Cute Spider

Cute Spider


December 29, 2020February 7, 2020 by Abigail Smith
Tarantula/ spiders can make great showcase animals/pets. They do best when they kept in terrariums that have lots of floor space. If you are considering to keep this kind of species in your house or in your terrarium then a collection of cute spider would definitely enhance your terrarium beautiful shop

In this guide, I am going to give you a space of information about 9 cutest spider species that you can keep and pet them and they do make good showcase as well as pet animals.

But before that, make sure that you do your proper research before purchasing a spider species that haven’t been mentioned in this article because some spider species can the poisonous and venomous.

Now let’s move forward and know 9 cutest spider species that you can find in the present world.

Look at the picture, don’t they look very cute. They are the smallest species and a true Australian member of the jumping spider family. They have been widely collected only in Wonderla range National Park in Southern Queensland.

If you want to keep them as a pet then you may have to spend some extra dollars in it. Apart from that, it is also very rare to Find Them because they are rare species. They make great display spiders.

Their cute size makes us convinced to list them in our cutest spider species. They are very active Hunters and are generally diurnal. As they are a member of the jumping spiders, they often move by jumping from one place to another.

They have a special well developed an internal hydraulic system that helps them to jump without having any large muscular leg like grasshoppers.

Yes, matatus sceletus are members of jumping spiders, they are also carnivorous like them. They mainly feed on pests they find.

They add extra number and beauty to your terrarium but in order to get a Maratus Sceletus spider, you may have to do proper research. You can’t find them in any local pet shop and in order to buy/purchase one, you will have to search it online.

If you are lucky then you can find one and if you are very unfortunate then you may also have to import one from another country.

Theridion Grallator comes in the second position of the cutest spider species because they are very small species and look very cute, their appearance is also very beautiful and comes in a size of 0.20 inches long.

They tend to have a green happy face with a yellow body. Each of the Theridion Grallator comes with unique and different patterns. It also depends upon their habitat and from where they are.

They are native to the island of Hawaii in the rainforest that lives at the elevation of 300 to 2000 meters. They also feed on pest and they are very active spiders.

They love to live beneath the leaves of plants and you are more likely to find them on plants and trees. Instead of using webs, they use special kinds of vibration to transmit their prey.

The male Theridion Grallator dies as soon as they are done mating but the females live longer because they have to protect their eggs until they hatch and teach them how to catch their prey.

They also need to catch Prey for their young. All the time, the female Theridion Grallator is more active and prefers to hunt from evening to dawn. If you want to keep them as a pet then you can also have ine in your terrarium but make sure you keep them fully protected because they are very rare and small species.

These species are very rare to find and if you are lucky then you can get one. They are totally different from tarantulas that can add extra beauty to your terrarium

Don’t be surprised by seeing Patu digua in our cutest spider list because they are very small species of spider and due to its smallest feature, we have to list them in our cutest spider species list. Apart from that, according to the researchers, it is the smallest spider species in the world.

The male ones come with a size of a maximum of 0.37 millimeters. Now, coming to the point because it is a very rare species and as it sounds it is the smallest spider species, it can be very difficult to find one.

Well, if you want to have them in your terrarium then you may have to import one from another country. They were mostly found in Columbia.

Even they are the smallest spider species in the world, there are other spider species of similar size but the Patu digua is generally smallest.

Apart from that, it can also be very expensive to have one because it is a rare species and it needs extra care, and in a large terrarium, it can be very difficult to locate one with bare eyes if it is filled with lots of obstacles.

They are very lovely spiders and are most active in the daytime. If you are really looking for a cute spider then and this one can fulfill your need because not only they look cute but they look amazingly Beautiful by their appearance. If you love collecting different spiders in your terrarium then it can also be a part of your great collection.

I hope that you don’t mind them listed in our cutest spider species because they are also a true member of nest casting spider species. Deinopis Subrufa is also known as roofers NET casting spiders.

They are very nocturnal Hunters and use their silky net to catch their prey. Their diet consists of every pest that they can find. They can come in different colors from the blonde to pinkish, Brown or chocolate brown.

They are a very small species that comes with a body length of 25 millimeters. The males are much smaller than the female ones. They are not dangerous to humans so you can pet them in your home.

