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The Crazy Sheet is dedicated to bringing you everything college football and handicapping insight to the World's Greatest Sport
The Crazy Sheet is dedicated to bringing you everything college football and handicapping insight to the World's Greatest Sport
2022 College Football Betting Preview
The Boys are back after another successful season at the window. Scott and Marc finished 2021 season at 60% going 76-50-3. To get things started for 2022 they talk about how betting on college football has changed over the 13 years since they started the podcast and look forward to how the sport and industry will keep evolving.A few season win totals are handed out as they get ready for another season of The Crazy Sheet and help you add a few bucks to your bankroll.You can find them on Twitter:Marc Atnipp - @atnippmarcScott Denson - @scottdenson1
Bowl week keeps on rolling. We see a few more opt-outs and teams starting to cancel bowl appearances due to Covid outbreaks. Let's see if we can keep this on the rails and make a few more bucks before the season comes to an end. Houston +2.5 & MLUNC -9Tenn -5.5 Over 64Sparty -25.Boise -7Michigan +7 & MLUtah +6.5 & ML
The Army-Navy Teaser bet came through to land the boys at 76-50-3 on the season and a 60% record. Bowl season is getting more difficult every year with opt-outs and the transfer portal. In the first podcast, the boys get to plow through every game until Christmas.Good Luck to All and watch the updates on who is playing in all of these games!
The boys roll through the championship weekend to land on the last and greatest weekend in college football. We encourage you all to grab your kids, grab a friend, grab your parents and enjoy as much of the game as you can. If you know a veteran thank them for the chance to watch this game and all the others we get to enjoy. And in a toast to one of our favorite fans and former college kicker (Go Boilers) we are playing a teaser.Cheers Friends. Enjoy your Freedom. Celebrate the Academies and Enjoy the Game.  
The boys go 4-4 last week and wrap up the regular season at 67-45-3. Let's see if they can get on the right side of this weekend.Top Palys Pitt -3UTSA/WKU Over 72.5Utah -3Ok St -5.5Ok St/Baylor under 46.5Kent State/UNI over 74.5Uga -6.5Pitt/Wake Over71.5
Week 13 College Football Betting Preview
Happy Thanksgiving!!! 8-1 Last week let's see if the books are still as generous this week.Top Plays MSU/Ole' Miss Under 645, Under 31.5 1H, UCLA -6.5BYU - 7Oregon St +7ND -19.5Bedlam Under 49.5Utah -23.5
Thanks fellas, love the podcast. I work in a lab and this is my Friday morning go-to podcast at work every week.
Glad to have the boys back. Best spot for SEC and MAC football/gambling talk.
While I would never sit in a room and talk politics with these guys, they certainly know the SEC in and out. I almost always play their SEC picks and I love the first half angle. I’m from MACtion Ohio and it is crazy how well they know the conference.

employs a particular brand of funny spectacularness
the unique rapper hits you with crazysheet style lyrics .



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The Crazy Sheet is dedicated to bringing you everything college football and handicapping insight to the World's Greatest Sport
The Crazy Sheet is dedicated to bringing you everything college football and handicapping insight to the World's Greatest Sport
The Boys are back after another successful season at the window. Scott and Marc finished 2021 season at 60% going 76-50-3. To get things started for 2022 they talk about how betting on college football has changed over the 13 years since they started the podcast and look forward to how the sport and industry will keep evolving. A few season win totals are handed out as they get ready for another season of The Crazy Sheet and help you add a few bucks to your bankroll. You can find them on Twitter: ...
The Boys are back after another successful season at the window. Scott and Marc finished 2021 season at 60% going 76-50-3. To get things started for 2022 they talk about how betting on college football has changed over the 13 years since they started the podcast and look forward to how the sport and industry will keep evolving. A few season win totals are handed out as they get ready for another season of The Crazy Sheet and help you add a few bucks to your bankroll. You can find them on Twitter: Marc Atnipp - @atnippmarc Scott Denson - @scottdenson1

Hello friends. Last entry of the month. Which means that if you
ever read Past Months Of The Website, this shows up as the first post. 
