


We solve real-world problems enormously by helping patients take their medications properly :

  • Every day, millions of people fail to take their medication as determined and the resulting personal and financial costs are staggering. Worldwide, non-compliance generates $ 700 billion in medical costs that can be avoided.
  • The data we create are unique and have tremendous value for pharmaceutical companies, researchers, and governments.
  • Whenever a patient uses our CuraServe technology, our data grows in utility and value.
  • Curaizon solves the problem of drug disobedience by spreading our technology through national health services. As part of our solution, we collect full anonymous data about how and when patients take medication.
  • Cura Tokens is the only way to access our data. Tokens can be exchanged for data access, which will advance medical research, lower health care costs and save lives.
  • The value of CuraToken ™ is based on real solutions to real problems.

What does the company do

We aim to improve drug adherence and bring benefits that change the game for patients and healthcare providers by becoming the leading supplier of compliance and data solutions worldwide.

What’s unique about the company

Our solutions work with patients, their families, and health care providers to ensure that patients take their medication as prescribed through a series of outreach tools, supported by predictive modeling tools and behavioral analysis, to improve drug adherence levels.

What problem does the company solve

Our CuraServe technology helps ensure that patients take their medication as prescribed by their doctor. By doing this, we help patients live longer and healthier lives. We also reduce the cost of health care that occurs when patients fail to take their medication properly.

How do you create value to support your Cura Tokens

Our CuraServe ™ technology generates a large amount of unique and real-time data that shows how people use their most valuable medicines for various groups including pharmaceutical companies, medical researchers, and biotech companies. CuraTokens allows the token owner to access data to create queries. When our solution was launched to more patients in more countries. The more data we generate, the more valuable that Cura Tokens becomes.

Who is your target customer

Curaizon sells its compliance solutions (Cura Serve ) to national health services worldwide. Our end users are health care patients who take any form of medication. We also work with industry academia, pharmacy and biotechnology, as well as other data users through our Cura Data solution.

What is your geographic target market

Curaizon targets countries with national health services. It currently includes 1.4 billion people and that number continues to grow.

What is the market potential

The global cost of noncompliance is over € 600 billion annually and generates hundreds of thousands of lives lost prematurely. Adherence to chronic and long-term diseases is less than 50%.


Curaizon is the only company that ofers a complete healthcare ecosystem that supports patents by reducing drug non-adherence. The ecosystem include CuraServe, CuraData and CuraView and helps to lower healthcare costs and advance medical research.


  • Communicates with patents using non-intrusive reminders.
  • Enables family members to support patents. Supports healthcare providers with a real-tme view into patent behavior.


  • Integrates with health services legacy systems.
  • Ensures that all patent datais current.
  • Provides real-tme feedback to electronic medical record.


  • Collects unique and valuable data.
  • Holds only demographic and adherence data. Patent identfers held by health service.
  • Available through Cura Token

CuraData- Big Data For Healthcare

The enormous amount of unique and valuable data we collect through CuraServe fnds a home in CuraData. Our system merges the data we collect through our real-tme compliance technologies with the patent’s own data. This data is stored of-chain onto an AES 256 encrypted cloud in an appropriate geographic domain with the blockchain storing pointers and rules on access and usage all of which becomes part of the CuraData.

It can be accessed regardless of the health service or EMR used Healthcare providers beneft from Big Data if they take a more holistc, patent-centered approach to value; one that focuses equally on health-care spending and treatment outcomes. This is made possible through the data and analytcs of Curaizon’s data. By overlaying the adherence data CuraServe™ produces, we are able to quantfy efcacy and sustainability of each drug a patent takes on an individual basis. This informaton can be used to create an optmum drug regimen and dramatcally improve patent outcomes while also saving health services tens of billions of dollars.

