Crystal meth

Crystal meth

Crystal meth

Crystal meth

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Though it contains no lemons, lemon juice, or anything remotely natural, it is still a popular beverage. Crystal Meth is primarily manufactured in rural areas and consumed as part of their traditional harvest ceremonies, a quaint time of celebration wherein entire families stay up for three days straight, husking and cleaning each individual kernel of wheat. The Navajo have recently introduced Crystal Meth into their pre-game ritual, in which they drink up to get 'pumped' for the game. Even blue rock candy from a local candy shop. He then took a local residual sludge , and put it through an exclusive purification process involving the human kidney and copious micturation. The harvest of his families kidney stones were then sold on the black market. This is the miracle creation of methamphetamine. Meth is an excellent household cleaner and can also be used as dental hygiene product since you will have fewer teeth to brush, you can spend more time on each one individually. It can typically be used in the same way household ammonia is today. Crystal is also used as a topping in many pizzas, spaghetti, and pastas, occasionally filling in for mozzarella cheese, pepper and salt. It is generally recommended to keep your Crystal Meth for a group meal, it is one of the best toppings on the market today. Definitely a great addiction addition to your everyday meals. Seeing as how the Powerpuff Girls are made out of those components, it only makes sense to give Crystal Meth to your children, wife, cat, and even your fish, via pipe, of course. All young people will progress from childhood to adulthood and, in the absence of acute death, will inevitably obtain housing and meaningful employment. As described here, Crystal meth, provides one sure pathway to housing and employment. While currently undervalued as a career path, it appears to be gaining momentum. In the near future, meth-heads may be as assured of this career track as pre-med students are assured of theirs. Speed has recently been discovered as the cure for cancer, after being tested on 5 lower-class people who had terminal heart cancer, it resulted in them fully recovering from their illness in just two days after consuming the methamphetamine. Wild sweaty orgies are completely uncommon when you are on Meth. There is absolutely no reason to mention wild sweaty orgies at this time. Methamphetamine has been known to cause unsightly explosions. Side effects may also include, but are not limited to; chronic masturbation, scaly dick, strange sexual desires, cross dressing, stalking, breaking and entering, violent outbursts, public nudity, private nudity, public masturbation, private masturbation, and masturbation. From Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia. Why is there no hole in this wall? Retrieved from ' http: Meth Addiction Likely to give you a seizure Drugs. Views Article Discussion Edit History.

Crystal meth

Crystal Meth: Facts, effects, and addiction

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As if methamphetamine were not bad enough - someone had to come up with a way to make it stronger, harsher, more addictive and more damaging. When you further purify methamphetamine and allow it to crystallize, you get chunks of ice-like material. In that form, it can be smoked, while Methamphetamine normally cannot be as it is too irritating and damaging to the lungs. Crystal meth can also be dissolved in water and injected. The result is a fast, intense high that can last 12 hours or more, compared to the hour or so high from cocaine. The initial rush is usually followed by hours of euphoria, increased activity and talkativeness. The heart beats faster, body temperature may be raised. The user normally has little or no appetite and does not feel fatigue. Users may continue to abuse this drug for days, not eating or sleeping. These binges are often followed by a crash, meaning the user collapses and sleeps for days. When users wake up, they are normally so depleted that they are depressed and irrational. Chronic users often begin to evidence aggressive, paranoid and violent behavior. They may be confused and even psychotic and suffer from insomnia. Mental symptoms may last for years after a person has stopped using the drug. Chronic use can damage the heart and blood vessels, increasing the risk of stroke and heart attack. Injecting crystal meth users run a risk of collapsed veins, abcesses, pneumonia or blood-borne diseases. In large cities, crystal meth is frequently used in gay communities, where it increases the risk of hepatitis and HIV due to risky sexual contact while high on the drug. If you hear someone talking about: Crystal meth crosses the placenta meaning that the baby is exposed to meth along with the mother. Babies exposed to meth often suffer from restricted growth, meaning they may be born underweight and with some developmental deficiencies. The drug can also cause damage to the placenta, causing it to rupture. This causes bleeding, endangering both mother and baby, and may necessitate premature delivery of the baby. Babies chronically exposed to crystal meth during development can be born addicted to the drug. Their withdrawal symptoms include tremors, sleeplessness and painful muscle spasms. As the baby grows, he or she may suffer problems learning and thinking clearly. In the United States, crystal meth was originally brought into the country from Asia, so it first wreaked havoc in Hawaii and along the West Coast. As domestic drug dealers learned to make crystal meth, the damage traveled east. Rural areas in Central California, Missouri and Arkansas, among other states, were very hard hit. In the US, only the Northeast and Northern Midwest states still have a low incidence of crystal meth problems. Unfortunately, the problems have been growing again the last few years. In , arrest records showed that 43 percent of federal convictions in the state involve crystal meth. In one short time period in , the police in Hawaii were forced to shoot and kill three violent criminals who were high on methamphetamine. Small domestic labs supplied most of the US addictions until , when states began to restrict the sale of pseudoephedrine-containing cold medications. This Megalab had a weekly production capacity of 1, pounds per week. As China and India have large chemical industries, it is easier for unscrupulous drug traffickers to set up manufacturing facilities in Southeast Asia and then ship the product to international markets. Other huge labs were found in and in Malaysia, Fiji and Indonesia. In Australia in , a Malaysian man was arrested with pounds of crystal meth in two suitcases in his home. In Europe, the Czech Republic is the prime supplier of methamphetamine and crystal meth to Europe. While most European countries had perhaps five or ten meth labs seized, the Czech Republic was home to more than meth labs that were seized and destroyed. It is estimated that out of every 20 doses of crystal meth used in Europe, 19 come from the Czech Republic. There are no restrictions on buying pseudoephedrine-containing cold medications in Poland, so that is where Czech meth manufacturers go for their supplies. If you know someone who is using crystal meth, contact a Narconon drug rehabilitation counselor right away and get them some help. Home About Narconon Narconon: Global Mission 50 Years: Drug Information Meth Meth History. Learn more about the Narconon Drug Rehabilitation program. Narconon and the Narconon logo are trademarks and service marks owned by the Association for Better Living and Education International and are used with its permission. Your browser Internet Explorer 6 Internet Explorer 7 is out of date. It has known security flaws and may not display all features of this and other websites.

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