It's in descending order in perpetuity you morons. Gotta make it
count. Well I've Already Failed. No way you made it past
those sentences. And thought hey this is ACCURATE but BORING. 
Oh well I guess now I have to settle for trying to entertain Current People
and not Future People. ALRIGHT!!! Future people have way too
high standards. Current People don't care at all. So, great! 
Watched some That Twilight Zone last night. Good way to get in
the mood for Halloween having watched every possible Halloween movie 7 times
already over the past 2 years. Glad I thought of it! Glad
ANYONE thought of it. If you thought of it and told me about it
I'd be just as glad! Even gladder! Now I have a friend in
this scenario amazing! Root beer going on. YEAH.
    No Trick And/or Treaters yet. Anyway. 
It's not in my character but just so I have something to do I might
say WHAT DO YA SAY after them grabbing at my candy. And they go
THINKING OF BUT THAT'S GOOD TOO. Something along those lines. 
Hmm. I can say Just So You Know I DIDN'T Poison The Candy. 
That's one way to go. You can poison wrapped candy. If you
really wanted to. I dunno why. That's your prerogative I guess.
How about this I keep going Take More. They grab one piece from
bowl. Take More. They take another. Take more. 
And I keep doing that until the kid starts crying. The point is I can
go on and on with weird things I can do but I'm not 100% happy with how its
turning out! I have way too much clean clothes now. Mom did all
my laundry. I don't NEED all these shirts and underwear. Plus my
Mom is telling me ya gotta get new shirts. I GOT SHIRTS. 
They have holes in them she says. NOT REALLY YOU LIE. 
Maybe one or two had cigarette holes in them. Already got rid of them! 
Current shirts only have your standard Arms Torso and Head Holes!
    Anyway. Look getting new t-shirts can be fun. 
I can think of all new things I'd like to Support through T-shirt art space. 
Not really. I can't think of ANYTHING. But if I was browsing
things I'd see things and be like I wouldn't mind wearing THAT picture
and/or phrase on my torso! Amazing. I feel On Guard even now
for some reason. Pretty sure not gonna get a trick and/or treater
before noon. But my body is in high alert. STUPID BODY CALM
DOWN. What else is going on. Braves won their World Series
game against the Astros last night. They got lucky. If only the
Astros hit the homeruns that the Braves hit the Astros would have won. 
How lucky can ya get that YOU hit the homeruns and not the other team. 
Hmm. I wonder if there's gonna be a sequel to the African American
Horror Anthology Movie that will be released sometime this week. We've
been waiting DAYS it's about time there's a follow up! Also this time
Maybe Asian American?
    Lots of Horror Movies come from Asia Asia. 
But not a lot from Asia America. Off the top of my head can't think
of anything off the top of my head. I feel like one of the Friends
in one of The Candyman's was an Asian Lady. There was a white
protagonist and she has an Asian American friend. Could easily be
wrong. Could just be wishful thinking! Anyway what else is
going on. Not only do I gotta rush from my room to Front Door when
bell rings, but I gotta grab bowl of candy, AND I gotta get my mask on. 
Too much! Also what's the consensus on Handing Kids Candy or Letting
Them Take It Themselves from serving bowl. Look over half the time
you're gonna have a variety of candies. So maybe let the kid pick the
one he wants. HOWEVER one out of three kids are gonna think they're
clever and grab two or three candies. In which case you can snatch 'em
one way to go.
    Last paragraph before coffee. Can you give out
quarters for Halloween. Sure you can give out anything that's
edible. Hmm. Group of kids come to your door. You give
one of them enough candy for all of 'em and be like hey can you trust
this guy to share I dunno take this experience as a life lesson good luck I
hope it all works out. The point is I don't like any of this BUT
it gets me closer to The Next Thing I'm Gonna Do. Amazing! 
