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Date Posted: 11:13:26 06/05/14 Thu

Would tears bring an abrupt end to the spanking or would it let the parent know the medicine was working? I always found it difficult with my twins to keep up the punishment once the tears had started. Although on a couple of occasions that I can remember the spanking continued for some time after the tears.

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Date Posted: 10:01:04 06/06/14 Fri

Not a deterant for MY folks;I was in tears before the spanking even started,caused by fear,anxiety. So how long/many spanks DID you give,after your kids started crying?

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Date Posted: 07:49:57 02/08/16 Mon

When I was being spanked by either Mum or Dad my tears made no difference at all.I got the spanking I no doubt deserved
and it only finished when they thought that I had been punished enough whether I was crying or not.

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Date Posted: 11:09:24 06/06/14 Fri

Don't recall tears stopping my dad tanning my bottom. He was not abusive in any way, but be it relief of pent-up guilt or my sore bottom, there was tears.

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Date Posted: 14:17:57 06/06/14 Fri

Tears had no apparent effect on either of my parents when they were spanking me. They both believed that spankings were serious punishment for serious misbehavior. The essentials of a spanking, as far as my parents were concerned, were a long hard tanning of the miscreant's bare bottom with a hairbrush, a paddle, or a belt resulting in a very red and sore bottom and lots of tears.

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Date Posted: 07:39:55 06/07/14 Sat

Mine would always continue after the tears. A punishment was never stopped because I was crying.

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Date Posted: 10:51:58 06/07/14 Sat

I could never bring myself to give more than 4 more swots after the tears had started. However I did believe in making my twins wait to be punished. They would be sent to the punishment room at the top of the house a good 5 to 10 minutes before I followed. They were always spanked alone and in private, if both were to be punished then the elder would be made to wait outside the door until it's was her turn.

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Date Posted: 07:37:43 11/05/14 Wed

Ample crying was an expected part of a spanking. Tears started after few hairbrush spanks or belt licks and flowed abundantly through the rest of the spanking. Enough to sometimes me actually feel the taste of tears running down into my mouth.

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Gary Steven
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Date Posted: 08:55:23 02/08/16 Mon

Claire, whenever my kids, particularly my daughter found out they were going to be spanked, as soon as I told them they were getting spanked and to pull their pants down, the tears would start flowing. The dramatics display my daughter would put on before a spanking was worthy of an Academy Award. She would cry, beg, try to make deals and sometimes even get down on the floor on her knees pleading with me to not spank her. Sometimes the dramatics would go as long as ten to fifteen minutes before she would finally pull her pants and panties down and turn over my knee. When I spanked the kids by hand I would tend to spank hard and fast with the number of swats being the same as their age, sometimes adding a few more depending on the situation. But normally the pre-spanking drama and tears lasted a LOT longer than the actual spanking. One time during one of her "shows" I actually got kind of tickled and couldn't resist saying "and the Oscar for the best dramatic performance before a spanking goes to..." She said, "That's not funny Daddy!" I said, "sure it is, you've gotten yourself all worked up and made it a whole lot worse than if you had just pulled your panties down and turned over my knee and got it over with." "Now pull em' down and turn over my knee." I gave her nine sharp slaps to her bare butt while she kicked and cried, (she was nine at the time) then gave her three more that were a little bit stronger for her dramatic display trying to get out of it. She quickly pulled up her pants and then sat down on my lap crying on my shoulder for about five minutes.

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Date Posted: 20:05:05 01/28/17 Sat


Did your daughter say anything or have any final reaction before she finally gave it up and turned over your knee?

Did you pause and tell your daughter what the three extra swats were for or did you give them immediately after the original nine?

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Gary Steven
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Date Posted: 08:30:27 11/16/18 Fri

Trey, I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner but I never saw your reply until today.

My daughter was definitely not happy about me joking about her "award winning performance". She sharply told me, "That isn't funny daddy." and I told her, how silly she was acting. Then informed her she has been carrying on for fifteen minutes and if she hadn't been playing the drama queen, her spanking would have already been over. She finally gave up and bared her bottom and turned over my knee. I gave her the nine fast sharp spanks and then told her "I'm giving you three more for your little performance instead of doing what you were told." She was already too busy crying to protest. They were more deliberate and a little harder than the first nine. She cried on my lap, face buried on my shoulder for about ten minutes after the spanking.

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Date Posted: 08:10:24 11/26/18 Mon

Hi Gary, How did your son usually take his spankings?

