

Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies have made ready for this present age's mechanical insurgency, and we should give it the best chance to endure in case we're to pass on the implement to the millennial age for it to flourish. 

We have however one planet to live on. And keeping in mind that we completely ought to flourish and improve, we should likewise deal with the earth for ourselves and who and what is to come. Digital currency, supported by the blockchain, is one of the greatest developments in our history, and it is simply beginning. The development of computerized money has sucker punched the world, and the influence utilized in the crypto mining biological system is right now delivered by non-sustainable sources that contaminate our air and water. This is an issue that is just deteriorating, and it is just a single case of the expanding vitality requests of our populace. 

Making a self-supporting venture in the crypto and blockchain space is the initial step to empowering further development and interruption in the renewables division. To make it one stride further, imagine a scenario where those tasks contributed a part of their benefits to innovative work of environmentally friendly power vitality and inexhaustible activities, for example, higher proficiency efficient power vitality sources, new sustainable advances and new types of recyclables. 


DAGO mining has structured a mining framework with three advances all together: a high productivity photovoltaic framework that utilizes sun oriented fixation boards, joined with a creative vitality stockpiling framework in salt water batteries that will bring the homestead to act naturally adequate regarding vitality in 12-year and a half from the begin. The dynamic development and get together of the equipment of mining utilizes superior GPU (not just Graphics Cards) and ASIC Chip as of now available. 

Everything is cooled by "Submersion Cooling" so as to misuse the likelihood of overclock without losing security and strength. Utilizing the elements of exponential development for both, we advance atmosphere safeguarding and the welfare of the token holders. It is the physical manifestation of the blockchain soul: a powerful and decentralized framework that can withstand interruptions in government arrangements, value structures and the vitality supply. 

Dago Mining offers clients successful answers for the worldwide mining issues that exist today. The market and conditions change each day, and the individuals who always cooperate with the advanced innovation advertise see it particularly well. The expository organization from Denmark, which deals with the bitcoin mining vitality utilization file on Digiconomist, gives assessments of the development in power utilization and these evaluations are disturbing. Accordingly, 80% of the vitality utilized for mining is delivered at coal-terminated power plants (China, Russia and others). Additionally, figuring power for the activity of blockchain-registers utilize a comparative power source. 


The objective of the Dago Mining venture is to understand the maximum capacity of blockchain advances as a solid decentralized framework fit for settling issues in open strategy and the structure of vitality costs. 

Furthermore, Dago Mining's plan of action depends on the quick sending of huge mining ranches that utilization sustainable normal sources as a wellspring of intensity age. The undertaking depends on three imperative standards: 

Environmentally friendly power vitality - The organization produces sustainable green power utilizing photovoltaic cells and their capacity to hold heat limit. 

New innovation - An on a very basic level new way to deal with cooling gear makes mining truly beneficial. 

High adaptability - A plan of action is effectively actualized anyplace on the planet where the sun shines.

The organization sees the gigantic potential and advantages of environmentally friendly power vitality and offers an answer for the two financial specialists and private customers in this market. To do this, utilization its very own capacity plants and profound cooling innovation ASIC diggers, in particular: 

Power age. The group has created photovoltaic boards that give direct vitality generation and warmth change, which is changed over into vitality utilizing steam turbines. Subsequently, there is no warmth misfortune and there is no damaging warmth discharge to the climate. Likewise, an unmistakable component is that the age procedure happens day in and day out, that is, around evening time, age and mining don't stop. 

End of unsafe consequences for the earth. The group picked the most productive techniques available that upgrade costs and destructive emanations. As of now referenced, this is an in a general sense new procedure for cooling hardware. 

Power stockpiling. The innovation depends on a basic thought: to fulfill developing needs and increment the utilization of sustainable power source, extensive scale vitality stockpiling frameworks are required that would be elite, sheltered, manageable and prudent. The battery comprises of an electrolyte with ocean water, a manganese oxide cathode, a composite anode made of phosphorus carbon and titanium, and furthermore a jumper made of engineered cotton. The battery utilizes non-forceful responses at the anode and cathode. Sparing vitality in batteries enables you to devour all the sun based vitality delivered and control costs. These batteries are upgraded for persistent cycle and guarantee dependable activity without regular support. 

