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Home » How to Cum More and Produce more Sperm (Ejaculate more, Far and Harder)
Updated on February 27th, 2021  By Harrison M
Men desire to produce more ejaculate. They want to shoot huge loads of cum far and harder. A man who learns how to produce more sperm enjoys more orgasms. The ability to cum a lot ensures guys last longer in bed. They satisfy their partner every time.
A man needs the combination of a strong healthy heart, mind and dick to produce a lot of ejaculate. Volume Pills enable men to have sex on demand, shoot huge loads and ejaculate harder.
Ready to Shoot Bigger Loads of Cum and Enjoy Bigger Orgasms?
Increase Semen Volume (up to 500% More Cum) and Orgasm Power
Enjoy Longer and More Intense Orgasms.
Enjoy BIGGER, Thicker, Harder and Longer erections.
Experience Better overall Sexual Power, Pleasure and Performance
Several lifestyle changes are recommended for men who desire to produce more sperm. The following 15+ ways of how to ejaculate more are also good for cardiovascular health.
Here are the main reasons why every man should learn how to ejaculate more.
Men experience a bigger erection and shoot bigger loads after lengthy foreplay and whenever they feel very aroused. And totally relaxed. Consequently, one way of how to ejaculate a lot more is to increase arousal – both intensity and duration, while reducing anxiety.
Anxiety is a leading cause of erectile dysfunction (ED). Performance anxiety is usually caused by a lack of sexual confidence. Think of performance anxiety as your brain putting your dick on a leash.
Any man who desires to know how to cum more should stop smoking. Smoking of cigarettes is bad for your health and is a leading cause of erectile dysfunction. It worsens taste of semen and leads to impotence in men as young as 30!
This habit wreaks havoc on the ability to produce and maintain an erection. A strong erection is necessary to produce bigger loads of cum. In a nutshell, men who smoke have a higher chance of failing to get an erection; and trouble keeping it erect.
How does smoking reduce ability to produce more sperm? It causes plaque to accumulate in arteries…and not just in the penis – throughout the body. This leads to a reduction in blood flow.
If enough blood can not reach the penis during arousal, you get a weak erection and trouble keeping it up. A man may be unable to penetrate his partner.
A weak erection leads to weak ejaculation and low semen volume. Maybe even yellowish sperm .
Men who quit smoking achieve faster and firmer erections. They also reach maximum arousal more often. Marijuana is also bad for any man who is wondering how to produce more sperm . This is because men who smoke marijuana (cannabis) produce low ejaculate volume and have more abnormal sperm.
A man should eat a healthy diet to prevent ED and shoot bigger loads of cum. Meat is good for men who are looking to enhance their fertility.
A diet of lean meat, accompanied by a glass of wine, will help to improve erection quality. This is because beef increases testosterone levels and makes men shoot more cum. Meat stimulates the release of hormones that increase the production of testosterone in the testes.
A diet rich in zinc, good fats and vitamins B and C also promotes production of more testosterone. Exercises also boost the production of the male hormone. Animal protein and oily/ fatty fish help men produce more testosterone. This is because fats are crucial in the production of hormones. Most hormones are made up of fats and amino acids.
Salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring and anchovies are good sources of omega-3 fatty acid. Omega 3 is a polyunsaturated (good) fat that is important during the production of testosterone. Moreover, omega-3 helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure by unclogging blood vessels.
Avoid fast foods to ejaculate more. Fast foods are leading causes of obesity, as well as heart and erection problems. Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables is recommended for men who want to lose weight and improve the quality of erection.
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is also good for the heart. This is because these foods lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol level.
A man should eat more brightly colored red, orange and yellow fruits and veggies to shoot more cum. These include carrots, tomatoes, guava and citrus fruits (tangerines, oranges, lemons, limes, pomelos and grapefruits).
A study published by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that regular consumption of flavonoid-rich foods such as citrus fruits reduces the risk of ED. Men should eat dark colored and leafy fruits and veggies such as spinach, watermelon and broccoli to shoot bigger loads.
