Cum Harder

Cum Harder


Cum Harder
Michael Stengel -
Posted by Dean Castle | Dec 19, 2018 | DIY Tips , Sexual Health Enhancement | 0 |

If you’re trying to find out how to cum harder because you’re worried that your load of cum isn’t enough to make her pregnant. That, however, is not true at all, the amount of load you ejaculate does not determine if your sperm makes it to her egg. Sperm motility is what determines that. Sperm motility is the term which is used to describe how well your sperm swims and that is what affects fertility. As long as you cum inside her you’re good.
But if you think increasing the amount of your cumshot will increase the chances of getting your girl pregnant. Also, it does not increase the chances of accidental pregnancy either. To know why some men cum more than others you need to understand the science behind how cum is made and how it works.
In order to know how to cum harder let’s understand how this cum is made. Many people confuse that semen is made in the testicles, which is not exactly correct. While sperms are formed in the testicles, most of the semen, about 95 % – 99 % is not sperm. Actually, the load is made up of other stuff that is helpful in getting the sperm to reach the egg alive and well. All this other stuff is made in the prostate and seminal vesicle.
If you’re wondering what else sperm is made up of if not sperm, then here’s the answer to it.
There are many ways that can help you in increasing the intensity of your load. Some of those have been mentioned below:
If you wish to ejaculate loads of cum just the way pornstars do then follow these tips and watch the magic happen.
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Dicks , Health , Sex
Quinn Myers
July 17, 2019


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Will kegels help? What about edging — or even meditation? Will reading Reddit sex tips help at all? Here’s what the science says
Is it true that a simple change in position can make you orgasm harder than ever before? What about kegel exercises for men — can they help you ejaculate harder than ever? Or edging : Should you build up that extreme orgasm for hours, teasing yourself through a slow, super-long arousal period before you blow? Should you start experimenting with prostate play ? Do you need to see a masturbation coach to help you have sex like a champ? Or should you just wait a while between orgasms ? (After all, there’s only one reliable way to make your loads bigger .) Finally, are any of the sex tips you read on Reddit actually helpful?
Basically, there’s a ton of info, rumors, urban legends and internet tips out there about sex , masturbation , penis health , ejaculation and better male orgasms out there. What’s real and what’s, well, just a load of spaff? Let’s dive in.
For all the masturbating men do, the orgasm can feel awfully rote. Sometimes we feel like emotionless cum machines , genetically predisposed to ejaculate and ejaculate again until we die , never being able to differentiate between one orgasm and the next. So how to turn up the heat and give our dicks the most memorable climax yet?
“You might hate the answer, but an orgasm is an orgasm is an orgasm,” says Nicole Prause, neuroscientist and founder of Liberos, a biotechnology company specifically studying and measuring the human orgasm . According to Prause, any and all available research on orgasm up to this point says there is no way to feel a “stronger” climax. 
“They are reflexive, so they’re not thought to vary much in terms of physiology,” she says, referring to the physicality of orgasms — i.e., the number of contractions and intensity of contractions. 
“Further, there is no evidence that kegel exercises actually improve orgasms , and this seems unlikely given the nature of the physiology,” Prause continues, striking a dagger into an empire of sexual content online. “Similarly, the ‘hour-long’ orgasm, or similar extended orgasm experiences, have never been documented,” she adds, twisting the knife. 
Prause says there is “simply no funding for basic sex research like that,” so as of right now, there is no lab-studied, peer-reviewed scientific proof of being able to control the intensity of orgasms. 
But that doesn’t mean the door is shut on blasting a load so hard your neighbors call the cops. 
Or as Prause puts it: “People certainly report feeling that orgasms are very different, however, and that is worth exploring.”
According to Prause, there are two questionnaires to assess more qualitative aspects of the orgasm experience. “This could mean that there is some neural state that feels like a climax, but does not co-occur with pelvic contractions that we have not yet discovered. Alternatively, different experiences of orgasm may reflect the emotional context, such as feeling emotionally close to the partner or having taken a long time to experience climax during that sexual session.”
In other words, people often report changes in orgasm sensations based on the context around them — so while it hasn’t been tested in a lab, changing the context of the sexual experience could alter the veracity of one’s orgasm. 
“My vote is on the latter,” Prause tells MEL . But, being a scientist, she advises caution before dripping hot wax on your chest while alternating between edging and meditating. “The brain experience may differ in some modest ways,” she theorizes. “The brain has to generate the orgasm, and that process in the brain must occur, but it is likely the subjective part of the orgasm would be influenced by other activity (e.g., emotional) in the brain.”
In other words: Physically , orgasms are the same. Emotionally , context can change what you “feel” during an orgasm, which might subtly tweak how you might experience climax.
So, if you want an extreme orgasm, here’s what you need to know.
Carol Queen, an author and sexologist , champions the idea that “regular” people of any gender “can experience a stronger-than-usual (or stronger than they’ve had so far) orgasm.” 
Queen says there are “various elements that can be involved and definitely some ‘orgasm hack’ techniques [that] will put this experience a bit more in someone’s control.” 
Steve McGough , an associate professor of clinical sexuality at the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality , admits that the “actual neuroscience is still in its infancy,” but “the current best understanding is that an orgasm tends to happen in three regions of our body… not just the contraction of the prostate.” An orgasm, McGough argues, can be “triggered in most men completely independent from the mental side.
“In fact, erection and ejaculation can be induced in men who are paralyzed and can’t feel their genitals,” McGough adds, pointing to a study in Denmark that studied disabled veterans who wanted to have children .
It’s worth keeping in mind that ejaculation and orgasm are two separate things . McGough is arguing that ejaculation is but the endpoint of what an orgasm can be. “[Ejaculation] feels good and relieves sexual pressure,” but “it is just one very small aspect of what can be experienced.” 
“Frequently guys don’t really think about having different types of orgasms, or they see orgasm and ejaculation as one experience,” McGough explains. “But is a wider range of experiences possible? Yes, if you take the time to explore things.” 
First, pay attention to your level of arousal. In short, the more aroused you are, the “stronger” your orgasm will feel. So if you’ve turned masturbating into a daily post-lunch routine in the office bathroom, now’s the time to stop that. 
“If a person gets way more turned on than usual, the orgasm, if they have one, is going to benefit from that,” Queen tells MEL . “This example is not especially sexy, but think of the way a sneeze builds up. You can feel a sneeze coming on; sneeze right away and it’s not that explosive. But if you don’t sneeze immediately and the build-up to it continues, it can be a really big one. Orgasm is something like that, and arousal is the mental build-up and the physical status that makes sex play desired in the first place. And to get to high arousal … sometimes elements of extra kink or special circumstances — like trying to stay quiet while someone else is in the room, a new partner, etc. — are helpful.”
An easy way to achieve higher arousal is to simply hold off on orgasming. McGough compares it to drinking a glass of ice water when you’re thirsty. The thirstier you are, the better the water will taste. 
“Orgasm and its related pleasure are similar,” he says. “If you are horny to the point it’s all you think about — and just trying to release sexual pressure as quickly as possible — orgasm and ejaculation is the route for this.”
However, if you really want to amp up the pleasure pressure and reach that mystical better male orgasm, McGough and Queen advise really drawing things out during the act itself. 
Queen refers to “long-lasting arousal,” which is “what the people who are into edging play with: They are building up arousal over periods of time, recognizing imminent ejaculation or orgasm, and backing off so that arousal can continue to build.” 
She continues: “This charges up the body, basically. Like that sneeze, you are not immediately discharging the energy, but rather letting the arousal grow, and this will power the orgasm when it eventually happens.
“With high arousal and orgasm, our musculature is engaged, generally like when people arch their back, or clutch their sheets, or their toes curl,” she explains. “But trying not to do that probably allows us to take in the sensation and lets it last longer and go higher, so this strategy is in service to the higher and longer arousal tactics.”  
Meanwhile, McGough hones in on the edging aspect. “When you can have continued sexual and sensual stimulation without quickly ejaculating, something almost magical can happen,” he explains.

