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Life through the Lens
10 of the world’s cutest chicks
It's Easter, so what better reason for a collection of cute spring chicks?
At this time of year the symbols of new life – bunnies, eggs and of course chicks – are in abundance. Which one would you most like to cuddle?
Kentish plovers no longer breed in the UK county of Kent (credit: Sultan AlAseeri)
Bringing an almost comical pose to its cuteness is a Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrines) juvenile. As the name suggests they used to breed in south east England, sadly this is no longer the case, and are now only rare migrant visitors to the UK.
Beyond the UK this small wading bird has a wide range, including Qatar, where Sultan took this photograph. See his Kentish plover chick image.
'Siberian eagle owl chick' by Jane Simmonds
Eagle owls are one of the world’s biggest and most powerful owls (credit: Jane Simmonds)
The phrase ‘ball of fluff’ is the perfect way to describe this Siberian eagle owl (Bubo bubo sibiricus) chick. But looks can be deceiving: it grows into one of the biggest and most powerful owls in the world, capable of capturing large prey.
“I just love the contrast between the cute, fluffy body and those fierce orange eyes, which reminded me of the hugely impressive bird this chick would grow up to be,” Jane told BBC Earth. Here is her Siberian eagle owl image.
'A little fluff ball of love' by Patricia Ware
Adult stilts have impressively long legs (credit: Patricia Ware /
It's a joy to look at this delicate little black-necked stilt (Himantopus mexicanus) chick and hard to believe that the adult will have incredibly long thin legs, but the common name may give the game away! These legs are ideal for wading in shallow waters while foraging for food.
Patricia took this on San Joaquin marsh in California and aptly refers to this chick as “a little fluff ball of love”. View Patricia’s stilt chick image.
'The gosling and the flower' by Roeselien Raimond
Young geese are called goslings (credit: Roeselien Raimond)
Charmingly titled ‘The gosling and the flower’ by Roeselien, this image of the young goose provides an overload of cute appeal.
But did you know that the collective noun for a group of geese on the ground is a gaggle, but when in flight it’s called a skein.
View Roeselien’s gosling and the flower image.
Some species of gull have a bad reputation (credit: Bill Powell)
Gulls are seabirds that differ greatly in size, according to species, but most are grey, black and white when fully mature.
Some species have gained certain notoriety as pests and scavengers – something that's difficult to believe looking at this little fluffy chick.
Bill took this beautiful image at sunrise from his kayak in Hingham Harbor, Massachusetts: “It was heart-warming to see gulls as very attentive parents rather than the pests most people see them as.
"They're very cute like any other chick and I'm glad I got to see them this way,” he said. View Bill’s gull chick image.
'Turkey vultures' by Roberta Dell’Anno
Turkey vultures are scavengers of the New World (credit: Roberta M. Dell’Anno)
If you look closely there are in fact two 10-day-old turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) chicks in this image; the second one is on the left with its head curled under its wing.
Turkey vultures are New World vultures found in the Americas, they don’t make nests but find a covered ledge or cave and lay their eggs on leaves.
Roberta goes back every other year to check on this breeding site and follow the babies until they leave the nest. View the original turkey vultures image.
'Uncertain parentage' by Andrew Williams
Mallard ducks are the ancestor of most domestic breeds (credit: Andrew Williams)
Spot the odd one out! This group of wild mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) ducklings were spotted by Andrew next to the river Tone in Somerset, UK, when he was looking for kingfishers to photograph.
They were being led by the mother duck from the river to a large pond. Mallards are the ancestor of most domestic breeds of duck.
“It makes me wonder about mallard courtship and genetics – but then that's the scientist in me,” he told BBC Earth. Here is Andrew's Uncertain parentage image.
'Sleepy black skimmer chick' by Matthew Paulson
A black skimmer chick will develop a remarkable beak (credit: Matthew Paulson)
This sleepy black skimmer chick (Rynchops niger) is only about two months old, but will grow up to have one of the most remarkable beaks in the bird world.
The lower mandible of the adult’s large black and red beak is longer than the upper mandible. They drag or skim their beak through water, hoping to catch fish.
Matthew took this image on Indian Shores in Florida. He said: “I was entertained by watching this whole nesting colony and the chicks especially of course.” View Matthew’s sleepy black skimmer image.
'Lost moorhen chick' by Paul Farnfield
This moorhen will have very impressive feet as an adult (credit: Paul Farnfield)
Even at such a tender young age it’s easy to see what this little black chick will grow up to be: it's a moorhen (Gallinula chloropus).
Moorhens are medium-sized, black water birds with red and yellow beaks. But it’s those giant feet that really make them stand out in a crowd.
"This little guy decided to be a trailblazer and travelled over the bridge while the rest of the family went underneath. He looked a bit lost for a while running this way and that but was soon reunited with them on the other side when he heard mums calls and followed them," Paul told BBC Earth. Here is Paul’s lost moorhen chick image.
'Happy Easter from Florida' by AdA Durden
A gosling in Florida, USA (credit: AdA Durden)
You can’t have too many goslings in a collection like this! This one was taken by AdA in Florida, who had a “blast watching the little fuzz balls”. View AdA’s gosling image.
Top image courtesy of Roeselien Raimond and a big thank you to all the photographers who gave BBC Earth permission to use their images.
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Despite the shortening days, a handful of species are clocking in some serious overtime.

This programme is not currently available on BBC iPlayer
Gordon Buchanan goes to meet the world's cutest animals to reveal their hidden biology and find out why people have such a strong emotional response to them.
There are all sorts of incredible species of animal in the world, but there are a few that we think are special. We love them for their big eyes or furry faces but we also fall for the sounds they make and the way they move - who doesn't love a waddling penguin? These animals have become online celebrities, with millions of us finding and sharing videos every day - a tiny snoring hummingbird or a sneezing panda is just too cute not to share.
Gordon Buchanan has dedicated his life to filming wildlife. He wants to understand why we have such a strong emotional response to these particular species. Why a baby panda makes us go all gooey or why a squeaking frog got over 11 million internet hits. Travelling to meet these super cute animals, he reveals the surprising science behind each of the animals we love so much, starting with one of the most iconic animals on the planet, the giant panda. The panda's beautiful markings set it apart, but it's that big round oversized head that makes it so unusual. Although we find the teddy bear look incredibly appealing, for the panda, the size of its head tells the story of millions of years of evolution and survival.
Gordon also meets the fennec fox, with big ears that look sweet but are actually crucial to the fennec's survival out in the Sahara. He travels to Kenya to meet young elephants learning how to perfect their trunk skills and discovers the surprising secret behind a penguin's comic waddle. He hangs out with Eli, a five-year-old chimpanzee whose giggle can give us new information about our own evolution, and discovers just why snoring can help a tiny hummingbird conserve enough energy to make it through the night.
We are drawn affectionately and smiling, to their cute noses, fluffy faces and features.
Timings (where shown) are from the start of the programme in hours and minutes
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