Crack Spanking

Crack Spanking


Crack Spanking
See the Isle of Man Logo on the uniform. this is the famous Manx Birch and the man who would wield it on your bare bottom with little mercy.
Two inmates in a French Prison being checked by the doctor before receiving a twenty four stroke caning each.
A girl gets the paddle at a rodeo….not seriously I think.
A girl at an English College in the 1970’s getting put in her place by her friends who caught her stealing from their purses.
A Spanish maid getting punished for dropping the food..
I was told by the German Lady who sent me this, that her Grandma took in in a Frankfurt Park just before the war.
1950’s America, and a girl being spanked all the way home from school, and hearing the famous words… “Just wait ’til I get you home!”
1930’s Holiday fun…for some anyway! She is smiling, so probably it is…just a fun holiday snap.
We have all seen the bratty, rude girl at the bus stop. it is a mock up from a shoot. I was told who by, but have since lost it!
Girls who fraternised with the enemy were paraded naked and then spanked, after the war in many Euripean countries. Better than hair cutting and tar and feathering I think
This is a mock up, but very well done. By Italian Spanking Art I think.
What a great idea, a game show that not just rewards the winners, but spanks the losers!
Happy Birthday to you…SMACK! Happy Birthday to you….SMACK! birthday spankings seem fun, until you reach 35 and Mummy has a score to settle!
This is a real school caning, the family who sent the photo in asked that faces and names were not to be given.
Film Star or not, a naughty young woman got spanked by her Daddy!
Old School Discipline – 1905 up on the rostrum before the class. open back knickers added to the humiliation.
London, 1960’s and a protester is hauled away by the police for a very public spanking….because the photo went around the world!
The house leader in a 1930’s finishing school for young ladies has the privilidge of being able to spank her house members when needed and voted for.
A bratty teenager is spanked by Grandad at a family party for not respecting her elders!
Miss Mildred Richards, Justice Witkower1922, Chicago
Grandma and younger brother watching a stroppy teenage big sister get a spanking in the local park
Outside the Moulin Rouge, a dancer who let the can can show down gets a public spanking in the street outside, next to the artistes entrance. I bet she has a Moulin ROUGE bottom!
A young girl in a Middle Eastern country has brought the family name into disrepute. They drive to a car park, and tie her in her lifted burka to thrash her bare bottom.
Girls being made to carry their own punishment implements into the town square. Puritanical England 1668
One of the most common fantasies of you spankees. I have even been asked to set this up for some of my customers! I did too, see ‘public punishments 1 and 2. A spanking in class before others.
A naughty maid caught stealing gets a bare bottom thrashing before dismissal.
Another schoolgirl gets her bottom bared before the others!
Up on stage for this public thrashing.
A sloppy waitress gets a spanking before the customers.
I wonder what she did to deserve being dragged out before a baying crowd for a bare bottom spanking?
Special occurrences sometimes recorded for us…
Before we start, judicial canes were long and thick. As shown here…
A lot of judicial birches were long with the birch twigs untied at the end, (a little like the Manx Birch, but that had thicker twigs, see below)…Those used in the home or school were usually, but not always shorter as this photo of public school birches show…
Although not public, witnesses were present at birchings and some police officers trained in their use..
Note the judicial cane as shown above resting on the table here…
This waitress is rather forgetful and has had a very bad day, finally she tries the patience of the cafe manager too much, by taking the wrong drinks to the wrong table, just as she is de-corking a bottle! She turns her around, bottle between her legs and spanks the girl! See how the passing girl customer is laughing at her predicament, and everyone turning around to see! “Can you not get anything tight you stupid girl? Bend over!”
“Next time it will be on your bare bottom, so you had better Buck your ideas up young lady!”
‘Owwww, ooooh stop stop, everyone is looking at me, stop owwwww, yes , I will, just …owwwww!….stop pleeeease!”
