CrDroid 7.24

CrDroid 7.24

Vitor Leal

▪️ Initial Release;

▪️ Say goodby to PixelPropUtils and use improved AttestationHooks;

▪️ Update fingerprint build;

▪️ Improved phase offsets configuration in order to improve smothness;

▪️ Improve new Xiaomi Parts by adding some new components and make theme match with system;

▪️ Dropped WFD protected buffers support;

▪️ Mapped Button Jack keylayout to fix headset button control;

▪️ Added system call to the SE whitelist;

▪️ Allowed syscalls needed by OMX component;

▪️ Added permissions for RCS service;

▪️ Added net_raw permissions for time_daemon service;

▪️ Updated some rootdir configs;

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