Cuckoldress Blog

Cuckoldress Blog


Cuckoldress Blog
by venusc2021 | Posted in: Cuckolding for couples | 0
By Venus Cuckoldress This post was originally published in ASN Lifestyle Magazine I’ve written many articles before about cuckolding including the …
by Venus Cuckoldress and Cuckoldress Scarlet Perhaps when he was introduced to the lifestyle of women in cuckolding and hotwifing relationships …
By Venus Cuckoldress This article was originally published in ASN Lifestyle Magazine Although there are many benefits to embarking on a …
By Venus Cuckoldress This article was originally published in ASN Lifestyle Magazine I’m a cuckoldress and over the years some people …
Venus Connections is the real deal. After years of dating, this is hands down the best service for anyone who is serious about this type of relationship. Venus herself really cares and her passion shines through in every aspect of Venus Connections. I’ve met three amazing women and currently really enjoying a budding relationship thanks for Venus Connections.
Cuckolding Courses by Venus - at
matchmaking for loving cuckolding relationships
By Venus Cuckoldress This post was originally published in ASN Lifestyle Magazine I’ve written many articles before about cuckolding including the love and connection that comes from cuckolding relationships, the art of the tease, the importance of her confidence, the … Continued
by Venus Cuckoldress and Cuckoldress Scarlet Perhaps when he was introduced to the lifestyle of women in cuckolding and hotwifing relationships with their committed partners he was enthralled and aroused. Perhaps he felt as though he had discovered the ideal … Continued
By Venus Cuckoldress This article was originally published in ASN Lifestyle Magazine Although there are many benefits to embarking on a cuckolding journey within a loving relationship, there are also several reasons why women would shy away from the idea … Continued
By Venus Cuckoldress This article was originally published in ASN Lifestyle Magazine I’m a cuckoldress and over the years some people have asked why I chose to be a cuckoldress instead of a hotwife. Those two are similar and sure … Continued
By Venus Cuckoldress This article was originally published in ASN Lifestyle Magazine People often ask me what kind of cuckolding scenario I prefer: him in the room watching, him listening, or him hearing about it from me when I get … Continued
By Venus Cuckoldress This article was originally published in ASN Lifestyle Magazine Cuckolding is hotter today than ever. It might surprise you that a recent survey conducted by Dr. Justin Lehmiller revealed 58% of men and about a third of … Continued
By Venus Cuckoldress This article was originally published in ASN Lifestyle Magazine Cuckolding relationships are next-level love, trust, and connection. To some people that may seem like a bold statement…maybe even unbelievable, but take my word on this – truly … Continued
This post was originally published on The Venus Cuckoldress Blog. By Aaron and Simone Like I suspect many couples, we never have enough time to really enjoy all that we want from this lifestyle. Balancing family, kids, and work with … Continued
This post was originally published on The Venus Cuckoldress Blog. By Aaron and Simone When you have chemistry and connection with a new partner your brain is flooded with many hormones that make you feel exceptionally good. Oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin … Continued
This post was originally published on The Venus Cuckoldress Blog. By Aaron and Simone My husband asked me the other day what goes through my head when I’m meeting up with a bull. This should be an easy question I … Continued
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By Davina Anderson  Many submissive men dream about becoming a feminized cuckold husband. It is, however, not a dream or fantasy that most men are ever willing to share with their wife. It is...

This short article condenses everything you need to know when cuckolding your husband. What is a cuckold? In general usage, and the usage we will use in this article, a cuckold refers to a married.

So, you have asked yourself, "Should I share my wife?" Wife sharing can be the most potent sexual experience of your life (for you and, of course, for your wife). Should you share? Honestly, only...

So, you want a cuckold sissy husband? Most women struggle and fail. What I will do is give you some very simple - yet fantastically powerful - steps to help in cuckolding your husband. Oh boy do I...

I am a cuckoldress because my husband makes me one. I am a cuckoldress because my husband sexuality stems from being submissive, being humiliated, used and “cheated on”. CH is admirable true to...

Sometimes I'm asked what I like about being a Bull with a cuckold couple. That is not an easy question to answer, but I’ll try. I’m a dominant person, and always have been. I like being the one...

The present day version on the cuckold experience is a husband and a wife that want to have a third person come into the marriage to please the woman. The woman is the person who feels that her......

Cuckold Lifestyle..... Over the last several years I have helped literally thousands of men achieve a cuckold relationship by sharing with them powerful techniques, secrets and tips. Before I share with you all these powerful techniques, secrets and tips let me tell you how I realized my deepest cuckold fantasies. This way you can better understand who I am and where I am coming from.

