Crystal meth

Crystal meth

Crystal meth

Crystal meth

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For full functionality, it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Here are instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Log in with your Medical News Today account to create or edit your custom homepage, catch-up on your opinions notifications and set your newsletter preferences. Sign up for a free Medical News Today account to customize your medical and health news experiences. Known informally as meth, ice or blue ice, or glass, it resembles shiny blue-white 'rocks' or fragments of glass of varying sizes. It is known more formally as crystal methamphetamine. The drug is an odorless, blue, or colorless form of d-methamphetamine, a synthetic psychostimulant. It is made in illegal labs in the United States U. The Drug Policy Alliance maintains that 11 million Americans, on at least one occasion, have tried methamphetamine. Crystal meth is popular among young adults at dance clubs and parties. It is taken for its euphoric effects. Some people take it because it can lead to rapid weight loss, although most of the lost weight tends to return when a person stops using the drug. The body also gradually becomes tolerant to crystal meth, reducing the weight-loss effect over time. Some people prefer crystal meth to other illicit drugs because the sense of euphoria it gives can last for up to 12 hours. This is a much longer duration than cocaine, a drug with similar effects. People with depression may choose to take crystal meth for its mood-enhancing properties. Others may be attracted by the increased libido and sexual pleasure often associated with this drug. Crystal meth is most commonly smoked in glass pipes, but it can also be snorted, injected, swallowed, or inserted into the anus or the urethra. Crystal meth boosts the release and stops the reuptake of a neurotransmitter, or brain chemical, called dopamine. In this way, it increases the levels of dopamine in the body. Dopamine plays an important role in motor function, motivation, reward, and how the brain experiences and interprets pleasure. The dopamine 'rush' in the reward centers of the brain gives the user a sense of euphoria soon after taking the drug. Taking crystal meth causes dopamine to build up in the brain. This is a common feature of many abused drug. Abusing crystal meth can lead to considerable changes in brain function. Crystal meth can also severely affect the structure and function of brain areas linked to emotion and memory. This may explain why chronic users of crystal meth often develop emotional and cognitive difficulties. Some brain changes that occur remain long after the user has stopped taking the drug. Some may reverse after long periods of abstinence, but this could take a year or more. When taken regularly or in high doses, crystal meth can cause a condition known as methamphetamine psychosis. Chronic use or overdose can lead to convulsions, stroke , heart attack , and death. Regular users of crystal meth have a significant risk of losing their teeth through severe decay. This is known as meth mouth. One reason is that methamphetamine contains acid ingredients that are bad for the teeth. Illicit products may include drain cleaner, battery acid, and hydrochloric acid. Crystal meth produces feelings of euphoria for up to 12 hours, and users crave its powerful effect again and again. Symptoms can last for days or weeks, depending on how long the addiction has lasted. Drug rehabilitation programs can help people through the withdrawal process and guide them toward a drug-free life once withdrawal symptoms have gone. There is currently no government-approved drug that can help a person recover from crystal meth addiction. Treatment may involve cognitive behavioral therapy CBT , exercise, and nutritional guidance and incentives, such as vouchers, in exchange for remaining drug-free. For anyone concerned about a loved one who may have an addiction, NIDA provides information and guidance about what to do. Article last updated by Yvette Brazier on Fri 7 July All references are available in the References tab. Crystal meth addiction and recovery facts. Have a drug problem: What is meth mouth? Facts, effects, and addiction. Methamphetamines made me experience: Methamphetamines is bad for the brain and the body. My bench press max went from to in a couple months of use. The bads far out weigh the goods. I abused Meth for 11 years; 5 of which I took it intraveniously. I thought that I was different, because unlike my friends, I actually held down a job, and paid my bills. Of course, I was in the bathroom at my job times per day shooting up. Life is going well now, but it took many years after quitting meth before I ever began to feel normal. Notice that I said 'years', not days, or even weeks, but years!!! The withdrawls, stress, agitation, and distorted thinking that I had developed through the lifestyle did not leave me on its own free will. If you are reading this, and want to quit using, I would encourage you to do so. Life is truly beautiful, even after addiction. There is this meth out there that is pure and uncut, that many would probably never experience, it stands out from all the other versions of it. In general it is assumed that meth is addictive, that you should respect its capabilities and respect yourself when using it. There are so many drug aware websites out there giving it a bad name, probably a good thing i guess but they use this 'faces of meth' scare tactic to achieve this. Although meth suppresses your appetite I am a believer that you should overcome this and eat food anyway, when high Meth never brings out the best in anybody really, even if people eat and drink fluids right they still run the inevitable consequence of To summarize, taking care of yourself when high you will be rewarded with come downs that are less unbearable, and less moments when you just feel like shit, you can even take the whole concept further with sports drinks and specific vitamin supplements. Meth is just a molecule, Meth can be therapeutic, meth can let you experience the world in its most brilliant form. The pictures do not lie. It will kill you or get you arrested, do not fool yourself or anyone else who may read this that it is possible to be a 