Creating the Church and it's Mission.

Creating the Church and it's Mission.


The health and safety of a church’s members are of utmost importance and proper organization is key to ensure security and confidentiality. Communication between churches and members is critical and so proper methods for organizing church activities and communications must be implemented and followed. Here are 10 ways to organize secret church communication. 

1. Create an Official Church Mission Statement: Each church should have a mission statement or purpose outlining the goals and values of the church. This is the best way to ensure that all members are operating with purpose and are on the same page. This will help to create a standard set of procedures for communication that all members must follow. 

2. Establish a Code of Conduct: Every church should have a code of conduct that is followed by all members. This will help to keep communication organized, secure and confidential and will also help keep any potential drama or misunderstandings to a minimum. 

3. Set Up a Secure Group Chat: To ensure that all members are able to communicate with each other safely, a secure group chat should be set up. This should be done on a platform that’s not easy to access and should be protected with a unique password.

4. Utilize Encrypted Email Accounts: An encrypted email account should be created strictly for the church. This ensures that all communication is secure and only those who have been given access to this email account are able to view documents and emails.

5. Establish Secure Physical Storage Locations: Setting up secure physical storage locations for physical documents can help to ensure that all church documents are kept safe and private. These documents should be kept in safe locations that only church members have access to.

6. Monitor Social Media Platforms: Social media can be a great way to communicate with each other but it can also be a great way to leak information if someone is not careful. It is important to monitor the social media accounts of all members to ensure that no confidential information is shared.

7. Develop Responsible Use Guidelines: The church should develop responsible use guidelines for all members. These guidelines should include instructions on when and how to discuss and share confidential information. 

8. Host Small, Private Meetings: Hosting small, private meetings can ensure that all members are able to communicate safely and securely. These should be done in secure locations such as a church office or a member’s home. 

9. Employ Non-Verbal Communication: Utilizing non-verbal communication methods can be very effective in ensuring secrecy. This can include things such as hand signals or even nods of the head to indicate what needs to be done. 

10. Utilize Technology: New technology can be very helpful when it comes to organizing communications. There are now many services that provide end-to-end encryption and storage, ensuring that all communications and documents remain secure.

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