Crosswinds Pt. 02 - Dark Currents Ch. 11

Crosswinds Pt. 02 - Dark Currents Ch. 11

Nothing quite beats the torrid skin-on-skin sensation of sex while a blizzard raged outside, and Maddi took her time that morning, enjoying her daughter's warmth. She fucked Eden that morning with long, sensual strokes, savoring every inch. A sighed relaxed from Maddi's lips as she buried herself to the hilt. Her cock pulsed again-and again.

Eden lay on her side, propped up by her engorged belly. Maddi took extra care to caress the girl's stomach, but still delighted in pressing and massaging the hardened skin around the seed she planted nine months prior.

"Does this feel good, honey?" Maddi cooed as she slowly fucked Eden's dripping sex. She watched with bated breath the trail of cream Eden left clinging to her cock as she withdrew. Maddi smiled. "Looks like you're enjoying yourself."

"Coming is the only thing that keeps my mind off how miserable I feel," Eden grunted. The girl used her arms as a pillow as she unburied her face. "Goddamn, I want this kid outta me,"

"Soon, baby soon." Maddi leaned down and kissed her cheek. She shortened her thrusts and spooned her daughter, continuing their sinful union. "The last few weeks are the worst,"

"I believe it," Eden grimaced. She caressed the skin around her breasts and worked her fingers up to one her nipples, thick and wide. "Mmmm," Eden didn't hide her satisfaction when she pinched her nipple. A fat dollop of white-ish yellow oozed from the tip. She squeezed again harder, groaning again as she milked herself. "I need someone to empty these tits."

"We can take care of that later today," Maddi insisted. She watched with perverse glee as Eden's breast squirted into the growing milky pool on the sheets. "You are exquisite," She cried. "Oh my god," Her thrusts quickened.

Eden's voice soared as she winced. She squeezed herself tighter. "Make me come, mom!" Her voice quaked with desperation. "Make me come, please!"

But Maddi couldn't respond; She was too busy emptying her wicked balls into her flesh-and-blood. It only required a few torrid squirts to fill Eden's pregnant pussy, while the rest quickly spilled down her leg. Thankfully for Eden, her own body stiffened shortly-after. She cried as her mother's creamy warmth filled her, and the girl's cock twitched a few times before it exploded; Eden's teen futa cum shot nearly a foot away as her orgasm jolted from her clenched fists to her curled toes.

"FUCK! MOM!" Eden screamed. "That felt so fucking good!"

"We'll keep doing this, honey." Maddi nibbled on Eden's tender neck, who's skin was flushed red after coming so hard. "After all, it was my cock that induced your mom's labor when after we made you and Erin."

Eden nodded with zeal as she dozed off. "Yeah, mom. That sounds good. I love you."

"I love you too, my Eden."


Maddi jerked awake with a satisfied grin on her face. She cradled her sister from behind as the revolting siblings spooned undercover. Although part of her wished it was still Eden between her legs, she remained content that her bedmate was just as illicit.

"Rise n' shine, honey," Diana moaned. "What's gotten into you this morning?"

Groggy, it took Maddi a moment to shake the cobwebs. Then she understood the question. Her cock remained rock hard, buried inside Diana's burning warmth. The shaft jerked as she shifted her weight, body rippling in pleasure. Maddi moaned, rocking her hips against Diana's ass. The sisters grunted, the boxspring began to squeak. The new day's dawn broke through the window with dusky orange rays.

Maddi's sense of urgency annoyed her. She knew Henrietta and Alpa would come looking for their room in a few hours. But not even Dr. Bykov could have pulled Maddi from her sister's pussy. Her thrusting grew faster, then harder, seeking to finish what she'd started in her sleep.

Diana squealed. One of her busy hands found her pulsing erection while the other gripped the bed corner. She stroked herself as Maddi fucked with fervor, panting and gasping, a bubbling foam of white forming on her mouth's corner. Diana squeezed her cock harder and ran her thumb across her dripping slit. A torrent of precum coated her bulging head as heat rose from within. Her cocked jerked as she spewed her load, but her stroking continued, hurried, even after rope-after-rope shot into the blanket.

Slap after slap, Maddi's bony hips slammed into Diana's flesh until her fair skin ripened to a shade of glowing crimson. Possessed, she sank her teeth into the thick muscle of Diana's shoulder.

"This is what I wanted," Diana hissed. She pressed back into Maddi's thrusting cock. "I want my sister to dominate and claim my futa-pussy."

"I-I'm gonna come," Maddi cried.

"Come in me!" Diana whined. "Mark your territory!"

And mark her territory, Maddi did. Her body quaked as she shot her modest load inside Diana. She held her sister tighter as she finished her perverse orgasm. The room was left in silence once again, aside from the pairs exhausted panting.