'healthy' crystal meth addict. You have a disease that is telling you to keep taking the drug So let me get this straight Your promoting this ish? My first thought while reading your post was this sicko must be a drug dealer! If your not a dealer your an abuser who is feeding yourself these rediculous ignorant lies. Go to Betty Ford or something For every person you peak their curiosity by reading your post your going to have to answer to God for. Luckily for me either through gods intervention or whatever is was i did not use it heavily back then or for a long span of time. Like i said may gods intervention in play here? Anyway back then all we had was pure white powder form or a brownish paste like substance known as 'booters meth' which was very strong even in small doses! Years have went by almost 30 now and i had not touched meth or really had any desire but i did have a small curiosity of 'i wonder what it is like these days to use meth? I had been feeling very down, very fatigued and just not right for several months and i did check into what might be going on like diet,overall health,etc,etc but after all these doctors tests came back with no direct or definite answer to this problem i really started to get desperate wanting to feel alive again, to have energy,to be into the things i had always loved like playing the guitar,or even going online to research things about depression and what can cause it. Bottom line here is very recently i bought some 'crystal' meth ou to s sheer desperation because NOTHING else was working to get me out of this rut i had been in for several months. I am just using it for the really bad days where i cant bear the way i feel naturally without anything and i am using very small doses,much smaller than many use for recreational use or to 'party' with,and again saying this i am NOT tryin to make it sound right just am stating that i do not go over a certain amount at any one time, for me the dose is no bigger than a match head and that is all i use for the entire day. If i feel decent the next day i skip a day and dont use a dose. If there was 'crystal' back then i never saw or heard about it. But it seems really strong even at real small doses. I dont remember meth maiking my stomach upset back then, so this crystal version is probably much purer? I will answer what you are probably asking, what the hell are you going to do when this temp solution goes on for almost a month or so? Well to answer that it will not be the continuance of using meth,i did this for a fast,easy fix temporarilly not long term, i knew this goin in! I just hope it works out overall and does not make things even worse like many a horror story i have read about the most innocent reasons and ways others try and use meth. I was surprised to hear that meth is prescribed to some, i never knew that but i would really doubt my doc would OK the script for it anyway! He wouldnt prescribe any of the things i thought may be a little safer than meth for the things i spoke of here. Hope no one else out there ever has to experience this! God bless anyone that reads this and at least understands why i did it. Yes you can but its not likely, that you will can you gain control in consumption and stay that way when you consider yourself an addict? Are we self sufficient? To Kaeha, Run away as fast as you can. Your life is only going to be hell if you stay with a meth addict. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. Privacy Terms Ad policy Careers. This page was printed from: Get the most out of Medical News Today. Subscribe to our Newsletter to recieve: Professionally-verified articles Daily or weekly updates Content custom-tailored to your needs Create an account. More Sign up for our newsletter Discover in-depth, condition specific articles written by our in-house team. Sign in Log in with your Medical News Today account to create or edit your custom homepage, catch-up on your opinions notifications and set your newsletter preferences. Register for a free account Sign up for a free Medical News Today account to customize your medical and health news experiences. Register take the tour. Reviewed by Timothy J. Crystal meth is taken in many ways, and it is popular for its euphoric effect. Its street names come from its crystalline or glass-like appearance. Contents of this article: Why do people use crystal meth? Effects on the brain Effects on the body Addiction and withdrawal symptoms Treatment and rehabilitation. Fast facts on crystal meth Here are some key points about crystal meth. More detail is in the main article. Crystal meth is one form of the drug methamphetamine. It increases dopamine production in the brain and has similar effects to cocaine. It is highly addictive, and long-term use can lead to verbal problems and impaired motor skills. Sometimes known as ice or blue ice, it can be smoked in pipes, snorted, injected, swallowed, or ingested rectally. Crystal meth can have a serious impact on the heart. Withdrawal symptoms include severe depression, insomnia, anxiety, and psychosis. Addiction can take root after only a few uses of crystal meth. This content requires JavaScript to be enabled. Please use one of the following formats to cite this article in your essay, paper or report: If no author information is provided, the source is cited instead. Comments 36 Add a comment Jonathan Harris December 12, 5: Reply Pepper February 20, 7: Reply David Pritchard August 7, 8: Reply Kelly September 20, 3: Reply Tina September 24, Reply EJ April 2, Reply Can June 15, 9: We take a close look at addiction - the repetition of a behaviour that can have harmful repercussions. Find out about the signs of addiction and how it can be diagnosed and treated. What Is a Hangover? Taking a close look a hangovers, a collection of symptoms linked to a bout of heavy drinking. We discuss the symptoms, tips for prevention and so-called hangover cures. In some cases, gambling can become a problematic behavior causing many difficulties. This type of compulsive behavior is often called 'problem gambling. What Is An Alcoholic? An alcoholic is a person who suffers from alcoholism - the body is dependent on alcohol. An alcoholic is addicted to alcohol. Alcoholism is a chronic long-term disease. Causes, diagnosis, and treatment Magic mushroom compound may treat severe depression.

