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PORN GEEK REVIEWS THE BEST PORN SITES OF 2022. All the free and premium porn sites are safe and sorted by quality!

Cut Scenes! Well, working on the borders of the porn industry certainly does have its benefits and flaws. The benefits are usually the money, but not for us on the very end of it. We get something for writing this crap, and that's it. I'm not complaining, I mean I do have enough money. The only problem is that my deranged parents take every cent of it to spend on their vices. They always sell me the excuse that I have to pitch in some money into the house. Because I live there and all. But when I try to suggest things so we can make the home better, they cut me off and take my money. And then they say that they decide what the money will be spent on.And what is it, you ask? McDonald's and Xanax. Wait, why did I even start talking about this? Oh, yeah, right! The flaws of working in this industry are that I always see overly fucked up shit here. And you can find that exact kind of stuff on this site, From what I understood, they mostly upload scenes from movies or TV shows, but they often depict some terrible things that shouldn't be tried or experienced. Anyways, if you're interested in that, see this review through. First impressions When I first saw, I didn't quite get what it is about. You see, the site looks like your regular old school porn tube. You have that awful shade of black, atrocious fonts on those navigation tools, poorly constructed ads, and annoying video thumbnails. All in all, just like my life, it's a mess. But, that's not truly important here. After I was done with shaking from how ugly their design is, I started to read the titles. And what immediately struck me as a red flag was the amount of r-word that's circling. And I hate that word because it brings bad memories.It always reminds me of those times my uncle touched me on the no-no zone when I was a young boy. And then I heard the r-word for the first time when we were in court when my aunt was testifying, and my uncle finally ended up in prison. Sometimes I wonder if that's the reason why I'm so fucked up today. Of course, besides my parents being a pair of complete and utter morons. Navigation Navigation isn't complicated. You only have a few options, and you can safely use them, that's it. did a pretty good job with that. Keeping it real, without adding any moronic options in the process. For example, that's called being over the top. You see, that correlates with me for a couple of reasons. First of all, over the top means being unnecessary and dramatic. And I'm a real drama queen, plus people often think that I'm just an unnecessary part in their lives, hence me being alone. Plus, I'm so over sex. With this ugly dick, I couldn't top a woman even if I tried for a hundred thousand years. Not all of us are as good looking and successful as ThePornDude, so yeah, it is what it is basically. But don't let that bring you down, you can enjoy this site without having to listen to my god-awful whining.Every single option on is related to videos, of course, but some of them explain the categories a bit too. So yeah, but let me tell you about the first few at least. You have a few different ways of browsing through the videos. For example, the latest will give you their new videos. Top-rated and most viewed are pretty much self-explanatory, so I'm pretty much convinced that you guys know what these are about already. God, all this dedication to underground porn, and here I am, sitting abandoned at my home. It's the weekend for Christ's sake, and I should be out, having fun. And yet, here I am! Thinking about how I'm probably going to play some World of Warcraft after I'm done with this review. And then I'm going to jerk off, apparently. And then I'll do it again. And again. And then I'll cry myself to sleep. That's pretty much it.Other than that, you have the categories, which we will explore later, and you also have like the best sites and models that you can see. But those two are pretty much just empty sections of the website, literally. That's also only comparable to what happens after I cry myself to sleep. Just dark emptiness, with nothing to look forward to. Are these getting too depressive? If they are, tell me right now, so I can stop it. After that, you have the playlists section of, where you can obviously see playlists filled with porn, and that's basically it. The perks You don't get any exclusive perks, but you don't have to pay to access either. So you can pretty much just use this site without any restrictions, and if you like the content, it's all yours. Which is something you rarely see on porn sites these days, you know? A simple and a free transaction. You give them your time, they plaster a couple of ads around the site and upload porn. And that's a great thing, bringing it back to the old days before glamorous sites became a mainstream thing. You could just turn on a free site, drop your pants, slap the monkey around, and have some dinner. Of course, it's all fun and games until your mom catches you masturbate. You feel dirty, and it makes you even hornier. At least it was like that for me. I don't know about you. Sometimes I feel like I was born to be addicted to porn. The categories You see, the categories on are entirely fucked up. First of all, there is not a single category here that reminds you of porn. All of them are tied to regular movies, and even that is not completely normal. It would be like a schizophrenic director trying to make another Ghostbusters remake, but on a bad porn set, and without any special effects. Just a fucking nightmare, honestly. But the number of categories is good, and if you look around hard enough, you might just find something that you like. Because of that, I'll explore them here thoroughly and report to you about what do they have and what's interesting about them in the first place.If you click on a particular category on, all you'll get is a bunch of different videos. But, unlike the other porn sites, this one is just nuts. There's no connection between the videos and the categories unless it's all a bunch of movie references that I don't get. I'd probably have much better education about cinematographic topics if my father hadn't sold my TV for an ounce of cocaine when I was nine years old. Jesus Christ, sometimes even I am surprised at how dark I can get. But all in all, it's nothing but an endless list of videos, so that's nothing new. Even the fonts and the design make it seem like it's the blandest porn tube ever to exist in this god-forsaken universe.The only modern part of is their video player. This is the only thing that takes me back from 2001 right to 2007. Before I explain anything about that, let me tell you a small piece of info about the categories. About half of them have mostly dislikes. And that's because of the very same things that I'm talking about now. Even if the content's okay, nothing else truly is. The content is everything, yeah, but if you neglect everything else... Well, my parents ignored me my whole life, and look how I turned out. Do you really want that to happen to your site? Your business? Registration and conclusion All in all, the registration is the usual drill. Email, nickname, password, confirm that you're not a non-sentient mechanical being, and that's it. And how, to conclude this review, because that's the funniest part. I mean, me trying to sound professional while you can already hear the jerking sounds in the background, simply because I can't hold off any longer. You see, the site's good, if we're talking about the content. Other than that, there's really nothing exciting about it. It's about as blank as my 'sex book,' which I bought in high school. It was supposed to be a list of all the girls I've banged. The thing, I'm still looking for the first name to write down.