Researchers, academics and pharmaceutcal companies access the informaton as big data in a fully anonymized form. CuraData’s unique architecture allows fast and unmatched access while securing anonymity of the user data through blockchain technology combined with AES 256 encrypton and cloud services. This brings enhanced transparency and reliability in medical data exchange at every level, from devices to healthcare provider to unprecedented opportunites for anonymized Big Data sharing. The protocol enables connectons between patents, healthcare providers, and medical researchers located anywhere in the world, regardless of systems used.


  • Cura Token Utility Tokens (CTKN) allows token holders to access our exclusive and anonymous medical data in blockchain.
  • Cura Tokens is the only way to access Curaizon technology.
  • Cura Token holders can access data that uses strong analytics, predictions, AIs and large data in the fight against drug non-compliance.
  • Cura Tokens provides real-time analysis of patient behavior and compliance.
  • Cura Tokens allows the use of blockchain technology to manage authentication, confidentiality and accountability by allowing individuals to control their data, providing protection, security, and compliance with all required regulations, including GDPR.
  • Cura Tokens facilitates partnerships with medical and pharmaceutical organizations through a token reward system.
  • The holders of Cura Token know that they save lives around the world by helping solve the problem of drug non-compliance.

Social Benefit

Beter Lives

Curaizon’s primary focus is on saving lives while reducing costs and improving patent outcomes. Our

CuraServe soluton will result in an immediate and measurable improvement in patent lives. By driving

higher adherence rates, we reduce episodes of acute illness, hospitalizaton and more serious complicatons

such as disability and death. By doing this, we help reduce hospital readmissions by up to 50%, and reduce

overall costs and eases the fnancial burden of healthcare providers.Keeping patents healthy and families together is at the core of why we do what we do.

Beter Research

The healthcare analytcs market is expected to reach $24.55 billion by 2021 from $7.39 billion in 2016,representng an annual growth rate of 27.1%8.The next generaton of big data and analysis tools that power Smart Health innovaton will not necessarily be about more research, but beter research data. CuraData is at the forefront of this paradigm and, through the democratzaton of our data, we can deliver benefts for every stakeholder. From patent to healthcare provider, analyst to token holders, improved societal outcomes are our primary objectves.

Our data solutons will support beter prescripton guidelines, speed up drug development, allow for early interventon by doctors, help develop beter treatments for chronic and long-term diseases, identfy best and worst practces and enable efciency by matching the right drug to the right patent based upon actual results.

Beter Healthcare

Curaizon can reduce waste and keep patents healthy and out of the hospital. We do this by engaging them as a stakeholder in their own care. As technology plays an ever-greater role in healthcare, patent outcomes, quality of care, efciency and life expectancy will all improve. Every tme that we help a patent take their medicaton, we lower overall healthcare costs and allow patents to lead happier and healthier lives. Curaizon will be a driving force in this mission.

Money Saved

Reducing waste and lowering healthcare costs is of paramount importance to countries around the world.Relieving pressure on payers and allowing those precious resources to be deployed where it is most needed is an extremely efectve way to serve society.

ICO Details

General information

Token: CTKN

Platform: Ethereum

Standard: ERC20

Quantity: 500,000,000 CTKN

Price:1 CTKN = 0.20 USD

Payment: ETH

Hard cap: 25,000,000 USD


Start: 06/01/2018

Completion: 06/08/2018





January 2016 Development of Cura Serve Starts

June 2017 The Cura Serve Testing takes place

February 2018 Rilis Full Alpha Cura Data

June 1, 2018 Start Token Presale

June 8, 2018 Token Public Sale Begins

November 2018 Full CuraData Beta Release

March 2019 CuraServe Public Release

July 2019 Cura Data Platform Growth

2020 Release Cura data 2.0


Chris Matey

Chief Operating Officer (Chief Operating Officer)

Nicholas James Rumble

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Mark Nathan

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Darran Trute

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Luke Lerdal

Chief Data Officer (CDO)

Andrey Verbitsky

Tokenomics Expert

Pencho Gavazov

Director of Business Development

Kristaps Kuhalskis

Creative Director


Dr. Rory McCrea


Sarah Chilvers


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