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Full text of " The Times , 1977, UK, English "

See other formats


'fchea ,



^dnesday March. 23 1977

jj'ce twelve pence H //


jt O’.

for radical
tax reform, pagelb

*JMo inter-party deals signed but sense 10 r“

. v . in j o Dless

i grows that Labour can win | ..


a „ f e ,l 5?. W0dd f.^.canyin. the crucial vote, David Wood writes. The * im*, im*.

Dutch e*j>inet resigus
after bitter Battle


1 E i\- ■ I PP delusively ensure that Mr Callaghan and his Government bids of the 13 Liberal andltS Ulster U^onist Coition

l 4 V 1 WUI tomeht s “ nfldence v °te and avert a general election, MPs for concessions in exchange for votes were still on the w

- . '■■■:&*» iK W3S a spreadlns sense m *•» Commons last mght that Prime Minister's table. The Ulster group is still divided. SSkES

rival, Mr den Uyli because wvaa
day by day.

Tibe Government came close

' * eft


" ! ly Darrid Wood
ideal Editor

Prime Minister confident at question time

| From Sue Massannan rival, Mr flea Uyli because wvsa

By Mehrvn Westlake The Hague, Aiartfa 22 day by day.

For tlie second coniecntive “ The hitterest moment in mv TS e Government came close
month the trend of im employ- tZ , o ne „ 7. ™ y to disaster late last year on the

ment has fallen. With the pos- P°kticai career was - how .air issue of abortion law reform. A
sibility of an early general elec- J®®P don Uyi, toe Dutch Social* new law was passed by the
tion, the latest figures, -which i&t Prime Minister, announced Lower House, but Mr ran Agt,
contradict official andf private to Parliament tonight- that his a Roman Catholic, said he
forecasts, are extremely wd* Government -had collapsed. would refuse to am .the. Act

forecasts, are extremely web . * . - - -

come to ministers. { The six Christian Democratic rfS

The figures, published Tester- I ministers in .the _ 16-strong Slfl few JLI3??£t5?

Government had collapsed.

a Roman Catholic, said he
would _ refuse _ to sign ! the. Act

day by the Department of Em- I Dutch centre-deft Cabinet 'bad

o deal had been made at the tune
0-. writing last nigirt that would con-
. ‘■Sparely ensure that Mr Callaghan, and
Labour Government will win the
>. Tfi fidence vote in toe Commons tonight
avert a general election. But the
-V.°7 the 13 Liberals and the eight
i!i>. c,a *. United Ulster Unionists for
H cessions iu^ exchange for votes were
" '-L [ on the Prime Minist ers table.

. _ 4 -lr Steel, the Liberal leader, 'has re*
red In effect a contractual under-
; •'/ ing that in return for Liberal
' .. port the Government will trim ns
’• I- a list sails 'and do nothing without
-jr-pawrv consultation, so that to the
*• .’crnment’s ** social contract ** with
; TUC would be added its contract
■ h the Liberal platoon of MPs in the
,. t omons.

■" -It James Molyncaux, reinforced by
• Enoch Powell, presides over a stitli-
- ided group of eight UUUC MPs. It
iot dear what bargain Mr Callaghan
- •;.• : conscientiously trade for their
es, in whole or part, though it is
‘ — -^.i'ah behind the scenes -that minis-
1 ;rr, s hare considered, a proposal for
Ulster committee at Westminster
“ 'Gt would handle the primary legisla-
for Northern Ireland, which, since
•:> abolition of Stormont, has gone
■'v-jougii Parliament as statutory
■•’• u:-;ruTiicntS-

■T ifj All tlie signs were that Mr Callaghan
■ \~i aleit for a voting deal to make
, Government's survival tonight sure.

does not want a' general election
• : sil the economy is in better trim, but
7~ -'Will not shrinl: from one if he loses
■ confidence vote. Nevertheless, there
. ; -.a limit to the humble pie he must

S Mr James Molyueaux, leader of
eight of the Ulster Unionists, and
Mr Enoch. Powell tried to persuade
them to support the Government.
H Union pressure on MPs to
support the Government mounted
and one leader predicted that the
Administration would survive.

■K The nationalists appear to be the .
only party in Scotland that would
relish an early contest at the polls.

