Cutty Ch. 38

Cutty Ch. 38

"No fake crocodile tears," The young lady said, "You just came in the most obscene way I have ever seen, so do not pretend to be ashamed. You have no shame; you have no morals. You just are a cheating slut. So, get to it, cheat some more."

Donna moved forward towards the lady. She went on her knees as true tears flowed over her cheeks. She hated her, hated this girl half her age telling her how immoral she is. How far she had fallen.

She gently pushed the panties aside, exposing a very wet, trimmed blond vagina.

"Come on, slut, lick!"

Donna moved forward and opened her mouth as she pressed it against the moist lips. She had Robert's sad, tired, face in mind as she started licking and sucking on the lips.

"Hmmmm," The lady approved.

Donna sobbed as she licked the lips as requested. Her training with Ninon made sure she still did a good job, but her heart was not in it. She was so full of remorse.

"Look me in the eye!"

Donna did.

"Not so high and mighty now, are we? Now that you have been told what you really are."

Donna cried as her tongue flicked the precious clit of her client. This was awful!

"I love how you lick pussy. Probably much better than you suck dick. You seem like a girl who only rarely treats her man to a blowjob. I bet you actually prefer him to go down on you instead. You are a real egotistical, bitchy housewife that is so full of herself. With absolutely no respect for her man. One of the worse characters I ever met."

Donna tried to ignore what the woman was telling her, as what she was saying just hurt her terribly for the words were so true. She was indeed an ungrateful bitch. A horrible person. She had become what she had always looked down on.

The woman grabbed the back of Cutty's head and pushed her a bit down. "I need your tongue inside me. Dig as deep as you possibly can, cunt."

Donna did as ordered and stuck her tongue as deep as possible into the young woman's wet vagina.

"Keep it straight and stiff." The girl instructed her.

Donna did and the girl gently bobbed up and down on her tongue. She twisted and turned herself around on Donna's tongue, smearing her vaginal secretions all over her face as she worked herself up. "Hmmmmmm."

Donna felt the young woman's lips slide over her lips, the girl's clit rolled over her nose, leaving a trail of slime that found its way into her nose, into her mouth.

"Robert does not know what he is missing. How his wife has become a slut, a filthy whore. A cunt to be abused."

Donna just prayed the girl would come soon. Her tongue, though properly trained, was starting to ache. And she wanted to get rid of the slime on her face and in her nose. It smelled awful and it tasted worse.

"Can't wait until Robert cast you aside and I can have him. I will show him some real good loving like you never did."

The insults and ever more painful remarks, just kept coming. This evil bitch was getting off on Donna's humiliation. On Donna's total debasement. And Donna was incapable of doing anything against it. She just had to let her do whatever the girl wanted. The client is always right. Ninon, Ms. Brendan, would want her to do so. And not doing as they wanted her to ...

But it was hard, really hard.

After what felt like hours later, the lady finally started to show some signs she was coming. She started to move more erratic, her hips wiggled left and right, forward and backward, pushing her lips and cunt slime all over Donna's face, slapping her, splattering the cunt juices around, getting in her hair. The woman was so despicable.

"Fuck!! Fucking slut! Cheating Bitch!" The woman shouted out as she banged hard on Donna's face. Probably bruising her, at least it felt like that.

"What an animal" Went through Donna's mind, as the woman was pummeling her endlessly, and becoming wilder and wilder.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" The girl shouted and bucked hard, very hard, on Donna's face, as cunt juice splattered around, getting in her eyes, nose and hair. "Yes! Yes! Yes!!"

The woman came but she did not stop bucking on Donna's face. She was completely out of it. "Fucking whore! Bitch! Cunt! Ooooooooow."

She rode Donna's face for a long time. Donna wondered how long her orgasm would last, and how she would look afterwards. Her face would probably be bruised all over.

Finally, the girl stopped pummeling Donna's face. She fell back as she kept Donna's face pressed on her puss.

"Gently lap up my juices, married whore." She whispered as she was still in oblivion.

Donna did as requested, her tired and bruised tongue trying to lick her current tormentor's cunt as gently as possible, especially her swollen lips, and her hyper sensitive clit. When was her ordeal going to be over?

"Hmmmmm." The girl moaned as she enjoyed the slowly retreating climax, and the upcoming after glow. "Lick like that, gentle like that."

