Cumming In Mouth

Cumming In Mouth


Cumming In Mouth

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Generations ago, oral sex was considered taboo. Now it's a pretty mainstream type of sexual activity for all kinds of couples. How common is it? One 2020 survey found that on average, people perform oral sex 5.3 times each month, and they receive oral sex 5.2 times per month. Oral sex has benefits that go beyond physical pleasure: Research from 2018 suggests that couples who engaged in oral sex were more satisfied with the quality of their relationship than those who did not.

Still, not everyone understands the full range of what oral sex is, how it's done, and the variety of positions that can make it more exciting and novel. Here's everything you need to know.

Basically, oral sex is when you stimulate your partner's genitals with your mouth, lips, or tongue, or they stimulate your genitals using these body parts. This might involve fellatio (sucking or licking the penis), cunnilingus (sucking or licking the vagina, vulva, or clitoris, or anilingus (sucking or licking the anus).

Oral sex is often thought of as foreplay, meaning it happens before penetration with a penis or sex toy. It might also occur after intercourse, or it could replace intercourse entirely. Everyone has their own preferences, and there are no rules, provided both parties consent to the activity.

Just because oral sex doesn't lead to pregnancy doesn't mean it's not sex. Like other kinds of sex, oral sex can feel super pleasurable; a Canadian study found that 69% of women described being on the receiving end as "very pleasurable." Oral sex can keep couples feeling emotionally connected, and it can result in an orgasm (or multiple orgasms). It's not a lesser form of sex just because it's not penis-in-vagina sex. Some couples exclusively have oral sex, while others do it only occasionally or never. It's all up to your own personal preference.

While oral sex can offer deep physical and emotional pleasure, it also has one of the same dangers as intercourse. Oral sex can spread sexually transmitted infections (STIs) , including chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, and HPV. "Many people are surprised to learn how dangerous it can be to have oral sex when it comes to STIs," Sherry A. Ross , MD, ob-gyn and women's health expert in Santa Monica, California and author of she-ology and she-ology. the she-quel , tells Health .

Whether you're the giver or receiver of oral sex, you can contract and/or spread STIs. An HPV infection of the throat can even lead to throat cancer, the same way HPV can lead to cervical cancer. To protect yourself, make sure you and your partner are STI-tested; if you're not sure about your partner's status, experts advise using condoms or a dental dam, which is a thin piece of latex that covers the vulva.

There's no one way to have oral sex, but a good place to start is by asking your partner for their consent to kiss, lick, nibble, or stroke their genitals with your mouth, lips, or tongue. If you get the go-ahead, start slowly and experiment with different moves, such as soft kisses or firmer tongue swirls.

Pay attention to their response. If your partner is becoming more aroused and doesn't ask you to stop, keep going. If you get the sense that a move you're doing isn't having the desired effect, switch it up and try something else. As long as it feels good to give and receive, you're doing it right.

Great sex is all about communication, and that goes for oral sex as well. So don't hesitate to ask your partner what they like and what you can do to make them feel good. "This is especially helpful with a new partner," SKYN sex and intimacy expert, certified sex coach, sexologist, and author Gigi Engle tells Health . "Something that worked with one woman may not work with another. The vulva is as unique as a snowflake and no two are the same." Same goes with the penis.

What exactly should you ask? Here's a few questions to throw out: Does she like internal stimulation while she receives oral sex? Does she enjoy having her labia licked? Is her vaginal opening particularly sensitive? "Being able to communicate with your partner is extremely hot," Engle says. "She'll appreciate that you care enough to find out what brings her pleasure." This tip works for sexual partners of all genders, of course.

There are as many positions for oral sex as there are for intercourse (more on these later). But often the most comfortable way to do it is for the receiver to lie back with their legs open either a little bit or all the way, and for the giver to sit or stretch out over them.

Propping a pillow or two under your partner's hips can give you better access to their genitals, though not everyone enjoys this because it makes them feel more exposed. Oral sex can also be performed from behind, with the receiver in the doggie style position. Another popular oral sex style is 69 : when both partners lie down so their bodies form a 69 shape and they can give and receive oral sex simultaneously.

"Let's be honest, the taste of a penis is not exactly like chocolate cake," says Engle. If you're not into your partner's taste or want to taste something more fun, flavored lube is the way to go. "Adding a little tasty lubricant changes the whole game," she says.

Problem is, a lot of flavored lubes are too sweet, too minty, or taste too much like cough syrup. So experiment with different flavors to find one you like. However, it's important to remember that flavored lube is not necessarily good for vaginas, since many are made with artificial ingredients and sugar. This means if you use it on a penis, be sure to rinse it off thoroughly before having penetrative sex.

