Cum In Little Sisters Mouth

Cum In Little Sisters Mouth


Cum In Little Sisters Mouth
Dear Deidre MY fiancée walked in on me having sex with my sister. She’s now threatening to call the police.
I’m 25 and engaged to a beautiful girl. She is 26 and we met at work — we are both nurses.
My sister is 22. Our mum passed away five years ago and we’ve been extra close since then. Our dad works away during the week, while we both live at home.
My fiancée and I went to the cinema last month and when I got home my sister was crying in the front room in the dark.
She got laid off from her bank job a while ago and has taken it badly. I asked her what was wrong and she said: “I just feel so miserable. I’ve no job, no boyfriend and feel worthless.”
I cuddled her and said she was beautiful. I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her. It was supposed to be a peck but she kissed me back and my stomach turned somersaults.
As our hearts pounded, she said she felt something for me. We had sex in my bed. It felt so right. We made love a few times over the next few weeks.
Then last night we were in bed when the front door slammed. I raced to get my boxer shorts but the door swung open and my fiancée walked in glaring.
My sister burst into tears. My fiancée walked out and drove off but texted me saying: “You’re sick. I’m going to report you to the police.” I’m worried sick.
DEIDRE SAYS: You and your sister lost your mum when you were young and vulnerable, and your dad is only around at weekends. So it has allowed you and your sister to become too close, in the wrong sort of way.
Having sex with your sister is incestuous and illegal, but I hope your fiancée feels that reporting you to the police could bring down a lot of misery on everyone but help no one.
Tell your sister that you two must get back to a normal brother/sister relationship.
If she is depressed, tell your dad she needs more support. Start by talking it over with GetConnected, which helps under-25s with any problem ( , 0808 808 4994). Talk to your fiancée again once she has had a chance to calm down.
If you still love one another it may be possible to move on from this – though that could well involve your moving out from home.
Dear Deidre I DON’T trust my boyfriend, though he doesn’t deserve it and can’t understand it. Should I tell him about my dad’s affair?
I’m 20 and my dad got a new company phone a year ago. Mum and I were transferring his data and there were photos of a naked woman and what appeared to be Dad’s legs.
Mum confronted Dad and he said his phone had belonged to somebody else in the office before him. I didn’t believe it and Mum later told me that he had an affair when I was little.
Now I don’t trust anyone. I constantly check up on where my boyfriend is.
We’ve been together for six months. He looks confused when I quiz him, as he’d do anything for me. He’s cancelled lads’ nights out to be with me.
I’m worried how he’d act to my dad if I spilled the beans.
DEIDRE SAYS: If you stay together I think you will end up sharing such an important part of your history, but now focus on separating your relationship from your parents’.
Your boyfriend loves you but making unreasonable demands based on insecurity will eat into your relationship.
My e-leaflet Coping With Jealousy will help you handle your feelings but for starters ask your boyfriend for a loving hug rather than demanding he miss seeing his mates.
Dear Deidre I’M addicted to masturbation and I’m not in control of my life any more.
I’m 22 and good-looking but haven’t had a girlfriend for two years. I cannot even meet friends on time because of the hours I spend trawling Facebook for any glimpse of flesh – which always leads to porn and masturbation. What can I do?
DEIDRE SAYS: You’ve taken the first step admitting there’s a problem.
You’re not alone. More people are trawling the net this way. It’s so tempting but won’t make you happy long-term.
You can find a free programme of self-help recovery at and I’m sending you my e-leaflet Hooked On Masturbation?
Dear Deidre I’M married with a lovely daughter but I feel lonely and unloved as my wife and I haven’t had sex since she got pregnant.
Our daughter is 18 months old and it’s as if my wife has got all she wants now – a child.
She used to be loving, though she had issues from her past. I’ve talked to her about sex and she says: “I will get there.” But she had a traumatic labour and I know she’s afraid it will hurt her.
I’ve told her we can just take things slowly. I just want to have a physical relationship – and I want to be loved, I guess.
DEIDRE SAYS: Giving birth can be a major trauma. Encourage your wife to see her GP for a check-up. She can ask for a referral to a gynaecologist if need be. She should be healing by now, though sheer fear of sex being painful can make you tense.
If everything is as it should be, ask her to agree to sharing a loving massage a couple of times a week, with the promise you won’t expect intercourse until she’s ready.
I’m sending e-leaflets Solving Sex Problems After A Baby and Massage For Couples.
Dear Deidre MY husband has bought me a car, decorated our house and taken me on a cruise – all because he had an affair.
He’s 42 and I’m 39. We have no children but we’ve been together for 20 years. I had no clue that he was having an affair until I got a call from his mistress.
He ended it immediately but I was so hurt. And now he says the guilt is eating him up inside.
I get days where I go into a panic thinking he’s cheating again – even though
I know he isn’t as he’s so much more relaxed these days and he even leaves his mobile lying around.
My friends say it’s all guilt money – but is it?
