Cuckold Pregnant Stories

Cuckold Pregnant Stories


Cuckold Pregnant Stories
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Home - Cuckold & Hotwife Stories - Girlfriend Got Impregnated During Cuckolding… What Should I Do?
I may have just fucked up my whole relationship and life by letting a man cum inside my girlfriend.
It fucking sucks that I’m writing this and probably going to lose the woman I want to marry because we both let lust control our brains.
Basically, my girlfriend (f 27) and I (m 28) have been addicted to having threesomes and cuckolding ever since we tried it last year.
We got to the point where every week, sometimes twice a week we’d find and hook up with some guy usually having threesomes or I’d watch them fuck, sometimes video it.
We did everything as a couple and she’s never done a solo date or had solo sex during our relationship.
Before this last year, my girlfriend and I would have sex once per week, after we introduced threesomes and cuckolding we do it 4+ times per week, not including the times I share her.
She’s open to trying anything in the bedroom now and the sex we have been having has been like a drug.
That’s how we ended up messing up so bad.
We both thought it would destroy our relationship so we went really slow.
It started by her going on Tinder and she would send sexual messages to men.
Every night we would sit down and she would show me what men wanted to do to her, it was fucking hot seeing how excited she was and to see how many men wanted to fuck her was amazing.
This lasted 5 minutes and before we knew it she found a guy who was down to experiment with us.
It started with them just kissing, then the next date she gave us both a handjob and then she blew him while I fucked her and finally after 5 dates he had sex while I watched and got a blowjob.
He was our only partner for a while, but then we thought it was best to stop seeing him as he started developing feelings for my girlfriend, he was really honest, but we were not interested in a polyamorous relationship so we went our separate ways.
We have always used condoms, every single time.
My girlfriend is on the pill, but we just didn’t want to risk STD’s and pregnancy.
However, for the whole year, we’ve been talking about how hot it would be to not use condoms.
We joked and both said we wish we could do it without risk.
Well we put it into the universe because we met a guy, he was really sound and what I’d call the perfect bull.
He’s hung, a little bi-sexual, good in bed, always on time and friendly.
We met him on a dating site and over the next few weeks, we all got really close.
We had sex multiple times, he stayed over at a hotel we got and we all trusted each other.
This is so fucking rare, over the year we’ve maybe met a handful of guys that were this easy to try fantasies and try cuckolding with.
We all got talking one night and we all laughed about our hatred for condoms and that we all hated using them.
He asked if we could all get tested and maybe we could try without.
Honestly, I didn’t know it was so simple, we all got tested, waited a week and all came back clean.
Over the next week my girlfriend let him in raw, he cum in her mouth and at one point we both gave her a facial.
We just kept wanting to find the new thing and keep spicing things up.
We kind of planned that he would cum in her and she was so down.
He was on top and I got behind him so I’d have a view of what it would look like.
He came hard and then kept fucking her.
I could see his cum dripping out of her, which is something I’ve only witnessed this one time.
Even though it fucked everything up it was so hot.
Anyway, fast-forward a week and he did it again, all of this time I hadn’t came inside my girlfriend.
I just got in the habit of pulling out as it seemed like it would lower the risk of pregnancy.
My girlfriend was feeling weird, she went to her doctor and they told her to take a pregnancy test, she said she was on the pill and it wasn’t possible.
After she told me I just went and got one for her.
She peed on it and fuck she was fucking pregnant.
Wanting to be a cuckold lead to my girlfriend getting impregnated.
She doens’t know what she’s going to do yet and it’s fucking hard.
We’ve stopped having sex and she said she never wants to do cuckolding again.
We’re talking to the guy this weekend and we’re going to go for a scan soon. What the fuck do I do?
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My girlfriend and I our in our late twenties, we’ve been together over 10 years and opened our relationship up 5 years ago. This is our exact experience with cuckolding and it has what we do to keep ourselves safe, what my girlfriend and I love and the things we…
This is everything you need to become a cuckold. In this training guide you’ll find out: - What type of cuckold you are? - How to simulate cuckolding with sex toys. - The road to becoming a full cuck (without emotional issues). - How to find a respectful bull who…
So, you want to share your wife, but have no idea how to talk about this fantasy, let alone how to get your wife who’s probably quite shy about sex to openly agree that she will have sex with another man, possibly while you watch or even join in. I…
Despite loving cuckolding we wanted to be as real as possible when it came to cuckolding, letting you in on all of the truths and the consequences. You have to be prepared and sure this is the right lifestyle for you.
Any update on this? Did she keep it?
Keep the baby this experience is great and you are both happy.
You may find that taking care of another man’s baby is as hot as her having sex with him. Humiliation is humiliation.
I don’t know what to tell you. Pregnancy in cuckolding is a chance you take in this lifestyle. What ever you do is for the both of you. I don’t know if you should include the bull in the final out come.
My wife got pregnant doing this I know it sucks at first but you get used to it!
