Cum Spitters

Cum Spitters


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By Lorenzo Jensen III Updated May 30, 2018
Spit or swallow? These internet users explain everything you ever wanted to know about swallowing cum and drinking semen.
By Lorenzo Jensen III Updated May 30, 2018
I never swallow unless I’m in love, and I’ve never been in love.
Swallow…when doing it you swallow a little pre-cum anyway. I always thought it’s rude to not swallow because you’re saying he is nasty lol.
Ugh I HATE doing this…but my husband would love if I did it more…it’s SO yucky….
I gulp all the goo that I can. Then I suck every drop out of my mate until he is dry.
We like it as much as you do when you are taking a power hit and suck up that bong water….Really, like I said before I prefer to gargle and snowball it back at him.
The one and only time I tried—I threw up in the sink.
I swallow just because I like it. I find it a turn on to swallow rather than spit. I wouldn’t want him to be making spitting and gagging sounds when he was working on me.
I’ve done both. Actually depends on what it tastes like. I’ve had an old boyfriend cum in my mouth, it tasted vile and I promptly spat it out running to the bathroom to hurl. Never did that again….I’ve also swallowed. My current partner has cum that doesn’t have any taste regardless of what he eats and so I take pleasure from it and sure as he’ll he does too!
I do it because he like it and no I don’t like the taste—sometimes I gag but I swallow with a smile.
Dudes can be effing weird when in comes to head. Honestly, does it make any difference at all whether a chick swallows while give head as long as you cum? Whether a chick swallows is her business. You ought to feel fortunate she’s giving you head.
I don’t even know if I should be answering this, and girls are probably all going to thumbs down me, but I’m definitely a swallower. Why? Because if you deep-throat and swallow, you barely taste anything. Yeah, yeah, I know, TMI, but it’s true! It’s the best way to avoid a mess and the icky taste.
I never ever swallow, i have done so in the past and hate it, too salty and smells like chlorine! I enjoy giving oral sex and don’t need flavored lube to do it, the little drops don’t bother me, its the whole load that i can’t stand. The texture, the taste, the horrible after taste, i have a weak stomach at the best of times, then i end up burping and re-living the initial swallow all over again. Thankfully hubby is very understand so always warns me and catches it himself.
Try to get him to cut salt out of his diet!! I swallow when it’s not lumpy and salty…but most of the time I can’t!!.. and i find its mainly due to his diet habits!! Get him to drink more fluids too! Lol!
Semen tastes quite disgusting, while it does vary from person to person and is pretty diet dependent, but I’ve never in my life found semen that actually tasted good….FI would love it if I would finish him off with a bj and I swallowed, he also knows that the taste just makes me gag and causes me to be queasy afterwards. Since he’s not willing to subside off of only fruit and yogurt, he isn’t exactly going to press the subject….Not everyone is willing to do it, I second the option of having him cum on your tits or something instead, men seem to love that just as much.
blurgh! the taste makes me gag just imagining it! when we first got together i did all the time, then as u get on a bit i was like hell no! at 1st i wanted to please u now i wanna like u lol. if i do do it i do have a drink but its the taste after u have just swallowed, its horrific! god bless u ladies who grin and bare it, ur a bigger lady than me! blurgh! lol. thanks for the laugh girlies
I swallow only when I am severely hammered, which is rare…or I am feeling generous. I dont like his taste. I don’t really like the feeling it gives in the back of my throat. I feel like gagging now just thinking about it…
I just hate the taste of cum and the thought of it being alive with a million little things swimming makes me want to puke even when I think about it! I can only do a Bj if I am drunk which is never!
yep definitely bleach, and it smells quite strong too!! TMI alert, but even after hubby has ‘finished’ somewhere else i can still smell the bleach. When i was pregnant with DD1 i had really bad heartburn and it got to the point where i couldn’t even take gaviscon because it reminded me of hubby’s spunk, not sure if it was the texture, colour or what but i couldn’t swallow it without boaking. So good luck with the gulping!!!!
I swallow it because I like the taste and texture of it number one. Number two is because guys like it when we swallow it, seems to be a turn on for them…and lastly would seem a bit awkward to have to excuse myself for a moment to spit it out or whatever, then return for my turn at getting satisfied. Just keep breathing through your nose.
I never swallow. The smell alone makes me gag a little. He loves to cum in my mouth, but I spit it out immediately afterwards. If I don’t I will throw up. The few times that I have swallowed, I couldn’t stand the way it felt on the back of my throat. It was very mucousy, and no matter how many times I swallowed or how much water I drank, I couldn’t get the feeling to go away. It’s like snot at the back of my throat that won’t go down. DH was concerned at first that I thought he was gross, but I’ve assured him that it’s just me and my stupid gag reflex. He doesn’t take it personally anymore.