Crystal meth

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Crystal Meth

Мы создали мощный мексиканский сорт, который появился на свет благодаря высококачественной тропической сативе. Этому сорту свойственно разнообразие эффектов, в том числе он принесет вам удивительное состояние счастья. Crystal Meth является результатом смеси бесценных коллекционных генетик. Ключевым компонентом этого растения является феноменальный мексиканский гибрид, который был с гордостью разработан нашей исследовательской группой. Эффект похож на эффект чистейшей мексиканской текилы, которая имеет воздействие на физическое состояние, только без головокружения. Этот сорт идеально подходит для тех, кто ищет удовольствие, чувство полнейшей расслабленности и захватывающие эмоции. Crystal Meth это своеобразное безопасное окно в счастье. Сорт является феминизированным и автоцветущим, среднее время цветения составляет недель, что делает его идеальным вариантом как для начинающих, так и для опытных гроверов, которые стремятся получить урожай высокого качества за достаточно короткий период без особого труда. Растение становится достаточно зрелым на день цветения. Мы достигли идеально раннюю фазу прорастания, которая длится всего около 5 дней. После фазы проростания выглядит как компактное растение. В течение двух первых недель цветения растение имеет светло-зеленый, почти желтый цвет, но мало-помалу листья принимают форму юбочки, и так и растут компактно вокруг стебля. В течение пятой недели растение начинает показывать свой настоящий цвет, листья становятся более красноватого, даже свекольного оттенка; зеленый цвет становится темнее, почти черно-фиолетовым. Crystal Meth обычно вырастает до 90 см, но так же может вырасти и до см. По этой причине рекомандуется использовать горшок объемом 10 литров. Подходит как для выращивания на открытом воздухе, так и в закрытом помещении. Мы рекомендуем давать каждому растение достаточно пространства для того, чтобы каждое из них могло расти в полную мощь и дать максимальный результат. Кроме того, мы рекомендуем вам хорошенько подкармливать этот сорт, так как он хорошо реагирует на питательные вещества. Благодаря материнской генетики Crystal Meth обильно покрыт смолой, похоже, что он покрыт сахарной глазурью. Именно поэтому сорт получил свое название — Кристаллический Мет. Во время цветения имеет специфический запах, рекомендуем использовать карбоновые фильтры в случае культивации индор. Мы - команда профессионалов из Лос-Анджелеса! Основанная в году компания Fast Buds появилась с одной целью — представить свету превосходные, самые модные генетики Калифорнии и внедрить их по всему миру в автоцветущей версии. Мой аккаунт Корзина Заказать. Eur Eur Usd Rub. Blackberry Kush autoflowering ТГК: Blue Dream autoflowering ТГК: Gorilla Glue autoflowering ТГК: Green Crack autoflowering ТГК: Colombian x Mexican autoflowering ТГК: Northern Lights autoflowering ТГК: Pineapple Express autoflowering ТГК: Rhino Ryder autoflowering ТГК: Sidebar Left Sidebar Right. Продолжить покупки перейти к оформлению заказа Перейти в корзину. Сувенирные семена FastBuds продаются исключительно в коллекционных целях. Выращивание семян конопли незаконно.

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