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Shocking hotel footage captures moment girl aged 13 is lured into room to be raped by paedophile
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The sickening footage, part of a grooming investigation which led to five men being jailed for a total of 27 years, will feature in a TV documentary on Sunday
This is the sickening moment a brutal paedophile puts the finishing touches to grooming a vulnerable 13-year-old girl.
The bewildered runaway has already been picked up off the street by three other cunning perverts who passed her from one to the other.
Now the youngster is in the hands of an evil abuser who kisses and hugs her at a hotel reception desk before leading her willingly away to a room.
But minutes after this CCTV footage was filmed, she was held down on the bed and raped by Shakeal Rehman, 26. He then made way for Mohahammed Shapal, 22, who also had sex with her in the same room.           
Last month five men were jailed for more than 27 years over the youngster’s week-long ordeal .
But the chilling truth behind her case is now revealed by one of the senior police officers who interviewed her.
Supt Matt Fenwick said: “She has properly been groomed and she believes they love her. We know she is a victim, but she doesn’t know she is a victim. She is definitely not in victim mode.
He said paedophile targets like her “find it an exciting thing to do. They are mixing with older men. They perceive they are having a good time.
And when you’re interviewing her, she’s protecting these people. She doesn’t want to get into trouble”. He said she insisted she had not slept with any men.
His words strike at the heart of the Rotherham abuse scandal in which 1,400 children were groomed and abused by Asian gangs over 16 years.
And Rotherham is where the 13-year-old’s nightmare began after she ran away from her home in Sheffield.
As police persisted with their ­investigation, the scared youngster – called Marta in a BBC2 child abuse documentary to be screened on Sunday – finally told how she was picked up by a taxi driver in the South Yorkshire town.
Det Sgt Cath Ragheb, who also quizzed her, revealed: “She says she stays in the taxi driver’s bed, he’s saying to her ‘Oh you’re beautiful’, and ‘you’re lovely’ and starts kissing her. She says he’s sexually assaulted her four times.”
The cabbie left Marta at a bus stop with another man who promised to get her to Leeds. He called her “beautiful” and said he wanted to be her boyfriend.
She ended up in Bradford, and was picked up by a man called Shaz who took her home and molested her.
After he dropped her in the city centre, Rehman arrived in his car with Shapal and offered her help. He took her to the hotel and raped her.
Marta said: “He held me down so I couldn’t breathe. He raped me then. He was laughing all the time.”
She was then passed to Shapal who also assaulted her, telling her he loved her. She said Shapal was “kind’ and called her his “princess”.
DNA evidence revealed the semen of at least four men on her underwear and on bedding.
Rehman got 12 years for rape and trafficking. Shapal got four years for sexual activity with a child and ­trafficking while Yaseen Amini, 37, was jailed for five and a half years for the same offences.
Usman Ali, 21, was given three years for sexual activity with a child and Bekir Rasheed, 36, got four years for ­trafficking.
The Rotherham scandal broke after the BBC had filmed Marta’s case. A report said victims were ignored by social workers and police.
Deputy Chief Constable Andy Holt says lessons have been learned.
He admitted 10 years ago police would simply have returned a runaway like Marta to her parents or social services.
He said: “These days I think we recognise the phenomenon that actually sometimes the victims don’t recognise themselves,” he added.
But Marta has to live with the aftermath.
She said: “I am trying to forget what happened but I can’t. I want to warn others.”
Her father added: “My daughter will suffer her whole life.”
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A TIKTOK video shows an older man groping a woman aboard a Spirit Airlines flight - and the teen says no one intervened.
"The man was like 50-60s and I was so uncomfy @spiritairlines #fyp#foryou #harassmentawareness," read the video's caption, which was posted to TikTok.
"On my flight to California the man behind kept touching my arms and boobs," the video started.
The video shows the woman sitting in the window seat leaning back when she moves to show the man's hand grasping for air between the seat gap.
Posted on Wednesday night by the user @ mobilesushibar , the woman says she showed the video to Spirit flight attendants and those in her proximity, only to be ignored.
"And when I confronted him and showed the video to everyone around me and the flight attendants I was told to sit down and stay quiet 😐," the video narrated. "F you spirit airlines."
The poster got plenty of supportive messages following the video, with people urging she file a suit against Spirit.
"I’d yell and scream and make a scene, everyone needs to know," wrote one user.
"[T]hey told me to sit down and be quiet, and my mom told me the same," she added.
"@spiritairlines what are you going to do about this?!? This is APPALLING!!!" wrote another commenter.
The video has been watched over 810,000 times and has over 255,000 likes and comments since it was posted two days ago.
In a subsequent set of videos, the woman said she boarded the plane at 6AM with her family and sat in separate seats.
She said she then switched with a woman who wanted the aisle seat.
She said she was getting settled and began reading a book when she "felt a slight tough like something was caressing me right here"
"I wonder what this feeling could be, it was really subtle, and I reached my hand over and touched his finger tips," she continued.