For minutes Donna was licking her client, as she came down from her high. Her breathing slowed down, almost to a sleeping rhythm. The woman was really stretching her time with Cutty the whore to the fullest.

Finally the woman let go. Donna crawled back to her seat, tired and utterly devastated. Her face felt awful. It was coated with slime, which was slowly dripping down. She needed tissues. She needed a towel! "Fuck! The bitch really worked me over!"

Minutes later her client woke up from her coma. And with a big smile slowly sat straight. "Now that was good. I really loved to fuck your face, cheating cunt. It was very good for me. Your nose and tongue are quite talented, whoring housewife."

"She obviously had not lost her disdain for me", Donna noticed sarcastically. "Please, let this be over with soon."

"I have to go now." And with that the lady took her wallet and took out 10 hundred-dollar bills. "Here, buy your husband something nice for me."

The bills flew through the air; a last insult.

The lady got out the car and gave a last look back, where she saw Donna collecting the bills from the floor. "Fucking shameless deceiving cunt." And with that she closed the door, leaving Donna finally alone.

"You have to hurry up and get out." The driver said immediately.

"I know, just a moment."

"No, I need to clean it up right away, you need to get out now."

Donna scrambled quickly to find the last bill and pushed it into her bag. She grabbed 'Lenny', who was rolling around on her seat, and pushed it also deep into her bag. Next, she zipped it closed and opened the door and got out onto the parking lot.

How long have they been back? She did not recall noticing the car driving or stopping while she was face-fucked. Thinking about that she felt her face, which was still moist, she needed to wash her face right away.


She ran from the parking lot to the toilets. Luckily not too many people were inside as she ran to the nearest sink. She wanted to get rid of the goo on her face as quickly as possible.

"Aaaah!" she exclaimed as she splashed the cold water on her face and felt clean again.

She looked at herself in the mirror. Her life was totally going off track. This was not normal. Women coming at any moment to have her servicing them. Would they also come at her work? Or worse, at her home? This had to stop. There must be boundaries. She had to talk with Ninon again. She needed her help.

"What was that all about?"

Donna turned as she was reapplying her make-up and saw Tammy standing there with a worrisome look.

"Nothing, work." Donna said as nonchalant as possible.

"Work? Funny work gets your face all messed up."

Donna looked in the mirror and saw her face was really reddish from her ordeal. She quickly thought up an excuse. "It is an allergic reaction. Something in the air in the car. I think it was the air freshener."

"The limousine you got out half naked?"

"Tammy... leave me alone." Donna sighed, not wanting a quarrel with her friend.

"We worry about you. Half an hour ago you were almost normal, apart from your attire. Now you come out of a tinted limousine, looking as if you just had sex... with a woman!"

"Great." Donna thought, "She saw the girl get out too."

"That is not what happened. We had a quick business meeting. You know I do that construction job. I just told you?!"

"It's me you're talking to. Not Thomas, who you fooled pretty good by the way. I know what I saw. What is going on? Do you have sex with women now?"

"Don't be ridiculous!" Donna said, as she quickly finished up her make-up, she wanted to get out of there. Away from the nosy Tammy.

"You know Bridgitte told some pretty heavy stuff about what is going on with you."

"She is not supposed to." Donna said curtly. "She is a witness to a private session."

"She will never keep her mouth shut. You know how she always succumbs once under pressure. We will interrogate her next week and know all about what is going on. So, you better tell me now."

"I did, it was a business meeting!" Donna said angrily. She knew they were right about Bridgette. She would not go and run to tell everybody, but once pressured she would be easily convinced to talk. She had chosen her for her timid mind set, but now that they were after her it could backfire. Her story would be known by all her friends in no time, and next by Robert, her parents...

"Tammy..." Donna said as she turned to her friend.

They gazed at each other, and Donna saw her friend wanted to help her. She loved her for it, but she did not know in what danger she was bringing herself. Tammy should not go the same way as Vivian.

"... Leave it, please. I know it looks odd, but it was really a business meeting. And I have an itch that I have to get rid of. It really is some sort of allergic reaction. Hence why my face is so flustered."

There was some truth to all she said, so she did not lie outright, but she was stretching the truth a bit far. But Tammy had to back off.

Tammy shook her head finally. "I know you're lying. Something weird is going on. But I will leave you for now. Bridgette will tell us next week."

