Crucifixion Erotica

Crucifixion Erotica


Crucifixion Erotica
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Start date
Jan 18, 2012

Great thread here Pam! Unfortunatley the videos were removed from Youtube. Still, I like your description of it, being a self-cruxer most of my life. After hudreds of self-cruxes I've got my technique very well honed.

I like all the pre-planning you did. So many people just whack a board up on a post with a coupleof wrist loops and step off a stool or ladder. I know, that is what I first did when 11 years old.

There is nothing wrong with a well-deisgned properly placed sedile. They were used to prolong the suffering of the victim. If positioned right, it will allow a nice, erotic stretch of the upper torso without too much stress on the arms/wrists. It usually isn't visible to the camera or mirror if you use one.

Sedile doesn't have to be too fancy, but don't use a piece of pole or anything round. Even padded, it will really get to your tail bone. I welcome a little pain and stress with my crucifixions, but a sore tail bone just isn't very erotic to me.

I like a crucifixion that lasts about an hour and a half, my record being 2:15. By splitting up the weight load to three points, feet, wrists and sedile, you can last much longer up there with a great sensation.

The foot block is important too. You don't want a set-up hwere you are just standing on a platform-like foot block with your arms limp. No real erotic feel with that. The foot block should be angled with a bit of a notch that you can catch your heel on. Without a heel catch sometimes your feet will get sweaty and slip off. I wouldn't try and have your feet tied in any way, but if you like you could make a couple of open straps on the block to slide your feet into.

This foot black should be positioned so that when you sag down on the sedile that your legs angle out maybe 20 degrees or so, but enough so that it allows you to raise yourself up so that your arms are near parallel with crossbeam. This helps prevent your hands from going numb.

Girls or guys, I don't like to see knees bent way out. That looks kinda stupid and when they raise themselves up their arms are angled down or they go super limp-armed, which is a big no-no in my highly charged erotic mind's eye. Each their own I suppose.

For my wrists I like to use those 2" wide nylon Velcro straps that are used for surfboard safety leashes that I loop around bent back L brackets. I spread them on the crossbeam so that I can stand straight up on the foot block or push-away stool and loop one wrist and then lean and stetch over so I can loop the other. I hide these straps by screwing wood piece washers into the facing side of them. These 'washers' are commonly seen in crux art. For realism I drill a hole in each one and plug in a sawed off nail with some fake blood around it. You could do same for foot straps on block.

One thing to remember is to make sure the bent back L brackets are not too thick of metal, so if you put most of your weight on one, it will bend out and release you. I also have handles on the back of my cross beam, so if I do have to release a wrist, I'll have something to grab on to.

I've go other safety/escape features too. Quite often when filming I want to push away my mounting stool out of camera view, so it looks like I'm really crucified. I'll do the full crucifixion filming from a slight angle and on the blind side of the cross I have a hinged support strut that I can flip down with my foot if need be.

All and all you can stage a decent self-crucifixion that probably isn't any more dagerous than climbing a step ladder to get up on the roof of your house. You pretty much just have to keep your mind on what you are doing.

I have a couple other self-crux friends on these forums and we compare notes. If you have questions please feel free to PM me or post here. I'm fascinated with the techniques of other real life cruxers, self or assisted. It is quite an art!


Attached is a still from my movie showing my basic setup. To my regret I did not use footblock . Instead, I showed my ankles nailed to sides of upright by using small supports underneath my feat. These were only 15 second clips, so I didn't bother with sedile most of the time.
Thanks for sharing all of that with us and for the demonstration still.
Thanks Kodos! He-he! I only meant the post to be a few lines, but got carried away, as usual.

Hey! Your avatar picture brought to mind part of the raising scene in my movie, which is really guesome! After my wrists are nailed a chain/line/winch is fastened to cross beam and I'm hoisted slowly up from a prone position to sitting to kneeling until I can finally get my feet under me and can stand! At that point a number of cruel scourge strokes are inflicted on me and I continually lose my footing and hang by the nails. I have cutaway scenes of my feet slipping on the bloody floor as I struggle to regain my footing only to recieve more scourging and dropping again.