She then texted her sister to tell her that she was being groped. "I thought it would stop there because he knows that I know that he was touching me because I touched his fingertips."
After some time passed and she resumed the previous position so she can read, "it happened again, so this is when I was like I can tell he's trying to reach for my boobs."
"So I have to sit there through an hour of harassment," she added to get video of him to show the flight attendants.
"He was trying to deny it," she said after showing them the video "and I was told to please calm down, sit down, be quiet."
"That made me really upset that no one cared that I was going through that for so long."
"The fact that I had to sit there and collect evidence for nothing speaks volumes."
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I think I recently had one of the hardest days of my life. It was a personal issue so I’m not gonna disclose the issue, but everything was falling apart and I couldn’t gather enough courage to pull myself out of the muck.
Today, I happened to spot a thread on Quora that asked readers to describe the hardest day of their lives. I came across an answer that has occupied my head from the very moment I read it. I couldn’t help but write about it because every person should read the story of this brave woman called Ann Young , who has been fighting with life since she was a little kid.
The hardest day of my life was my entire childhood.
At age 3, my uncle made me lick his penis “like a lollypop.”
At age 9, I was raped by another family member.
At 15, my mom and step-dad thought it was funny for my step-dad to touch my breasts.
My mom’s second husband would make me strip naked and lay in the center of my bed while he beat me all over my body.
My mom’s third and current husband, my step-dad, beat me regularly for a decade, from the time I was 5 until I was 15.
I got hit for making too much noise in the morning. I got hit for eating the last pickle. I got hit for speaking. I got hit even if I opened my mouth to speak. I endured black eyes, bloody noses, fat and bloody lips, a broken finger, welt marks and bruises all over my body. I’ve been hit with a croquet mallet and beaten with a whiffle bat until it was broken in half. My entire childhood was terrifying.
On top of it my mom would tell me that she didn’t want me, that if she could do things over she wouldn’t have had me. She didn’t want me.
My step-dad made fun of me every day because I was a little chubby. He would entertain guests by making fun of me. He would encourage me to make fun of him in return and then laugh at my poor attempts. Whenever I did make a joke he didn’t like, he would beat me for it.
I tried my best to overcome it. By age 30, my body gave out. It was too damaged from all the physical abuse. I have Enthesopathy, Fibromyalgia, and polyarthritis, just to name a few. I also suffer from chronic PTSD, major depressive disorder, and anxiety.
I live off of SSD and receive less than $12,000 a year to survive. All of my hopes and dreams were stolen from me.
Shortly after my uncle sexually abused me, he killed himself. I have wondered all of my life if he killed himself because of what he did to me.
The person who raped me when I was 9 years old was my older brother. He did not live with us.
My two older brothers grew up with our biological father while I grew up with my mom and step-dad. My mom didn’t want the boys. She barely had anything to do with them. She kept me because I was a girl and because she wasn’t entirely sure who my father was. I grew up believing that William James Young Sr was my father. My mom kept me away from him for most of my childhood because of my brothers, according to her.
The brother who raped me did so during a very rare visit to our home. He was allowed to spend the night that night. He hated me. He hated that my mom kept me and had barely anything to do with him. Little did he know what I was going through.
I didn’t tell on him until I was 11. My mom contacted the police and a woman came to our home. I had to tell her everything. My brother was arrested and sent to live in a juvenile detention facility for 4 years. His last year there, my mom took some interest in him for some reason. She started bringing my rapist home for visits. One day she made me sit at the dining room table and write a letter. She forced me to write that I had forgiven my brother and that I wanted him to come live with us. None of it was true. I was terrified of my brother. Additionally, my parents never got me any help for what he did to me. They said that they couldn’t afford it. My parents could afford new jewelry every Christmas for my mom and yearly vacations to Las Vegas but they couldn’t afford anything for me ever, not dental check ups, not doctors, nothing. I was lucky to get a coat for winter and with that I was forced to get on my knees and thank my parents repeatedly for all they did for me.
My mom had my rapist come live with us. Then they blatantly favored him right in front of me. He was good looking. He made them laugh. My step-dad would have my brother join in in making fun of me.
Eventually, they kicked him out when he became a serious drug user and started selling their stuff.
I came to forgive my brother. I learned that he did to me what someone had done to him. He is currently on parole after serving his second prison term. He never stopped using drugs. I don’t have anything to do with him.
A couple of people have asked me, “Why didn’t you get out?” As a young child, I didn’t realize I was being abused. I thought that all kids got hit like me. I was a bad child. I didn’t clean my room when I was told to. I made too much noise. Sometimes I talked back. I ate the last pickle. I didn’t clean up my parents mess in the kitchen. I could go on.
When my step-dad broke my finger my parents brought me to the hospital. I was told to say that I slipped and fell in the driveway. I was threatened that if I said anything else I would be hurt worse. I was too terrified of my parents to say anything but what I was told to.
