Create your first ad campaign on MyBid

Create your first ad campaign on MyBid

We are constantly evolving to help you grow. MyBid now allows advertisers to self-create and edit ad campaigns. After registration, advertisers can immediately create their first campaign. 

Previously, advertisers were only able to view, control the balance, stop and start campaigns. When registering, you can now create an advertising campaign and send it for moderation. 

An advertiser, even one who has worked with us before, logs into their account and starts a campaign. The campaign then goes through a moderation process, during which the advertiser's manager reviews it to ensure that all fields are correctly filled in and that the creatives are suitable. Moderator will either approve the advertising campaign at once or suggest necessary corrections. 

To create an advertising campaign in MyBid, follow these steps: 

  1. Set the campaign name, enter the ad format and payment model, create a postback link, and enter a link to your offer. 

2. Then, enter the targeting conditions.

3. Specify the display time for the ad campaign. 

4. Upload your creatives. Each advertising format has specific creative requirements. When selecting a format, the creative requirements will vary. 

5. To set up your preferences for displaying ads, you can create a Black and White List. The Black List includes sources where you do not want your ads to appear, while the White List includes sources where you want your ads to be displayed. 

6. Remember to specify your budget, either daily or total, and then click on Update Campaign. 

The campaign is now sent for moderation to your personal manager. 

Would you like to try it out? Sign up here

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