Creazy Shit

Creazy Shit


Creazy Shit

World Star Hip Hop


World Star Hip Hop


Secret room below the basement of my friends house.
THE ULTIMATE CHROM (Smash Ultimate Montage)
I didn't expect that to be so intriguing
I need advice, not sure where this would fit best at?
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Okay so basically my friend lives in this fancy beach house and it's usually always just the mom and my buddy who is always at the house since his dad is always out on business for work, traveling around to a lot of different places in the world. My buddy tells me that he's an international agent (or so his mom told him). One day he told me he was in the basement looking for something and his shoe caught on the carpets edge like how it always happens and he nearly fell headfirst into the wall. When he got back up he told me there was a fucking trapdoor style doorway going BELOW the basement and he had no idea until the carpet was kicked up violently and revealed it. The whole basement floor is concrete just fyi, not dirt or anything like some are. He was freaked the fuck out but super curious as to what lies behind/below the trapdoor so he opens it up and this is how he told me what he saw and the following events that followed afterwards.
He opened up the trapdoor that was concealed by a rug somewhat near the corner of the basement room. Upon opening it, he saw a ladder going downwards and a room lit up down at the bottom so he climbs down carefully as he had no idea this shit existed and finds a freaking concrete-walled room with just a double-seat couch, coffee table layout in front of the couch and a Pole lamp next to the couch. There was also a metal door off to his right in that room but he said he got freaked out as hell and just climbed out and proceeded to shout out for his mom in the house to tell her what the fuck he just found...
Now this is where it gets really strange... His mom comes to confront him (obviously since he was screaming in a panic and shouting for her) once she finds him, he told me he started to tell her exactly what happened like how he tripped over the basement carpet and saw the weird trapdoor, everything else he saw, etc. Now mind you, it was just him and his mom at home at the time. The dad was oversea on business work. The mom started to get all wide-eyed and said, "we need to go right now, we have to go!" in a state of sheer panic and confusion for both him and his mom but he didn't understand what the fuck was going on.
They went to a hotel for a day and a half. The whole time he kept asking his mom what the hell was going on and what was that trapdoor and he told me she literally was terrified of even saying anything about it except "You shouldn't have ever seen that. This is a huge mistake" And repeating that sorta line in different ways while she was panicking her self.
Somehow she figured it was safe to go back to the house and told him to just forget about it and never talk about it again, ever! He's a good friend of mine and wanted to share this cause why the fuck would you bottle up something so weird after that?? Anyways he said one day when his mom left for a quick grocery shopping (some few weeks later) he returned to the basement to find the rug completely gone and the trapdoor filled up with concrete. He could actually see the outline faintly where the doorway for entering below the basement was.
Needless to say he got more freaked out over that and told me he thinks his dad is some kind of international hitman or something. He told me he thought the table next to the doubleseated couch was like a setup style table and the room to the right with the metal door (which he wished he wasn't too scared to open) might have contained all kinds of weapons or something.
Idk what the fuck to think what the purpose of the room below the basement was served for but needless to say, it definitely gave me and him goosebumps talking about it let alone typing this whole story out.
Sorry for any mistakes, I'm on mobile. Also edited to fix spelling error.
So I worked at a high end restaurant due to Covid a lot of people were cut and we switched to 1 bartender 1 server and 2 kitchen staff. The head chef called me 2 days prior that he was taking his gf, which is a doctor mind you to get tested for Covid. I said of course I need all the hours I can get. Fast forward 2 days I’m working the kitchen by myself mind you I’m the dishwasher making well below living wages. No one else has came in and we’re about to open. The owners daughter get this bright idea to call the head chef in. And what does he do he comes in?? With no regard to staff or any customers, stating when he came in that he doesn’t think she has it. Nor does he have the results from the test back. This happened last week and now they took me off the schedule. They acted nonchalant about it ? But that’s just god tier lvl stupidity. Thanks all comments and advice is welcome

Reference #18.a689ef50.1658133778.35be69a2

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