Crossdresser Small Penis

Crossdresser Small Penis


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This is a photo of the reflection of leaves and branches on the river that I made while canoeing.
This image is quite animated with a pareidolia narrative. The green undulation in the center transmogrifies between being a facial portrait of something like the creature from the dark lagoon, or being a seated figure contending with the intrusion of an anatomically correct penis. This figure has arrayed around him a number of small mammals poking their heads out of tunnels or burrows. Well, that's what I'm seeing in it at the moment, but these things have a tendency to reconfigure otherwise. Sometimes, it's better not to see the pareidolia associations, and just see the image as undulation patterns on the river.
The photo is best seen full screen.
Mutinus caninus, commonly known as the dog stinkhorn and also the faeces carota, is a small thin, phallus-shaped woodland fungus, with a dark tip. It is often found growing in small groups on wood debris, or in leaf litter, during summer and autumn in Europe, Asia, and eastern North America. It is not generally considered edible, although there are reports of the immature 'eggs' being consumed.
The genus name Mutinus was a phallic deity, Mutinus Mutunus (known to the Greeks as Priapus), one of the Roman di indigetes placated by Roman brides, and caninus means "dog-like" in Latin. Mutinus is the diminutive of muto, a Latin word for Penis. It was described initially by William Hudson (1730–1793), a noted British botanist. Its common names in French, Phallus de Chien, Satyre des chiens, also hint at its resemblance to a dog penis. It is commonly known as the "dog stinkhorn".
This small member of the family Phallaceae emerges from an off-white egg-like fruiting body that lies half buried in leaf litter on the woodland floor. White mycelial cords (rhizomorphs), are often visible beneath this 'egg', which is 2–4 cm (1–1.5 in) high, and 1–2 cm (0.5–1 in) wide. The 'egg' has a tough outer skin (peridium), which covers a gelatinous inner layer, which in turn protects the fully formed, but unexpanded fruiting body. When the ‘egg’ splits open the fungus expands rapidly (usually within a few hours), to its full height of 10–12 cm (4–4.5 in). It is around 1 cm (0.5 in) thick, and is either yellowish-white, yellow, or pale orange. The split egg is retained as a volva-like sack, at the base. The column is very fragile, pitted, and cylindrical. It has a pointed tip, and is usually curved. The tip is covered in the spore bearing matter (gleba) which is a dark olive-brown paste, and has a smell which is irresistible to insects. (These insects help distribute the spores on their bodies, and in their stomachs.) Beneath the spore mass the tip is dark orange. Although its smell is not as strong as the related common stinkhorn (Phallus impudicus), it has been described as smelling like cat faeces.
Mutinus caninus, de ses noms vernaculaires, Phalle ou Phallus de chien, ou Satyre du chien est un champignon agaricomycète du genre Mutinus et de la famille des Phallaceae.
Contrairement au genre Phallus (Satyre puant), les espèces du genre Mutinus sont beaucoup plus grêles et n'ont pas de "chapeau" séparable, la gléba recouvrant plus ou moins la partie supérieure du stipe.
Le primordium de Mutinus caninus sort d'un œuf ovoïde, piriforme ou cylindracé, jusqu'à 4 × 2 cm, relié à plusieurs longs cordons mycéliens, appelés rhizoïdes. À la coupe, comme les Phallus mais l'amande est plus étirée et rougeâtre ,.
L'adulte mesure 8-10 (15) cm de haut et 5 à 10 mm de diamètre au niveau de la partie fertile".
My bed, Museum setting wide angle. New sandals, open toes, high heels.
Nude color thigh highs. Harem idea to be developed.
Wooden trellis, Mirrors, wall of flowers. My garden being in gazebo. The ceiling is art painting of sky and clouds.
Well well, this just hit 331.000 plus.
this is house I just moved out of, I bought a smaller house, and this one is for rent...I had to tear out all this girly stuff the lattice work, the mirrors, the wall paper with flower.
( oh i see I listed these already.)
This was dream of mine, this bedroom, but renters don't want that much personality in their house.
