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Once that happens, the newly famous cryptocurrency billionaires, like so many before them, will want to be seen to be doing good, not just doing well. And, one of the best philanthropic causes to support is health care in developing countries. A few years ago, when I was working as a private health-care strategy consultant, I advised high-net-worth individuals and their companies in South Sudan, the Gambia, and Tanzania on the best ways to give back to the communities where their businesses operated. These investors — nearly all of whom had profited handsomely from the oil industry — faced intense social pressure to use their wealth for humanitarian causes. Based partly on my advice, they began investing tens of millions of dollars to improve health-care infrastructure. Initial allocations were modest; but, over time, their donations helped fund health-care reforms elsewhere in Africa. While these investments were a small fraction of the overall need, the impact on health outcomes has been significant. And, for those on the Forbes list looking for ideas about how to engage in health-care-related philanthropy, here are four options:. Asset allocation is important. Just how important is not so easy to determi First, simply commit to giving. This could be accomplished by joining Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and many others who have donated at least half of their personal wealth to social causes, including global health. Either way, a commitment to generosity is critical. Second, advocate for a transaction tax on digital-currency trading, and push to use the revenue to finance health-care projects in the developing world. Such a tax could be modeled on the so-called Robin Hood Tax under consideration in the United Kingdom, which would place a tiny tariff on financial transactions to help pay for poverty-alleviation programs and climate-change initiatives. Third, support digital-literacy projects in emerging markets. In many poor countries, health-care systems suffer from insecure patient records, a loophole that cryptocurrency technologies could help close. Investments in digital solutions would also help improve health outcomes and streamline data-based decision-making. And, finally, fund projects that improve the management of health-care finances. Cryptocurrency billionaires owe their fortunes to the security of their transactions; health care in the developing world, which is plagued by high levels of institutionalized corruption , could benefit from similar controls. If something goes wrong, first look to blame your customer. That appears to Simply put, there is no better place to direct cryptocurrency philanthropy than health-care projects in the Global South, where digital-currency trading is expanding faster than anywhere else. In East Africa, local innovators have turned to cryptocurrency systems such as BitPesa to support cross-border transactions. But history often is unkind to megarich wealth hoarders. And, in my experience, there is no better way to do the most good with wealth than by spending it on health care in the developing world. Саида Юсупова: Мы сами выбираем приоритеты. Главная Forbes Life Мнение 26 апреля Project Syndicate. Подписка на журнал. Андрей Лаврентьев. Ербол Орынбаев. Выбор редактора. Кормильцы: как в Казахстане производят мясо и вытесняют импорт Forbes Woman. Обсуждаемые в Соцсетях. Неделя Месяц Год. Как казахстанские IT-разработчики становятся востребованными за рубежом. Министр торговли Казахстана летит в Узбекистан за картошкой. Кормильцы: как в Казахстане производят мясо и вытесняют импорт. После EXPO что происходит с объектами выставки четыре года спустя. Дарига Назарбаева обеспокоилась низкой скоростью интернета. Конкурент «Яндекса»: чем китайский сервис заказа такси будет брать казахстанский рынок. Надежда Ким об иске к «Яндекс. Такси»: Мы - не патентные тролли. Самые Читаемые. Сутки Неделя Месяц Год. Казахстан vs коронавирус. Часть 1: проблемы с ПЦР-тестированием. Казахстан может обойти Америку по майнингу биткоина. Казахи на Уолл-стрит: как в 18 лет работать с миллионами долларов. Оглашен приговор по делу букмекерской конторы «Олимп». За дипломом за границу: куда и почему уезжают учиться казахстанцы. Казахстанцы смогут в четыре раза быстрее пересекать границу с Россией. Казахстанские банки уходят в небанковские продукты. Самые Интересные. Орфографическая ошибка в тексте: Хотите оставить комментарий к ошибке для автора? Отмена Отправить. Основные рубрики. Саида Юсупова: Мы сами выбираем приоритеты Смотреть на Youtube.

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