How It Works? 

Dago-mining is simply the principal adequate sustainable power source mine. 

In Iceland, the utilization of power approached and will before long outpace the utilization of the whole populace. This will unavoidably lead organizations providing vitality, expanding generation with new power plants with significant speculations and an inescapable effect on expenses. 

Dago Mining has chosen to deliver the vitality it will use for mining with sun based warm focus photovoltaics, and the capacity of vitality (warmth and power) in an environmental way that will give us the likelihood of mining even around evening time. The advancements are as of now tried and broadly utilized. We mean to use, for the development of plants, organizations with numerous long stretches of involvement in the area and with an exceptionally high level of skill. 

A few individuals from the group still work together in the development of intensity stations and their support. The different parts that make up the power plant have lengths evaluated in 20 years, this offers us the chance to design the low upkeep they need and afterward to foresee the expenses. We can exponentially expand the intensity of Hash Power without affecting the environment, utilizing progressively ground-breaking refrigerated in-inundation equipment to increment both power and solidness, while keeping up extraction limit at abnormal states.


The DAGO token is an ERC-20 standard-based Ethereum token.

Token Details

Token: DAGO

Type: Utility

PreICO Price: 1 DAGO = 0.55 USD

Price: 1 DAGO = 1 USD

Bonus: Available

Bounty: Available

Platform: Ethereum

Accepting: ETH, BTC

Minimum investment: 200 USD

Soft cap: 4,000,000 USD

Hard cap: 20,000,000 USD

Country: Spain

Whitelist/KYC: KYC

Restricted areas: USA

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DAGO tokens grant their holders the right to:

Receive 50% of the mining activity divided as follows: 40% paid monthly, 1 month after start

Reinvest 10% for increase mining capacity

Receive 20% from the calculation power rental activity divided as follows:

20% paid monthly, 1 month after the start 05% reinvested for increase mining capacity

Use the tokens to buy mining power with a 30% discount First information on ICO of new mines, others will be implemented.

DAGO Mining will reinvest 40% of the profits, for 18 months revaluable, in Hardware and Photovoltaic cells to increase the total hash power of the entire miner for the benefit of all, 10% will cover the costs of maintenance, administration, personnel etc.

Initial Token Issue Volume: 150.000.000 DAGO

Price of the token in term of FIAT currency: 1 DAGO = 1$

Form of payment accepted: ETH, BTC credit cards.

The unsold tokens will be destroyed o burned.

For lowest fees and safe payment we recommend to buy DAGO tokens with ETH.

Token Distribution

85% token holder

15% Founders and Companies

Use of Proceeds


Start: 12.30.2018 12.00 UTC

End: 05.11.2019 12.00 UTC

Accepted currency: ETH USD (credit card) Price: 1 DAGO token = 1 USD


Start: 05.11.2019 12.00 UTC

End: 06.11.2019 12.00 UTC

Accepted currency: ETH USD (credit card) Price: 1 DAGO token = 1 USD

ICO stage 1

Start: 06.11.2019 12.00 UTC

End: 07.11.2019 12.00 UTC

Accepted currency: ETH USD (credit card) Price: 1 DAGO token = 1 USD

ICO stage 2

Start: 07.11.2019 12.00 UTC

End: 07.20.2019 12.00 UTC

Accepted currency: ETH USD (credit card) Price: 1 DAGO token = 1 USD

ICO stage 3

Start: 07.20.2019 12.00 UTC

End: 07.30.2019 12.00 UTC

Accepted currency: ETH USD (credit card) Price: 1 DAGO token = 1 USD

ICO final stage

Start: 07.30.2019 12.00 UTC

End: 08.10.2019 12.00 UTC

Accepted currency: ETH USD (credit card) Price: 1 DAGO token = 1 USD



For more information, please visit:

WEBSITE: http://dago-mining.com


ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5114211

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/DAGOMiningofficial

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/DAGO-Mining-925577207590931

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Dago_Mining/

MEDIUM: https://medium.com/@dagomining

REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/user/Dago-mining

SLACK: https://dagomining.slack.com/messages/D9QJQ7YEP/details/


Author TheJohnMatch


Ethereum Address:0x2202BcCe2EE3c8B2C34Db7E9Bb38eB7dF3D619Ed

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