Trying to think of Asian American Actors who have been in horror movies. 
Gotta imagine Ken Jeong played some sort of monster at some point. 
Gotta imagine he's Korean American. That'd be my first guess. 
YEP KOREAN AMERICAN NAILED IT. Also he may never have played
a monster but its safe to assume he is a monster in real life so that's
halfway there. Everyone likes Ken Jeong because he started out as a
doctor. So what. Lots of people start out as doctors. I
started out as a doctor. Wait hmm gonna have to double check that.
    Every year I talk about things to do with trick or
treaters and every year there are no trick or treaters. I feel like
that's a good life lesson or parable or something. Oh well that's
life. Checking my weight tomorrow for first time in a month. 
Little concerned I have gained muscle which will make my weight higher. 
I mean, tangibly speaking, GOOD that's a GOOD THING. But I'll
have no way of knowing whether the weight is muscle and if so how much. 
So I'm in the dark of my True Weight Loss &/or Whatnot! Oh well
that's life. Hmm Lots Of Things Are Life this paragraph. 
TRUE Lots Of Things Are Life In Life. Pretty much Everything! 
Wonder if I'll get any costumes that are to oscary. AHH THAT'S TOO
    Hmm. It'd be nice to have company on my 2nd half
of the day walks today. Maybe there are trick or treaters all over the
neighborhood and they just don't come to my house specifically for some
reason. Maybe because THEY KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR 'EM. Hmm. 
I could have worn ANY shirt I wanted today. Like 20 good ones to
choose from! Chose the one closest to me. They were all
hanging off file cabinet and this was the one in the front. I
don't regret it! It's a FINE Shirt Just Fine. Also it doubles as
a Halloween Costume! Not Fittingly but I guess It'll Have To Do! 
Anyway. The Official Mets Website/Fan Blog Combination has been doing
articles twice a week about Should we bring This Player Back for next
year. And they make arguments for and against. And EVERY
TIME the verdict is YEP LET'S KEEP EM. I think they just don't
wanna insult the players. But in the process you're INSULTING THE
AUDIENCE. We're not CHILDREN we can handle the verdict being Some
Current Players Are Better Off Not On The Team! 
   Gets my blood going! That sounds good Blood Should
Be Going. Good then we're all on the same page! I've been
telling everybody that Dune is a Mother/Son movie but I'm basing that on the
first 15 minutes and the little I saw of it while walking around in a circle
and not paying attention for the rest of the movie. I hope I'm right! 
Otherwise I'll Look The Fool to everyone. I will anyway but for
OTHER reasons. Reasons ON MY OWN Terms. Hmm. Think I
was walking counterclockwise that SnowDay Circle Walking Day. Can't
remember if that was standard or not for Pandemic Quarantine Circlewalking. 
Oh well that's life. I feel like from the time I was roughly 13
till the time I was about 19 EVERY YEAR I would wear my grey sweatshirt
jacket, which I wore all the time anyway and not special for the day, on
Halloween, and be like if any one asks me I'm Dressing Up As Eminem in 8

    Hey that's life I guess. Just like all
those other things That Are Life we discussed previously. We
discussed everything we discuss previously. Probably four or five
times! What else is going on. I wouldn't mind keeping all these
players on The Mets as long as they agree to perform very well. That's
my main sticking point. If they're gonna do good, by all means, be on
The Mets! Looks like the Mets need to look no further for General
Manager. I'm your man! Anyway. Character in the last
season of Fargo named Doctor Senator. Which are two respectable
titles someone can be combined in one. General Manager is like that,
too! HMM Never thought of it that way. Well, yes I did. 
About 25 seconds ago. Right before I started typing this. 
Amazing. Poured candy from bag it came in into bowl. Wow
sounds like I've been busy.
    Last paragraph of the act! Amazing. 
