Cryptocurrency Is Not Just a Boys’ Club

Cryptocurrency Is Not Just a Boys’ Club


Happy International Women’s Day 

One of the most beautiful and fascinating aspects about cryptocurrencies is their accessibility. Because cryptocurrency transactions are processed and recorded on peer-to-peer networks, thanks to Blockchain, it does not discriminate against anyone – be you a man, woman, person of color, trans, someone with bad credit, someone with no credit. 
Yet, Crypto and blockchain technology-related fields are overwhelmingly male-dominated, and this largely has to do with stereotypes. According to The Street, less than 5% of crypto entrepreneurs are female and Investopedia in 2020 found that 1 in 5 bitcoin millionaires is a woman.

Women are usually outnumbered by men in the finance space. We’ve done the maths, and of  Zurich’s 100 employees, approximately one third are female. We acknowledge that we can do better.

However Crypto, as a brand-new playing field, gives plenty of opportunity to level up. In fact in terms of Crypto ownership, data shows that men were early crypto adopters, but women are now outpacing men as first-time purchasers. 

So, this IWD, we’d like to spotlight some strong female crypto personalities and groups who are helping to drive crypto adoption. Their content and blockchain knowledge inspires audiences everywhere so that more and more people can enter the web3 world and start their Crypto journey. 

Have a scroll through, and follow some of your favourites.  

Crypto Casey

When starting out, cryptocurrency and blockchain may seem complicated to grasp. But Casey has got your back. Her YouTube channel Crypto Casey breaks down complex topics and creates educational content so that you can get started on your crypto journey. Much obliged, Casey! 

 Follow Casey on Twitter

Camila Russo

Cami is the Founder of The Defiant and leads the leading media company to craft sophisticated coverage on the decentralized finance industry. The publication has inspired readers with its in-depth journalism and analytical insights. Thank you, Cami! 

 Follow Cami on Twitter.

Cathie Wood

As a long-term advocate of blockchain innovation, Cathie is currently the CEO and Chief Investment Officer at ARK Invest, which focuses on disruptive innovation. Thank you for inspiring us with your strategic insights and acumen. For this, we applaud you, Cathie!

 Follow Cathie on Twitter.

Wendy O

Hosting The O Show in YouTube channel CryptoWendyO, Wendy covers a variety of crypto-related market updates, analyses, and interviews. The channel includes all the basics for learning crypto. Many thanks for all the beginner-friendly content, Wendy! 

 Follow Wendy on Twitter.

Laura Shin

Laura is best known as the host of Unchained Podcast, which covers stories and conversations with pioneers in the industry. As a former senior editor of Forbes, she was also one of the first mainstream journalists to cover cryptos. Thanks, Laura – we’re beyond grateful for all the insightful stories and are looking forward to your book!

 Follow Laura on Twitter.

Beyond this, there are several crypto collectives forming around female crypto adoption that you might be interested in joining:


A DeFi educational initiative supporting its community to get started with and gain experience in using the top blockchain protocols and applications.

 Follow @shefi.crypto for more.


A global community simplifying technical capabilities of Web3 with educational content bridging the gap between the crypto-native and the mainstream. 

 Follow @surge_women for more. 


Women in Blockchain Talks, a UK-based educational and events platform, where the voices of diverse female leaders in Blockchain are shared and heard.

 Follow @womeninblockchaintalks for more.

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