Then I'm hoisted up a bit more, but with my feet still on the floor and the guard and monk slam the ends of the crossbeam against the wall where the wrist nails are punded all the way in. so the nail points protude out the back of the crossbeam. I am violently spun around with my face and bloody front torso pressed against the upright. They then slam each end of the crossbeam against the wall and the nail points are pouded down flush against the wood.

After that my crossbeam is turned back around by 90 degrees with the end wedged into wall. This allows my tormentors to deliver another dozen scourge strokes to my already horribly scourged back.

I am then turned all the way aorund facing out and finally continue my agonizing journey winched up the upright beam, continuously scourged as I rise.

Initially, I really didn't plan this bloody of a movie, but I didn't want it to be wimpy either.

GR said
"Great thread here Pam! Unfortunatley the videos were removed from Youtube. Still, I like your description of it, being a self-cruxer most of my life. After hudreds of self-cruxes I've got my technique very well honed."

There is no need for any video to be removed from Youtube if you use the Unlisted method.

Great thread here Pam! Unfortunatley the videos were removed from Youtube. Still, I like your description of it, being a self-cruxer most of my life. After hudreds of self-cruxes I've got my technique very well honed.

I like all the pre-planning you did. So many people just whack a board up on a post with a coupleof wrist loops and step off a stool or ladder. I know, that is what I first did when 11 years old.

There is nothing wrong with a well-deisgned properly placed sedile. They were used to prolong the suffering of the victim. If positioned right, it will allow a nice, erotic stretch of the upper torso without too much stress on the arms/wrists. It usually isn't visible to the camera or mirror if you use one.

Sedile doesn't have to be too fancy, but don't use a piece of pole or anything round. Even padded, it will really get to your tail bone. I welcome a little pain and stress with my crucifixions, but a sore tail bone just isn't very erotic to me.

I like a crucifixion that lasts about an hour and a half, my record being 2:15. By splitting up the weight load to three points, feet, wrists and sedile, you can last much longer up there with a great sensation.

The foot block is important too. You don't want a set-up hwere you are just standing on a platform-like foot block with your arms limp. No real erotic feel with that. The foot block should be angled with a bit of a notch that you can catch your heel on. Without a heel catch sometimes your feet will get sweaty and slip off. I wouldn't try and have your feet tied in any way, but if you like you could make a couple of open straps on the block to slide your feet into.

This foot black should be positioned so that when you sag down on the sedile that your legs angle out maybe 20 degrees or so, but enough so that it allows you to raise yourself up so that your arms are near parallel with crossbeam. This helps prevent your hands from going numb.

Girls or guys, I don't like to see knees bent way out. That looks kinda stupid and when they raise themselves up their arms are angled down or they go super limp-armed, which is a big no-no in my highly charged erotic mind's eye. Each their own I suppose.

For my wrists I like to use those 2" wide nylon Velcro straps that are used for surfboard safety leashes that I loop around bent back L brackets. I spread them on the crossbeam so that I can stand straight up on the foot block or push-away stool and loop one wrist and then lean and stetch over so I can loop the other. I hide these straps by screwing wood piece washers into the facing side of them. These 'washers' are commonly seen in crux art. For realism I drill a hole in each one and plug in a sawed off nail with some fake blood around it. You could do same for foot straps on block.

One thing to remember is to make sure the bent back L brackets are not too thick of metal, so if you put most of your weight on one, it will bend out and release you. I also have handles on the back of my cross beam, so if I do have to release a wrist, I'll have something to grab on to.

I've go other safety/escape features too. Quite often when filming I want to push away my mounting stool out of camera view, so it looks like I'm really crucified. I'll do the full crucifixion filming from a slight angle and on the blind side of the cross I have a hinged support strut that I can flip down with my foot if need be.