They also feed on insects like beetles, crickets, and, and other spiders. They are mostly found in New South Wales, Tasmania, Queensland, and another part of Australia. You can also feel their presence in some parts of New Zealand.

When the mating season arrives, the male usually sheds their last skin before seeking a suitable female to mate. After the young Hatch, like most other spiders species, they eat their egg sac for nutrients.

They are easily available in the pet spider market and you can also find them a local pet shop. If you are very unfortunate then you may have to search it online or imported from Australia or New Zealand.

Apart from that, they are not very costly they can be very inexpensive pets and can also add extra beauty to your terrarium.

Even they come in the fifth position of our cutest spider species, they are not behind in terms of cuteness. They are also known as bird-eating spiders because they are very strong, sturdy, and large Australian Tarantula that belongs to the family of Theraphosidae.

Now from here, we are going to look at the tarantula species. There are some tarantula species that can be very cute if you have a great vision. They are known as bird-eating spiders because they are very popular as eating young Bird from the nests.

They prefer living in burrows that are dug in loamy and sandy soil in arid areas. They are also known as barking spiders because they produce barking sounds when they rub their rows of the spine.

The major predators of Australian barking spiders are feral cats, dingoes, red Foxes, and owls. The Australian barking spider comes with a size of 16 cm and can have very powerful 1 cm long fangs.

They basically prey on small birds, lizards, insects, and frogs just from the entrance of their burrows. Female Australian barking spiders can live much longer than males. Males usually die after they are done mating at around 5 years of age. But on the other hand, females can live up to 20 years.

The most amazing fact about the Australian barking spiders is that they don’t have teeth to shave their prey of food they only lie on the venom that helps them to liquefy their prey.

They also have to suck stomachs that help them to suck up the male. Apart from that, you can keep them but remember that they have venoms that can cause an allergic reaction to humans. However, they are not fatal humans and they’re also very popular as pets.

Australian black house spiders manage to make their position in our list of cutest spider species. They are the member of dark robust spiders. The females of this species are much larger than the male ones.

They come in different colors and their legs are dark brown to black. Their abdomen can have the color of charcoal Grey without white dorsal pattern markings.

Australian black house spider comes with a size of 18 millimeters. Well, the size of the Australian black house spider male is 9 cm. They are insectivorous who loves to feed on insects.

They are carnivorous and insectivorous spiders. Even you may not find them very cute, they are widely popular as pet spiders in Southern and Eastern Australia.

These black house spiders are found on mostly Rock walls, buildings, logs, and terrace. They are very common spiders that can be found in the whole of Australia.

They often build their web on foliage. In the wild and Bush, they Habitat on rough bark trees because they provide good shelter to them and protect them from their predators.

They are fully attracted to the trees that have been attacked with wood insects. They tend to feed on butterflies, Beatles, and others. They also attracted to the light of lamps and Windows and that is why they are also found in homes because the household pests attract them.

Female Australian black house spiders don’t love to leave their web unless they are threatened or forced to. You will notice them repairing their web again and again and their web can look very old grey and wooly. Their major predators include parasitic wasps, flies, and white-tailed spiders.

It can bite humans because of feeling threatened or provoked but their bite is not fatal to humans. However, a bite from Australian black house spiders can be very painful and can also cause local swelling. You should look for symptoms like vomiting, sweating, and nausea if you get a bite from them but they are very occasional to experience.

If you want to treat the bite then a cold pack can relieve your local pain and if you notice any kind of symptoms that I have mentioned here that you must seek medical attention.

Even the green pet spiders come in the 7th position of our cutest spider species, they can easily leave Behind other species in terms of cuteness. The green pet spiders can come in lots of sizes and shapes on different levels.

They can also be very poisonous at different levels and the points from a spider. But the most popular spider is the green pet spiders that also known as the green Huntsman mat spiders. They are also known as cucumber green spiders.

Most species of green pet spiders are harmless to humans and it comes in a different color. The most popular green pet spider is the cucumber skin spider that comes in green color.

They are not very big in size and females can grow up 25 millimeters in length. Another species of green pet spider is the orchard spiders. Most hobbyist loves this species of green spiders because it looks amazing with the color orange, neon yellow, that have red spots on in abdomen.