I think its hot, but I am a TS transgirl, so am feminine. I would see the baby as my baby too, probably even more ‘cuz I can get pregnant. But, you do kinda have to be careful, or at least prepared if you enter this lifestyle. Women will definitely change, and once she knows her power, she will never be the same again. But, if you are a strong, loving man, you will embrace this change you see in her. The funny thing I have noticed about cuckolding and this fantasy of pregnancy is that this has been going on forever, women have been cheating and fucking other men forever and getting pregnant by other men, and their hubby never finds out, many times it is a secret the woman keeps and he never knows, but now it has become a fantasy of men. Very interesting. I think it is very exciting to think of my gf fucking a man and getting pregnant by and because I live as a woman, I would stand by her and be faithful to her, and we could raise the baby as two mothers. Its a bold new world
It happened to us too. We are now with his fourth child.
First, I’m sorry to hear that you are both in crisis. My wife and I initially felt the way you described. But we turned to each other and talked it through. Somewhere along the way we realized a few things; it would be no big deal if she had a kid from a previous marriage. it would have been no big deal if we adopted a kid. it would have been no big deal if we spent thousands on a sperm donor if I couldn’t have kids. In each of those situations, you both could build a life, a family and love your kids as if they were yours.
The only thing freaking you both out is the cuckold thing. Accept that you both enjoyed playing with other men. Accept that your both sexual people. And accept that having a kid from a cuckold relationship is no different that any of the situations I described above.
My opinion, don’t tell her lover about the kid. She needs to break it off with the baby’s father and both of you need to be the family you want to be. And there is no reason to stop enjoying your lifestyle. You’re lives are what you make it. You can have a plain vanilla family life with your kid. And you can still enjoy a cuckold life in private with your wife. Best of luck to you both and congratulations on your pregnancy.
i hope She kept the baby and he should do everything to take care of it and encourage her to make more with her lovers.
My girlfriend and i are on our 4 th going for 10. She loves making black babies and I support her and them 100%.
what happened to your situation?
We are pregnant with our Bull’s second baby. Thats the whole point of this relationship. Its the duty of a cuck to raise the Bull’s baby once you are in a cuckold relationship.
I truly hope your situation got better for you. As for me I once was completely on board having my wife having sex with another man in hopes to get her pregnant after exhausting all other medical means. The issue was never her having sex with another man to conceive. The issue was the type of women my wife was at the time. I had a previous great relationship and sex life with a girlfriend during my high school/college time. So I had experience in MMF, FFM etc. I understood what it took. Well for her the “idea” of her “cheating” on me was all she could see at the time. I wanted it to be something we did together. Example being we have a “wild weekend” during her fertile time and allow another guy to cum in her as many times as possible. I knew exactly what I was excepting. But unfortunately I could tell it wasn’t something my wife could not deal with afterwards. It’s not for everyone and you must know that. So it’s something that never happened. I am truly sorry people end up in bad situations after doing these things. But!!! For anyone considering this you both must know you can handle this and it’s not okay to become angry with each other if afterwards you are struggling. You made this choice.
She got pregnant, because she stopped taking the pill.she wanted to get pregnant by her bull, if he wasn’t ,he is now . You my friend have look after and bring up the child . . I hope the bull is black and you are white , so it obvious it’s not yours or it’s a very slim chance. Now let’s see how much you love your girlfriend.
100% gift from the bull. Raise that child like your own!
Keep em comin!
I certainly hope this couple not only have the baby, but the cuckold is a sincere and loving Father. We men are always in relationships raising another man’s child. It’s like we’re naturally inclined to being cucks and I see nothing wrong with it. Even when the baby is obviously not yours, he or she still needs a Father.
My wife has a son from one of her MANY previous relationships and I’m proud to raise him. Much the same, if she ever went beyond the “teasing” stage of cuckolding me and got pregnant, I’d proudly raise the child, mine or not.
Thank-you for sharing your story …your adventures and interests defiantly aline with ours in the lifestyle and is something we play around with quite a bit
It has been something we have discussed the outcomes and possibilities in length about what if it actually happened and it wasn’t all just fantasy … when you play with fire you will probably get burnt but if your prepared for the possibilities then your relationship is safe when things go wrong
We have never been as close as we have been in this lifestyle and there is nothing taboo or untouchable anymore to us we talk about everything and anything we have never felt so liberated … its a shame you hadn’t discussed the real outcomes of such play before it happened and hopefully you can both work things out as it sounded like you had found someone truly special to share this all with and that would be a massive loss partners so trusting to live out this lifestyle with are so few and far between !
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Cuckold story......Wife Gets Pregnant

