Cumming 5 Times

Cumming 5 Times


Cumming 5 Times
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I usually masturbate 5 times a day on daily basis.
That m...

Say Goodbye to Fussy Eating with Nestle Nangrow
Masturbation twice per week is healthy excess leads to side effects.
Some of the after- effects of masturbation are:
a. The nervous system is affected the most.
B. Besides the heart, the digestive system, the urinary system as well as the other systems are adversely affected and consequently the whole body becomes the museum of diseases with profound weakness.
C. The eyes become sunken, the cheek bones protrude and there is a black rim round the eyes.
D. Continuous headache and backache.
E. Dizziness and loss of memory.
F. Palpitation of heart on lightest exertion.
G. Nervousness.
H. Unable to perform any heavy physical or mental work.
I. The person dislikes any company and activities and rather likes to sit in seclusion and suffers from weakness.
J. All the senses are impaired.
K. Vision becomes dim, the tongue begins to stammer and ears tend to become deaf etc.
L. Lastly t. B. Or insanity or some other serious disease catch hold of the victim to lead his life to a close.
M. Impotency/ erectile dysfunction / premature ejaculation, reduced penis size, hardness etc therefore, young men are advised to consult a qualified and honest homoeopathic practitioner for his expert advice and effective treatment instead of wasting his money with quacks. Further, those young men who are or have been engaged in the regular habits of masturbation should not ignore the necessity to consult the qualified homoeopaths to avoid sexual embarrassment at the time of marriage.
Homoeopathic treatment for taking away the habit of masturbation and removing its bad effects.

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I usually masturbate 5 times a day on daily basis.
That means 30-35 times a week.
What are the possible disadvantages and what will happen if this doesn't get discontinued?
And can you please help me to stop this. I am really very stressed related to this.



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By DeviousDW | 56 posts, last post 9 months ago

Kate Smith
answered this
How to Masturbate for Beginners: Safe Masturbation Techniques for Teenage Girls and Boys

Hi everyone!
Im curious to know if it is possible to masterbate 15 times in one day? A friend offered me 40 bucks that i couldnt do it, and well, im a college student and found that 40 dollars would suit me well. Would anything bad come from this? I dont want to hurt my penis for the cost of 40 dollars. Thanks for taking the time to respond :-)


Very funny bet, indeed :-) Well, I think you cannot make it in so short time. The bet is not defined quite well. The question is do you need to masturbate only or do you need to ejaculate after masturbation? For me these two things are totally different :-) If you need to ejaculate 15 times in one day - you won't make it. Why? Well, I think your testes are not able to produce sperm in so short time. I'm not an expert in this area, but I never heard before that someone did it in so short time :-)

You can calculate it ... You need 8 hours for sleep and then you have 16 hours in one day to deliver 15 ejaculations. Almost hourly!!! First 3-5 times your testes could produce sperm on regular basis, but continuously your sperm volume will decrase. I'm just curious how many times you could ejaculate. At least it's $40 question ;-)

However, if you decide to do it, don't forget to use lubricants. It would help you to avoid penis injuries or soreness due excessive masturbation.

Please let us know have you won the bet? :-)

Good luck, dude!


Hi there! This is a very brave thing to do. I couldn’t agree more with pseudo about the thing whether you will make it on time. This means that you will probably spend the whole day masturbating and I honestly don’t know if your body is ready for it.

I don’t know if one day of multiple ejaculation could do you any harm but a chronic (often) certainly can.

I found some information that a chronic multiple ejaculation could actually lead to sexual exhaustion with problems like post-ejaculation pains in the testicles, penis, groins, tailbone and even your whole body and inability to orgasm again. All the negative affects of over masturbation have been reported after a prolonged period of excessive masturbation ( like 6-7 a day for a couple of months) and I honestly don’t know if it would affect you.

If you experience pain while trying to get it up for the 2nd, 3rd, etc time, this means that there is a low level of testosterone and DHT (what testosterone turns into) and that you should probably stop and wait until your testosterone levels recover. If you get another symptoms like low back pains, low abdomen pains or cramps, perineum (the area between testicles and anus) inflammatory pains, you should definitely quit.

Let us know what you decided and how everything went! I don’t think that 40$ is good enough reason to ruin ones health and I know that your pride must be in stake now considering you’ve been challenged but this decision is entirely up to you.

In reply to DeviousDW on 2006-03-08 - click to read

Well I was with a guy who managed to ejaculate 11 times in one night in bed with me so that would be 11 times in 8 hours and he was fine for the remainder of the day, didnt seem to affect him adversely at all, and yes, he did ejaculate 11 times. He slept inbetween (cat naps!) and woke and did it maybe the sleep part helped! I think it also depends on your age and stmulation?! :D I was 22 at the time, he was 32. Good luck! :) Saysi

In reply to DeviousDW on 2006-03-08 - click to read

Hey dude, Haven't heard back from you? How was your bet? Did you try it? Let us know ;) Pseud0

Hi, i find your bet rather interesting, and i have a question lets say you manage to masturbate and ejeculate 10 times will you get the 2/3 of the money or nothing at all?
now from all that i know a man can ejeculate about 8 to10 times a day after that he only feels the pleasure and nothing comes out.
let us know who won...

How would he know you did it fifteen times?And where would you find the time?And wouldnt yur arm hurt?

holy c**p my mate made fun of me for doin it three times on one night.
not like he was there.

i really thought i was pretty bad, doin it twice a day but...

anyway, 15 times a day probably wont do any harm as long as its a one off. too much and ur balls may feel the strain of tryin to squeeze more out.

I jerked it 10 times with relative ease and no bad effects, definately needed the moisturiser after 6 though. Just do 5 night before, and then rest during the next day, relatively easy. you have to be able to finish quickly, as I found it hard to stay hard for long after 3 or 4.

"The most ejaculatory orgasms ever recorded in 1 hour for a man is 16."

I jerk it about twice a day and I did ejaculate almost 6 times a day last summer. Dont know if im going to be screwed up later but yea I did get some minor pains but what can you expect eh? Its not really worth $40. You will get sore and soon enough you will just be pretty empty. You will get the feeling but not the stuff. So find a different way to earn $40 buddy

this is very possible. i wank it 10-15 times a day on average and i feel fine. maybe i have a tolerance or high testosterone, either way it gets done and there is cum every time. i don't see how people only do it 1 time a day let alone 1 time a week. 

Pretty crazy.. Its completely possible tho. I typically am too drained to do it after 2 times a day. But my boyfriend of 3 years has ridiculous stamina. We've *done it* (well he did it) 11 times in one day at the most. I am aware there are compulsive masturbators (who have very real psychological conditions) who do it well over a dozen times a day (all the anti-social things that go with it, missing work, not hanging out with friends and family, etc). As far as I know you can't really hurt your penis from doing it that much, just without lubrication it will get raw. Btw, this thread is from over a year ago but I saw a post from 3 wks ago.. I wonder if he won the bet.


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