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| \ kwi-ˈzēn

, kwē- \

: manner of preparing food : style of cooking

a cooking method used in French cuisine


: the food prepared

enjoys French cuisine

a cooking method used in French cuisine

a cuisine based on local ingredients

This restaurant is famous for its spicy cuisine .

At first, the restaurant owner was anxious that news of the primordial find would impact her business serving homestyle meals based on local cuisine .

Dave Kindy, , 30 July 2022

The restaurant will be run by Cordon Bleu Madrid graduate Chef Ricardo Marin, serving all the restaurant’s classic dishes along with his spin on traditional Greek cuisine .

Dana Givens, Robb Report , 27 July 2022

Dine: Experience Grandrestaurant chef Ondřej Koráb’s modern spin on traditional Czech cuisine .

Mosha Lundström Halbert, Vogue , 21 July 2022

So for example, Cyprus has Greek items; Tuscan has Italian options; Normandie has French food and Cosmopolitan focuses on American cuisine .

Judy Koutsky, Forbes , 19 July 2022

Chef-owner Alex Au-Yeung focuses on the country's cuisine at his Phat Eatery restaurant in Katy, rounded out by regional Chinese fare.

Emma Balter, Chron , 15 July 2022

chef de cuisine
nouvelle cuisine
haute cuisine

chef de cuisine
nouvelle cuisine
haute cuisine



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French, literally, kitchen, from Old French, from Late Latin coquina — more at kitchen
Our Reviews team has selected the best products for your kitchen .
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A Guide to the Names of French Sauces
17 saucy terms (and how to say them)
“Cuisine.” Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 18 Aug. 2022.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^ Cuisine (definition) . Accessed June 2011.

^ "Cuisine (definition)" . Oxford Dictionaries . Retrieved 26 May 2013 .

^ "Region." (Definition). Merriam-Webster dictionary . Accessed June 2011.

^ Jump up to: a b "The American Food Revolutions: Cuisines in America." . Accessed June 2011.

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A cuisine is specific set of cooking traditions and practices, often associated with a specific culture or region. Each cuisine involves food preparation in a particular style, of food and drink of particular types, to produce individually consumed items or distinct meals. A cuisine is frequently named after the region or place where it originated. A cuisine is primarily influenced by the ingredients that are available locally or through trade. Religious food laws can also exercise a strong influence on such culinary practices.

Global cuisine is a cuisine that is practiced around the world. A cuisine is a characteristic style of cooking practices and traditions, [1] often associated with a specific region, country [2] or culture. To become a global cuisine, a local, regional or national cuisine must spread around the world with its food served worldwide.

Regional cuisine is based upon national, state or local regions. [3] Regional cuisines may vary based upon food availability and trade, varying climates , cooking traditions and practices, and cultural differences. [4] One noteworthy definition is based upon traditional cuisine : "A traditional cuisine is a coherent tradition of food preparation that rises from the daily lives and kitchens of a people over an extended period in a specific region of a country, or a specific country, and which, when localized, has notable distinctions from the cuisine of the country as a whole." [4]

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Types of Cuisine From Around the World With Their Popular Foods was last modified: December 31st, 2019 by no_name12
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Most countries and regions in the world have their own particular cuisine. Different types of cuisines involve certain cooking practices, local ingredients, and a combination of spices. Some food cultures are a fusion of foods from different countries. From these, delicious foods have developed that provide unique culinary experiences.
There are hundreds of different cuisines in the world. Famous cuisines in the world include French, Thai, Italian, Indian, and Chinese. In large cities, it is also not uncommon to find restaurants serving dishes from Moroccan, Lebanese, Vietnamese, and Hungarian cuisines.
Even in countries that have their own particular kind of cuisine, it is not uncommon to have regional variations. For example, some types of food may be prepared in different ways or include a different variety of ingredients.
In this article, you will learn about some of the top cuisines in the world. You will also find out where some famous dishes originated from.
The French Provencal cuisine uses a lot of herbs
Many regard French cuisine as one of the best cuisines in the world. French food involves ingredients such as butter, cream, wine, herbs, chocolate, and vegetables. French pastry dishes, cheese , bread , and wine are famous throughout the world.
Food culture in France also revolves around locally sourced ingredients. On the Mediterranean coast, seafood is very popular. Provencal cuisine uses tarragon and a host of other herbs and spices. Paris itself has over 9,000 restaurants serving French classics and dishes from around the world.
Dumplings and dim sum are a common food in the Chinese cuisine
Chinese cuisine is one of the most diverse food cultures in the world. Traditionally, Chinese food is served with noodles or rice. Also, Chinese dumplings form a large part of the staple diet in many regions of China. There are several main cuisines in Chinese cookery – Cantonese, Sichuan, Fujian, and Hunan cuisines are the most well-known.
Most Chinese dishes contain a mixture of vegetables that are stir-fried and combined with aromatic spices and herbs. For example, ginger is often fried along with garlic and onions to create flavorsome dishes. Also, soy sauce, rice vinegar, and fish sauce are commonly used to create a blend of wonderful flavors.
Chinese cuisine could be regarded as the one of the most important in the world. Chinese cooking styles have influenced other foods from Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Chinese dishes are so popular that most cities in the world have a number of Chinese restaurants. Sweet and sour chicken and chop suey are the most popular Chinese dishes outside of China.
Sushi is a very popular food in Japanese restaurants
Japanese dishes have become one of the most important food genres in the world. Boiled rice usually accompanies most dishes with grilled fish, pickled vegetables, or deep-fried vegetables. Tofu also plays an important part in traditional Japanese cuisine.
Of course, sushi is one of the most well-known type of Japanese food. Great care and precision goes into creating delicious rice rolls with raw fish, vegetables, and nori. These are accompanied with pickled ginger and dipping sauces. Japanese food culture is so influential that many countries around the world developed their own type of sushi varieties.
Going into a Japanese restaurant, you often see the chef working in an open kitchen at a Teppanyaki grill.
After your delicious Japanese meal, you can finish off with a cup of refreshing type of tea such as: green tea, oolong tea, or jasmine tea.
Pasta dishes are one of the most famous foods in Italian cuisine
Many people regard Italy as the country with the best food in the world. Pasta dishes in Italian cuisine are one of the most popular and favorite types of food in the world. There are very few people in the world who haven’t tried delicious Italian foods like pizza, spaghetti, or delicious Italian ice cream. Many classic Italian dishes also include the regional name in their title. For example, spaghetti Bolognese from Bologna and Parma ham or Parmesan cheese from Parma.
The mainstays of the popular Italian cuisine are pasta, rice, tomatoes, and cheese. Many regional variations include types of meat , seafood, or sausages along with delicious sauces. These can be flavored with herbs such as oregano, basil, or a combination of other fresh herbs.
There is also great variation in food cultures between the various regions of Italy. Abruzzo cuisine from the mountainous and coastal regions has pasta, seafood, lamb, and wild mushrooms. Neapolitan cuisine is famous for foods like pizzas, spag
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