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Start date

Dec 14, 2017

Wife Gets Pregnant
by esknr
I began to realize my cuckold desires many years ago during the time I was married to my first wife. I will fill you in briefly on the chain of events that took place over the years of the marriage that made me realize my cuckold desires.

I was in the navy and getting ready to go overseas on an extended cruise when I ran into an old friend, Larry. I had not seen Larry since shortly after my ******* was born three years prior. Accordingly, we had some catching up to do. We were at a bar having a beer and he started asking me about the wife, Ann and the family.

As we were talking, the beers kept coming, the talk got looser; he asked me if Ann or I had heard anything from Jack and his wife since he got transferred to the East Coast three and a half years ago.

I said that I hadn't and didn't think Ann had either. Well, this is where he dropped the big bomb on me. He told me that he and his wife had been corresponding with Jack and his wife after they moved to the East Coast. During this correspondence, he informed Jack that my wife had given birth to a fine looking boy.

This took place about 6 months after Jack had been transferred. Well, at this point, Larry told me. “Maybe I shouldn't be telling you this and maybe we should just forget it.”

I told him. No way! You started it, now finish it.

At this point he made me promise not to shoot the messenger. I laughed and asked. “For what possible reason would I ever want to do that?"

Still, with reluctance, he told me that the next correspondence he received from Jack, after he had informed him of my *******'s birth, was a special delivery containing a Cuban cigar, with a hand written request to congratulate the real ******* of my *******.

Well, at first, I thought about the probability of a major misunderstanding. Then the anger followed. Needless to say that put an end of the beer-drinking day for us.

Now, I was preparing to go overseas for seven months and had already taken my wife back east to live with her folks while I was on this seven month cruise in the Pacific. Therefore, I could not confront her. I could not look at my three year-old ******* to see if he looked more like Jack or me.

I did know, however he had red hair; Ann and I both have very dark brown hair. Yes, you guessed it; Jack had red hair. I did not choose to discuss any part of this with Ann either by phone, letter, or any other means of correspondence. I decided that I would have to just bite the bullet had keep it to myself until we were together again.

I would lay awake at night thinking about how this could have happened without me becoming suspicious. After thinking it over, I came to the conclusion that it was quite obvious and I was very naive.

A few months prior to Jack getting transferred, his wife was having some medical problems and had doctor’s appointments almost every week. During the week, while I was at work, Jack would pick my wife up in the morning, prior to his going to work, and take her to his house to baby-sit during the day of his wife's doctor's appointments. He would then bring her back to our house in the evening prior to my arriving home. I knew that he got off work and could have my wife home almost two hours prior to my arrival time.

However, once I got home and noted his car out front. The front door to my house was locked. Using my key, I went in to find Jack coming out of the bathroom or he could have been coming out of the bedroom. As I think back, both he and my wife looked like the cat caught eating the canary.

During this same time frame, when we would all be together, just us two couples, at social functions, it appeared that Jack always paid special attention to Ann. This again was not really noticed or dwelt upon at the time, but I thought about it a lot after Larry had told me about the cigar bit.

As time went on, and the cruise started, I would be out to sea over long periods of time. I would lay in bed at night thinking about Jack fucking my wife. I would also think about Ann being back there in an area where she grew up and maybe running into an old flames and friends.

Over a period of time, I began to realize that the thought of her getting knocked up by Jack was turning me on. I started to think about these types of things on a regular basis and getting a raging hard on in the process.

It didn't take me long to start relieving myself by whacking off thinking of Ann being fucked by Jack or, even more daring, getting fucked by someone at that very time. It got to the point that I almost became obsessed with the thought of her fucking others. I even fantasized about her getting knocked up by someone else while I was over seas and meeting the ship with a swollen tummy. Which would have been very embarrassing and humiliating.

Ann did meet me along with our *******, when the ship pulled in. I got orders to shore duty and we bought a new house. Nine months later Ann gave birth to a beautiful dark haired baby girl. During that tour of shore duty we had a fairly normal life. I was probably better in bed than I had ever been because I was always horny thinking about Ann fucking Jack or some other man or men.

That always seemed to be my fantasy during our lovemaking, which was often. I never did get up the nerve to confront her about the possibility of Jack being the ******* of our first-born. When my tour of shore duty was up, I was transferred overseas. Ann and I became quite active with the other military people and their families.

Due to the fact that the bars closed very early there, it was a very common thing for the married men to have parties at their houses. It was also very common for the single men to visit their married friends with their girlfriend and a bottle. Commonly known as B&B.

One night we were at a party at a local pub with several other couples and single men, some with girlfriends and some not. When it was announced that the pub was closing, one of the sailors hollowed out "Party at Al and Ann's." Well, after an announcement like that, there isn't any backing down now.

We had to rush home and prepare the house for what was soon to come. This was not our first party, but the first one that we were totally unprepared for. The party went well and was enjoyed by all. As I recall, it broke up about the time that the sun started shinning in the back door. Which was not out of the norm.

As time went on, our house started being the favorite "party after the party" spot. It got to the point that we would have company three, four, or more times a week. It was not unusual to have a couple or three of the single sailors knocking on my door around 10:00 p.m. in the evening. Some
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