Crossdresser Love

Crossdresser Love


Crossdresser Love
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Meet the women who are DESPERATE for the love of a crossdresser.

Finally a step by step system that shows you how and where to find women who love cross dressers in no time without fear or embarrassment or without her leaving you because of your wonderful gift. This will be the best £29.99 you will ever invest but read below before you make your decision because the price pales into insignificance when you compare to what you will get. Given that people can't work at the moment due to the coronavirus we've lowered the price to £19.99.

Now watch this video and prepare to be shocked.

My name is Penny I am a genetic girl married to a cross dresser called Danny. When he dresses he becomes Danielle my girlfriend.

When I first met him I thought he was a woman- he looks that stunning and I’ve even seen men and lesbian women chat him up. After we got chatting he told me he was a guy, then I felt weak at the knees. Then we kissed and I fell in love. Then he asked me to go out with him and I said yes. Then when he proposed to me I said I would be honoured to be his wife on condition that on the wedding day he wore a dress!

We regularly go out with him dressed up and when we go out we have a girly night out. For example when we buy tickets I say “one for me and my girlfriend.” She always squeezes my hand a little when I do that.

I was single for three years before I met Danny. I am of Asian background and I am of a group of women who have a very similar situation to that of cross dressers. I used to cry myself to sleep or cuddle up to my teddy bears longing for someone who could cope with my lifestyle and desires which many of us have to keep in secret.

Some may say that Danny is lucky to go out with a woman who understands his desire to wear women’s clothes. Far from it, when you buy How to find Miss Perfect A guide for cross dressers and see the story of other women like me you’ll see we are the lucky ones.

Danielle told me how she longed for a girlfriend who would not only tolerate the dressing but share in it. Her desire to dress is so strong she cannot suppress it and she said it would only be a matter of time before any girlfriend found out no matter how much she tried to hide it.

Danielle told me how difficult it was to find a girlfriend. She was always afraid to tell any girlfriend of his dressing in case she left him. She was always afraid that on telling her she’d tell all and sundry which is really easy given social media these days. Those days are now gone.

Now I know we are going to be happy ever after and I know that no CD or woman in my position needs to be single ever again.

When you read How to find Miss Perfect A guide for cross dressers you will see that there are hundreds of millions of women who have certain desires.

Women who are in such a group have certain relationship issues.

Does this sound familiar? You are about to find out that there are hundreds of millions of us and we are just as lonely as CDs are.

There is a reason and it’s not financial.

I know a lot of doctors: psychiatrists and family physicians. I have asked them all about the suicide rate among cross dressers. At this moment in time there are no published studies, as far as I can see, on this subject.

However on discussion with these doctors and telling them the plight of cross dressers all agree that the risk of suicide among cross dressers is much higher than that of the public. The major reason being the loneliness and the isolation. Nobody should ever feel so low as they want to try and end their lives.

I wanted to do something about it. Cross dressers are a group of very unloved people but they have so much love to give. As you read How to find Miss Perfect A guide for cross dressers you’ll see how the lives of many women have been enriched by their partner’s dressing. You all have so much to give us girls some may say that you are being selfish by denying some poor girl your wonderful gift.

During the course of the research we have found many women (who are increasing in number) who long for the warmth and love of a cross dresser. You’ll read of several in How to find Miss Perfect A guide for cross dressers .

When you read this guide hopefully you’ll see the what you have to offer these women and how many women there are who long for you.

My cousin is a doctor. During his time as a medical student and junior doctor he found a group of women who kept coming into hospital due to domestic violence and overdoses etc. They all had one thing in common. However being a CD he knew these characteristics were shared among CDs. A few cases may not be enough but when they start appearing in hundreds of women it starts to get you thinking that there we are onto something here.

When you see this programme you’ll see that there is no reason why every CD in the world cannot have a loving girlfriend who shares in the dressing up.

Today you only pay £19.99 (US $30.) Get it now before the price goes up and our delivery system has a limit on the number it can deliver each day so get it quick.

Use our code missmoneypenny007 to get 50% off but only for the first 10 purchases per day.