Masturbation is healthy for both men and women. It is a common and addictive practice that gives a lot of sexual pleasure. But masturbation is a habit, not a hobby.
Simply reducing the frequency of masturbation is one of the easiest ways of how to produce more sperm. How much of masturbation is too much? Well, since men will not stop masturbating any time soon, just limit the frequency to 1-2 times in a day.
But supplements can help sustain frequent production of ejaculate. Volume Pills counter the effects of frequent ejaculation through masturbation or sex by providing the body with more of the semen ingredients.
Edging is also referred to as orgasm control, peaking or surfing. It is a sexual technique which can be practiced alone or with a partner. The edging technique improves a man’s sexual stamina and is a natural penis enlargement technique.
Edging enables a man to delay his ejaculation and orgasm at will. You last longer in bed and eventually shoot bigger loads. If done right, a man experiences better erection and more control over ejaculation.
Breathe deep and slow to get the best out of edging. Like they do in yoga and meditation.
Breathing slowly and deeply makes you calm. You feel relaxed and focused.
Just as with jelqing for girth exercises, there is a lot of repeating with the edging technique. Just when you feel close to an orgasm, stop and focus on something else.
Exercises rejuvenate the brain, reduce stress and ensure good blood circulation throughout the body. This is essential for men who desire to learn how to cum more since erection in men is purely a hydraulic event that relies on hormones and blood pressure.
Arousal happens in the brain – which releases hormones that dilate blood vessels and increase heart rate. This causes more blood to flow into the dick.
As a result, anything that is good for your heart is also good for your semen factory. Consequently, one of the best ways of how to ejaculate more and boost erection quality is to keep your heart and brain in shape.
You don’t have to go to a gym to maintain fitness. Dancing, push-ups, sit ups and maintaining a physically active lifestyle will do. Going for a walk and riding a bike during your free time are great ways for men to stay healthy and shoot more cum.
Did you know that edible nuts contain high levels of zinc? This mineral is a key ingredient in spermatogenesis, the process of sperm creation. Eat a variety of nuts to ejaculate more and produce more healthy sperm. Nuts such as macadamia, almonds and peanuts are also good for your testicles.
Most nuts are natural aphrodisiacs that help men and women increase libido. They are also rich in vitamins and several minerals that include phosphorous, iron and calcium that are necessary for good health – and optimal performance in bed.
Smoking and drinking too much alcohol are leading causes of impotence. Drinking excess alcohol can cause erectile dysfunction. This is because booze is a depressant that reduces sex drive when taken in excess.
In addition, long-term abuse of alcohol affects blood vessels and nerves in the dick, causing impotence. Alcoholism disturbs the nervous system.
It also impairs travel of impulses from the brain to the penis, which may result in alcohol-induced ED.
Excessive drinking can also cause a behavioral change that affects sexual desire and performance.
But a little alcohol is good for men who are seeking ways of how to produce more sperm. It will not only ensure a guy can ejaculate more: a little booze helps reduce stress and anxiety! Moderate drinking boosts libido (desire for sex). It also enhances self-esteem.
Kegel exercises are recommended for men who desire to produce more cum. Kegels target the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle. It is actually a group of muscles that are found within the pelvis and which are located between the pubic bone and the base of the spine.
It’s also the muscle that is involved when urinating – and one of the many muscles that make ejaculation possible.
A man can feel his PC muscle by gently pressing the region between the base of his testicles and the anus. Men who have a strong PC muscle enjoy stronger erection and have more stamina. Flexing it a few times every day will help a man to gradually produce more sperm – and shoot bigger loads further!
Volume Pills enable greater blood flow into the penis during arousal. This results in a harder erection that makes the erect dick bigger. This helps a lot since men gain sexual confidence by having a bigger dick.
Forget the overrated saying that it’s not the size of the penis that matters but what you do with it. Seriously, have you ever heard or read of a woman who prefers a small dick?
The pills are proven to work for men who are looking for a lasting way of how to cum more. They are doctor-approved and heavily discounted. Moreover, they come with a lot of free extras when you order a bigger package. This includes lubricants that men can use during sex, jerking off, hand-jobs, jelqing and edging. Combine the pills with a healthy diet to shoot bigger loads.