Testicles can be very sexually sensitive, so to get them in on the oral action, a vibrator is your best sex accessory. "Sex toys aren't just for clit stimulation," Engle explains. Grab a vibrator and hold it in your hand to massage the balls. You can also press a vibe into the perineum, the patch of skin between the balls and anus or anus and vagina, which is a nerve-rich pleasure center. "Sex toys up the sense of eroticism during oral sex; it can be extremely intense—in a good way," she adds. Just make sure to ask your partner if they like what you're doing.

A study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy found that 37% of women need clitoral stimulation to reach orgasm. Another 36% said that clitoral stimulation isn't necessary to have an orgasm, but it makes the experience better.

Still, for many women, direct clitoral stimulation can be too intense, especially at the onset of oral sex. Engle suggests touching it through the clitoral hood; another idea is to perform oral sex with a thin piece of fabric, like underwear, between your tongue and your partner's body. "This will provide just the right amount of pleasure without causing discomfort," she says. Another trick is to blow gently on her clitoris before making contact with your tongue, which can increase arousal.

If your female partner enjoys internal stimulation during oral sex, use your finger or a vibrator to play with her G-spot while kissing, licking, or sucking the vulva. How do you know when you've found the G-spot? Work your finger an inch or two inside the vagina along the front wall, and feel around for an area that can be slightly spongier than the rest of the vagina. "When stimulated, you're accessing the root of the clitoris, the back end that you can't see externally," says Engle.

Press around the area to offer pressure-based stimulation, or move your fingers in a grounded, circular motion. "Don't forget to pay attention," Engle says. "G-spot stimulation isn't every woman's cup of tea. Experimenting is great, but be willing to learn and hone your skills with each new partner."

Face-sitting is an oral sex position that has the receiver sitting on or straddling the giver's face. The close contact makes this a very intimate position, and it's not something everyone is comfortable with. But it allows for deeper access to your partner's vulva and vagina, and in heterosexual relationships, it's typically female dominant, putting the woman in control.

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Ok im really confused becuase i thought guys like it when you let them cum in your mouth. I never did it before and my bf asked me where he should cum and i said my mouth cause i wanted to taste it for myself. He seemed shocked kinda and i asked him if he was ok with it or not cause i will understand he said "im ok with it it just kinda scares me idk why so dont ask. "Now i feel kinda embaresed about it. a lot of my friends did it so i thought it was common. Am i wierd or do any thing wrong? Thanks for your time and help.

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Zachary Zane
Zachary Zane is a Brooklyn-based writer, speaker, and activist whose work focuses on lifestyle, sexuality, culture, and entertainment.

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"Like someone is pulling the life force out of you, but in such a good way."
Have you ever wondered what a blowjob feels like? If you've never experienced one, we get why you're curious. The tricky thing is, getting a blowjob is one of those physical sensations that’s difficult to describe with words. And how one person experiences a BJ isn’t necessarily how another person with a penis does. But we'll do our best.
A blowjob—i.e., when someone stimulates your penis with their mouth—gives you a euphoric physical sensation, but that's just one incredible feeling it produces. There’s also the psychological arousal that comes with seeing your partner, possibly on their knees, taking your most prized possession in their mouth. There’s also an element of trust involved that could bring you two closer. After all, they could theoretically bite down on you—although we hope beyond hope that doesn't happen, ever.
Not everyone loves receiving BJs, though. Some people find the experience awkward, or say they can't orgasm from a blowjob because there isn't enough pressure around their junk. And there's always the issue of teeth getting involved—ouch.
Since the experience of receiving a blowjob varies greatly from person to person, we asked 14 different penis owners to describe what a blowjob feels like to paint the fullest picture possible.
1. “ It feels like when you dip your toes in a warm bath and go “ahh” mixed with the suction of a vacuum.” — Adam, 31
2. “A well-done BJ is an art, an experience, a trip. It takes you to another galaxy. The feeling, oh the feeling, try until you see stars. ” — Álvaro, 30
3. “ A BJ kinda feels like a Slip 'n Slide, the best ones [definitely] have that good suction factor.” — Ben, 21
4. “I don’t really like blowjobs. They never make me cum and the person blowing me always just looks like they’re struggling. It just feels like a slobbery ghost, not tight enough to make the friction required for a nut.” — Sam, 24
5. “It's nice for a little while, but by the end, it only makes me less horny and ends up delaying the climax. ” — Josh, 32
6. “ Like someone is pulling the life force out of you, but in such a good way.” — Sean, 25
7. “ There’s a psychological feeling of being worshipped or taken care of . Your most sensitive parts are being stimulated by one of the wettest and softest parts of a person. It makes you just want to lie back and enjoy it.” — Ray, 28 8. “It makes me feel totally confident and desired. I feel I’m the king of the world. It is the perfect combination of pressure, warmth, and wetness. Between suction, tongue strategy, throat action, tempo, ball play, and prostate stimulation , there’s an awesome variety of sensations available when you or your partner make even the slightest change in approach. Visually, there’s nothing else like it. It is the best show you could possibly watch, and I am completely tuned in for it.” — Jacob, 29 9. “Receiving a *good* blowjob feels like warm, pleasurable sensation running through your body, starting at the head of your dick and rippling out to everywhere else. Because you can do more with a mouth and tongue than a vagina/anus , you can add variety and change those sensations based on your partner’s preference.” — Austin, 25
10. "Most blowjobs aren’t very good if I’m totally honest. People struggle with not scraping their teeth, which is very painful. ” — Michael, 40
11. “Getting a BJ from the right person is insanely hot. If they know how to push your buttons, how to work you and make you squirm, then there's no other feeling like it . Include the control you have as they worship your shaft, balls, and your entire genital area? It's the ultimate turn-on.” — Lee, 32
12. “ Feels like a warm, wet ass but slightly looser with an added sensation of tingling in the head.” — Jordyn, 32
13. “ You know the sensation of jumping in a pool and your whole body is completely submerged in water, and it's a bit of a sensory overload? The same feeling but concentrated only on your dick. And in the best possible way.” — Marcus, 37
14. “That first moment when you feel the warm breath of someone getting close to the head of your dick is mesmerizing. That first wet lick sends vibrations straight down my spine. Then the ecstasy of warm, wet and tightness sends my mind and body into euphoria.” — Shay, 27