All and all you can stage a decent self-crucifixion that probably isn't any more dagerous than climbing a step ladder to get up on the roof of your house. You pretty much just have to keep your mind on what you are doing.

I have a couple other self-crux friends on these forums and we compare notes. If you have questions please feel free to PM me or post here. I'm fascinated with the techniques of other real life cruxers, self or assisted. It is quite an art!


Attached is a still from my movie showing my basic setup. To my regret I did not use footblock . Instead, I showed my ankles nailed to sides of upright by using small supports underneath my feat. These were only 15 second clips, so I didn't bother with sedile most of the time. View attachment 28113

GR said
"Great thread here Pam! Unfortunatley the videos were removed from Youtube. Still, I like your description of it, being a self-cruxer most of my life. After hudreds of self-cruxes I've got my technique very well honed."

There is no need for any video to be removed from Youtube if you use the Unlisted method.

Pamela - see Melissa's instructions on:​
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Thank you for re-posting the videos, Pam!

Wow! I really relate to what you are doing here! Nice to know that there others doing what I like to do.

I love the black cat woman suit! Arrrgh! I may have to include you in my crux fantasy as one of those wickedly beautiful women tormenting me. The mask is a very great way to hide your identity! I wouldn't be too concerned at how much skin you are showing at this point. I know the crowd of spectators are calling for you to be stripped naked. I think you looked pretty damn good in the cat suit. More important, is the development of your crucifixion process.

The videos themselves were riveting! Again, it reminded me so much of what I do. Too bad Michigan is so far from Seattle. We could have great fun as neighbors! Can you imagine sitting out on the deck discussing crucifixion over a couple of drinks? Ha!

You are off to a great start, so much better than my first attempt at age 11. From here you can continue to develop and tweak your process. My suggestion would be to consider a revamp of the ankle/lower leg support. I think you are unnecessarily compromising safety by having your ankles attached to the cross. Your dismount in the first video scared the hell out of me. When you extended your foot to gain footing on the container, you almost knocked it over! Not that you wouldn't have escaped anyway, but you could have been hurt. I think a foot block with maybe some sandal-like straps you can step into and out of would be better and give you much better leverage to push yourself up. If so, I would mount the block securely about where your feet are now. The bend in your knees looks good to me.

The angle of your arms looks OK too. Even a bit wider would be OK too, as long as you had the proper support below, which brings up again the use of a sedile, as I described in my first post. One of the most important aspect of being crucified is achieving a hanging sensation, at least to some extent. The most erotic/sexy feeling of this hanging sensation to me is the stretch of the arms and torso; heaving out of the chest and stomach con-caving inward.

Legs are heavy and it doesn't do much for me having them hanging too. Instead, I like to see my leg muscles straining, preferably glistening with sweat pushing me back up. In fact, I like to see my entire body sweating with some nice fake blood trickling down from painted on whip cuts, but that's just me.

You seem to have pretty good body strength, so with a foot block I'm guessing you could set your clock out to 30-40 minutes.
With foot block and sedile I can go about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. I use a digital clock out from me and it sames to take forever for each minute to turn. I begin by sagging down on the sedile for 120 minutes, which becomes stressful on my arms. Then I push myself up and remain upright for 20 minutes, which in time stresses my legs. Then, I sag down and remain down for 15 minutes and rise back up for another 15 minutes. In the next round I do each for 10 minutes and the next round 5 minutes. Each round gets smaller and smaller in time, until I'm pretty much in what is called 'the dance.' Most of my sessions go about an hour and a half at which time my body is streaming with sweat and fake blood. When I finally do unhook myself and step down I am exhausted and my arms feel like lead for a few minutes. I'll often lose a couple pounds, which is great!!!!
It's a long time up there! I like to watch other crucifixion videos of myself, which almost makes me feel like I'm crucified with someone else, but mostly it seems like I'm focused on the slow changing minutes of the digital clock readout. One thing very interesting is the feeling I get while I'm crucified for over and hour. I get into a very unique frame of consciousness that is hard to describe where my mind is 90% occupied or focused on only three things; the clock; the cross and my body. They are distinctly separate from each other. It is really a wonderfully unique feeling, almost like I'm levitating. Each has an equality of importance. I'm no dopey, but over the course of my life I've done many different types of pot, psychedelic and whatnot, but nothing quite compares to the feeling I get up on my cross for over and hour, sweating and struggling in wonderful agony. It's nice to know that when every scrap of pot is gone from my little baggy and there is not a drop left in my little pint whiskey bottle that I can have better joy affixed to a couple pieces of wood!