It wasn’t until my early teens that I was allowed to spend time with friends in their homes. That’s when I saw that they weren’t being beat like I was. I remember one friend talking back to her dad. I winced and cowered in anticipation. I was shocked by her father’s response. He spoke to her firmly but lovingly. I finally started to see that what was happening to me was not normal.
At 15, I overdosed on Advil. I was questioned by many people at the hospital but I was still too terrified to speak about my parents. I blamed it all on a bad grade.
Eventually, I started to confide in some of my friends and one friend’s mom in particular. I would tell her something and then I would be shocked and intrigued by her response. She was the one who got me to open up a little.
At one point CPS (Child Protective Services) were notified by another friend’s mom. I told CPS a few things over the phone. The next day they showed up at my high school. I was horrified. My step-dad was a teacher at the school. I was brought to a guidance counselor’s office. I knew that the guidance counselor knew my step-dad. I was too terrified to speak. I only confirmed the few things I had told CPS on the phone. From there, a detective brought me down to the police station.
I was brought upstairs to a room full of desks. The detective introduced me to the secretary. I recognized her name. “She knows my step-dad!” I exclaimed. The detective yelled at me saying that whatever I had to say would stay in that room. Again I was too terrified to speak about my parents. The detective started asking me if my step-dad touched my breasts “playfully or sexually.” To me it didn’t matter. I thought it was wrong that he touched me period. I couldn’t answer the detective. He kept asking me over and over again, becoming more irate everytime he asked. He was outright screaming at me. I thought about how my parents would laugh at me everytime my step-dad touched my breasts. They thought it was funny that I would get upset by him touching me. After the third time he touched me, I stood up and stormed off. That’s when my mom said, “oh we can’t even play with you!” Because she had said that, I finally answered the detective, “playfully.” That was it. That’s all he wanted to know. He was done with me.
The detective then brought me down to CPS. I was made to sit in a worker’s cubicle. Somewhere in the room, I could here my mom and my rapist brother talking. I could hear my brother saying, “She’s lying! She’s lying!” I could hear my mom say, “He’s a respected teacher in this community!” While hearing all of this, I was questioned by the CPS worker. Again, I was too terrified to speak. At no point in time during that day was I given a safe place to talk. No one offered me a single ounce of compassion.
I was put in a foster home that night. I spent 4 nights there. On the 5th day, my parents called me. They said all the right things. They told me that they weren’t angry. They said that they loved me, that they missed me and that they wanted me to come home. I agreed to go home.
The CPS worker came and brought me home. She stayed and chatted with my parents for a few minutes. My parents were so polite and friendly to her. I really thought at that moment that everything was going to be okay. Then she left. My parents watched her leave. Then they turned on me and the smiles on their faces morphed into something that looked pure evil. I got a verbal beating that day that was so awful I just ran. I ran out of the house and I didn’t stop running until I got to my friend’s house a mile away. It was the friend whose mom I had confided in.
I lived there with my friend and her mom for a few months. One day my friend and I got into an argument over something stupid like kids do. My friend decided that she didn’t want me living there anymore. Her mom went to pray about it. Five minutes later she decided to bring me home. They packed up all my stuff in a garbage bag and drove me to my parent’s house and left me there.
I spent one night home. I endured more verbal abuse. The next day I ran away again. For some reason I ran back to the same friend’s house. This time the police were called. I told the police I was being abused. They told me they would handcuff me if they had to to bring me home. They treated me like a run away, not an abused child. They advised me to get a job or do some after school activities to keep myself out of the house. That’s what I did. CPS never did another thing for me.
My step-dad did not lay a hand on me again after CPS was notified. The verbal abuse was worse then ever though. When I was 17, my step-dad hurt my cat. That’s when I called up my real dad and asked him if I could live with him. He came and got me and my cats right away.
My father never knew the abuse I endured at the hands of my step-dad. I don’t know why I never told him. My time with him was very limited as a child. What little memories I have of him were all positive. I always felt safe with my dad. He never hurt me in any way. During my rare visits, we would do whatever I wanted. He would take me to the movies or roller skating or ice skating. We would take walks and go to the park. He also protected me from my rapist brother.
Living with my dad meant living with my rapist brother. For that reason, I only lived with my dad for one year. It was during that year that I really got to know him. He was a great man.
When I turned 18 I got my own apartment. I worked full time and went to college full time. Because I had lived with my dad, who was poor, for the year prior to college, I was eligible for full financial aid.
Four days before Christmas of 1992 my dad came over to my apartment. He gave me his big, bright beautiful smile and handed me a $100 bill. He told me that it was my Christmas present. I asked him why he was giving it to me so early. He just shrugged and said that he wanted me to have it. I thought about asking him to stay and play gin rummy with me. He always kicked my butt at that game. For some reason I decided not to ask him to stay. Instead I gave him a hug and a kiss and I said to him, “I love you.” He said it back to me and then left. Later that night he died of a heart attack.
It was my dad’s death that prompted me to go to paramedic school. I became an A-EMT-I. I did EMS for 5 years before my body just couldn’t take it anymore. I was
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