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Gary Steven
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Date Posted: 08:46:25 11/27/18 Tue

He would sometimes put up a fuss but usually took it. He was hesitant to pull his pants down. Now he would struggle more during the spanking, kicking and trying to cover his butt with his hands. He was big for his age and sometimes it was hard to hold him on my lap for a spanking when he started struggling, especially when he was around ten. The last few he got, I had to make him bend over a piece of furniture, as it was too much of a struggle (and I'm not a small guy) to hold him on my lap. My daughter didn't struggle much at all when she got spanked. Sometimes she might put her hand or hands back to try to cover her bottom, but with her, usually once she finally finished the dramatics, she resigned herself to her fate and took her spanking with little struggle.

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Date Posted: 15:35:59 11/29/18 Thu

Did you ever have to give your son extra spanks for not cooperating when he had to get a spanking?

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Gary Steven
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Date Posted: 10:28:01 12/01/18 Sat

Usually the number of swats when my kids got spanked depended on the age... one for each year just like a birthday spanking. But like with my daughter there were a few times with my son where the situation called for a few extras. Both of my children were each eleven years old when they got their last spankings. One of his last spankings, Jon put up a pretty good struggle instead of just taking it and being done with it. I didn't actually count the number of additional swats I gave him but it was probably about ten.

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Date Posted: 15:49:32 12/02/18 Sun

Did you put your son over your lap to administer that spanking?

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Gary Steven
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Date Posted: 08:44:32 12/03/18 Mon

Yes. Most of the spankings I gave both of my children were over the knee. There were also occasions where they would be standing or bent over a chair, or face down on the bed when they got spanked.

With the exceptions of what I called "an attention getter" which was usually just a single swat administered on the spot in a more public situation along with the threat of a "real spanking" when we get home, all spankings were on the bare bottom.

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Gary Steven
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Date Posted: 08:50:47 12/03/18 Mon

I'm sorry, I misread your question..

That particular spanking started out as over the knee in his bedroom. But he put up so much of a struggle, I found it difficult to administer the spanking. So I put him face down on his bed and finished that spanking. Other than putting his hands back a couple of times, he stopped struggling as much once he was face down on the bed. The remainder of the spankings (probably about five or six times), I would have him bare his bottom and just bend over a chair or his bed, depending on which room he got spanked in.

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Date Posted: 02:48:05 06/08/14 Sun

That depends on the tears.

There can be crying with anger or defiance in it, and I was always careful to spank that out before I finished.

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Date Posted: 09:11:39 06/08/14 Sun

With my twins the opportunity to reflect on what they had done or what was about to happen next took place during their long wait for punishment to commence. Not knowing how long I would be or what I would be carrying in my hand when I finally came up stairs was all that was required to to take the edge off any arrogance or rebellion. I think the wait was often as bad as what followed.

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Date Posted: 21:04:11 07/01/14 Tue

Tears definitely did not shorten punishment in our home. Many times the tears were flowing before I even took the position over the bed.

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Date Posted: 07:17:03 11/02/14 Sun

When I was younger I cried many years at be sentenced to a spanking before the paddle was even in mom a hand. This did nothing to help my bottom. As I got older they began soon after the spanking and if I cried louder and harder to make her see how much it hurt , she gave no indication of letting up. At 12-13 I tried to not cry being arrogant and thinking I was a tough guy. She kept up with her big paddle until I was sobbing and when I began to plead she turned up the heat as to show me I was not too big or tough to " benefit" from having my bottom spanked. She liked I think see me crying plenty.

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Date Posted: 15:57:52 07/03/14 Thu

Tears didn't make mom stop a spanking but NO spanking stopped without them

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Date Posted: 12:16:18 09/07/14 Sun

In my case you were spanked to tears. Tears brought an end to willfulness or defiance. This was especially true when I was older with my mom. If I kept trying to grunt or tough it out the belt kept landing. It stopped when tears of remorse would show up.

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Date Posted: 05:48:26 09/15/14 Mon

Spankings at my house when younger were like some of the other comments. I was crying most of the time before the spankings started. When I was in trouble I could usually hold back the tears as I was talked to. But hearing mom or dad say the words pull down your pants and bend over my knee would start me crying. The crying did get louder and change in tone once the spanking got going but crying never got me out of a spanking. I might have been able to hold off longer when all 3 of us were being spanked together but would still be crying right before the first smack landed on my bottom.

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Date Posted: 18:05:56 09/21/14 Sun

For me, it never brought an end to the spanking. It let my parents know that the medicine was working.

My spankings were brief -- probably 10 whacks +/- of small paddle on young butt. I'd guess each spanking probably took about 5 seconds. I typically started crying after the 2nd or 3rd whack.

I remember Dad saying something like "I hate to have to do this" or "This hurts me as much as it hurts you." And I remember in each case what I'd done wrong, the room I was in when I felt the sting of the paddle, and which parent wielded the paddle.