DEIDRE SAYS: Yes, probably, but does it really matter? He’s dealing with his guilt in the best way he knows – but he has to work on rebuilding the trust too.
All the cars and cruises won’t make up for the emotional hurt but try to remember why you fell in love in the first place.
If you have moments thinking of your husband with this woman try to think up a very happy memory you shared with him.
He’s back with you now and that is what matters.
Dear Deidre MY girlfriend is a fiery redhead and if she isn’t fighting with someone at work then it is with her dad or me.
I’m 26. She is 29 and a spoilt brat, if I’m honest.
She yelled at me once because she thought I’d overcooked her pizza.
She lives with her parents and they run around after her.
I had an interview last week and asked her for a lift into town as she had the day off. She went nuts at me but it wasn’t unreasonable to ask.
I know I should man up and tell her where to go.
I was adopted so I’m used to rejection but I’m terrified of being alone and I love her to bits.
DEIDRE SAYS: Sometimes we seek out relationships which reproduce familiar feelings.
You’ve found yourself a girlfriend who makes you feel rejected again and again – even over trivialities.
This is a miserable pattern. Please get some help to work through your feelings from After Adoption ( ,
0800 056 8578). Then you will feel stronger and so better able to stand up to your girlfriend Her parents may indulge her but you deserve her to behave more considerately – which she may do once she realises it’s that or lose
Dear Deidre MY boyfriend and I are supposed to be moving in together this month but he has still not told his mum.
We are 24, met at university and house-shared for two years. Now we both live back home, 200 miles apart.
His dad died three years ago and his mum is very dependent on him. We tried to move in together once before but she said he’d not given her enough notice.
So it didn’t happen.
I know he will obey her if she says no. He’s my soul-mate but I am worried we won’t last because of her.
DEIDRE SAYS: Be wary of putting him under so much pressure that he end up feeling torn between you and his mum.
It’s doubtful his mum will ever reach the stage of happily letting go, so he must decide how long he’s going to allow this situation to continue.
If just walking out is too hard, he needs to make planned steps so she knows he is serious and is prepared when he finally leaves.
Helping her get a good social life of her own would be a good start. And of course say that she will be welcome to visit you regularly – not your ideal,
I realise, but only fair.
SOME of us quickly fly off the handle, some rarely lose their temper. But when they do, the red mist descends and anything can happen. Anger is damaging to relationships and it gets in the way of good parenting. My e-leaflet on
Anger Management can help you safeguard relationships and those close to you. Email .
EVERY problem gets a free personal reply.
Tell me what you think on my Facebook page today .
You can follow my life and sex tips on Twitter @deardeidre
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Lol unless shes attracted too. & More than him. Yeah nothing can happen until they are 18 but you have no evidence supporting she is traumatized, scared, or scarred but clearly have evidence of her wanting to initiate contact.
I mean theres literally hundreds of thousands of intense, incest porn videos, but oh wait, you really so scared when your brother tells you he would fuck. 🙄 its legal and a liehyb

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This is a place where you can ask for advice on many subjects. Everybody has issues that they run into, and everyone needs advice every now and again. This is Reddit's very own solution-hub.
i dont know where to start with this first to clear things up im not a pedophile i just....fucked up. here is the thing i was about 13 years old my sister was 6 i was just like everyone else horny and masturbating almost all day one day however i remember being in my dads car with my sister and she accidentally humped on my penis and it triggered my sexual arousal but i didnt think of it much about a week later i remembered that happening when i was horny and about to masturbate my sister was sleeping in the same room with me and for some reason i lost all my ethics and morals at that moment and decided to pull her pants and check my sisters vagina and i did that but nothing else she didnt wake up then i realized how fucked up that was i just wished that that was it however things went downhill ever since , so one day i was also horny and was about to masturbate when my sister walked in on me and again all my morals just went away and i pretended that i was hugging her and stuff while i sat her on my lap (penis) but not penetrating her i just rubbed her butt on my dick (clothes on) imagining some one else because i wanted a realistic feeling i know i could have used objects but instead i used my sister and when i was doing it i kept asking my self on why am i doing this that this is wrong and fucked up i did that a second time after that i wanted to fucking kill my self i never imagined my self doing something like this i just didnt know what to do i just hoped that she will forget about it since she was young , one year later my sister asked me to "hug her again" she said that literally and i just ignored her i knew what she obviously meant by that for months she sometimes would say that and it killed me to hear it every time she said it one day after saying that she jumped on my chest while i was standing and kissed me on my nick at that moment i realized that i fucked up really really bad i thought that that was it my life is now fucked shes gonna grow up and know what i did to her and she might even live a terrible life knowing that her own brother raped her and lead to suicide and so my life as well i just couldn't handle this anymore and im here asking for an advice on what to do
There's really nothing you can do. That kind of trauma isn't going to go away for her. It will effect her relationships, her view of sex and her ability to trust for her entire life. She could have been one of the lucky girls who never went through sexual trauma but things will always be a lot harder for her now.