Men are so stupid, they should have a bedroom, like they " sneaked into the girls dorm room" the only thing manly in that room should be his penis.
I am not a cd, or tv, or crossdresser, but many of my friends and followers are.
Here is other shot..I am holding a ruby necklace from my mother.
"Hi Doctor Blue," said the man on the phone. "I'm 55 years old and I'm a compulsive masturbator."
"How compulsive?" asked the radio psychologist, a woman in her 60s with more than a little experience with the subject at hand.
"Oh," said the man. "It's pretty bad. Five, six, seven times a day."
"Oh," said the psychologist. "And do you have a job?"
"Yes," he said, sounding somewhat incredulous. "Believe it or not, I am. But I'm sure I could be a lot more successful if I wasn't... you know. Taking matters into my hands all the time."
"Right," said the psychologist. "Here's what I want you to do. Are you okay financially? Do you have a partner? Does your partner work?
"Yes," said the man. "Yes to all of the above."
"Good," said Doctor Blue. "Here's what I want you to do."
"Hang on," said the man. "I need to get a pen."
"Don't bother," said the doctor. "This is easy to remember."
"What I want you to do," said the doctor, "is schedule a vacation. Take six or eight or... hell... even 20 weeks away from your job. And do nothing but masturbate... all day, every day."
The man said nothing in response so the doctor said, "Are you still there? Did you hear what I said?"
"Uhh, yes," said the man. "I heard you."
"So?" said the doctor. "Can you do that for me? Seriously. Just try it, alright? And call me back when the time is up, and see how you're feeling."
So the man took the radio psychologist's advice. He cancelled all his work obligations and, for the next six months, did little other than eat, sleep and masturbate. His world grew very small and dark, lit only by his fantasies.
At the end of this period, his penis was rubbed raw. Even with the slipperiest lubes he could find, his skin couldn't handle the friction.
There was friction in his relationship, too. His partner soon grew tired of his "therapy," not to mention having to be the household's sole provider. On top of that, the partner wasn't getting any sex because the man was too busy (and sore from) masturbating.
When the six months was done, the man called back to Doctor Blue and her radio show and reported what had happened. He was not feeling happy. Not at all.
But the man didn't see. "What do you mean?" he asked. "What am I supposed to see?"
"Well," she said. "How do you feel about masturbating now?"
"Well," he said, "it's ruining my relationship. And, after months of not working, not bringing in any money, I feel like a loser, like a parasite."
"And what do you have to show for your six months off?" she asked.
"Other than a VISA bill the size of Mount Everest? And a bad case of chafing? Not much," he said.
"See?" she replied. "You've learned your lesson."
"Huh?" he said. "I don't follow. What, exactly, do you think I've learned?"
"That anything done to the exclusion of everything else soon loses its attraction."
"But," he said. "I still want to masturbate. Every day. All the time."
"Yeah, well," said the doctor. "That's life. And that's your other lesson from all of this. You are who you are, and you do what you do, and the way you've found to cope with it, all on your own, is probably the best you'll ever do."
Not because he had nothing to say. In fact, he had a lot to say. He was angry. And let down. And frustrated. And chafed, dammit. But no one in the listening audience got to hear that part, because, as soon as the man had said "I still want to..." his phone line had, courtesy of Doctor Blue's producer, gone dead.
So the man went back to work, and back to his old routines, and that was pretty much that. He got over his anger, and his chafing healed, and he started having sex with his partner again, and masturbating half a dozen times a day again.
One afternoon, as he was rushing to squeeze one more in (or out, as the case may be), he felt his brain go back to a place where it hadn't been in a long time. He found himself, fleetingly, wishing he could just chuck everything else and do nothing but masturbate, forever.
And then he remembered: he had tried that. And six months had been too long. So, surely, forever would not be a good thing. And speaking of things, his apparatus was suddenly limp in his hands. As if it had, finally, lost its allure.
Kids at Kaisenar, Papua province, Indonesia
A few months ago I retired from Yosemite National Park. The Workplace Mobbing and Whistleblower retaliation there was over the top. But, just leaving the job doesn’t stop the harassment for Government Whistleblowers.