"W-wow!" Diana cried under a shiver, "THREE times, Mads?"

"What're you talking about?" Maddi asked. She withdrew slowly from her incestual embrace and discovered first-hand was Diana meant. Her seed spilled from her sister's backside, forming generous pools on the bedding between them. "That's all me?!?" She stammered. No wonder her dream with Eden seemed so real. "I've never come half that much before!"

Diana giggled. "What's gotten into you? Or rather, what's the reason I've gotten so much in me?"

"We've both said it before," Maddi insisted, still panting. "Incest is best. How could I not come so much when it's you?"

"You're so sweet, Mads!" Diana squealed.

"But," Maddi sighed. "We should clean the bed. We can't afford to be caught,"

"We can afford to be caught, y' know," Diana reminded. She smirked before smacking her palm against Maddi's narrow glutes. "Just help me strip the bed so we can put your mind at ease."


Maddi and Diana breathed a sigh of relief after shutting the dorm's door. Diana allowed a few minutes of separation before reveling in their affair.

"And the Masters sisters escape exposure for another day," Diana grinned as her phone buzzed; She fished it from her bag and checked her messages. Through the night, she noted a missed call from Mary, And another, and another. Her thumb scrolled down and the text blurred together. In all, she counted 40 missed calls, none of which more than 10 minutes apart; All night. "That girl must be going mad with worry," Diana muttered. "And anticipation." She stifled a mischievous grin.

"What's wrong?" Maddi asked. Her eyes cut across to Diana pensively, staring at her screen.

Diana sighed. "Oh, it's just Mary. "She's been inconsolable lately. You did more damage to her than I even thought." She watched Maddi shrink into silence as they exited Peppermint House. The early morning broke into a soft, cloudless hue of blue. Diana tugged on her sleeves to guard against the faint chill in the air as she went on. "Which reminds me. Have you ever had a dick in your ass?"

Maddi blushed. She whipped around to see if anyone could overhear. "What kind of question is that?"

"Mary wants to take your anal virginity," Diana nodded with blunt force. "She thinks it's fair since you deflowered her beautiful Christian pussy. I'm afraid if she's not satisfied soon, she'll start to get mouthy again."

Maddi froze in her steps on the campus green. She cradled herself with a look of grave concern. "So she wants to sodomize me. It doesn't sound romantic,"

Diana chuckled. "I can assure you it won't be romantic. She's still furious. It would probably help things if you cried a little while she's fucking you. The more pain she thinks she's inflicting, the faster it'll satisfy her thirst for revenge."

"You can't be serious," Maddi's jaw nearly dropped. "Di, I just had a meltdown when I saw another woman touch you. Now you know how jealous I am, and you're asking me to fuck somebody else?"

"It'll be for the greater good," Diana insisted. "Besides, there's no telling how she'd expose us. Can you imagine the fallout? The public would be disgusted by two rich sisters fornicating-procreating. We'd never see our beautiful daughter Beatrix again. And-and what if we're both pregnant right now? They'd take away our new babies too!"

"Okay, okay!" Maddi tried to hush Diana as her sister's warnings grew louder. "How do you want this to play out?"

Diana afforded the forlorn Maddi a warm grin. "Just come to our apartment tonight. I'm sure Mary will take care of the rest."

Maddi blushed. Her words stumbled from her tight lips. "Just give me a day to mentally prepare. I'll come by tomorrow night,"

"We can arrange that," Diana agreed. "Besides, I'll need some time to calm Mary down."

"Are you fucking her?" Maddi snapped with suspicion. "Why would you have to calm her down? I know how clingy she can be."

Diana raised her palms in coy defense. "Mary and I are just two broken girls trying to fix each other. I'm not going to lie," She lied as she went on. "Yes, we've slept together. But it's not a regular thing. Besides, soon I'll be too busy nursing our babies to touch other girls."

Maddi grimaced. An uneasy feeling churned in her stomach. "I guess,"

"You're losing your nerve, again," Diana observed as she glared. "Hasn't everything been safe so far? Just think of all the little Dianas and Maddis we're going to make. Okay, dear?"

Maddi's face wilted, her cheeks smudged with reddish worry. She turned from Diana and headed toward Lavender House. In desperate need of a nap and shower, all Maddi wanted to do was be alone. A stroke of luck; Mallory would be out for most of the day. She crashed onto her bed, drifting asleep even before her head hit the pillow.