0 The view expressed by six
charities that a Government defeat
would kill the Housing (Homeless
Persons! ffill has been denounced

Full reports on page 2

f ' ■ " 1

be expected, to eat in public, and die
Liberals may scarcely hope to get every-
thing they have asked for.

The Government crisis may not be
resolved until- the Commons debate gets
under way this afternoon at 330 pm.
Airs Thatcher, Leader of the Opposition,
-wiB open with a scathing attack on
non-government and parliamentary
paralysis created by the Government's
defeat on the guillotine motion to carry
tiie devolution Bill.

Mr Callaghan will then open the
Government’s reply; and it is at that
point that he can be expected to drive
wedges between the Opposition and
the. 40 members of minority parties who
will be the hinge of the Governments

. There are many opportunities avail-
able to Mr Callaghan for spli ttin g off
the support of Liberals, UUUCs, and the

yet, and while there is life there is sh°w a fall, of 10300 resigned earfu

hope for Mr Ca lla ghan. bi the number of people regis- a result, the I

Liberal MPs would not accent the tared 35 unemployed, reducing ister infonnet
word “ ultimatum * as appropriate to total jobless to L26S400, or late in toe af
describe the content or the tone of the per cen£ ** workforce. Government v
letter Mr Steel had delivered to 10 That is after adjustment for resignation.
Downing Street vesterdav morning, seasonal influences and exclud- regret i

altJtougb they agreed that it was tough j“3 school-leavers. It brings the dedsion-maHn
and specific. faU since January to 17.000. taken so muc

Alike to protect himself as Liberal
lender against criticism and ro protect

Bill, and thus averted a crisis.
The next major hurdle was

ployment, show a fall, of 10300 resigned earlier in the day.’ As a e Men ten affair Afcvaa Ant

signanon. •_ from the Netherlands on

“I regret deeply that, this the eve of his planned arrest on •
decision-making process has suspicion of wartime atrocities,
taken so much time and has Parliament humiliated the

Mr Booth, Secretary of resulted In so many promises minister and it is now said that

tate .. , JP 1 " Employment, being broken**, Mr den Uyl bis decision to force the Cabi-

ismnerf Hii> trenrt a “ mpinc J ..... I ■ * ■ J ^ j e

Mr Callaghan, who also has party J shared by most regions, with I Parliament to decide whose Switzerland, expelled, and is -

critics and public image of. the °°b Hast An^ia, east Midlands ^ at jg «

Government and the Labour Party to s^d Scotland failing to register • . -

protect; and it was not surprising that a drop in the number of nn- Eiectioas are

Sir Callaghan on television last night be d^wed Vd. tt SSwSipi

nationalist parties from Mrs Thatcher.
He will certainly make much of the
Budget that Mr Healey, Chancellor of
the Exchequer, is to open in the Com-
mons on Tuesday, with its promise of
tax concessions for tbs higher-paid as
well as the lower-paid, and with its
change from direct to indirect taxation.

He can also pledge himself to persist
with the devolution Bill 'on terms that
the minor parties and groups wfil wel-
come. But in any bids he makes for
votes he will have one handicap. The
Government can propose, but it can-
not promise, that the House of Lords
will fulfil some commitments, includ-
ing the devolution Bill . which as one
of Mr Callaghan's strongest cards.

The most that may be said as meet-
ings and manoeuvrings continue at
Westminster is that the Government
has not been beaten by a firm Htne-up

Afr Steel’s armistice terms.

uk that is.” now awaiting trial.

Whether the figures represent j jjjSSSSffff bemem tST’ 10 111 a^nment of the land.

While Mr Steel and the Liberal a genuine turning point or a n>i' ownership debate, since tiiev"

parliamentarians awaited Mr Callag- temporary divergence wiH aga cne six enns* CDU id reach agreement on

Eio’s reply. Mr Thorpe, the. former become dear m3y ta the «n Denmcra Oc immstew aboat »X»r ,>e«S b-“