Okay content

No unnecessary options

Easy to browse

The site is so fucking boring

The design is horrible

The whole concept of the site and their movie porn is horrible
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© 2022 - Reviews The Best Porn Sites!

Sometimes it seems that there are as many porn sites as there are people, and if you include tubes and aggregators, that might literally be true. And with so many adult entertainment platforms out there, it seems every day we find that Rule 34 is true.
By Rule 34, we mean the iron law of the internet that says if you can imagine it, there is a porn version of it somewhere out there on the web. Just a quick review of our website should be enough to prove that to you, but if you think you have seen it all, you probably still have not.
If you have witnessed (and wanked it to) some of the more unusual fetishes like feet, pee play, or dominatrix dungeon porn, you have only tasted a fraction of the different takes on smut. Even if you have sampled the darker, or shall we say, chocolate-themed kinds of kink, you still have not seen it all.
On sites like Cut Scenes, there are not just one but a collection of some of the more extreme and extraordinarily out-of-the-ordinary erotica which you might see.
Tracking down a website’s origins and development history, particularity those which get more traffic than the average amateur blog, is no problem. Then there are sites like this which, despite having an enormous amount of content added pretty quickly and a decent number of visitors, are a bit of a mystery.
It seems as if the domain was registered in May 2012 and, we guess site construction began soon thereafter. We think this because most free-to-view sites, though easy to create, still take time to get a ton of content. Along with that, within a year, Cut Scenes already had over a thousand videos and clips, some degree of engagement on those which were at least a week or two old, and had a forum.
Sadly, some of the community features were later removed, the star rating system was changed to a like/dislike system, and a few other elements were moved around. But other than that, the look, theme, and feel of the site remained the same over the years.
The Categories Are The Scariest, Strangest And Sexiest We Have Seen
The theme of this website is extreme erotic entertainment – or the term “exploitation” would be more apt.
Legal and ethical disclaimer: for those who are not familiar with the term, in this context, exploitation refers to the genres of film which, as Wikipedia says, "to succeed financially by exploiting current trends, niche genres, or lurid content."
Think something like blacksploitation, Ozploitation, and the such like but only (more) pornographic. So, there are movies starring hippies, films with a focus on drug use and drug culture, and Mockbusters – in other words, decently made porn parodies.
On a darker side, they have slasher style films, pornos with revenge-driven plotlines, and what is referred to as Naziploitation. To clarify, no, that last genre is not intended to sympathize with actual Nazis or skinheads. Our understanding is that people who watch this genre get off on the taboo nature of a style of porn wherein the main gimmick involves an infamous political ideology.
That and we also suspect it has something to do with the copious amount of leather many of the characters wear.
If you are in the mood for something a bit more conventional or tame, there are several dozen movies featuring naughty nuns, and over a thousand films in the Nudism section , too.
At just a glance, it is obvious that the site designers took heavy notes from everything which was standard during the tube revolution, made some slight modifications, and ran with it. This means that while this site is far from revolutionary, it is stable and easy to navigate around – at least for the most part.
On the main pages, you will see the typical previewable thumbnail, title, length, rating, and other basic information. Further, you can save a video to your favorites or a watch later list like YouTube.
Though not completely commercial-free, there generally is not a popup problem and few adverts on most pages . The most common ads you will see start at the beginning of a video, but like other video sharing sites, you can skip through after a few seconds. Then the action begins.
Other than the thumbnails which often accompany each upload, there is nothing else special you can do other than share, rate, and comment.
When it comes to finding content, there are a few tools, but again, they are rather simple. Other than the Categories page proper, you can get linked to the most recent, top-rated, and most viewed scenes via links in the menu.
Further, the popular tags and categories are linked at the bottom of every page. While there is not an advanced option when, in doubt, use the search engine. It should be enough to find you what you are looking for with enough digging.
Getting an account for any free-to-see smut site is always fast, but this one can only be done blindfolded. All you need to do is click the Sign Up link, come up with a username, a password, and enter your email for verification purposes. Other than that, all you need to be able to do is read a CAPTCHA code and enter it, and you are good to go.
Want to bring more friends to the party? There is an option to Invite a Friend link at the bottom of each page. With that tool, all you need to do is punch in a confidant's email address and write a short message, and the site will automatically send them a notification to join up.
It is fairly clear that this site was first built for home computers rather than being based around mobile devices. To be fair, it looks okay on handheld machines and runs reasonably well. This also means that there are not any benefits to using mobile devices either.
What We Think Could Be Improved And How
The biggest issue we had with this platform is the amateurishness of the search options. For basic queries, the tools on Cut Scenes run fine, but with something like 16,000 videos and counting, we feel there needs to be multiple ways to augment searches.
While not desperate for it, this site could use a fresh coat of paint in the form of a redesign. The use of black and ash grey with a bit of white and orange is fine. However, the way this color scheme is used and where elements are placed.
If anything, we would return to the old design overall and add some new flair in the form of a new logo, icon, plus some additional icons and accents.
Lastly, we would get rid of redundant or broken features like the Top Sites link and bring a return to the forum.
While there is a ton of variety on this site, and porn we are sure will appeal to almost everyone, most of this stuff is on the strange side. So, if you have vanilla tastes only, save your self the shock-horror – this site is not for you.
However, that does not mean that other people should shy away from seeing what CS has on ts site. As for who those people are, we think that if you are tired of seeing the same wall-to-wall porn, you should give this site a visit. Since most of this smut is vintage, if you like the older stuff, then that is another reason to see the porn on this platform.
Furthermore, those of you who like seeing parody porn, arthouse erotica, or alternative adult entertainment will find a decent amount of this stuff enjoyable as well. Lastly, if you have a thing for smut that would otherwise be labeled as "extreme," a ton of the content on this site is sure to excite.
Even though this site has highly specific content, we think that it is worth giving four hands out of five. Again, this website is not for everyone, but if you like a taste of something different, you should give a shot. Who knows? You might shoot more than you thought you would.