When you read How to find Miss Perfect A guide for cross dressers we promise that certain things will dawn on you.

My name is Brittany I am single looking for a special woman and I have been searching for her for a few years. It was sometimes hard trying to find her but after reading your book I have been more relaxed about it and I will find her and definitely worth the money" Brittany from facebook

"An eye opener, showed me that I was searching in all the wrong places for an accepting partner. The proverbial haystack will hopefully become smaller with these tips. Buy it, well worth a read." Chantelle Collins facebook

"My name is Lauren Smith. I am a cross dresser. I am married. I wanted to show my wife I am a cross dresser. I would recommend this to anyone wanting to break the ice" Lauren Smith facebook.

"I can see after reading the book no CD needs to be single..I bought it out purely out of interest & to see if it reflected my own experiences. I had no reservations about buying it. It's Worth the money & more to find your soul mate.I would recommend it without hesitation!!! Go for it, you won't regret it. Just to state, I did not make this post for any personal gain. But purely to help to motivate othersfind that special someone xx" Lesley Ann Smith.

"I don’t read a lot of non-fiction self-help books, but when Penny Bond offered me a copy of How to find Miss Perfect: A Guide for Cross Dressers for review, I immediately fell in love with the idea. This is neither a how-to book on cross dressing, nor a work of personal affirmation that tries to convince the reader that cross dressing is healthy and acceptable. Instead, it’s a book that makes that assumption, and sets out to demonstrate that we can indeed find love not in spite of our cross dressing, but because of it.

"As somebody who has lived what Penny is writing, and who is fortunate to have a wife who not only accepts my feminine side, but who actively engages ‘Sally’ to come out and play, I loved the approach. What makes this such an exciting book is that it’s written not by a cross dresser, but by a wife who loves one.

"There are some studies and background details that Penny discusses, and some common questions that often arise when a spouse comes out as a cross dresser, but most of the book consists of real accounts of happy, healthy, loving relationships between cross dressers and their wives. It really is a positive, uplifting, happy read that offers hope (and some dating advice) for even the loneliest of our sisters. Just lovely! Sally from Bending the bookshelf

How to find miss perfect – a guide for cross dressers is sold through my cousin’s fitness company so that on your bank statement something very innocent.

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This book is only designed for people who are willing to take action. Women who love cross dressers will not flock to you like flies to honey just on reading it. You have to make the effort to find such ladies. You have to be willing to treat them like goddesses from the moment you meet them. When you do get married I expect you to fulfil your marriage vows, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part.

Now the case studies you will see are very exciting. We’re sharing them because it’s important for people to realise that others have actually found loving wives and to see it is possible. It seems today that everybody is trying to sell you something and make ridiculous claims. That is not how it works. These specific people read our book, made a commitment and followed our advice to the letter.. Yes they followed the programme but it’s not 50% of WHY they succeeded. We do our best to ensure that everybody has a shot of making it but the truth is that like anything else in life there is a lot more involved than a step by step programme. These people are special in that they reached their goals but that doesn’t mean you will. We do our best to give you every asset we can to help you reach them but only you are responsible for your success which the programme or fail. We could just put “results not typical” here in really small text but we think it’s our job to make you understand that you reach your goals you will have to work hard, learn a lot and execute. We’re here to help and look forward to hearing of your success.


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I've been crossdressing ever sense I was a boy. Call me Strider (that's not my real name). As a kid I received hand-me-downs from my older sister, call her Gazelle (not her real name). We were a poor family to say the least. I got all of her shorts, most of her skirts and some of shirts from her. Both parents didn't mind this at all. I didn't mind this at all. My sister had nice tastes in clothing with the pink, purples, and blues. I would shift through her clothes to choice the ones I liked and got rid of the ones I didn't. I was called cute by random strangers at places. They said, "You have two cute girls." We did want to waste time explaining that I wasn't a girl. When I turned 11 when finally had the money for separate clothes for me. I chose to instead stick mostly to the girls clothes I got use to. Not all of my clothes were girls clothes, but 2/3 were. When my sister tried on makeup, I joined joined in suit. I had to complete the look. When she had a bra, my man b*** needed support as well. These days, I look feminine whenever I feel like it or when I hangout with my sister Gazelle. I would say I look. I'm obviously a guy, but one who likes to dress up definitely. My confession is that I've been crossdressing for a very long time. I love to crossdress.