And with that Tammy walked out of the bathroom. Before she closed the door she turned to Donna one last time, "We love you Donna, you're one of the team. We help each other, even if the person does not see right away our efforts as help."

"Nothing is going... "Donna replied, but Tammy already closed the door.

"Great." Donna thought as she turned to the mirror, "Bridgette will cave and talk. And I will have to talk with the psychiatrist about the adventures today as if I liked them, as if I found them thrilling. So, a whole wrong story will spread. The end of my marriage? Disowned by my parents, as I probably already am by Robert's parents..."

Donna quickly finished her make-up and walked out of the toilets. First, she had to be back at the table before her kids had their break.

As she walked back, she saw Tammy and Thomas talking with each other, and looking at her. Would Tammy tell of her suspicion? Donna did not think so, Tammy did not know Thomas that well. His wife was not part of their clique. But still, he will be suspicious now, what will he tell Robert?


Donna sat down at the table. Her kids were already there.

"Where were you mom?" Trixy asked. "I saw another woman fetching you."

"I had a business meeting again." Donna sighed, "They will not leave me alone, Miss Trixy."

Trixy's sparkling eyes showed she more or less understood what really was going on. More so than Lisa, who was in denial.

"The development project is nearing a critical state. We need some city council members to be on our side, so we need convincing reasons why they should vote in favor for this project."

That was true, all be it this had nothing to do with her activities of today.

"Will there be more 'business meetings' today?" Trixy asked, being a smart-ass.

"I hope not, Miss Trixy, but these were not planned either, so..." Donna said, as she gave an irritated look at Trixy.

"It keeps on being really weird, you calling us 'Miss', and we addressing you normally with 'mom'." Lisa remarked, a bit agitated.

Donna decided not to respond, else she had to add another Miss in her sentence. She looked at Trixy. She had no problems with it, and she would most likely also snitch.

"It takes some getting used to, but it's no biggy." Trixy waved away the complaint. "Mom is going through a submissive phase, and degrading herself by addressing us formally is part of it, remember?"

More crap from the psychiatrist. Donna looked to see if Lisa bought it.

"I suppose so..." Lisa said reluctantly.

"Girls, tonight I want to talk with Robert, I hope he can make time for me."

"Well he had a few days to cool off. He is much less angry." Trixy said. "So, I think that is a good idea. A pity you cannot tell him the truth yet."

"It would disturb him even more than it did me." Lisa jumped in.

This surprised Donna, and she thankfully laid her hand on Lisa's. A small squeeze was sufficient to show her gratitude. Better than a sentence with 'Miss' in it, Donna knew. How she loved her kids. She never expected that they would be so understanding, so willing to help her out. And how she hated it that she was actually betraying them!

"Well, we will go and talk with our friends now they are all wrapped up, see you in half an hour?"

"Yes, that would be fine, girls."

And with that the girls stood up and walked away towards their friends.


"You are Cutty?" A woman asked.

Donna turned and found yet another woman standing behind her, smiling at her.

"Yes...Madam." Donna said as she by now knew what was expected.

The woman looked at the field where her daughters were and walked away to the exit,

just as the first one did. This one also knew how it worked. An experienced client.

Donna waited as she carefully watched Thomas as he talked with Tammy. It seemed they had not noticed the woman yet. Maybe from a distance they did not even notice her talking to her. She waited a minute or two before she got up and pretended to get a refill at the bar. Tammy and Thomas saw her walking with her glass to the bar and let her be.

Donna walked towards the bar end that was out of sight for them, placed her glass on the bar and walked to the parking lot to her next client. "This one looks nicer; I hope this one doesn't get a kick out of humiliating me."

The woman got into the black limousine as Donna reached the parking lot. Donna followed suit.

"Aaah, warm!" the lady exhaled as she poured herself a champagne.

Donna looked at the lady, she was not that bad. Older than her, with hair obviously colored to remove the grey strands. Her clothing was expensive, stylish. Obviously, she was part of Ms. Brendan's clique.

Donna looked into the dark mirror separating them from the driver, looking into her own eyes. Next, she closed her eyes and willed her image to be Cutty. She took a deep breath and when she exhaled, she opened her eyes and looked the lady in the eye.