Another species of green pet spiders that you can have is a green jumping spider. The green jumping spiders are one of the largest species of Jumping spiders that you can find in the present world that can grow to a length of 15 millimeters we are talking about the male ones.

If you want another variety of green pet spiders then you can also look at green limp spiders. well, lots of varieties and species of green pet spiders that you can find and if I describe them all then the post would be very long. So, we will move to the next one.

It can be very fun, delightful, and exciting to see a pet crab spiders, look at the picture doesn’t look very cute. That is why we have listed them in our cutest spider species. Spiders come in a variety of colors and use.

They also make get spiders when it comes to foreign trade photographs. Unlike most other spider species, these pet crab spiders don’t catch their prey using their web.

These crab spiders can even change their color if they are kept in a particular Habitat for a long time. If you want to keep a pet crab spider then the first thing that you need to do is to get your hands on one because it can be very difficult to make them survive because of their camouflaging capabilities.

Apart from that, if you even manage to get a pet crab spider, you will need to keep them in a secured container that has lots of live plants in it. They are completely harmless to humans and can make an extraordinary pet for beginners and children.

You need to know that the male crab spider can eat floral nectar too. So, if you want to keep them happy you can also put some life flowering plants in their habitat.

Due to their small size, it can be very dangerous to introduce them with other large spiders or insects they also prey on other spiders that are larger than their size. Due to their harmless capabilities, they make excellent spider pets for first-time pet spider owners and children

Now, I have mentioned – I think 3 species of Jumping spiders and now I am going to give you a rough idea about the jumping spiders. The jumping spiders are not behind in terms of cuteness.

We have listed them in our cutest spider species list, they may have acquired the last position of our list but they are not the least one. You can keep them as a pet like other creatures and insects but they need proper and adequate ventilation in order to survive and to breathe.

You will also need to provide them a good terrarium where they can jump around as it will make them happy. You will also notice them most hidden in their enclosure/home at night but as soon as the sun rises on the next morning or night, they will be out of its enclosure.

There are lots of species of Jumping spiders that you can pet and keep that can make great pets. But before that, I will love to tell you that most of the people considered them as an annoying pest.

Another fact about them is they don’t belong to any Insect family. Actually, they are classified as arachnids. The most common species of Jumping spiders that you can own is the bold jumping spider, tan jumping spider, Regal jumping spider, Zebra jumping spider, Shiney jumping spider, elegant Golden jumping spider, heavy jumper, and white mustache jumping spiders.

These are the most common species that can be kept as a pet and can be also great to a family with children. Most of the species are medium-sized species and from our recommendation, you can adopt heavy jumper, Zebra jumping spider, bold jumping spider, and our most favorite white mustache jumping spiders.

I hope that you liked our post in which we described 9 cutest spider species that you can keep as a pet in your home. Always make sure that you keep them fully secured because they are very vulnerable to predators.

Most of the cutest spider species can be easily found but some of them are very rare species. It can be very expensive to own one because cutest spider species are not very costly but if you are looking to adopt unique and rare cute spiders then you may have to invest some extra bucks.

Apart from that, I would also love to tell you that we also have different cutest pet breeds post on our website that you can check it out. I hope that you will check our other post and see you in our next post till then, take care and goodbye
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Updated June 11, 2020 30.6k votes 4.7k voters 81.6k views12 items
List RulesVote up the cutest spiders that you might just cuddle up with on the couch.
When people think of spiders, the first thing that comes to mind is rarely the word "adorable," but just because some spiders are dangerous doesn't mean that others can't be cute. There are tons of adorable arachnids out there that deserve the love and attention that the world grants to our furry friends, and these pictures of cute spiders proves it. Showcasing their little whiskers, big eyes, and shining personalities, these lovable spider pics show you a different side to one of the most feared animals on Earth.
So put down the torches, pitchforks, and rolled up newspapers, because these photos are just too cute to scare you. If you hate spiders and think there is no way that you could ever find one endearing, then take this challenge and vote up the eight-legged friends that are as endearing as a puppy. You might even want to take one home with you!
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