Cuckold Losing Wife

Cuckold Losing Wife


I held the mobile phone in my sweaty hand, the name Chris showed on the screen. My thumb rested on the green call button ready to press it. I looked from the phone to my wife sitting next to me, my heart beating so load I was sure she could hear it. Her blue eyes locked on mine, it was hard to tell what they were saying. All I knew was that if I pressed the call button my life would change for ever, and any self-respect I had would be gone for good. I had a choice, be a man, stand up to my wife and this new man in her life, or surrender to the fact I was losing her to him, but desperately try to keep myself in her life, and maybe live out the fantasy I had always had. To be a cuckold….
It had all started a mere two weeks ago. My wife Julie had sat down on our sofa, her face serious, and to be honest a little sad. For some reamister I was expecting the worst. We had been married and happy for seventeen years, we were good together, except for sex. Julie has always been very good looking, and blessed with a beautiful body. I knew I was very lucky to have such a sexy wife, and men would always love chatting her up, but she would have none of it. She was with me and that was that. She made it quite clear she was not interested in anyone else. I on the other hand loved it when she was chatted up. Loved the thought of another man having her. Making her cum. Slowly I began to share these thoughts with her. She didn`t understand them, but played along during sex talking about random people she would relax with if given the chance.
I knew she didn`t really like doing it, all she wanted was real sex with me, not seeing me as a wimp who would not stand up for his wife. Inevitably though, even though it was only talk and fantasy, she was slowly losing all respect for me, and no longer seeing me as real man, but as the permister I turned into during sex, apologising for having a small cock, telling her she deserved a real man, it wasn’t her fault I could not satisfy her. As time went on, she became put of sex with me altogether. I did nothing for her. This only fuelled my fantasy, I was not man enough to satisfy my wife, which it turn turned her off me even more!
In the end our sex life was me giving her a back massage, in return I would play with myself as she made up some encounter with men from work, or that she was going out for a girl night out whilst I stayed at home like a good boy. She really knew what buttons to press to get me shooting my load. But every time, I knew I was losing a little bit more of her respect for me.
I thought this would be how our life would go on, until the evening two weeks ago when she sat on the settee. She told me she was growing attached to someone at work, that even though they had not slept together yet she knew she wanted to be with him. She didn`t want to cheat on me, so thought it only fair to tell me she wanted a divorce. That she had no respect for me anymore, that she could not see me as a real man. I was devastated and begged her to change her mind. This was real, and I didn`t really want to lose my wife to another man.
We talked for the next couple of days and I could tell that even though she didn`t think of me as a man for her, a sex partner, she still had feelings for me, and it hurt her to see me so upset. I kept on begging her to change her mind. To stay with me. I would change. Stop my stupid fantasies. I thought I was getting somewhere, but every time she saw him at work she knew she wanted him more. To be treated like a woman by a strong man. On the third evening she came home and told me she wanted to be with him, that they were going out together for a take, and then booking themselves into a travel lodge.
All night I lay awake, crying, my cock as limp as it could be. Reality sucked. I was losing my wife and it was nothing like I thought it would be.
The next day we talked. She said that sex with him had been unbelievable. She never knew how unhappy she had been with me. I was desperate to keep her in my life, and so blurted out if its sex she wanted with him then just see him for sex, but stay with me. She told it was more than just sex; she had feelings for him too. I was desperate, I told her to see him when she wanted. Date him; relax with him, but not to leave me. Not yet anyway. Deep down I knew I would lose her to him in the end, but I wanted her in my life as long as possible.
Over the next few days she carried on seeing him, we never talked about what had been said, and I thought that she would be walking out soon. I played the part of the wimp husband to the letter. Never trying to stop her seeing him, and waiting at home for her to get back in the morning. It was like my fantasy, but without any of the excitement.
That all changed this night when she sat with me and told me she had discussed things with Chris, that they didn`t want to rush into anything, but he was afraid that I would beat him up, or worse for trying to take his wife, in fact he wanted to call the whole thing off. He didn`t want to break up our marrage. That`s when my wife had told him about me. About my fantasies. They I had told her she could see him, date him, fuck him, and just not leave me yet. He didn’t believe her. No man would do that he had laughed, thinking she was making it all up. That is when she came up with the idea of telling him I would call him and ask him to come over and pick up my wife and take her out for the night.
So now, here I was holding her phone, ready to call him and give him my blessing to begin taking my wife from me. I knew that once I pressed that button my life would be filled with real permanent offense. For some reamister that thought made my cock stir…..
wow this sounds like it going to get hot
Thank you for your feed back. Here is another part.....
I pressed the call button and looked down at the dialling symbol on the screen and for a second wanted to press the cancel button, but instead lifted the phone to my ear, listening to its calling tone. I looked at my wife’s face, unable to distinguish the look it held, contempt, disgust, disbelief, sorrow? Or maybe all of them.
I flinched when the ringing tone stopped and a deep voice answered. “Hello?”
He would know it was Julie’s phone calling him, from the caller id, but would he really be expecting it to be me on the other end? Julie had told him that she would get me to ring him to ask him to take her out, to give their affair my blessing. To show I was no threat to him. But I doubted that he really thought I would do it? I mean, what man would?
“Hello, Chris,” my voice croaked, my throat and dry as sand. “It`s Paul speaking, Julies husband.”
There was a moment pause; I guess he was judging the situation. “Yes?” he finally said.
“Julie has asked me to phone you to see if you are free to come over this evening to take her out, please.” I don`t know why I said please, but I felt the sudden need to humiliate myself more. My eyes locked on Julies, and I could tell what she was thinking, all those sick pathetic fantasies you had, they were the real you. I have made the right choice getting a real man, and any doubt has instantly gone.
“Well I am free tonight,” his voice stammered a little. I don`t think he could really believe the situation. After all, he was a normal man, and a normal man would not be ok with asking another man to take his wife out on a date. “What time are you thinking?”
“What time would you like him to pick you up?” I asked Julie. Her sexy lips parted into a victorious smile. I was broken, and she had got what she wanted, her new man with my blessing. I was not going to be a thorn in her side. Not going to cause her any trouble. Confront her lover, hit him, make their affair a problem, and scare him off. I think she was finally glad I was as pathetic as I had always fantasied myself to be with her.
“9, 00,” she told me. “Tell him you are going to book us a room at the local Travel Lodge for later tonight.”
I felt my face flush as I repeated what she had told me.
“Ok,” was his simple reply before hanging up.
“Well I had better get a move on so I am ready for when he gets here to pick me up,” Julie said standing up. I am going to run a hot bath; would you bring me up a glass of wine please? Then book that travel Lodge?”
“Yes,” I croaked as I watched her sexy body leave the room. A body I had let another man take from under my nose, a body I had actually asked him to take from under my nose. With a sigh I knew why. I was not a real man, and she needed a real man in her life. With that thought my cock began to grow hard. I looked down at it pushing at my jeans. You really are pathetic, I told myself, and with that it grew even harder…..
you have got all us little boys rock hard.
wow really great your shareing please tell us more
Thought I would piggy back onto this post, because as I read, I thought - Damn, this is me...Though the names and conditions are somewhat different, I started my fantasies with my wife some years ago...In the beginning, she would play along, and I think even got a little turned on by it, but over time, it began to bother her, and she told me so...But I could not stop...The constant reaffirmation that she needed bigger better dick eventually stripped her of all respect for me. She finally cheated...When I found out, I was obviously devastated, but underestimated the damage I had done to our marriage. We agreed to seek counseling and try and make things work for our family as we have small kids and the family unit is important to us both.