I don’t know what is dumber. The story or using the names Strider and Gazelle.

I think there just code names so you can talk about them in the comment section. There fake names of course.

My mom was supportive of my cross dressing. Started when I was in grade 1 and in a school play. I was a rat in the pied piper. costume was a brown tunic with brown tights. I wore it a lot around the house. I would sleep in them. As I grew the tights wore out. Over the years, mom bought me a nightie and white tights to sleep in. On one occasion we were at friends when I was 9 and they had a pool. I had no swimming costume and they only had girls. I initially resisted but mom said this is your chance you know you like girls clothes. I was super embarrassed but loved her. I was allowed to take the one piece girls costume home.

I was in a play too. I was in middle school. I was the main character's best friend. There was more girl parts than boy parts. My character wore a long skirt. I loved it. I had to learn sound like a girl so I could stay in character.

I'm a boy who wears one piece swimsuits too. My and my gal friends are always wear matching one to the public pool. My long wet hair and feminine complexion, made people not really ask any questions.

You wear bras? You have more confidence than I do. I wish I was brave enough to cover up these man b**** of mine. I don't want mine flopping around.

The word should be the plural b**** , not the singular b*** . The grammar of that sentence is only slightly off.

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Would like to meet & chat with others about this & at into it??

▶ Femme name: Cindy ▶ Location: Netherlands ▶ How long you have been crossdressing : ...
My name is Raul, I am from India. Since an early age I had a ...
▶ Femme name: Jennifer Marie ▶ Location: USA ▶ How long you have been crossdressing ...
▶ Femme name: Sylvia Greene ▶ Location: Scotland ▶ How long you have been crossdressing ...

5 Beautiful Crossdressers Who Like Going Out in Public

Many crossdresser have desire to go out in public. The feeling of femininity in public is an amazing experience to interact with. It is always thrilling to see how people react to you if you are trying to pass as a girl or a woman. Even though, many crossdressers are comfortable with just dressing inside there houses, some crossdressers take on a more adventurous venture.
There are significant increase in crossdressers stepping out in public as crossdressing is slowly started to get accepted more widely. But there are also places where crossdressing is frowned upon and forbidden. So, if you are stepping out in public, make sure you are confident, prepared and know about the laws of your neighborhood &country.

Now talking about the lighter side of things, many open crossdresser consider going out in public as one of the best feelings of exploring the feminine side. With the availability of amazing crossdressing & makeup products, crossdressers can really take their transformation to the next level and have a very passable figure as a girl or a woman.
Emma is a Scottish transvestite who has enjoyed dressing as a girl She says she just have a preference for wearing women’s clothes. Emma has a lot of crossdressing videos in her YouTube Channel. Most of them are usually about crossdressing in Public.
Courtney is a hetero sexual cross dresser who was introduced to crossdressing by his ex girlfriend. He says it excites him to appear as passable as possible. He loves to appear extremely passable with assistance from make up, hair, clothes and jewelry.
Heidi is an occasional cross dresser with a semi supportive wife. He likes to create pretty images and dressing as Heidi to have a nice break from all the hustle and bustle of life.
Jiyoon is a really loving crossdresser who loves creating various contents such as photos, videos and so on. He says he is also very keen to communicate with other people and is very glad to introduce his crossdressing videos having various concepts.
ADORABLE all love dressing and exploring the feminine side of me. If anything I do wish I was born a girl OH YES YUMMY
Iam a boy crosdressing , i love going in the street in skirt and sweat I am feminine and i love dressing wit bra, belt, stocking ,dress , hight heel i am a lady
Would love to know more people involved in crossdressing & possibly meet hangout & share feelings & ideas, maybe even shop & help each other out?? Message me…..
If anyone wants to connect with a cross dresser, I’m looking for a play mate whom loves dressing up as.much as i do, let’s have fun and do whatever it is we do together ❤️ xx
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