But the harsh blare of the dorm room phone destroyed her bliss. She'd only heard the phone once since she moved in. The analog buzzer rattled until she sat upright. She looked at the phone on the wall by the door; its bright red receiver seemed to glow in anger. Maddi knew it was the Moringa front office wanting to get ahold of someone. "If they want Mallory, I'm going to be pissed." Maddi moaned as she dragged her feet. "Why don't they call our cellphones when they want something?"

"Hello?" Maddi grumbled.

"Madison?" Dr. Umi Saito confirmed. "You have a visitor in the administration building. Please come to my office ASAP."

"Oh," Maddi blinked, trying to restore her professionalism. "Yes. Right away, Dr. Saito."


As she traversed the campus in the bright afternoon, Maddi wondered who could want to see her. She realized how few friends she really had. "It's likely Doctor Drake." She thought aloud. "Christy wouldn't travel this far by herself. Plus, she calls regularly." She let out an exasperated sigh as she shook her head. "What a weird day,"

A slender, fit woman stopped Maddi as she entered the Administration Building lobby. Her tattered denim and plaid skirt implied she wasn't local. With long curly black and brown hair neatly tied behind her, she looked down at Maddi with a glare that seemed both authoritative and friendly to the college student.

"Madison Masters?" She asked, pulling a slim wallet from her front pocket and flashing the shiny silver badge. "My name is Detective Jacyln Sims from the Portland Metropolitan PD. I wanted to ask you a few questions about your sister."

"Diana?!?" Maddi took a step back. "W-what? Why?"

"I'm doing a wellness check on her," Detective Sims suggested. Do you have time to talk?"

"I do," Maddi started, confused. "But why'd you come all the way from Portland? Are you her parole officer?"

"Not exactly," Sims admitted. "I met Diana during her incarceration. Some of her actions were a tad suspicious, so I figured she needed to be checked-on."

"Well, that's Diana, alright." Maddi scoffed. "But she's fine. I just saw her a few hours ago. I'm sorry you traveled so far for nothing,"

"I figured she'd be here." Sims cocked her head. "But what in her parole agreement allows her to leave the contiguous U.S. like this?"

"I've wondered that myself," Maddi sighed. "She won't talk about her release. Only that someone there in a position of authority slept with her."

Jackie stammered, "D-did she tell you who that was?"

"I can't remember," Maddi squinted as she tried to recall. "Maybe the nurse?"

The flustered detective tried to hide her relief. "Right, of course. So she's been on Moringa Island for over a month and hasn't harmed herself-or you?"

"No!" Maddi shook her wildly. "Why would she harm me?"

"That's what I want to ask you, Miss Masters." Detective Sims jabbed. "Why would she want to harm you?"

Maddi said nothing. She lowered her head in shame, desperate to find words-any words.

"Miss Masters?"


"No," Maddi said at last. "I don't think there's a reason for her to harm me. Everything is okay."

"Madison," Jackie paused to study the girl's tormented face. She decided a forward approach would be best. "Whatever you're hiding right now, will not be hidden for long. Your sister talks in her sleep. But even when she's awake, she has loud, angry conversations with herself. In most of them, she mentions killing you,"

Maddi turned away. Her head spun though she fought against revealing how dizzy she became. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Maddi," Jackie reached for her but missed.

"I have to go study," Maddi yelled as she hurried out the exit. She turned back and breathed easier, seeing that the detective did not give chase. But it did little to relieve her worry. "I could not have played that worse," Maddi cried. "This was so stupid. Why did I let her talk me into this?" She wiped the tears of frustration. "Everybody's gonna know how disgusting we are,"

Maddi's trembling hand found her pocketed phone and scrolled to her sister's number. Although the line only rang twice, to Maddi, it seemed like an eternity before Diana answered. "DI, I NEED YOU!" She cried.

"What's wrong?" Diana carried a tinge of concern.

"I need to come over and be with you," Maddi could barely speak amid her sobs. "Something's happening,"

Diana smirked, licking her lips in victory. "You know what's going to happen to you once Mary sees you,"

"Yes! I don't care!" Maddi's weeping continued.

"Then come on over, Mads." Diana tried to calm her excitement. "Mary will be waiting for you,"


Diana took her sister's distressed call on the patio. She decided to stay after the call ended, enjoying the high sun radiating against her skin. Her eyes caught a figure sitting in a chair at their table. Diana turned to face Rochelle's form, disheveled and pensive.

"I'm sure you hea

rd her, my beloved futa-mom," Diana cooed. "Maddi broke quicker than I thought." She watched her mother's dead, silent expression for a moment before growing impatient. "Nothing to say, mother?"

But Rochelle averted her eyes towards the floor. "If you're going to kill her, just do it. There's no reason to humiliate her like this."

"You know I've always had the habit of playing with my food before I eat," Diana snickered. "But maybe now it's time to gorge myself,"

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