CryptoSouk -Gateway To The Crypto World

CryptoSouk -Gateway To The Crypto World



As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.

The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can't be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It's a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced.


CryptoSouk is a stage that mean to manufacture the cutting edge computerized resources trade that obliges the requirements of merchants of all ability levels by making advanced coins available to all. Moreover, CryptoSouk need to manufacture a framework that will upgrade fast exchange executions, low exchange charge, awesome client benefit, reasonable evaluating and unlimited changes. 

Cryptosouk is made in light of the fact that in the Middle East Countries, there are numerous huge merchants and financial specialists who expect a more elevated amount of client benefit and are not keen on better detail of individual key detainees. 

CryptoSouk will make a maintainable, more effective Platform/Solutions arrangement, this stage will be joined with a solid comprehension of the biological system of money related trade - a place where numerous newcomers have no ability. 


The vision is to fabricate the cutting edge advanced resource trade for brokers of each expertise level with the point of making computerized money exchanging available to everybody. They are committed to upgrading the clients' exchanging encounters with snappy exchange execution, reasonable valuing, world-class client benefit, interminable change and boundless innovativeness. 


Purchasing, offering, holding and exchanging cryptographic money is hard. They are amped up for the different new decentralized trade thoughts being produced yet they regularly experience the ill effects of an extreme absence of liquidity and market making. In the center east, in any case, they surmise that more dynamic merchants and speculators are searching for a higher touch, and less demanding to utilize exchanging accomplice that more matches their current desires for taking an interest in budgetary markets. The clients likewise need to realize that there are neighborhood individuals in the locale that they can connect with who talk their dialect and comprehend their traditions. 

The crypto trade showcase is developing at a high rate. One of their swap rivals, Binance, reports that they have increased more than 250,000 new clients in a single day. 

Coinbase has more than 20 million records and 52 million tokens oversaw in May 2018. 

The best 10 cryptoes on the planet are on track to produce more than $ 1 billion dollars in costs every year as per 3. Bloomberg's investigation of the market. 

The general size of digital currency promoting develops exponentially with solid signs hidden the normal essential proportions. 

Overall trade chances to pick up piece of the overall industry in quickly developing markets are difficult to get it. 


CryptoSouk has propelled a digital money exchanging stage from ST Vincent and the Grenadines and Kuwait. The trade will be propelled toward the start of Q3 2018 with exchanging sets supporting Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Dash, Zcash and Monero. The organization intends to keep on adding exchanging support for extra crypto resources that the organization feels surpass certain constancy essentials. The trade additionally takes into account stacking by digital money or fiat installments. In light of the establishing groups aptitude, they have picked accomplices to enable them to convey both the trade stage, liquidity on our trade and a broadness of financing choices. 

The Marketing plan is to utilize territorial experience by coordinating restricted interesting computerized promoting content by means of the most enhanced channels and concentrating on training in Arabic as basic yet compelling substance conveyance is rare today. The energy about Arabic high setting social orders will contribute intensely in their central goal to make a huge drew in network which frames the foundation of any crypto related item, task or wander. 

In-accordance with far reaching best practices for computerized advertising, the promoting spend will be assigned to two particular mediums: 

The CryptoSouk Referrals program is intended to create viral development, and be especially speaking to both our customers who can utilize their internal circles and to Influencers who can utilize their prominent web based life records to advance CryptoSouk. 


Different Trade Views 

Different perspectives including value outline, profundity diagram, arrange book and ongoing exchanges ticker. 

A lot of Indicators 

58 accessible markers including direct relapse bends, moving midpoints and oscillators. 

Custom Trendlines 

Capacity to draw custom trendlines, pitchforks and progressively that scale and move with diagram. 

Intelligent UI 

Capacity to alter shading and style of bars, fringes, wicks, value lines, foundations and network.


The innovation is gone for straightforwardness, security and dependability to help an extensive variety of highlights. Driving Transactional User Interface - CryptoSouk is a main exchanging and money related innovation organization. They have constructed the best advanced substance trade by concentrating on the requirements of expert merchants and computerized cash experts. 

They are focused on making advanced cash exchanges available, quick and totally secure. 

Reconciliation abilities for KYC/AML, Bank/PSP 

In excess of 20 arrange alternatives including yet not constrained to; FILL or KILL, IOC, STOP, LIMIT, and so forth.

Token Details

Token Type : ERC20

Token Name : Souk

Token Ticker : Souk

Token Price : @ $0.50



25% Discount

Soft Cap - $1M

Launch Date - July 9th 2018

Duration - 30 Days

Main Sale


Hard Cap - $11M

Launch Date - August 22nd 2018

Duration - 30 Days

Token Distribution

Use Of Proceeds

There will be 52,000,000 SOUK tokens created at $0.50 each. Assuming the Hard Cap is reached, the token distribution shall occur as per below:


•Q2 - 2018

BETA Launch Exchange - SV

Joint Venture with Kuwait Partners

•Q3 - 2018

ICO Private Sale - Malta

LIVE Exchange Launch - SV

Launch SOUK Token on our Exchange

Open Listing of new Tokens

System Upgrade to permit fees paid in SOUK

•Q4 - 2018

ICO Pre-sale (or Main sale)

Malta Crypto Exchange Licensing

Develop proprietary Liquidity

•Q1 - 2019


Release Mobile App


•David Dubrulle

Co-founder and CEO

A businessman with 20 years experience across Europe and the Middle East with expertise in Investment Banking, Corporate Finance, Investment Advisors, Capital Market Guarantee and Corporate Investment Planning.

•Gene Hoffman

Co-founder, Member of the Board

Experienced businessman and former NASDAQ CEO. Currently serving as an advisor for Chia Network, as well as temporary board and CTO for

•Richard D'Souza

Operations Manager

Richard spent 10 years as CEO with one of Kuwait's leading financial services companies. He has a total of 21 years of experience working in the Sales / Operations Department and established two financial services companies in Kuwait.

•Basil Abusaada

Customer Support

Basil is currently the CEO at JM Financial Brokerage Services Co. Kuwait, where he has been working since 2016. Basil has excellent customer service, sales and communication skills.


•Rob Viglione

One of ZenCash's founders and president of the Zen Blockchain Foundation. His expertise includes the frontiers of blockchain technology and cryptoeconomics, and is an industry leader and a proponent of blockchain selection and community startup efforts.

•Andrew Bates

International Private Banking has over 26 years of experience in six continents consulting on asset management, asset management, lending and business platform, along with the building and operation of teams. High performance

•Morten Christensen

Morten Mortgage Advisor has been involved in all kinds of electronic money since early 2013, or as a trader, exploit or launch another Crypto launch. His latest venture,, has given him the opportunity to work with over 30 previous ICO phases.

•Marco Calicchia

Marco is the CEO and founder of MaZee, the leading ICO community marketing and communications agency. He is an ICO consultant and Blockchain has experience with over 25 ICO portfolio, including clients such as Experty, Remme and Open Platform.

•Valtteri Serimaa

Valtteri founded and Digital Assets Ltd., an online marketing company for ICO. Before entering the cryptographic space, Valtteri has managed various online marketing agents.

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Author TheJohnMatch


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