I rented a Uhaul truck, car dolly and moved to Grand Junction, Colorado. I called the VA Hospital there before I left Yosemite and they said; sure we’d be glad to have you. Once I reached Grand Junction, I called again, so everything was supposed to be transferred. It didn’t happen. After a few weeks I received a call from my new primary care doctor. He asked why I moved to Grand Junction and went on to tell me that it was the smallest VA Hospital in the system. He then tried encouraging me to go to the Denver VA (One that’s at the bottom of the ratings). He continued to tell me they didn’t have a Rheumatologist and they were months backed up for Urology. With a high PSA test, it still took me 11 weeks to see a urologist, then he tells me, he will be gone for 2 weeks. Prior to that I spoke with a Patients Advocate and addressed the shortcomings, so the VA lab miraculously loses my urine sample. Not only that; I had haters and baiters (Hospital Staff and Vets) harassing me, getting in my face (no distancing), ignoring at check-in, fake coughing behind and almost on me. One man in the pharmacy line, was in my face (I asked him to please keep his distance), he tells me “If you don’t like it leave”. I addressed this to a staff member standing right there. He tells me I should speak to the Patients Advocate. If it were me, VA Police would have had me locked up. Once again; Selective Policing.
Anyway, after 3 months, still no Rheumo, 2 no call returns from the Patient’s Advocate, repeated harassment and retaliation in the Hospital and the RV Park, I was staying at. I decided to head to Arizona in search of better care. Like it can’t get any worse. On our way to the Prescott AZ, VA Hospital; Koda and I received harassment all along the way. One of many, a prior post about Arizona Amy. We had many Amys and BillyBobs along the way. We had the Big Trucks with Big Flags mobbing us along the way. We had Selective Policing too. At every Walmart we stopped to stock up on supplies and Boondock in their lots; we were Mobbed by Walmart staff and many others. We were baited at every corner and blocked in every aisle. This is easily seen on the many cameras, but again; in America we have Selective Policing. The parking lots were like a stupid fest; big diesel trucks chasing us down, to fill our lungs with exhaust and Amys practically wearing nothing baiting and hating.
Koda and I pulled up to the entrance of the Prescott Arizona VA. There was a perp waiting just before the gate, the Gate Guard had cones set up all over the place, making it as narrow as can be. We pulled up in our 35 foot motorhome, with car and dolly attached. He saw Koda in his passenger seat and blurted out “No Dogs On Campus”. He said “You’re going to have to back up and turn around in that lot. It was a small lot (where the perp was waiting), I had cars behind me and there was no way I could back my rig with dolly, clear back to that lot. I told him that and asked if I could just pull ahead to where I could turn around some place and I would leave. He started cursing and walked away. He came back and said he would have to call VA Police, so he did. I waited, the Police came and escorted me to where I could make a u-turn and leave.
It left a bad taste in my mouth, so Koda and I stayed in Prescott Valley for a few days. The weather turned real cold so we headed south and ended up in Orical AZ. We boondocked there for a week. I posted a couple pics; the sunrise and sunsets were remarkable. It didn’t take long for the big trucks and perps to show up and start harassing Koda at every opportunity. We endured it, took our morning and evening walks and got some nice pictures.
This morning I did my Google Maps request for Gilbert Arizona (I had researched it the week). As we were getting ready to pull out onto AZ 79, around the bend comes a VA highly marked and painted transport car. This was 90 miles south of Gilbert AZ, but it drove ahead of us to Gilbert. This is the kind of psychological harassment Government Whistleblowers receive.
So, here Koda and I are; boondocking in a Gilbert AZ, Walmart parking lot, being surrounded by hate and ignorance. We were mobbed in the store, just like so many others. Tomorrow I’ll try to get transferred to the Gilbert AZ, VA; for some much needed care.