Copyright 2022 © Intimacy in Marriage
Years ago, I was having lunch with a woman who would eventually become one of my closest friends.
At the time of our lunch all those years ago, we were new colleagues, and we soon discovered we had a plethora of things in common — our love of sex being one of them.
To say she and I had great ease in talking about sex in our marriages would be an understatement. To this day, she is a confidante who I know will always be up for a transparent and authentic conversation about sexual struggles and sexual joys.
At our first lunch together, we eventually came upon the topic of oral sex, to which I said, “Who doesn’t love oral sex?!” She looked at me quizzically and asked, “Giving or receiving?”
“BOTH,” I answered enthusiastically. She agreed.
I know there are many wives out there who have never given oral sex to their husband, or if they have, they do not enjoy it. The reasons can vary, but suffice to say, most reasons would fall into at least one of the below categories:
“I associate it with promiscuous behavior.”
“Oral sex is something I did before I was married, and now I feel guilty doing it.”
“I don’t think it’s a Christian thing to do.”
“I don’t want him to come in my mouth.”
“I don’t know how to give oral sex right.”
“I’m self conscious. I just don’t know what I’m doing.”
If you are steadfast against giving oral sex to your husband, I am not sure if anything I write here is going to sway your opinion the other direction. I also recognize that some couples have mutually agreed to not include oral sex in their sexual intimacy, and I respect this choice.
My experience has been, though, that the exclusion of oral sex is rarely a mutual decision. Someone in the marriage has selfishly dismissed it without genuinely thinking through that decision (or the impact it has on their spouse). My heart is always to challenge people where they may be sabotaging intimacy.
From a biblical standpoint, many theologians (and average everyday Christians) agree with the interpretation of Song of Songs in the Old Testament. This poetic book gives us great imagery of passionate sexual love between a husband and wife. The challenge, of course, is that it is told primarily in allegory and metaphor.
The words “sex” and “oral sex” don’t appear in the book of Song of Songs. But we do get the below passages…
“Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my lover among the young men. I delight to sit in his shade, and his fruit is sweet to my taste.” Song of Songs 2:3
“Awake, north wind, and come, south wind! Blow on my garden that its fragrance may spread abroad. Let my lover come into his garden and taste its choice fruits.” Song of Songs 4:16
“I have come into my garden, my sister, my bride. I have gathered my myrrh with my spice. I have eaten my honeycomb and my honey; I have drunk my wine and my milk.” Song of Songs 5:1
“My lover has gone down to his garden, to the beds of spices, to browse in the gardens and to gather lilies. I am my lover’s and my lover is mine; he browses among the lilies.” Song of Songs 6:2-3
For a moment let’s put the interpretation debate aside and rely instead on good ol common sense. You would be hard pressed to find any married couple who thinks the only appropriate way to kiss is face to face with our mouths and lips.
We intuitively know that sexual passion affords us the freedom to kiss our spouse’s neck or their hand or their chest. A husband longs to kiss his wife’s breasts; a wife longs to be aroused this way. And those touches (just to name a few) are arousing.
So why would using our mouth to sexually bless
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