Crowdsale Network[CSN]

Crowdsale Network[CSN]

Wong linglong3


About Crowdsale Network

A unique pre-ICO projects selection algorithm. The projects cuts down expenses on marketing and packaging. Thanks to our experts working through a country by country based representation, providing innovative technical solutions.

The Crowdsale Network platform is based on the goal of supporting and implementing socially important projects to improve the quality of life of every person. With the advent of blockchain and crypto-currency technologies, it became much easier to attract investments into a start-up with the help of ICO than through venture funds.

We are constantly looking for viable projects and are ready to invest all the necessary resources for their implementation. We have developed a unique algorithm for selecting start-ups and a phased financing mechanism that will avoid project scams and protect investors’ funds and our reputation.

What is the ICO?

This is an alternative way to attract investment. The abbreviation ICO stands for Initial Coin Offering, that is, the initial placement of coins (tokens). During the ICO, the project team sells digital tokens for crypto-currencies or fiat money to investors. Later, these coins can be used on the project platform as an internal currency or trade them on exchanges.

Why is it adventageous to hold the ICO on The Crowdsale Network platform?

The Crowdsale Network platform solves 2 main tasks for investors and start-ups.

Solution 1.

Investors often lose money because 90% of start-ups cannot withstand for various reasons. There are no business risks assessment organizations on the market. Crowdsale Network has developed a unique algorithm for startups selecting, consisting of 3 levels:

  1. Investors and community blockchain voting;
  2. Private experts review;
  3. Conclusion of specialized consulting business risks assessment agencies.

After a successful crowdsale the collected funds are held on the Escrow account that only Crowdsale Network has access to as a third party between investors and the startupper. The startupper provides a phased financial plan and receives a tranche financing upon completion of each phase. This mechanism controls the plan’s implementation announced by the startupper and minimizes the bankruptcy risks of the startup. 

Solution 2.

Startuppers often have a difficulty to build a team of specialists and there is no startup capital, marketing and advertising require high costs.

The Crowdsale Network platform easily solves this task thanks to country representative offices and innovative technical solutions. Teams of CSN representatives are located in almost every major city in the world. The large costs are not needed for marketing and advertising because more than 100,000 unique investors will be registered on the platform for 2018, which always monitor the startups recommended by the Crowdsale Network platform.

That is the plan. The Crowdsale Network platform receives a reward for its services after a successfully completed ICO or crowdfunding. Commission from the ICO of the project is 10% and commission from the crowdfunding of the project is 5%.

How much do CSN token cost

During the ICO period, the price of the CSN token will cost 0.32$ for 1 CSN.

When does the ICO strat

The sale of tokens takes place in 3 stages - presale, pre-ICO and ICO. 

preSale now - 12/02/2018 

Pre-ICO 12/02/2018 - 05/03/2018 

ICO 07/04 - 16/05/2018 

There are no other ways to issue tokens, infinite emissions are impossible.

What are the prospects for CSN tokens

The price for CSN tokens will grow, as these tokens will be in constant demand for 6 reasons: 

1) "CSN" token holders will receive a token of VQ Education "vq-coin" educational platform as a gift, and will also receive tokens from all startups that will be submitted to the ICO via the Crowdsale Network platform. Each time after the launch of a new start-up, new tokens will appear on CSN Pay wallets for holders of CSN tokens. For example, the start-up "X-Name Project" successfully conducted ICO and attracted $ 10millions in the form of BTC or ETH. The Crowdsale Network platform receives a 10% commission from the collected capital, of which 5% is received in the form of BTC / ETH and 5% in the form of startup tokens. For example, x-namecoin. 100% of the platform profit is distributed between holders of CSN tokens with mandatory storage of CSN tokens in the CSN Pay wallet. The holder of the CSN token is advantageous not to sell its tokens, but keep it in the wallet to constantly receive tokens of prospective startups and BTC / ETH as a gift. To sell more tokens of new startups, everyone will be interested in the success of the startup and will actively participate in the promotion of their projects. In this way all parties benefit and this ecosystem will develop more efficiently. 

2) The Crowdsale Network platform is developed through a franchise system. To represent the interests of the platform in different regions, representatives buy licenses. Since 2018, licenses will be sold for BTC and for CSN, but for CSN the cost of the license will be 20% cheaper. Since the licenses have a validity period of 1 to 3 years, representatives will prolong the validity period, by purchasing it again. 

3) Online CSN Store will be offering various goods and services for different crypto-currencies; however CSN holders will be able to purchase any goods with a significant discount. 

4) Investors, investing their funds in startups presented on the platform Crowdsale Network will receive remuneration in the form of CSN tokens. 

5) With the advent of its own exchange, CSN will be used as a currency pair for trading other tokens and altcoins, like BNB on the Binance exchange. 

6) Once CSN tokens become a liquid asset, ICO startups can participate not only with BTC and ETH, but also with CSN tokens, which will allow them to purchase more tokens of prospective startups.


Token name: CrowdSaleNetworkPlatform

Ticker: CSNP

Type: ERC20 ( Ethereum )

Address: 0x96Ee9B27f822D71aE9cbF06773A878b41308C396

Decimal: 18

Total supply (after burning) 30,000,000 CSNP (fixed, no dilution)

Mining No mining or any other means of increasing token amounts will apply to CSNP Token

Token utility Internal crypto-currency to exchange value (utility) between Crowdsale Network participants.


A limited number of tokens have been issued to implement the Crowdsale Network platform plans. A smart contract will not sell tokens more than a $ 22M hard cap in ETH. Burning unnecessary tokens is not needed, as they will not be any surplus, the issue of tokens is made strictly for sale.At the time of ICO finalization, a smart contract knows how many tokens are actually sold. This value is estimated at 77% and another 23% of tokens are issued:

100% Total tokens.

77% of ICO investors (PreSale, Pre-ICO and ICO).

14% Team freeze for 1 year.

4% Bounty.

5% Reserve.

The token freezing for the founding team is effective from the end of the ICO round.








Author: Wong linglong3

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