A big part of edging is having strong kegel muscles, so you can properly attempt to “hold back” your orgasm. When you finally break, your strong-as-hell kegel muscles will make your orgasm feel stronger. Think Sammy Sosa blasting a home run after loading up on steroids for the first time: God, that must’ve felt amazing.
“The pulsing sensation that comes with orgasm and helps power ejaculation is due to the kegel (or pubococcygeal) muscles,” Queen says. “Strengthening these can make an orgasm feel more powerful.” 
Beyond strengthening the muscles themselves, McGough says, you’re also strengthening your “mental control over that area, [which will] benefit you in preventing ejaculation during sex or masturbation.” By focusing on your genitals and the pleasure therein, the thinking goes, your brain will “experience” a stronger orgasm. 
And if you really want to put in the work for extreme orgasm, McGough recommends entering a near meditative state outlined by sexual health researchers William H. Masters and Virginia E. Johnson called “ sensate focus .” While this was mainly to help women achieve orgasm, McGough says it also works on “helping guys take their experience to a new level.” 
McGough continues to explain that one could even enter the mental state of “flow” during orgasm . And while “flow” is normally associated with world-class athletes and musicians, there’s no reason why you couldn’t enter this state of hyperfocus as you finesse your way through intrusive popup ads on YouPorn while straddling the bathtub ledge and aiming for the drain. 
To continue the body and mind themes inherent in arguments for a stronger orgasm, both Queen and McGough detail the necessity of a “blended orgasm.” 
That is, “basically adding extra physical stimulation to the mix,” says Queen. “Not just stimulating one erogenous zone, but more than one. For our purposes, that could be penile stroking or oral as the basic stimulation, plus prostate stimulation, or plus nipple play, or plus kissing, or… so many options!”  
According to Queen, this isn’t just for people who need an extra push toward climaxing. It “can help boost arousal even if a person has no issue with climax.”  
Furthermore, Queen argues this isn’t just about piling on the stimulation, but rather a “more complex” way of stimulation. “Because different nerve pathways carry extra stimulation to the brain,” she says, different toys, porn, and context — like Prause mentioned earlier — can “add to arousal and hence to the power of the orgasm.”
However, Prause again urges caution, reminding us that an orgasm is a physical reflex. And because of this, she says, “it is unlikely that the orgasm ‘power’ or similar would be altered due to being initiated by new or multiple areas of sexual stimulation.”
So if the the orgasm itself will always remain the same, the least you can do is attempt to reach new heights in arousal before you bust. 
Stimulating areas like the ears, nipples and neck “will have a powerful effect” in doing just that, McGough says, pointing to a study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine that found nipple stimulation enhanced the sexual arousal in 51.7 percent of the men tested.
So let’s say you’re able to hold off on orgasming for a few days. When you finally do, change it up: Tickle your neck and ears with a feather, enter a near-meditative state, and edge two or three times before your quick bedtime shower turns into a suspiciously lengthy one. You very well could be in for one hell of an orgasm.
Quinn Myers is a staff writer at MEL. He reports on internet culture, technology, health, masculinity and the communities that flourish within.