Liberal leader, went on the Indepen- ensuing months and offiaals land ownership L.w reform. The parliament. The ouTDose of the
dent Television news midday pro- are cautious about drawing r f a *J? us . e was - a dimax to pte- new to stop property

gramme to give some account of the firm conclusions. However, wenon sparring beween the developers from buvins asri-
condi cions on which Liberals would there has for some time been different facnpns both in and cultural ]and for specjriaticii-

make a deal with the Prime Minister a general slowing in the rate at outside the coalition. t- — tj _• — a — i

in return for their 13 votes tonight. which unemployment has been

. , . . . . _ v . The nesw law would give local

in return tor their 13 votes tomgnt. which uuemplojment has been Ever since Mr An dries van government the first right ro

“We have made perfectly clear**, rising. From peak increases of Agt,_ the present Minister of buy. land, am! would fix .the

Mr Thorpe said, “ that we believe there about 50,000 _a_ month in the Justice and Vice-Premier, was price according to the land use

is a case for supporting the Govern- su mm er of 19 > 5 the rate of in- nominated for the office of. at the time of sale,

ment if they will moderate their poll- crease in unemployment had Prime Minister by the Christian The Christian Democrats

cies and govern in the national in- slowed to about 10.000 a month Democratic parties, who plan ' wonted far-reaching amend-

teres t; and we have set out those by the end of last year. to contest this election for tbo ments compensating lard owners

matters we think they ought to Not for nearly three years ^f st J*{p. e ^ a united group, in case of expropriation. The

follow.” _ have there been two cons ecu- ™e Cabinet has moved from Progressive ministers were will-

Wbot in particular? It meant, Mr tive monthly falls in the one to another. The ing to amend the Bill, but hot

Thorpe answered, a massive change seasonally adjusted total and attiosphere within the Cabinet, . to the extent demanded by the

from direct to indirect taxation, talks on there are several other indica- where Afr van Agt faced his Christian ’ Democrats.

dons that the labour market is — — — ... - ■ —

Continued on page 2, col 3 tightening. Overtime working __ '

gjS-j&fE-.s Mrs Gandhi submits

There has been a sharp rise j / v • • . •

&r"ir , ss^i iu $zsz to ‘people s ludsment

During the month to March 10 AT. “

there was arise of 7,000 in the F ro m Richard Wine '

number of vacancies notified Delhi, Man* 22 ELECTION RESULTS

KasoSS IO ad^nn^iO CeS *J5 r L^ In ? ra Ga ? dhi . toda ^ With 536 of the 542 results

Seasonal adjustment/. tMlderPd b^T- rpooBKhnn ft* nrfi^iallir annnunrafl n ..i,;.. 1

terest; and we have set out those “7 1
matters we think thev ought to N
follow” _ ban

What in particular? It meant, Mr tive

t A* - ~+, •■■nx.


ipy ring
passed Nato
ior 14 years

' >-rom Clmrfes Hargrove
iris, March 22

Four Frenchmen and -an
ah’an arrested by the French
unter-espionege organdzatioQ

■ re been charged, with mem-
— rshap for die past M years'

.u5'» spy ring working 1 ' for an
aamed East European coon- -
. They wifi b&. jried -by -tiie^

• '-a securiiy court.'' -

-'nth raifitary and hjdustrlrf
. . - 'tonase way favoived, police
...• . TTIdqumteffB sad. Irrforniation

. transmitted 'about aircraft
'.--J ..--struccioa, the icfrastiucture
protectroa of nrifitwy and
. •r.i.-lian air. bases, and on
. — Nato .defence system.'

— ccording to the DST (Mrec-
’ * ,, K . de 'la.. Surveillance dn

■ ritoire), whose agents made
. r r- final arrest yesterday, " the

A -:. ; Jer of the organization was
■ T. Yugoslav-born’ naturalized-
uchman, M Serge Fabiew,

waging director of a small Fire at ‘ Panorama’ school? Mr Edward tiie programme about which narents,

ciM^x.'i'pany specializing in fire Joues, Headmaster ol' Faraday Comp re- teachers and pnpUs at the school had
'Section systems. nensive School, at Acmn, London, stand- -complained. Thnt film , showed children

- ■■■V^-lAVe had cUents in the whole by the ruins of a classroom that was smoking after school, reading comics in

Mrs Gandhi submits
to "people’s judgment’

today With 536 of the 542 results

Kasonal adiSmimiS Mre Gandhi today With 536 of the 542 results

seasonal adjusnnoi tl. - tondered her resignation as officially announced the parties’