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how to be a cuckold husband, cuckold benefits, cuckold sessions, images and videos

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On the eve of our wedding anniversary, I am thinking a lot about our marriage, our journey into polyamory and cuckolding, and just life in general. Wat can I say? Being on vacation I have some time to let my thoughts free range. Nearly universally across the board, friends always tell us how adorable we are, how perfect we are, and how we seemingly have a storybook marriage. And it’s easy to see why people get that image of us. We are both very attractive people, and more importantly very attracted to each other. We are both very happy and very in love with each other. We are often inseparable in our mutual social circles. And we define love. We truly do. Is that braggy? Good. It was kind of meant to be. But there have been times it has certainly not felt like a storybook marriage. There is stuff below the façade that those around us don’t see. For
the most part, they don’t see the emotional toll losing our baby, multiple pregnancy losses, and years of IVF had on us. Most do not know I was, or maybe even still am, a sex worker. And the guilt I carried around associated with that. Most don’t know that once my competitive swimming career ended, I became anorexic and still really struggle maintaining a healthy body weight and really still terribly struggle with body image and dysmorphia. They don’t see me constantly convincing myself that I am not good enough for him, or anyone. Everyone has their issues, both as individuals and in our relationships. I see it every single day. Patients will confide in me about issues that have nothing to do with their annual physical or why they came in to see me but seize upon the opportunity to just blurt it out to someone who will listen. I see it with friends, on ladies poker nights, when…

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In May 2021 we spoke at a lifestyle gathering in Miami called Podcast-A-Palooza. One hundred swinger couples from across North America gathered for three days of seminars and partying in South Beach. Unofficially, the event served as a kind of coming-out party after the privations of the Covid-19 pandemic. For us, it was four days of epic stories. Here’s the third in the series about an encounter that looked a lot like the fulfillment of a BBC (Big Black Cock) fantasy. HIM: One of the first couples we ran into at Podcast-A-Palooza (PCAP) was Bomber & Belle of the ‘Black N Kinky Lifestyle Podcast’. Like us, they were there as presenters. We had met them once two years ago, but they were one of the couples we were hoping to get to know better on this trip. So, we said a quick hello, vowing to connect at some point over the weekend as we hurried on our way. HER: One
of the challenges at PCAP was that there was a long list of people we wanted to spend quality time with. I’ve enjoyed listening to Black N Kinky’s thoughtful discussions about race in the lifestyle, and — as someone who cares deeply about equity and human rights — I thought there would be hours of fascinating conversation to be had if we ever got a chance to sit down together. But, with meeting so many new, interesting people, it soon became evident that we would not have enough time for deep conversations with everyone. HIM: We kind of decided that we would just have to rely on serendipity, that we would simply enjoy talking to (and playing with) whoever fate brought across our path. HER: Well, fate intervened in the most interesting way imaginable with Bomber & Belle. On the first night of PCAP, I found myself on a massage table being caressed by 16 hands. Some of those people…

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When I announced my last post “She’s Got a Dirty Mouth” on twitter, I received a request from one of my twitter followers about one of the audio posts I shared along with the post. I just love the story behind this particular audio clip, so I began the process of writing about it. However, I found that the richness and depth of the story would be lost without contextualizing it in my broader experience with voyeurism and exhibitionism. I will end this exploration with the Anniversary Story, but I’m going to begin it on a balmy night in September several years ago. “I don’t think I can do this…” my boyfriend stammered, his voice wavering with trepidation bordering on dread. I let out a labored sigh, annoyed yet feeling compassion for the man I loved at the same time. We had been sitting in my car parked outside a nondescript strip mall containing an unmarked red door. As we
sat there talking, both trying to muster up the courage to make a move, we watched couple after couple casually park their cars and saunter in the red door as if they had been there a thousand times. We came prepared. The cooler we bought earlier in the day was the perfect size to sit underneath a cocktail table and was filled with tequila and vodka. I wore a short black dress with stockings and no panties, in an attempt to straddle the line between slutty and classy. He wore his nicest dress slacks and my favorite collared shirt (we had copiously researched the dress code in the weeks prior). Yet, for all of our preparation, we had found ourselves up against an invisible barrier of fear that seemed to be paralyzing my boyfriend from leaving the car. I was feeling an entirely different set of emotions. Since my boyfriend and I had decided to open our relationship to a…

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Descent I didn’t have a religious upbringing. I didn’t have a horrible childhood. I was, however, exposed to sex at a young age. Was my exposure to sexual content at such a young age my reason for becoming a cuckold? No. Like many men, my journey into cuckolding began with love. I was eighteen years old and was in a, what I thought at the time to be, long-term relationship with a girl of a similar age. We were high school sweethearts. My entire foundation for what I thought relationships should be had been developed during that period. For much of our adolescent relationship we were inseparable. While I was secure in our relationship, she was evolving into someone else. She desired attention from other men. When I wasn’t around, she sought the attention of whoever would give it. Unfortunately for me, the attention she was seeking was from one of my closest friends. I found the two of them
behind fogged glass in a restaurant parking lot one late August evening. I was distraught. I felt fear, anger, hatred and even sadness. I banged on the windows of the locked vehicle over and over again. She felt none of those things. She was happy to see all those emotions swirling around my face just beyond the fogged windows. I ended the relationship there–or so I imagined in my head. A few terrible days had passed and she contacted me to apologize. She wanted to get back together and I was madly in love and willing to forgive anything to make the pain go away. I accepted her proposition without question. Over the course of the next few months, we continued dating the way we had. I should say, I continued dating the way we had. There were days that I could not account for her whereabouts. Days she should be working but wasn’t at work. I drove around our…