You are here: Home / How to Cum More / Ejaculate Harder and Farther – Here’s How!
How to Cum More - Semen tips from
Most guys can remember fondly back when we were younger and our ‘crotch cannons’ seemed capable of shooting huge jets of cum that seemed to last forever! Fast forward a few years and it seems like you’re shooting much less semen – and shooting it less distance and with diminished force. The fact is – most men produce much smaller ejaculations as we get older .
As you can probably remember – the orgasms that went along with those ejaculations were incredibly intense and lasted for a very long time. Often times you had to take a second to catch your breath because your orgasm was so intense!
There is a good reason why it seemed like your orgasms were more intense then – THEY WERE! When the body has more semen to expel, it results in longer-lasting, more intense ejaculations as your body has that much more semen to “get rid of”.
It is very normal that most men see a significant decrease in the amount of semen they produce as they get older. This results in weaker climaxes and semen loads that can seem to just “dribble out”. The good news? You CAN change all that- and shoot massive ejaculations once again!
The normal volume of semen that is produced during ejaculation varies from 2 to 5 milliliters per ejaculation. Basically – the ‘average’ guy ejaculates around 1 teaspoon of semen – although there are men that shoot much more than this.
There are many products that can increase the amount of semen you produce upon ejaculation. Of course, some work MUCH better than others – so it’s important to do your homework before buying a supplement to improve your ejaculations.
In addition to natural supplements to increase semen production – there are a number of things you can try at home to boost your ejaculations and shoot more cum – harder and farther. Some may seem obvious – but you’d be surprised how many guys overlook these simple tricks to shooting more cum and ejaculating further.
Here are 7 easy tips to ejaculate harder and farther:
As you can see – there are many methods that men can implement to help themselves ejaculate both harder and farther . Implementing some of the above strategies should help you at least double the size of your ejaculations.
Of course, certain things will make more of a difference than others, and using a semen supplement daily will often produce some of the most noticeable improvements. Top semen pills can increase your ejaculations by up to 500% – which will be IMMEDIATELY noticeable to both you and your partner!
A doctor formulated semen supplement will always be one of the quickest ways to improve your ejaculation , and that’s because they contain a number of key ingredients which are used to both increase semen production and boost orgasm strength. We review and discuss several good ejaculation pills on this site, so make sure you compare the best ones before you decide to go with one of these potent male enhancers.
If you do consider using a supplement to boost your ejaculations, as many men do – make sure you purchase one that contains zinc.
Zinc is absolutely essential to healthy semen production and sperm health , and will make an immediate impact. Take zinc together with folic acid if possible. Zinc is an essential mineral that is instrumental in several factors of cellular metabolism. In combination with folic acid, zinc was found to increase sperm count by 74% in men who had fertility problems, according to one study.
Another dietary consideration is to make sure you’re getting certain amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. These organic compounds, taken regularly, are reputed to boost levels of semen, and will definitely help you ejaculate harder and farther.
Scientists believe that sperm benefit from amino acids because certain amino acids are found in large quantities in the heads of sperm. Look out for the following amino acids to boost your ejaculate:
3 Important Amino Acids to increase ejaculate volume:
Most guys won’t like this part – but there are several habits or “lifestyle” decisions that we make everyday that can have a very negative impact on our ejaculate volume . Things like drinking alcohol, smoking, drug use, and lack of exercise all have a hand in reducing our semen volume and make you shoot less cum.
The longer your body has to battle these habits, the more you’ll notice the result – not only in your ejaculations – but other aspects like erectile function and sexual stamina. So – the “hard way” of increasing your ejaculations involves changing your lifestyle and leading a healthier, more active life. The good news is that your body will benefit in many ways – not just the ability to ejaculate more semen and enjoy stronger climaxes.
Marijuana is known to lower both the male hormone testosterone – and sperm count. If you smoke marijuana regularly, there’s a good chance it’s reducing your sperm count – and making your ejaculations weaker since you’re producing less seminal fluid.
We don’t advocate trying to change a number of your lifestyle choices all at once – but making gradual and per
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