The human body is composed of about 70% water, the brain has 90% while the human ejaculate is 96-98% water.
Since semen is mostly water, simply drinking more liquids is one of the most natural ways to produce more sperm.
The answer to how to produce more cum can be as simple as eating more fresh fruits and veggies such as watermelon, pineapples, tomato, cucumbers, strawberries, pawpaws and oranges.
The dehydrating effect of tea and coffee is easily corrected by drinking more of both. For those of us who don’t sweat too much, 64 ounces (about 8 glasses) of water every day should be enough to meet our daily water need and make a guy shoot bigger loads.
Sleep deprivation leads to a decrease in testosterone levels in men. Sleeping less than 6 hours per night lowers testosterone levels by up to 15%! Any man who desires to learn how to cum a lot should ensure he sleeps for 7 to 9 hours. Every night.
Less testosterone caused by lack of enough sleep is usually accompanied by mood changes, lack of energy and lower self esteem. This combination often leads to reduced libido, lower ejaculate volume and even ED.
Men who have big testicles produce more sperm. However, heat affects sperm production. An increase in testicular temperature may cause fertility problems. Heat causes fewer sperm to be produced. Low sperm count is medically called oligospermia, a leading cause of male infertility. Even working with a laptop on your lap frequently can lead to lower semen volume and low sperm count.
Sperm are best made at 2.5 to 3 degrees Celsius lower than the body temperature. This is why men have testicles that are placed outside the body.
Additionally, the cremaster muscle maintains the required temperature by contracting and relaxing to change the distance of the testicles from the body.
Obviously, this natural heat regulating mechanism will not work if you wear tight underwear or trousers.
The sperm begin to die. Fewer new sperm are produced. That huge load becomes a dribble. This is when couples line up at the fertility doctor’s clinic.
We will not advise you to stay naked to increase semen volume and shoot bigger loads of cum. But you can wear loose trousers to produce more sperm. Men who regularly wear very tight underwear have a higher scrotal temperature that impairs sperm production as well as ejaculate volume.
Don’t believe us? Just go commando for a few days and see how big a load you will shoot!
In addition, avoid placing your balls near heat sources and don’t stay in the hot tub for too long. If heat is bad for sperm production, it must also be bad for cum production.
Sometimes it’s the “little” factors that add up to cause a huge problem in life. Like stress, anxiety and depression.
Stress is another leading cause of ED and infertility.
Stress “boosts levels of stress hormones – glucocorticoids such as cortisol – that inhibit the body’s main sex hormone, gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), and subsequently suppresses sperm count, ovulation and sexual activity”.
Failure to manage stress leads to a build-up of stress into a state of chronic stress which makes the ED even worse. Stress management and relief is a good way to increase your ejaculate.
Majority of men ejaculate as they orgasm – and many guys would opt for more sex if given the chance. But reducing the frequency of intimacy leads to a build-up of semen. This enables a man to have more stamina and shoot bigger loads.
Other benefits of less sex include better sex, more testosterone, more energy and stronger erection.
People who have many sexual partners are at a higher risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They are also likely to be having more sex – and produce less ejaculate.
Men who have an STI experience reduced fertility. This is because some STIs such as Chlamydia Trachomatis and Trichomoniasis interfere with sperm creation.
Trichomoniasis is caused by trichomonas vaginalis. It mostly affects sexually active young women. But it can affect men too.
Men who have Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) produce lower amount of ejaculate and less healthy sperm. The reduced sperm count and inability to cum more worsens as the disease progresses.
Anyone who suspects they have an STD should get prompt treatment to prevent further damage to their reproductive system.
The modern sedentary lifestyle that has little or no regular physical activity is unhealthy for both brain and body. These are the best ways to shoot bigger loads of ejaculate. Good mental and body health is necessary for men who are seeking ways of how to cum more.
Harrison is a male sexual health expert who enjoys writing about reproductive health. He has been helping people have healthier and happier relationships and marriages.
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Are you looking for ways to blow bigger loads and increase the amount of cum you ejaculate? Surely, the performance in bed and ability to please your sexual partner is a big concern for most of us.