As fate would have it, our sex life was basically ruined. The fact that I knew she fucked someone else just contributed to my fantasy, even though I kept it to myself...This knowledge of the things she had done with him basically made me become a premature ejaculator - never been a problem in my life until the realization of what had happened set in. I could barely last three pumps before shooting my load. This, did not help things...My wife truly did need more sexually than I could give, so she started things back up with her lover - secretly of course.

I knew it was happening as her demeanor changed, she was happy, she glowed. She had her secret and I had mine. There was ample time for her to carry out her affair, and I knew that he was a great lover as she had told me as much, so I bided my time, waiting for confirmation.

A few months ago she came clean. She acknowledged that she could not stay away from him, and that sexually I had proven to be unworthy of her. She said that she did not want to end our marriage as she did care for and loved me, but not sexually, and that she wanted us to stay together, and that I could get a lover too if I needed one, but I would not have access to her physically.

I was devastated again, but not in the way I was the first time. I decided to that I should still keep my fantasies to myself as they were basically repulsive to her and work on being a good little husband. I would take on all duties and give her back rubs and the like on demand (which she already got and loved so much that I don't know that she could really ever give them up).

For this exchange, this is how things are currently...She basically keeps their rendezvous to herself and carry's on as an otherwise great lady and wife. She is actually happier now than ever it seems...I told her early that she is the only woman on the planet that turns me on and this is still true...As I am not able to have her hot pussy any longer, and minus for the hand jobs she would give me early after this discovery, I am left with masterbation...Now, she knows that she turns me on, so she will give me little tokens from time to time...Sometimes, after giving her a great message, she will pull her panties off and tell me that I can take them to the bathroom and pleasure myself....This is as good as it gets for me now, and I absolutely love it...Sometimes I'm convinced there is some leftover cream in those panties. I've been reduced to sucking my wifes panties and I love it.
Glass of wine in hand I found myself knocking on the bathroom door, I felt like It is was inappropriate for me to just walk in anymore, even though Julie was still my wife, in our own home. She looked up from shaving her legs, her firm breasts pocking out of the bubbles like two islands. He lips parted into a present smile, could have been my imagination, but it could have been a socking smile too.
“Thank you,” she purred. “Have you booked the Travel Lodge yet?”
“Yes,” I said, thinking back to the telephone call I had just made. My cock had been as hard as rock as I had spoken to the female receptionist. I decided to book the room under Chris`s surname, the thought seemed to add to my offense. After I had hung up I grabbed my cock and slowly began to wank it, not too much, I didn`t want to make myself cum. If I did I don`t think I could handle her going off out with him.
Even though I was so incredibly turned on, I began to think of the true implications of the whole situation. My wife wanted to be with another man. Instead of stopping her, I was assisting. Eventually she would leave me that I was sure off. There was no way Chris would put up with her living with me once their relationship took off. Once it became apparent what a total pathetic wimp I was who craved offense he would destroy me. What man wouldn`t?
This I could accept in my own twisted way. I was getting some sick perverse joy out of a bad situation. I was losing my wife, but it excited me. However, this was still a kind of fantasy situation between my wife, Chris, and me. Unfortunately I doubted it could stay that way. What about when her sister found out we were going to separate? She had always had a soft spot for me, even a bit flirty towards me. She would be angry and Julie for leaving me for another man. Surly to defend herself Julie would tell her about me. How I had blessed her affair. Humiliated myself. What would her sister think of me then?
These thoughts were still going through my mind as I looked at Julie in the bath. She locked eyes with me and snapped. “Stop staring, I don`t think it`s appropriate for you to be in here seeing me like this. Go down stairs and tidy the front room in case Chris comes in when he gets here.” Her blue eyes moved down to my erection, pointing towards her pretty face, which screwed up into a look of disgust. “Pathetic,” she stated.