I tell you this not for sympathy or empathy. I tell you this, because there are so many that suffer the same inhumane harassment and retaliation. They may be unable or unwilling to speak of it; because of the extreme retaliation and possible false labeling by VA physicians. All you have to do is turn on the evening news; then try to tell me how far fetched this is. You can see overweight white men (probably with small penises), waving AR 15s in the streets as police drive right by. Or overweight white men (probably with small penises), revving and racing big trucks with big flags; filling the air with exhaust and forcing others off the road.
Thanks for visiting my photostream.
The ancient Greeks were naked or rode on horseback, nor, even approximately, looked like an idealized images. Judging by the average Greek osteoarheološkom material was a stocky, robust, relatively short legs.
How, then, the Greek art defines a man? Aristophanes legendary winners of the marathon describes: smooth chest, bright skin, big shoulders, a short tongue, a big butt and a small penis (Clouds, 1011-13). The man was naked, a woman, until the beginning of Hellenism Praksitela and mostly dressed. Only with a few exceptions, all the Greek artists, and all the ancient authors who wrote about nijma men. Greek world, as we know it today, is a male world, and the state, the polis, the patriarchal concept of involving only adult congenital men. Publicly displayed works of art, especially sculpture and architecture are much more addressing the man, but a woman. All of this points to one, relationship between the audience and watched in Greek art becomes the relationship between Erastus and eromena, beloved and lover, in which the sculpture (or pictures) eromen, junior partner in a homosexual relationship, which is passive, perhaps, accentuated reduced penis . Does this mean that Partenonski frieze procession desirable homosexual partners? Worth it just for the tens of thousands of kouros, a sculpture of naked boys who are like tombstones stood all over the Greek world? It is obvious that we can not Greek construction of corporeality and sexuality measure today's standards, but the affinity that our culture is shown to the classics (Twentieth Century, however, follows the trend of abandonment of traditional forms) are not missed. Later, we see that there, although there is a huge gap of misunderstanding, many points of contact between modern and Greek civil taste.
When we talk about the relationship of the human body, with all their needs, and cultural norms, are talking also about how integration in society. The basic form of the Greek society is distinct homosocijalnost, and for the Greek polis, we can rightly say that the men's club, while all other social groups condemned the segregation (women, foreigners), or completely off (the slaves). Unlike the Eastern civilizations, where distant and invisible to authorities govern the lives of its subjects, the polis, which is completely independent and self-sufficient entity, a man (man) becomes visible, palpable agent in the creation of the state. However, this task is not easy. Greek soldier, farmer or tradesman, a voter, a full-fledged citizen, all in one. Tensions emerged that many contradictory roles that the Greeks had to exercise can be felt in the description of the Athenian demos from around 400 BC AD: capricious, choleric, unjust, inconstant, but also accommodating, compassionate, sympathetic, boastful, conceited, humble, gentle and wild, all in one. (Gas NH 35th 69) Not surprisingly, therefore, that neither Plato nor Aristotle placed him in a democracy are not desirable and equitable social order.
The woman was in the polis became the antithesis of a positive, active, male principle. At the Parthenon on the two places could see the struggle of the Greeks against the dangerous female troupe, the Amazons (the metopes and the Athena's shield), while in the temple, on the podium Athens Partenos there view of creating the first woman, Pandora, which, as we have learned from Hesiod, gods created as an evil for men. The final showdown with the role and position of women in Athenian society has been registered on the mythological level, the story about the trial of Orestes, murderer of the mother. The lawsuit was Apollos' argument prevailed, thanks to Athena's casting vote, that the woman just groove in which a man throws seed, and that she does not play a role in inheritance and does not determine the future no man. Orestes is, therefore, solely responsible father as a single parent. However, when you mention all the art and mythology of all, we know that these are fields in which most reflects the state ideology. The role of women in Greek society was hidden, but very important, as today in some areas of the Mediterranean. But what we are currently most interested in is to be very long portrayed women as revised (incomplete) man, and that odjevenost its natural state. It seems that the show (and show), femininity was particularly limited, and that is seen as subversive in a strictly male polis.
The fundamental tension that permeates the polis and who is much involved in the construction of Greek mythology, literature and culture in general, the conflict of the individual and authority, and desire and the law. Characteristically, the civil society of equal to the materialism and competitiveness r
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