Creamy Orgasms

Creamy Orgasms


Creamy Orgasms



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By sh3r27764 | 755 posts, last post 2 months ago

Sasa Milosevic, MD
answered this
Normal And Pathological Vaginal Discharge

My bf noticed that each time we have sex i secrete a thick creamy white almost sticky fluid which dries up and becomes flaky. it doesnt have any odour. i asked around and most of my girl frens only experience this nearer to ovulation, but for me it happens every time we have sex, which is almost everyday.
any suggestions or insights as to why? or is there anyone else with such an experience?

Hi sh3r,

I have the identical thing... just a while ago my boyfriend and I were having sex and he noticed quite a bit of white, creamy odorless secretion after he had initially begun. I am not close to my period, am not on birth control (we use condoms) nor have had any other procedures. This only occurs during sex and is close to a creamy, wet consistency until it dries clear and flakey. There is no pain involved although it began somewhat recently. We have been together for years so there is no chance of a STD.

Please let me know if you find anything out! I am very curious...

most people would call this "getting wet" or something of the sort. When his penis enters you, and you feel pleasure, you secrete white liquids. it will be similar to the white stains you find in your underwear, which is merely a substance that cleans out your vagina so you dont get infections

I have never heard of vaginal lubrication beeing white.. but like I always say everyone's body is different.

As long as there is not pain, no smell etc then I suppose you are fine. NExt time you go for your yearly pap smear.. I would tell your doctor to make sure everything is in fact OK.. if I had anything but clear lubrication coming out of me.. I would run to the doctor. (but that is just me)

It happens every time we have sex and I was worried about it but she said it has always been like that. There is no smell but it was something I definitely wasn't used to. Anyways if anybody has any addtional info please post it.

It's probably clear natural lubrication, but when you add in vigorous friction it can take on a white color. While this might sound gross to some, it's like whipping egg whites. But I agree you should ask your gynecologist on your next visit, but unless you develop pain or a smell, it's probably no worry.

Girls, unless your vagina is uncomfortable or has a pungent smell then the discharge is probably normal. It is probably the vagina lubricating and protecting itself, see "What is abnormal vaginal discharge" in this Steady Health article:-

I have the same thing mine has like an ironey sweet smell its not bad its just not what I call oderless everyone says the bad stuff smells fishy but mine doesnt? Is that normal?

Same thing for me and I am going crazy trying to find out! Its not the natural lube turinging white from friction, I know that and I've been to my doctor twoce now about it and I have no infections, nothing, comletley healthy - but still this discharge! It turns my boyfriend off and it doessn't have a foul smell, but "metallic" is what he says. This has been going on for almost a year and now I am just so agrivated about trying to fix this problem that my sex drive has gone nil. Please help if you have any info! I am currently on tri-sprintic (generic OTC) and zoloft.

I've got exactly the same problem. I have been to the doctor who told me it may be due to an oestrogen level imbalance and that perhaps it would clear up when I came off/changed the pill. It didn't. I have found so far that it only happens during penetration. Masterbation produces the "normal" clear lubricant but the white creamy discharge is only produced during penetration, when the penis/vibrator etc hits the cervix. Since going back to the doctor, she told me that I would just have to accept that's the way I am. I have been doing some research and it seems (if you eliminate any STD's etc) there are 2 types of glands: one near the entrance of the vagina which produces the slippery clear stuff, and the glands at the cervix whose consistency changes throughtout the menstal cycle. If this is correct, then we should be seeing much more of our creamy friend during sex a week before and after our period. If you guys can, please get back to me to say whther or not you have found this to be the case. One more question, it doesn't happen when I use my small vibrator, only with my larger ones or with my boyfriend (who is quite big). Is this also the case for you guys? I think this stuff is only produced when the penis hits/stimulates the glands on the cervix, especially during rough sex/deep penetration! Sorry for going into all the details here but I really want to get to the bottom of it!

i had the same thing happen to me and it really freaked my partner out. he said i had "funky white stuff" coming out...i think it really grosses him out and i don't like it cuz it makes me feel gross...but its normal right?

this is just female lubicrication. When it builds up it turns white.

I get this also, but I've never worried about it. I always assumed it was just how my body became lubricated. I found that usually I am clear and sticky, but after deep penetration, or a climax the whiter thickish lubricant appears. If we are still erm at it (sorry to be blunt) then it dries and becomes flaky. Although since we thought it was totally normal, no smell, looks natural, and has been a part of me for a while..actually he didn't really talk about it but without going into detail he says it has a citrus sharp taste. where as the clearer stuff is sweeter. He isn't put off by it, I guess I'll ask my doctor when I see her for my pap, but I don't think it's anything to worry about.

Ladies... the creamy stuff you are talking about is very normal. Almost every girl I have been with has had that. It is actually a turn on for me and most other guys. I am actually turned off when i don't see that white creamy stuff during sex.. Mature and experienced guys know that its essential for the lady to be able to lubricate herself well during sex

I had this problem for years. Nothing to worry about. In fact, I notice it doesn't occur when I stay away from sugar the night before. If I have sex in the morning and have eaten a simple sugar sweet the night before, I release the milky white discharge. When I stay away from simple sugars, this doesn't occur. It's something to think about!


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