I think this was good for you in the sense that now maybe in the future when you think about doing something stupid, you'll think about the potential consequences. As for your sister...maybe talk with her when she's ready and try and explain that you weren't mature enough to understand the outcome to your action and truly what it meant to do what you did.
I'm sorry. This doesn't mean you're a horrible person. As long as you make steps to learn from your mistakes, things can still go well for you.
Yes and I would advise you see a therapist to talk about sexual feelings you have and feeling like you cant control it.
I'm sorry what the fuck is this thread and what the hell is your comment? This isn't "good" for anyone and I'm sorry he was old enough to know not to fuck his own SIX YEAR OLD SISTER. SHE WAS A CHILD and is still a CHILD.
I'll just get technical here and say that you didn't rape her since there was no penetration. You sexually assaulted her. Not great, but figured I'd clarify terms.
As for advice, this is something very serious as you're well aware and may have long-lasting effects on your sister. This may come out and be a problem for you. I highly suggest that you seek therapy to discuss everything that's happened and help you understand what you did and where to go from here.
If anyone is unfortunate enough to come across this disgusting thread and justify what happened or downplay this you are disgusting. The person who did this is disgusting. He was 13 years old and he abused a SIX YEAR OLD CHILD.
If you find yourself downplaying this situation, you need serious fucking therapy and to be nowhere near 500 feet of a school. Those who gave rewards and upvoted this as well are repulsive.
I agree with you, but you can share your opinion without manipulating everyone into having the same. “Agree with me or you’re ****” gets annoying after awhile.
No downplaying, legit can't change what happened, and you only know what happened because he admitted it. Doesn't matter if it's anonymous, still isn't easy to admit something like this. You are contributing nothing to the good of the sister or him, so sit the fuck down. Idc if you are a victim, if you aren't going to contribute something that will help him become a real big brother because you think this damage is completely irreversible, then you have simply given up on life yourself because of your mistakes or because your peers didn't make an effort to right the wrongs they made on you, and you don't want to believe that people who fuck up can change or make things right. You WANT him and his sister to never have a relationship over this, it would give you fucking pleasure.
I just realized shes now 13 or 14 oh god
when i was 13, i 100% knew that this was NOT okay. what the fuck is wrong with you
Dude, that poor baby, please stop!! I think she will be fine but no more
your fucking disgusting get help and stay the fuck away from girls i cant believe your on reddit asking for advice wtf. the fact that u were aware what u were doing was fully wrong but did it anyway is repulsive. youve now scarred ur sister and fucked up the rest of her life she wont forget this.

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My 7 year old niece masturbates in front of everybody
Hello, We have a joint family as in my bro,his wife ,2 children and my parents live in one house and my family visit then often. Now the thing is that my niece who is 7 year old gets very well with my 8 year old daughter and often play with each other and after sometime when they get bored my niece unknowingly starts masturbating in front of everybody. Even after telling her nicely she does not stop or understands. My sister in law does not say anything to her and feels that it’s a part of growing up, but my parents have tried everything and have given up. Now the problem is that my daughter has started to ask me and I feel she is inquisitive to try as well.My OH is mad at me and has told me not to visit my parents’ house as he is worried that our DD might get into bad habits. Thanks in advance suggestions needed
What does your brother say about it? The suggestion that you should stop visiting your family is ridiculous. All families have issues to deal with and this is way down on the list of things to be settled. If your partner gets this upset about minor aspects of growing up, maybe you should buy him a book on the subject. How well do you get on with your sister in law? She may well be right that the behaviour will disappear on its own. But, it is upsetting the adults. In the end, the fuss that the adults are making sounds like more of a problem than the behaviour. That said, however, it's similar to one particular warning sign: I can't vouch for this website, but you might like to give its checklists a once over, including the part about sexualised behaviour in young children. Child sexual abuse among children and young people
It's part of growing up and exploring your body. At this age she should understand, Maybe try telling her that it's something that's done in private by her and only her. It's a tricky situation.
I catch my three year old absent mindedly fiddling with her bits, I just tell her to stop or she will hurt herself and she does. You shouldn't tell them it's dirty or shameful because it will make them feel this way about sex when they are older, although I do think that seven years old is old enough to understand that this is not acceptable behaviour to do in front of other people. If she starts doing it in school then it will definately raise questions.......
Thanks for the advice,actually the whole thing has gone over the top as its embarrassing to see a young girls fiddling with her private parts in front of everybody,its acceptable if you do it privately ,but in front of everybody is kinda wierd.My partner is okie with the fact that ,its her life and she can do anything but everything needs to be defined and at an age when you are growing it important for parents to make their children know what's appropriate. As far as my relation with my sis in law is concerned we are quite cordial and spoken about it however I feel she is also at her wits end and now has excepted that its normal. Other than this my neice also makes a weird movement ,as in the men on top position and strokes ,resting on a huge teddy she has. seeing all this ,it makes my OH worry...
Thanks for the advice,actually the whole thing has gone over the top as its embarrassing to see a
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