I quickly left, my face glowing with shame as I began to tidy the front room. To be honest it was quite tidy anyway, but somehow dusting with a throbbing erection for another man’s benefit was terribly exciting, even though I really hoped that he wouldn’t step foot in our house…….
Agreed with the brain, more please!
Wow! This is hot. I can't wait for the next listing.
Thank you for all your nice comments. Sorry its slow, but hard to find time to write!!

The living room was spotless. Never had I got such a thrill from doing house work before. I was very aroused, and could feel my heart beating with excitement. At that moment in time I loved the idea of being humiliated, demeaning myself. I was as Horney as Hell. Make the most of it I told myself, because when you have cum, you will be lost in self-loathing at the pathetic excuse of a man you are. Back will come flooding the realisation that you are losing your wife. That she will never look at you the same again. When she tells her sister about you, what about the rest of her family? Would be able to face them again once they knew? I rubbed my cock excitedly. At that moment that thought was so exciting. So humiliating. Her sister laughing at me. I wanted to cum there and then! Don`t, I told myself, this will turn out to be the worst night of your life. Keep yourself on the edge. Weak, humble, excited.
I heard Julie coming down stairs; I could smell her perfume even before she strolled into the lounge, mobile phone clutched to her ear. She took my breath away. She looked stunning. Dressed in black stilettos, short tight fitting black dress, low cut, and her ample firm breasts squeezing dangerously out of the top. She looked so hot. Her makeup and hair done to perfection. My wife, looking as sexy as could be, for another man. A man who was taking her from me. What once had been all mine I was slowly losing to another man. He was going to take my wife for himself and rub my nose in it, and all I could do was grow harder in my jeans. I felt so jealous, picturing them out together, takeing, clubbing, and then her in his arms, naked, wet, Horney for his cock. To be taken like a woman should by a real man. Like I had not been able to do for so long because of my sick fantasies. I had brought this all on myself.
“No, no,” she laughed into the phone. “don`t wait in the taxi when it gets here. Come to the door. I want him to answer it to you!” She shot me a mocking glance, and then turned away, listening to him saying something. “No, it will be ok. I have told you, he will put up no resistance. “
I felt myself redden as I listened to them discussing me.
“I know baby, it’s hard for you to comprehend a husband accepting the fact that another man is taking his wife from him without putting up a fight. That`s because you are a real man, Chris. He is not.” She turned and looked at me again. “Look, he is standing right here with me now, I will ask him. You will open the door to Chris when he get here won`t you?” She raised an eyebrow at me.
“Yes,” I mumred.
“Pardon?” she said.
“Yes I will,” I said more clearly.
“See, I told you,” she said looking down at my groin. “Guess what, he has a hard on.” She laughed at his reply. “I know, it is unbelievable. How long till you get her? That close? Great. Can`t wait. See you soon sexy hunk.” She blew him a kiss and hung up.
A few minutes later I heard a car pull up on the front, its engine still running. My heart skipped a beat when I realised it must be the taxi. Then the doorbell rang.
“Go and answer it then,” Julie told me, checking her lipstick in her makeup mirror.
“I don`t know if I can,” I croaked, suddenly I realised that I was going to humiliate, show my true weakness, to this man. This man who wanted my wife for himself.
She shot me a look. It said, this is what you have always fantasised about. This is what you made me talk about in bed. This is why I don`t see you as a man anymore. As a sexual permister. This is why you don`t turn me on. This is why I have no respect for you. Now live up to your sick perversion.
“Answer the door to him,” her voice was firm, commanding. The voice she knew I liked in our sex fantasies, where she would take charge.
I slowly eased myself off the settee and began to walk to the front door. My legs felt like lead. I felt like I was watching myself in a movie as I opened the front door to him. This was not real was it? Was I really allowing another man in on our secret? That I was I pathetic pervert who got turned on by another man fucking hi
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