I like too, your reference of using crucifixion as part of an exercise/conditioning routine. I'd like to achieve a solid three hours up there! I've been of my beloved cross for almost a year now, due to a non-crux arm injury. In the picture of me crucified above i was about 160 lbs. The injury took me off my exercising and now I'm trying to get back down from 180. I'm exercising every day and eating the right food and losing a pound about every 10 days or so. Soon I will be cruxing again and the hot weather will be here and I will get to the weight I'm seeking (155 lbs). I'm not sure how concerned I'd be about weight and fitness if it weren't for my crux passions. So really, crucifixion is a very healthy preoccupation for me! As others have rightfully said on this thread, it is a relatively safe activity, as long as you are careful about what you are doing.
I like your crux project and I like your attitude about it. Hopefully, you will continue your adventure and post it here!
I try to end this post, but I keep thinking of more stuff to say, but enough for now!

Thanks again for posting the videos.


Thank you for re-posting the videos, Pam!

Wow! I really relate to what you are doing here! Nice to know that there others doing what I like to do.

I love the black cat woman suit! Arrrgh! I may have to include you in my crux fantasy as one of those wickedly beautiful women tormenting me. The mask is a very great way to hide your identity! I wouldn't be too concerned at how much skin you are showing at this point. I know the crowd of spectators are calling for you to be stripped naked. I think you looked pretty damn good in the cat suit. More important, is the development of your crucifixion process.

The videos themselves were riveting! Again, it reminded me so much of what I do. Too bad Michigan is so far from Seattle. We could have great fun as neighbors! Can you imagine sitting out on the deck discussing crucifixion over a couple of drinks? Ha!

You are off to a great start, so much better than my first attempt at age 11. From here you can continue to develop and tweak your process. My suggestion would be to consider a revamp of the ankle/lower leg support. I think you are unnecessarily compromising safety by having your ankles attached to the cross. Your dismount in the first video scared the hell out of me. When you extended your foot to gain footing on the container, you almost knocked it over! Not that you wouldn't have escaped anyway, but you could have been hurt. I think a foot block with maybe some sandal-like straps you can step into and out of would be better and give you much better leverage to push yourself up. If so, I would mount the block securely about where your feet are now. The bend in your knees looks good to me.

The angle of your arms looks OK too. Even a bit wider would be OK too, as long as you had the proper support below, which brings up again the use of a sedile, as I described in my first post. One of the most important aspect of being crucified is achieving a hanging sensation, at least to some extent. The most erotic/sexy feeling of this hanging sensation to me is the stretch of the arms and torso; heaving out of the chest and stomach con-caving inward.

Legs are heavy and it doesn't do much for me having them hanging too. Instead, I like to see my leg muscles straining, preferably glistening with sweat pushing me back up. In fact, I like to see my entire body sweating with some nice fake blood trickling down from painted on whip cuts, but that's just me.

You seem to have pretty good body strength, so with a foot block I'm guessing you could set your clock out to 30-40 minutes.
With foot block and sedile I can go about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. I use a digital clock out from me and it sames to take forever for each minute to turn. I begin by sagging down on the sedile for 120 minutes, which becomes stressful on my arms. Then I push myself up and
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