"1000 for Cunnilingus, 2000 for the works, Madam." She said, trying to sound convincingly.

The lady looked her over with a pleasant smile.

"The works it is." She decided after a moment of silence.

Donna inwardly felt relieved, as she was unsure how she came over. Now she knew she did good. And she got the price up. These ladies must be really filthy rich if they are willing to pay so much for 15 minutes of pleasure.

Next, she had to be Cutty again. She willed herself to be Cutty again, the slut who would have no problem in prostituting herself on the parking lot of her daughters' school. She closed her eyes and when she opened them, she was Cutty.

And Cutty, moved over to the lady, took her glass of champagne, cleared the glass in one swallow, and placed it aside as she looked straight into the lady's eyes. She had no intention to have her played with like her previous customer.

She moved her face closer and closer, until their lips touched. Then Donna had to fight her emotions again for a second, until she closed her eyes and let Cutty kiss the woman. Their tongues intertwined, their lips pressed on each other. Cutty moaned, as Donna recalled this was just like her make-out sessions with Ninon or the ladies in the bars.

Cutty let her hands flow over the lady's body, feeling her curves through the clothing. She smelled good, a nice perfume. Donna wondered which one, as it was slightly familiar. She moved and kissed the lady in the neck as she tried to figure out which perfume.

"Oh, my!" The lady said, "Quite aggressive, are we?"

Donna pulled back and looked at the lady, only to see she still approved. So, Cutty moved in again and kissed her neck, her chin, her jaw, her cheeks, her closed eyes.

"Enough of that, start undressing yourself. Let me see you."

Donna sat back and let Cutty do the undressing. She observed the woman, looking for approval.

The woman poured another drink and looked at Cutty, pulling down her blouse.

"No, start with the panties." She said. "It is so much more humiliating if a married woman shows that what is only reserved for her husband. Titties are shown through tight clothing, in bikinis, but the cunt... Now that is reserved for the husband."

"What is it with all these women that they get off on humiliation?" Donna thought, as Cutty, with a smile, pulled up her skirt a little, closed her legs and pulled off her panty. She displayed her shaved vagina for the lady as she seductively challenged her.

"Open it up." The lady instructed.

Cutty opened her legs and pulled the labia open, revealing the inner pink flesh.

"Are we wet?"

"Yes, ma'am." Cutty responded, as she pushed one finger inside and held it out for the lady to see. "And in pain." Donna added in thought.

The lady sniffed at the finger. "Suck it clean."

Cutty did.


Cutty pulled the finger from her mouth and moved the hand back to her exposed vagina and began to softly stimulate the leaking flesh. That terrible itch returned and did its work in making her wet, fast, despite the pain. But Donna would not let Cutty use 'Lenny' again, this time.

"I see you are already juicing up rather fast. Ms. Brendan is good at that."

Donna did not really understand this, but Cutty moaned in approval.

"Where is your husband?" The lady asked.

Cutty could not answer this, so Donna had to take over again, much to her regret. This was not going as planned.

"He..." she said softly, "He is in Asia, Madam."

"Ah, far away." The lady said. "That is how she got you alone for your training. He knows?"

"No, Madam."

"Keep masturbating. You promised the works. That includes telling me about your family. It will get you off. At least it should. Humiliation must be your sole way towards orgasm."

Donna did not want to be part of this again. She wanted just sex, so Cutty could do the works. How could she get that working for her?

"He will be so proud that you are prostituting yourself as he is working his ass off."

"He must not know, Madam." Donna honestly answered, "If he knows he'll divorce me, take my kids away from me. But it is so hot to be so humiliated. Me the once proper housewife, now the whore."

"You are overdoing it." The lady said, "It sounds like a rehearsed line. I want to see true humiliation."

Donna looked at the lady and sighed.

"It is nevertheless true. I am a whore now. And though I enjoy it, he should not know... Madam."

The lady bent forward fixing her gaze on Donna.

"Do you truly enjoy being a whore?"

The question brought turmoil to Donna's mind. The lady wanted her to be true, but Ms. Brendan wanted her to enjoy being a whore. If she lied, the lady would be dissatisfied, if she told the truth she would be punished by Ms. Brendan.

Donna closed her eyes and sighed: "Yes and No, Madam. I get such great orgasms as I prostitute myself. But they are not worth the loss of my husband. He must not find out."

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