Oral is mostly foreplay, but every so often I’ll blow him just because I like blowing him, and yes I swallow. It’s not like cinnamon-buns tasty, but it’s not bad, and I don’t mind it.
I swallow because I enjoy swallowing. I like everything about it. I’m an oral sex fan and a cum-swallowing fan. The taste is almost always good and sometimes it’s great. Sweet cum is best, but salty cum is good too. Sometimes there’s almost no flavor at all and I’m disappointed with that. Texture wise my husband’s cum is almost always thick and creamy which I like very much. Rarely it’s watery and that is also disappointing to the point of being shocking to me when it happens. I swallow no matter what and I always tell him it was good. If it was better than usual I do my tony the tiger impression and tell him it was great. Sex is very mental and I wouldn’t want to put any negative thoughts into his head!
Eat your fruit like a good man and i swallow every drop.
Honestly, I swallow my man’s cum because it is a part of him. I mean if you are headed downtown on a man and you are not willing to accept that he will shoot a wad of cum, then why go down at all? I can’t think of anything more degrading to a man than have his chick spit out or not accept his essence. If you are sucking it in the first place…be prepared to slurp and swallow ladies…
I swallow, and I’m dang proud of it :) It’s pretty nasty, but you get used to it after a while. I truly, actually swallow…and yes, my man does kiss me after, but after a few seconds usually. I’ve always found that kind of odd though.
Oh my I’m queasy just talking about it LOL. I don’t think I’d ever be able to do this without throwing up and totally ruining the moment.
I cannot stand the consistency of cum. It makes me gag and vomit. If he cums in my mouth, I spat it out on a dirty shirt or something cause I will be sick if I don’t. I have only swallowed 2 times and that was when we first started dating lol almost 4 years ago.
i threw in the towel on swallowing when it ended up coming out of my nose. that was the end of that LOL.
OK, honestly…I think it tastes like crap and prefer not to swallow it. I have done it before, usually because it’s a turn on for my man, never because it tastes good. From what I can tell it tastes a bit like bleach, you know the smell? that’s pretty much what it tastes like.
Yep every single time. Have him drink pineapple juice and skip onions and garlic. Makes all the difference in the world.
I myself swallow. I am submissive and not only do it as part of the lifestyle but I do it to make my man happy because I know it is a big turn-on for them. There is a kinky and taboo aspect as well so that also makes me want to do it even more.
I actually USED to swallow. But one time when I was going down on DH (then BF) he didn’t warn me and I deep throated at the same time that he was about to cum and it made me gag so then it all came out my nose, swimmers and all. It was the most disgusting thing in the world I hated the taste to begin with. Reminds me of dandelions) and that just made it worse. So from then on he is not allowed to cum in my mouth. But because he no longer does that I enjoy giving him BJs even more so he gets them ALL.THE.TIME. And because of our mutual understanding I don’t need to worry about that nasty taste and so I can go all crazy!
Don’t really care about the taste…he likes it, it’s less messy so why not? Sorry nothing really erotic about it for me. Besides he’s willing to go down on me and get all messy…I’m not gonna be stuck up about something that doesn’t bother me to begin with.
I would think that everyone was taught from a young age that it’s rude for girls to spit. And honestly, what is the point in spitting? I mean its already there why wouldn’t you swallow it? That’s like getting a bite of chocolate and chewing it up then spitting it out. And please tell me why anyone would think its so sexy to garbled cum and let it run down your chin? To me, that’s a big waste. Letting even one tiny little drop of that hot, thick, creamy, delicious cum go to waste should be crime. So ladies if you’re gonna do a job be a real woman and finish it. SPITTERS ARE QUITTERS!!!!! So drink up.
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Кашалота по-английски называются двумя словами: cachalot [ ˈkæʃəˌlɒt] и sperm whale. Причём первый вариант встречается довольно редко, все обычно используют второй. Sperm, если вы вдруг не знали, значит сперма. А whale - это кит. То есть англоговорящие не находят ничего странного в использовании слова "спермокит" в своей повседневной речи. По-моему это многое говорит об английском языке.
Откуда пошло это название? Кашалот на протяжении столетий (до середины XX века) был важнейшим объектом китобойного промысла. Одним из продуктов, получаемых от кашалота, было полупрозрачное, воскоподобное вещество, которое содержится у животного в голове. Его использовали для изготовления разных смазок, свечей и даже косметики. И что самое интересное - изначально его приняли за сперму кашалота. Так как этого вещества у кашалотов было много, а также из-за того, что он является характерной их характерной чертой, название sperm whale закрепилось.
И даже когда выяснилось, что это совсем не сперма, использовать этот термин никто не перестал. А само вещество до сих пор называют спермацетом (spermaceti по-английски, от греческого sperma -семя, ceti - кит в родительном падеже, т.е. буквально сперма кита).
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