Here is some nice artwork depicting public punishments/spankings…
Here are a few newspaper clippings of spankings, I have put them all in here, but not all are public. My favourite one to start is though…
I am greatly enjoying your website. I personally enjoy seeing photographs and illustrations of girls and women being publicly punished. I have seen any number of girls of different ages being punished publicly in the past at school, church, in the market, in the park, in car parks, and right on the sidewalk, but not for a long time. Nowadays, most of the girls punished publicly, mostly by their frazzled mothers, are little girls, and if older, are more than likely being given traditional birthday spankings, or boyfriend spanks on their girlfriends jeans clad or skirted bottom. I grew up in the 1950’s and 1960’s in The South, when spanking girls at school and home was very common. I often saw the stripes of a recent switching on the calves of young and older girls, alike. I really do miss those days, but the memories still linger.
I do believe that if public strapping, or paddling of delinquent youth, pilloried as in one of your drawings, was to be reintroduced into law here in America, we would have far less juvenile crime. The offenders buttocks would not even need to be exposed to the crowds that would gather. Only their head, hands, and thighs and calves need be exposed. A “modesty shield” such as those on the front of many secretary desks, would effectively hide the privates of either sex. The area where the public whippings would be administered would only need to have a wooden or metal barrier installed directly behind the raised punishment platform, to deter onlookers from behind. The citizens who would gather to see the sentences carried out would hear the loud piercing cracks of thick, oiled leather or aged solid oak striking bare flesh, over and over, and over. They would personally witness the pleas, begging, loud cries, yelling and screaming from the mouths of those being soundly paddled or strapped the requisite number of strokes. The crowd would see the suffering grimaces of judicially prescribed pain on the delinquents faces, their faces turn red, their noses drip involuntarily, the tears stream down their cheeks and drip onto the platform, their hair become matted and brows sweat, and likely they would see knees buckle and the young offender’s legs having to be strapped to stanchions to support them till their whipping has been completed. Both young males and females would be eligible for a sentence of public corporal punishment. Vandalism is vandalism, and girls bottoms are no less suited for strong medicine than are boys.
This return to an older form of justice, seen by men and women, and particularly by children at the impressionable ages when lessons in the consequences of bad behaviour can be inculcated in them, would serve to keep neighborhoods safer, parents jobs easier, and with less teenage rebellion, and would help to encourage young offenders to resolve to walk the straight and narrow path. After all, soundly applied corporal punishment would be an experience few teens would likely want to have revisited on their bared behinds.
That is a very well written comment. Thank you very much for taking the time out to post it.
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The Art of Spanking - The Pain of Paddling Published: Jun 18, 2020
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There is only one way for corporal punishment to work, it must actually hurt. Any administrator that is charged with the discipline at a school, is not doing anyone any favors, by paddling in a gentle to moderate manner. Spanking has been used for centuries because it actually achieves very real results, but in no case does it work, if it only hurts a little. The entire reason a paddle is used in the school environment, as a means for punishment, is because it is more effective than a hand spanking. It is a tool, that was specifically designed and crafted, for one reason, and one reason only…to cause pain. Schools are filled with rulers and yardsticks, but they are not used in the high school environment for corporal punishment because they are not all that effective. A paddle, when in the right hands and used effectively, is a powerful tool for student discipline . But if a student is paddled with it, and they do not fear getting it again, then it was all just a waste of time. It is supposed to be used to punish them for the behavior that they engaged in, and to serve as a deterrent against future bad behavior. Without generous amounts of pain being applied to a young lady’s behind , she will not worry too much about getting it again. We are talking about teenage girls , who are more than capable of adapting to a little pain. Hell, it seems half of the girls out there, once they turn 18, go and get tattoos. Gone are the days of cute little heart tattoos, now they are getting full sleeves done. Do you know how much that hurts, I would guess quite a bit. But here they are, not only volunteering for such an experience, but paying for it. They will sit for hours while someone brings pain to their bodies and them come back for more. This right here should tell us a little something about the severity in which a paddle needs to be used. It sure as hell better hurt more than a tattoo. A paddle is not like a belt, or even a hairbrush, that people adapted over time to use for discipline. There is nothing else you can do with a paddle expect spank. There is a reason that they are large, wide, heavy, and often drilled full of holes. People have learned through design changes over time, what hurts the most. This is also why all school paddles look quite similar, as we have figured out what really works. There is no high school in the Southern states in which they use a small ping pong type paddle. They use large, up to 2 foot long paddles, as thick as ¾” made out of heavy wood. They actually have someone build them paddles to specification, as smaller ones do not have the same effect. The paddle needs to be swung safely, but with authority.  