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Part 1 My husband considered himself to be a cuckold for years, and still kind of is. Before meeting his current girlfriend and becoming one of her Bulls, my husband was cuckolded while with me and his ex-wife, often and for many, many years. On mine and my husband's wedding day, prior to the wedding, me and my boyfriend, who was my husband's best man, had intercourse. It was something that my husband had asked of me and my boyfriend. It meant a lot to my husband and to me and my boyfriend. To us that was something that only a real friend would do. On our wedding night our marriage was consummated by another man. This was also something that my husband wanted. This other man was a lover we had known for a few years. And his consummating of our marriage meant a lot to all of us. One thing I noticed about my husband was that he
always wanted me to be with men who had very large penises. Some were okay, others not so much, but all of them were fun. When I was with other men my husband was very subservient. He acted like he was mine and my lover's servant. It was kind of cute to see how excited my husband would get knowing that I was going to have sex with another man or other men. My husband always wants other men to cum in me as well. He likes how it feels after I have been with others. My husband may be a cuck, but he is also very much an alpha male in the fact that he pretty much decides who I have sex with. My husband is not well endowed, but he knows how to use what he has. I love sex with him, but he really likes seeing me with others. My husband likes seeing how easily other men…

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"A man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh...What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate". (Matthew 19:3-8) ...unless the man throws away his basket of stones and encourages his wife to commit adultery. Have you ever fantasized about seeing your wife or girlfriend with another man? Do the thoughts of her cheating on you, having fantastic sex with other men, and coming home to tell you about it arouse you? Do you want to understand why you feel this way? The humiliation of infidelity can be so sweet and oftentimes a higher source of pleasure than sex itself. You, My humble reader, will now find out why. As a Dominatrix, I have noticed that one of the most common fetishes amongst My submissives is the fantasy of being cuckolded by Me or their female partners. My subs come from all over the world --
US, Asia, Middle East, Europe, Central & South America, Africa. That men from different cultural backgrounds express a common interest tells Me something about the universality of this most intriguing fetish. Cuckoldry, when a man derives sexual arousal by thinking about or watching his female partner having sex with another man, has a powerful psychological effect with dimensions shaped by society and biology. You may be wondering: Why is the fetish considered a taboo? Why would a man want to be cheated on by his wife? What sorts of pleasures does it really bring for the couple? Let's go diving! WHY CUCKOLDRY CLASHES WITH MAINSTREAM CULTURE My cuckold submissives find themselves internally conflicted with this 'strange' desire. Cuckoldry is considered a fetish because its very oddity betrays a fundamental and age-old norm that has been the guiding light in much of the Western world since the dawn of agriculture. Yes, I am referring to monogamy. Let's go waayyyyyyyy back.…

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What are the common problems with cuckoldry? How can you overcome or avoid them with as little friction in your life and relationship as possible? Often, we do not think of risk assessment and analysis for relationships. We simply respond to issues as they arise. I want to prepare you for problems you may face along the way and give you a simple solution to each problem you may face as you begin exploring cuckoldry. Problem #1: Too Much, Too Soon One of the most common problems novice cuckolding couples make is doing too much too soon. Sometimes, this is a case of blurring the line between fantasy and reality. In other cases, women rush the level of control they have before their partner and the relationship can handle the change. Contemporary Cuckoldry is about seduction, building trust, and keeping the lines of communication open on both sides of the relationship. While some blurring of the lines between fantasy
and reality is normal, too much can cause even the best of intentions to backfire. Though exciting, cuckoldry can be terrifying for men who desire it. Usually, they have built the fantasy years before developing a relationship. However, once a woman reveals a similar interest in cuckoldry, he shies away from any real application of control. This seemingly counterproductive reaction to reality-based cuckoldry is part of a normal transition for a man. Embracing his submissive and cuckold nature is not something easily accomplished. Typically, at this point, the couple may notice an increase of arguments, petty or otherwise, tension rising, and a battle of the wills ensuing. This is the time to focus on The FCR Concept™ and ensure that you are valuing one another. Problem #2: Compromising to Excess Sometimes, when a couple tries too much too soon, the women in particular reach another potential problem—caving or giving in to their male counterparts. A clear sign of this…

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This post has been a long time coming but I can’t help but get distracted by the more sexy and fun aspects of Hotwifing. This is rather ironic since in real life, I can only wish I had the time to be distracted by naughty adventures. I may have an online persona as a Hotwife extraordinaire but away from the keyboard I am mostly knee deep in laundry or playing Uber driver. As a busy mother, it’s one thing to find the time to dally with Bulls but it’s entirely another to muster the energy to go through the rigmarole of preparing for a playdate such as shaving, putting on makeup, finding a babysitter and booking a hotel room. Even if hubby can take care of the logistics (perhaps e
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