO = USD 0.71)

Example: By purchasing 4000 DAGO tokens, you get 5600 DAGO tokens.

ICO stage 2 

 Starting: 07.11.2019 12.00 UTC 

 End: 07.20.2019 12.00 UTC 

Currency received: ETH USD (credit card) Price: 1 DAGO token = 1 USD


+ 30% in the form of adding additional DAGO tokens to the number of tokens you bought. (1 DAGO = USD 0.76)

Example: By purchasing 1000 DAGO tokens, you get 1300 DAGO tokens.

ICO stage 3 

 Starting: 07.20.2019 12.00 UTC 

 End: 07.30.2019 12.00 UTC 

Currency received: ETH USD (credit card) Price: 1 DAGO token = 1 USD


  • 20% in the form of adding additional DAGO tokens to the number of tokens you bought. (1 DAGO = USD 0.83)

Example: By purchasing 1000 DAGO tokens, you get 1,200 DAGO tokens.

ICO final stage 

 Starting: 07.30.2019 12.00 UTC 

 End: 08.10.2019 12.00 UTC 

Currency received: ETH USD (credit card) Price: 1 DAGO token = 1 USD


+ 10% in the form of adding additional DAGO tokens to the number of tokens you bought. (1 DAGO = USD 0.90)

Example: By purchasing 1000 DAGO tokens, you get 1,100 DAGO tokens.


There is an experienced team behind this project and they have all worked for years in the blockchain industry. Other team members that you find on the website.

JPG team

To find more relevant details please follow some sources for the following references:

WEB SITE:  http://dago-mining.com/

WHITEPAPER:  https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Dc3VwSk2vmnOCaawe13cgMXmwOM4_SrR

FACEBOOK:  https://www.facebook.com/DAGO-Mining-925577207590931

TWITTER:  httIT : //twitter.com/Dago_Mining/

TELEGRAM:  https://t.me/DAGOMiningofficial

btc name Sriningsih22 

btc link profile https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2303929

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