Each swat should be lifting the young lady up onto her toes . After a single swat, it should be quite clear that it is having the desired effect, if not, what is the point? We are talking about bringing as much pain to someone’s bottom as we possibly can , it just doesn’t work if this is not the goal. She should not be able to just suck it up and take it, the entire process should be a visible struggle for her to endure. There should be changes in her breathing before the first swat ever lands, that is how we know she is scared about what is about to happen. After the first crack of the paddle, that should echo throughout the entire office, it should be clear in her verbal response that pain is being applied to her bottom . If she is not making any noise, once again, it is not being done right. The paddling should be visible in every way. She should be struggling to stay in position. Her legs should buckle after each swat. Her hand and her legs should begin to tremble, as that is how we know what is taking place is actually working. But most importantly, after just a couple of swats, she should be crying. I am not just talking about a single tear rolling down her cheek, I am talking about crying like a little girl . This might be a school environment, but this is still a spanking.  A spanking is supposed to hurt . The goal of a spanking is always tears. It does not matter that she might be 18 years old and in school, THIS IS STILL A SPANKING! The administrator is not her parents and is governed by a clear set of rules. He does not get to bare her bottom , he may be limited in what position he can use, and is certainly limited in the number of swats he can administer. That is why he is using a paddle in the first place, as he may only get 2-10 swats to make sure she learns a lesson. He needs to take full advantage of every swat he is allowed, to make sure that she gets a proper spanking that results in a very sore and sorry young lady who cannot stop sobbing for several minutes after it is over. The paddling needs to hurt a lot. It needs to be unbearable for the duration, but even more importantly, it needs to remain sore for a couple of days. People figured out centuries ago that the bottom is the ideal place to apply physical punishment. It is perfectly padded and well suited for a well-earned punishment. As long as care is taken to avoid the tailbone, the paddling needs to be severe . She needs to be in a place mentally, that after the first swat, she feels there is no way she can take another one. The paddle is an implement that by design, is meant to provide a lot of thud. A belt on the bare bottom is very effective because of the sting, but the paddle works under different principles. Any form of spanking will sting to some degree, but a paddling is meant to hurt the bottom deeply . A proper paddle swat compresses the skin, moves the fatty tissue to the side, and makes direct contact to the muscles of her bottom. This is not a toddler who will respond to a few light smacks to their bottom. This is an older teen girl, in many cases a legal adult, and we are trying to punish them as a result of their behavior. Each swat needs to hit with enough force to make contact with the muscles of her bottom, as this is how real learning takes place. First, this is what is required to shock the system to assure that she will never return to that office again. But more importantly, her bottom needs to be sore for a few days to serve as a long-term reminder to be on her best behavior. It may sound cruel, but her bottom needs to be bruised . A black and blue bottom not only hurts, but it will serve as a visual reminder of what her behavior caused for a week or more. She needs to be able to look in the mirror every day and see just exactly what happens to naughty young ladies who feel they are above following the rules. Let’s remember, that it is not the school administrator that is responsible for this taking place. It is her behavior and conscious decision making that led her here. She is old enough now, to not only know all the rules that governs the school, but to follow them. These rules exist for a reason and there are very real consequences for breaking them. Yes, there are small offenses that do not warrant a paddling, but there is a reason why the paddle is an option for the more severe transgressions. When you break the major rules, you must be punished in a manner that will leave a lasting impression. A school paddle is large and intimidating, and the mere thought of it should strike fear in to the mind of any girl facing it. It should be used in the manner in which it was intended, and it should cause some very real and intense pain . It should not be easy to get through; it should be one of the hardest physical things that she has faced in her school career. The tears should start to flow after the first swat and they should continue well after the paddling is complete. Her body shaking, voice cracking, and knees buckling, demonstrate that the paddling is working, and these things should be seen as positive signs.  This is a spanking , this type of reaction is the goal, it means progress is being made. It only works if she leaves his office crying, with a bottom so sore that sitting in a desk becomes a punishment all in itself. This is how real lessons are learned and how behavior improves.

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