Create your Google Account

Create your Google Account

Create your Google Account

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Signing up for a Google account is a quick process, but you will need to give out some personal information. Open any Google webpage. Click the red Sign In button, and then click the red Sign Up button. The buttons may change depending on the Google service you are signing in to. Come up with a username. By default, your username will become your new Gmail account name. You can click the link below the username field to create a Google account with an existing email address instead of creating a new Gmail address. This option is not available if you are specifically trying to sign up for Gmail. In this case, you must create a Gmail account. If your username is not available, you will be given several related options, or you can try a different one. Fill out the rest of the required information. You will need to enter your first and last name, your birthday for age verification , your gender, your phone number in case you lose access to your account, and a verification email address. You also need to enter which country you reside in. The mobile phone number is recommended but not required. This is a verification tool that ensures that a real person is creating the account. Agree to the privacy policy. You can choose whether or not you would like to add a picture to your account. Your Google account has been created. You can click the button to return to Google , or visit any other Google service. You should be automatically logged in no matter which Google site you visit. What kind of name can I put on a Gmail account? Keep in mind that if you are using your account for work or school, that it should be appropriate. For example, janedoe email. Not Helpful 14 Helpful Making a Google account and making a Gmail account is basically the same thing. With a Gmail account, you can do the exact same things. Not Helpful 17 Helpful Yes, just search 'Make a Google account', sign out of your current account and you can go through the account creation process again. Not Helpful 22 Helpful Fill all the information questions in and then you will have your account! What is the importance of having a Google account? It is required for many servuces an example is Gmail, which is a free email service from Google , and improves your experience greatly. All of your preferences are stored on it, so Google will tailor your results to your liking once their algorithms determine what exactly it is that you enjoy. A good example of this is for YouTube. If you log in to YouTube with your Google account, it will recommend new videos for you to watch based on the videos which you have previously watched. It also allows you to subscribe to YouTube channels for free, so you are always alerted when a particular channel releases a new video. Not Helpful 9 Helpful How do I install a game without using the Play Store? Use the Play Store instead, to be safe. Not Helpful 16 Helpful Must I use my real name to subscribe? You can use any username you want. Not Helpful 3 Helpful Can I make and use more than one Gmail account? You can also sign into multiple Gmail accounts at one time. Keep in mind that in order for certain apps to work, such as Google Docs, you may have to sign out of all of your email accounts first, and then sign into the one you wish to use. Not Helpful 12 Helpful Can I install apps in my phone without logging into my Gmail account? Go online and download Aptoide, and you can download apps using the application. You may need to make an acceptation on the settings app. Not Helpful 13 Helpful Not Helpful 0 Helpful 1. How do I move my Google Photos from one Google account to another? Answer this question Flag as Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. Add a photo Upload error. Tell us more about it? Click here to share your story. Google Applications In other languages: Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read , times. Is this article up to date? Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. All text shared under a Creative Commons License. Help answer questions Learn more.

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