, 1 . e nu ™y^ of Prime Munster after 11 un- positions were (with present
untilled vacanaes. wlnca is interrupted years of office! seats in brackets]:,
rega r ded as an advance mdi- “ pbe collective jud gmen t of the 7 *7 " ' Ztii- *- — ■■■ -

cater of activity in die economy, people must be ie^Sd ^ Se Alliance .... 297 (39 ]

cater of a^vaty. m die economy, people must be respected ” she p"rf, ’ * ’

,s higher to at any time for declared. “My colleagues iid I ^

21 months. The total of nn- accent iheZr mSw Communists

21 monms. ine total ot m- accept thear verdict un-
fitted vacancies has risen 27 reservedly and in a spirit of

rvpr c«vt uirirp the airtiHnn. j

per cent since the . autumn. humility/ She promised"’-' con-
' However, tie situation indi- structire cooperatiotu”- with the
cated by these figures is at new Government:
odds with much ebe that is Her resignaiw
known about the economy. Out- titan just toe pa

-(pro-Congress] .
Marxist Communist
(pro-Janata) ..1

297 (39)
152 (350)

7 (231

21 (251

growth throughout toe summer Indian electors. It marked the . .

and early autumn last year, enrf of ^ historic phase. Except ^ 10 tfuS s 5S rc ^ sba

Although there was some f or tf, e brief Sbastai interlude 1 ttie ^? sc Imiu-s

improvement in the dosmg the affairs of independent India TG,li^ S vF eStl0aS * of t £ ku3 3
months of 1976 it would be ]KJpe Xavs beeTto the hS ^ Upper Hou ?f “■* « that a
surnrisin® if that had ab-eadv De f a m * , aDds Congressman from toe south

S “S! ’ Ag _?» nial;e room for I, e r in the tower

surprising oftbat had ah;eady M - Nehru family. And no
begun to nave a si goat leant previous Indian Prime Minister
impact on unemployment. had ever resigned— Mr Shastri
At the same time toe labour and Mr Jawabarial Nehru both
force is estimated to have been died in office,
increasing by about 12,000 a The occasion was muffled,
month because of demographic almost hush-hush with Mrs

ua iwr jawaaotmai Jxeoru Doth mouths, seeing perhaps a figure
od m office. from toe south elected as die

me occasion was mnffled, new parliamentary party leader.

the school staff issued a. statement con-
demning toe portrayal, which was directed

UIUULU ucmuac Wi uLiuugnsnui. tUUIliaV liUSU-UUSO WltU wlTS CUa wn .,' V„_

changes. Over toe next tiro Gandhi driving about 11 o’clock comSack in
years about 300,000 extra wur- this . morning to : toe Vice- SST Se?
kers are expected to seek Presidents office after making C^m-ess Pa^ S tof^f cu S*
employment. addfd. By &e .he Would

It seems probable, thereiore, meenug. me artmg President, be a We to emerge and challenge

Id, notably in Egypt and toej bu f nt l ? tb . e S n>imd on Monday evening
-•lifted States'. "Vk hone ini f x * w f ^emneotory filu

only a few hours, after a documentary film

— rii MTalier^Twito about the schwl h «d been «hovm on

. One of the llUmployeS Panorama, toe BBC television programme.

-: ' !”he firm told reporters . “Qnr ^ he **•

. gest dient in France was toe raced U>at * e *** Lad n0 connexion with

class and interrupting- teachers. Of 15
hours of filming, only 50 minutes was
shotm, and Mr Jones said many of toe
positive aspects of toe school had been
cut. He said, however, that what was shown
was true. After a special meeting last night

ctricity Board.** He and his.
- — — 1 — leagues refuse to believe that
managing director could
'.’■r.Je been a spy for so many

. : rs. ■ •.

dl . five, .accused had . wett-.
' positions or enjoyed a'

' 7 'vifortabfe -retirement.- -Roger
Hi* aged 74, -was -a formec

Cuban advisers said to be in command
of Katangan forces invading Zaire

From Fred Emery

ronffoUerrinJbyed 'l^S ! Washu^ton, March 22

tions from just, .across- the --from- Congress in its presenr Teh
Une fille trop mignonne qui jouit encore et encore
Chaudasse brune est prête pour de la bite
Orgie dans le jardin

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