Thanks to porn movies, guys think they need to cum huge volume of semen and that can be a little bit difficult to achieve. Don’t worry, I have great news for you. I wrote a guide based on my extensive research & experience in this field and I will answer all of your questions
In this guide, I will take a closer look at semen, it’s composition and proven ways to increase seminal fluid. Besides this, I will share with you various factors that reduce the amount of cum you ejaculate.
What Is Semen & Why Is It Important?
A healthy semen is somewhat white or whitish gray in color. Normally, you ejaculate between 1.5 and 5 milliliters of semen (1/4 of a teaspoon to 1 teaspoon). It’s a sticky mixture of sperm and seminal fluids that has water and different nutrients in it.
The sperm, made in the testes, make up around 5% of the liquids.
The rest – seminal fluids – contain various sugars to give the sperm energy, and substances to protect them on their way to fertilize the egg.
About two-thirds of seminal fluids come from the seminal vesicles – the tubes between the testes and the penis – and one-third comes from the prostate gland – a hard, walnut-shaped gland that can usually be felt between the scrotum and the anus.
In terms of fertility, semen volume isn’t the most important factor. After all, it only takes one sperm to fertilize the egg. However, the greater the volume of semen and sperm, the greater the chance that a sperm will make it to the egg.
Semen volume is much more important for men psychologically. Most guys have watched porn at some point in their lives, and in porn, huge cocks and massive cumshots are the norm.
Many of these cumshots are actually faked, but men who watch porn may get a sense that their semen is inadequate and this can cause anxiety and stress. Finally, though they don’t talk about it that much, lots of women like big cumshots and lots of men like being able to provide them.
Some people even have a fetish for this.
While you’re never likely to turn a tiny dribble into a raging torrent, there are many things that can affect both the volume of semen produced and the force it shoots out at.
Unless you’re in the peak of physical health and fitness, it’s highly likely that these tips will yield noticeable results.
10 Ways To Increase Your Semen Volume
Although it should be the easiest thing to do, changing your diet requires a lot of effort. Sadly, the stuff we eat on a daily basis is the most influential factor in all aspects of our overall well-being, and this is especially true for our sexual health.
If you want to cum huge loads of semen, you need to maintain a healthy and balanced diet that promotes the production of testosterone and also provides necessary building blocks for your body.
A healthy diet to enhance testosterone levels, increase semen volume and enhance sperm health should be high in:
The best foods to eat are turkey meat, pulses, beans and seeds, and a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables of all colors. Try to eat your veggies raw to maintain the biggest amount of vitamins in it.
Although men fear that healthy food must taste terrible, you can always add some fresh herbs and spices to improve the taste of your meals. Also, you can add a tomato sauce (rich in lycopene) to increase the antioxidant content of your food.
If you have problems with texture of raw vegetables, then try blending them into smoothies.
Even when you fix your diet and start to eat healthy, you may still lack certain crucial building blocks your body needs to create more semen. That is why you should add nutritional supplements to your diet as well.
According to this very helpful forum thread, you should focus on the following substances:
Just keep in mind that I am not a medical professional and I have no idea if this combination of supplements is safe to take.
Please consult your medical professional before experimenting with any supplements. It is your health you are risking.
Want to blow your load like a rocket launcher? Then you need to work out your pelvic floor muscles. There are three main muscles that are somewhat related to the strength of your erection and ejaculation.
The best way to work out these muscles is to do Kegels. Just by strengthening these muscles you can achieve longer and stronger orgasms, and you can shoot your cum further.
The best part? These exercises can fix your premature ejaculation issue very easily as well. Just follow my detailed guide to Kegels.
Have you ever heard about edging? It is a technique where you bring yourself almost to the point of orgasm and as you are reaching the point of no return (a point from where you can not stop the ejaculation from happening) you stop any sexual stimulation for a few minutes.
During this pause, your sexual arousal will drop significantly.
Once you have calmed down, you can restart the sexual stimulation. This will signal your brain that more semen will be needed soon so it will boost its production even more. I have written a great guide on edging so do not forget
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