Shaved a week ago. Probably could shave again tonight! Gonna
save it for another week though. There must be ROUTINE. Without
routine we'd be nowhere! Could start a new routine and shave every
week. Nah I ain't gonna do that. COULDA but WON'TA. 
Look do I have another grey sweatshirt jacket I may be wearing today? 
Sure! But ON MY OWN TERMS. This isn't dressing up, this is
because it will keep me warm from the cool air. Good! Then no
one will see the great T-Shirt Costume I'm Wearing. Oh well that's
the sacrifice we make when we want to be warm from the cool air. If
they started Halloween Movies in August does that mean tomorrow starts
Christmas movies? My guess? NO. Hmm interesting. 
Anyway the point is the act is over. I'll be back soon with more! 
Potentially BETTER More!

Hi! Gonna write some more paragraphs. Here's a good idea for
candy-- bag of cupcake sprinkles. Or donut sprinkles. Or
anything with sprinkles. You know what I'm talking about! Little
rainbow colored tiny tiny cylinders. I'd eat a handful of those at a
time under ideal circumstances! Maybe you'd have to make 'em bigger,
but keep the same premise. So basically sugar. Sugar that
looks like different colors. That's my idea for candy. YEP! 
Not sure if each different color actually tastes different in real life.
Probably not! You never think about it. Kind of just assume in
the back of your mind you're getting a Rainbow Of Flavors. YOU'RE NOT. 
RIP OFF. What else is going on. Packets of Splenda as
a Trick Or Treat Treat. Makes sense. Sweet AND Practical!
    Then again I need those packets for myself. 
Then again I could always GET MORE. Hmm. Given myself a
lot to think about. What else is going on non-Halloween related. 
It's THE WEEKEND. We talked about this yesterday. However it
is still the weekend today and we didn't specifically talk about that
yesterday! Didn't seem relevant! But now all of a sudden it
doesn't get any more relevant! Sunday is Rest Day. Friday
Evening and Saturday are For Fun. Sunday is for taking a break. 
Not sure what I'm basing this on. Every day for me is taking a
break. Probably makes sense to some people though. We
should reverse it. I wanna take breaks Friday evening after work week. 
Then have fun Saturday and Sunday. But if you're having too much
fun Sunday Night you may not be ready for work Monday Morning. SO
Sunday and Fun Only On Saturday. Great Then It's Settled!
    Anyway. What else is going on. HEY I
got tootsie pops in my room. Great back-up candy in case we have over
110 Trick Or Treaters! That's too good a candy. Lollipop is
okay. AND an ENTIRE tootsie roll in the middle? Too much! 
Is it an entire tootsie roll? It's definitely a good amount of
tootsie roll. Could be as little as half though, what do I know. 
It's enough for me I know that much! Also everyone knows you're gonna
end up biting and chewing lollipop and with chocolate chewy in the center
we're being REWARDED for this instead of punished. GOOD. I like
being rewarded for things. Especially with chocolate candy! 
Amazing. Also it's a good message Tootsie Pops are sending out
there. We all might be different colors and/or flavors but in the
end we all have the same chewy chocolate candy center. Amazing! 
Except for the rare tootsie pops which have a lemon tootsie roll in the
center. Those pops/people ARE FREAKS. Delicious too yes but
    Penultimate paragraph of the act! I don't
believe it. What else is going on. Going to bathe myself soon! 
I got that to look forward to. Not sure exactly why. It's an
okay experience all in all! It serves its purpose and I don't hate
doing it! Anyway. Gotta imagine there'll be Halloween Themed
Programming on The Television Set today that I'd be interested in watching. 
Stuff that I'm like yeah I saw this 20 times and as recent as 6 weeks ago
but I'm Into Watching It Again! Oh speaking of 6 weeks I
realized when I was 13 On Halloween 8 Mile hadn't been released yet. 
Wouldn't be released for another month or two! MAYBE I SAW THE
COMMERCIALS EVER THINK OF THAT. Probably not. You probably
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