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Date Posted: 10:42:40 09/29/14 Mon

Nope. I probably cried at least a little every time I got spanked, at least when I was younger. As I got older, I developed this attitude that I was tougher than what my dad was dishing out so I tried as hard as could NOT to cry. Sometimes I would after it was all over and I was alone in my room.

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Date Posted: 15:57:15 10/01/14 Wed

Hi Mike,

Recall at about what age, as you say 'got older', that the tougher attitude developed & did that attitude change your dad's approach as to what he used to spank you or the intensity of the spanking you got since you refused to cry?

I remember the HS freshman paddling I got, no way would I tear-up in front of my peers, nor did the other 2 guys who got swats too. My butt was sore, despite wearing Levis, but no tears. Afterwards we 3 went to the 'john' to do a damage check & we 3 were red marked & sore on our rears. I think the main concern however was what would happen if our dads found out--they never did!!

Like you say, I did sometimes lie face down on my bed & a few tears flowed after dad bare butt tanned me in my room.

Was a paddle ever applied to your butt at school?

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Date Posted: 11:57:36 10/02/14 Thu

Hey Joe,

Probably in middle school, around age 12 or 13. I was kind of aware that some of my friends had seen the last of their spankings and must have thought that if I could show that I was "tough enough to handle it," then maybe my dad would leave his belt buckled around his waist and not use it on my butt! Groundings were more common, but I still got spanked into high school when my dad thought the situation called for it.

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Date Posted: 09:54:43 10/04/14 Sat

As a teen, was being grounded Mike preferred or would you have wanted dad to tan your butt so it was over quicker?

Were the HS spankings just from dad at home or were you on the receiving end of the school paddle too?

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Date Posted: 20:07:15 10/05/14 Sun

Kind of a hard question. No doubt it would have been quicker to get spanked and have it over and done with, but the older I got the more I started to believe I was "too old for this."

The high school spankings were just from my dad. Our school district doesn't do corporal punishment anymore.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Tears

Date Posted: 09:42:44 10/07/14 Tue

Mike, that thought of being too old crossed my mind too a few times and probably did also for many of the guys back in the 60's-70s period growing up. Getting your butt tanned at school & at home was commonly accepted then more than in today's society.

When caught cheating as a HS freshman & told to report after school, guess I figured that meant detention after school...we were now 'big' HS boys. After school I discovered I wasn't too old as he laid some good wood burn heat on the seat of my jeans. Fortunately our dads never found out.

My dad proved to me I still wasn't 'too big' at 17 when he & I went to our garage & dad's belt whupped my bare butt.

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Alan to JoeR
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Date Posted: 07:24:05 10/03/14 Fri

Did you cry during your Dad's butt tanning sessions? Did he use a belt or paddle? Did he paddle you 'face down on the bed'?

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Date Posted: 10:05:28 10/04/14 Sat

Yes Alan, sometimes when it was just dad & I in my room, it could bring me to tears but as I got older, I tried to resist tears. Afterward & dad had left, I had tears too often, possibly a release of interior guilt. In adolescent years it was dad's homemade paddle; later as a teen it was his belt. Had a couple face down on bed but seemed more often it was strip & go over edge of bed. When younger, dad would prop his foot on my desk chair & then put me leaning over his leg. Why he changed positions from time-to-time was just dad & I was in no situation to argue.

I did do 'face down on bed' afterwards to 'cool down' my backside before having skivvies or especially jeans rub my tender tanned butt cheeks.

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Date Posted: 20:00:07 10/06/14 Mon

I often would start to cry before the spanking started. Crying never stopped mom or dad.

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Date Posted: 18:04:22 10/14/14 Tue

My brothers would try to tough it out and take it in silence, but my sister and I would cry any time we were in trouble. Period. I remember one time my sister was in utter hysterics before she got spanked and for a good two hours after. My dad rolled his eyes, but it didn't stop him. I'm sure my sensitive dad's heart was twisting over his daughters' anguish, but once he got it in his head that a spanking was necessary, he was not to be deterred.

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Date Posted: 07:00:56 12/28/14 Sun

I started crying at the scolding, even without the threat of a spanking. When the spanking started, I started to cry more hysterical (drama queen). I guess mother had a number of smacks in her mind, and I would get these.

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Date Posted: 15:59:25 06/09/15 Tue

Most times the tears began when I was sent to my parent's bedroom. It would only get worse when the punishment began in earnest. Tears did not phase my parents at all.

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Paul (Happy)
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Date Posted: 13:01:03 07/17/15 Fri

i usually was able to hold back until the spanking was underway but the most I could ever count when the shingle was being used was 5, with 3 being the norm before the tears began. After that I could no longer keep track. Once mom got frustrated with some smart aleck behavior and turned me over her knee and started smacking me with her hand over my pants. While there was a decided sting I was able with effort to keep from crying. She told me I could cry now or cry later but I was going to be spank
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