Watch online video clips from exploitation, rape, surreal, and bizzare movies for free
One of the porn sites with the "better free rape scenes". I would not really consider to be one of the best porn sites (Since there may be a ton of similar sites). I mean, I have seen all the sex scenes and cut scenes of movies on similar sites like youtube. What makes this so special? I mean, I understand that there are a ton of bizarre movies that we see on the internet. We even get random videos and clips of scenes from a specified movie. That most people enjoy. Why do we need to go on a site with a ton of ads, for random clips of rape scenes and such when a safer site is available for our enjoyment? Well, one thing is that websites like Youtube do not give us more than the Pg13 versions of the scenes. The erotic scenes are presented on these types of websites, so you get to see all the celebs in hot scenes without anything being restricted.
When they mean clips, these are actual clips though. You actually get short videos, and most of them seem to be innocent or on the verge of being lewd but are actually not. Though I am sure you are familiar with how movies work. That is basically how the whole site works, so if you want to just scroll for clips like this, feel free. Just do not expect anything too wild.
The online video clips on have categories like "rape surreal and Bizzare movies" or perhaps "clips from exploitation rape" cut scenes. You can now watch video clips of this caliber on Which, when you think about it is not half as bad. You can not really see the "bizzare and rape movies" online video clips anywhere else. What I want to understand though, is why does this exists. Why can't we just watch the bizzare movie's instead of making a choice to watch online videos? I guess it is for all of us who want a quick get-off to cut scenes from movies.
Now, you really get all of that in one site, in a site like this. If you really just want bizzare and rape movies, or just regular bizzare movie's and their cut scenes, then you have come to the right website. With that said, the content on this website is really unique. Watch online video clip of a bizzare movie? Watch online video clips of bizzare and rape movies? Here, all of it here. Now that is new and unique if you ask me. Aside from the bizzare and rape movies clips here, you also get incest. They also offer a bunch of hell. A page with a bunch of stuff that would make you decide between "shit what the fuck" and, "wow I'm interested". There are no in-betweens. All the fucked up categories, you could ever imagine is here on this website.
Now let us talk about the thumbnails, as I mentioned above. This page is fucked. Imagine what a thumbnail would look like for "video clips from exploitation rape" look like. Yeah, not too good. I mean we have to respect that they have compiled videos clips from exploitation like rape surreal and bizzare movie. You can not get access to that quickly. It is literally rarer than you think, which is weird to think about because you see a ton of fucked up shit on a porn page. Take pictures of people shitting as an example. Cut scenes really do sound better huh, in comparison to what I just said.
We got video clips from exploitation rape, rape surreal, and bizzare movie all on this website. Now let us talk about the quality. Are the video clips from exploitation rape, or rape surreal and bizzare movie for free worth it? Well, if you are into that sure, the videos are worth it. The cutscenes are all found in movies, or produced by some randoms. You get all the bizzare movies for free. All the pictures and cutscenes are on one website. So many weird categories from bizzare movies for free to videos clips from exploitation. I mean, where else can you get that? Cutscenes.n
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