Cows Worship In

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Cows Worship In

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Hinduism, one of the world’s oldest religion, believes in worshipping nature. Not just nature, the custom of worshipping animals and trees are also being followed in Hinduism since ages. Be it a Peepal tree or a banyan tree, every living being associated with nature is symbolic of something. One such creature that holds a special significance in Hinduism is Cow. Often referred to as Gomata, this holy creature has been worshipped in the sacred land of India for centuries.
The Scriptures and the holy texts hold the religious significance of this divine animal which makes it a symbol of health, wealth, and prosperity. Considered equal to the mother, the milk of the cow is very beneficial to the human race. Not only in mythology, but the cow is quite significant in Science as well. Scientists have claimed that the milk and even the urine and cow’s dung has the capability to get one rid of certain diseases. Worshipping this holy creature blesses one abundantly and relieves his or her sins of the previous life.
In Hinduism, the cow is a holy animal. It holds special significance in ancient scriptures as well. According to Hindu mythology, during Samudra Manthan when Lord Vishnu advises Lord Indra to churn the ocean and find the nectar of immortality, during the process of churning many objects and holy creatures emerged out.
One of those holy creatures was Kamdhenu Cow. As per the sacred writings, this holy cow had the divine power of fulfilling one’s wishes. Whosoever owned this Kamdhenu Cow was abundantly blessed. The cow was also believed to have the divine powers and having just a glance of it blessed one with good health, wealth, and prosperity.
Not only in Samudra Manthan, but cows also hold a special significance in Lord Krishna’s heart as well. As per the holy texts, Lord Indra gifted a cow to Lord Krishna when the latter taught him a lesson by lifting up the Govardhan Parvat and saving the villagers. In Mythology, Lord Krishna receives his name after his benevolent nature towards cows.
Also, during the last moments of avatar Krishna, he says “Worshipping cow is equal to worshipping me”. For ages, people worship cows in India. It is given the position of the mother in Hinduism. Also, it is believed that thirty-three crore Gods and Goddesses reside in a Cow. Hence, by worshipping cows, one abundantly gets blessed with the divine blessings of all the Gods.
Apart from being a religious animal, the cow is also a significant animal in science. As per Hinduism, the urine of this holy animal contains antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, and insecticidal properties. Also, the cow’s dung is the best manure. It is helpful for burning flames and cooking food. Also, by burning it, people eradicate the harmful insects of their surroundings. Hence, it purifies the surroundings.
Cow’s milk is extremely pure & healthy and has the power to guard one from atomic radiations. The sound of the cow’s mowing also cures many mental disabilities and diseases. In addition, important gases like propylene oxide and ethylene oxide release in the atmosphere at the time of preparing ghee from cow’s milk. The former is the basis of artificial rain while the latter comes in the use as a disinfectant.
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The next thought in your mind must be is the animal worshiped as God? So, to tell you in their celebrations the cow is adorned, decorated and honored by it. Though the religion does not consider the animal equal to their deities yet the creature is respected and honored enough for being a holy animal by the Hindus.
According to the Hinduism, the cow signifies the rest of the creatures. The Holy animal is the representation of the Earth. She is a giver and considered to be a generous in nature. The Cow is said to represent the existence of life on our earth. The cow is considered to be selfless as the animal demands nothing but only food, grass and water. It provides us with milk and health through it just as a kind soul lends.
The creature is vital to life because it offers humans with nutrients and health. The animal also illustrates mercy and prosperity with abundance. The respect for cows in ingrained in the Hindus and their religion as the animal is full of humility, acceptance and connection with nature and health.
The charitable cow provides us with various types of dairy products like milk, yogurt, cream and more. The religion believes in protecting and taking good care of this generous creature who gives each one irrespective of their caste and creed. They believe such remarkable creatures should be preserved.
The protection of the Cow is not just sheer safety of the animal. It tells preservation of all the creatures who are innocent and lack strength. The abuse or misuse of these creatures is considered as a sin and inhuman. The religion believes animals who give us so much without taking anything in return should be well treated.
The Hindu religion does not just respect the cow but also provides it with garlands and extraordinary food at festivities in India. The main annual festival is Gopashtama. In this festival it is clearly seen how affectionately the Hindus adore their cows with colorful cow jewelry and clothes are vended at Melas all over the country of India. The Hindu children are taught to decorate the cow with accessories and paints at a very young age.
The essence of a cow is manifested in Kamadhenu who is the divine wish granter. The cow is also the one who contributes with the auspicious products required for the conduction of Pooja and rituals. Ghee and milk both are necessary for several purposes may it be offering or for penance.
The cow portrays innocence and humility by her nature and behaviour she is said to be the symbolic representation of Ahinsa or non violence. Also, the cow also signifies prestige, energy, motherhood and generous livelihood.
Cows depict prosperity and happiness on the Earthly existence according to the Vedas. One of the Rig Veda scripture says that the generous cows have come to bless us with good fortune. And that they might live in their shelters. And as they live there may they multiple and bring forth offspring who would give milk for Indra. The offspring may be of many colours. Also, as the milk of the cow helps to make a person strong and adds on to their beauty. So, they are welcomed to be glad and be safe as they will be taken care of.
The belief in Hinduism is that the cow is an envoy of divine and real goodwill and thus it should be taken care of with protection and respect. The animal is also relatable to some Hindus Gods like Lord Shiva where his mount is a bull called Nandi.
The Indra is nearly related with the wish-granting cow Kamadhenu. And then Lord Krishna who was a cow caretaker when he was young, and also many goddesses because of the mother figure they represent.
The birth of showing respect to the cow can be seen during the Vedic time. The people who immigrated to India in the 2nd-millennium BCE were cattle farmers. Cattle had critical financial importance and was indicated in their religion also. The cattle were offered and their meat was eaten in the history of India but the killing of an animal who induced milk was constantly restricted. This practice was also prohibited in scriptures of the Mahabharata, the great Sanskrit epic, and also in the spiritual and ethical law called as the Manu-smirti and the milking cow in the Rigveda was announced to be un-slayable and forbidden to put to sacrifice.
The level of honour given to the cow is implied by the practice in rituals of healing, sanctification, and repentance of the five deeds or panchakarma that are the five derivatives of the cow—milk, butter, dung, urine, and curd.
Thereafter, with the increase of the objective of ahinsa that is no harm injury the scarcity of the intention to abuse living animals especially the cow arrived to signify an existence of nonviolent liberality. Also, to add to this, as her commodities provided with nourishment and health, the creature is related with a mother, Mother Earth and also called as Gai Maata. The generous creature was also related equal to the Brahmans and they believed that slaughtering or murdering a cow was as equal to taking the life of a Brahman who belongs to the priestly caste.
Their slaughter was also considered to be a crime by the Gupta Kings in the 1st millennium and a constitution against cow murdering remained in many dignified provinces where the governor was a Hindu or followed Hinduism in the 20th Century.
Particularly in the late 19 Century in the north region of India, an action to preserve cows arose that brought unity in between the Hindus and differentiate d them from the Muslim caste by urging the government to put a prohibition on cow murder. The anti-religious and political issues lead to protests and also the division of the subcontinent in the year 1947.
To summarise, Hinduism has a lot of respect for the sacred Cow and considers it to be holy. There are several Hindus customs in which the cow is worshipped and is also fed with food grains. Certain people also consider feeding it as a ‘Manyatta’ to remove every hurdle from their life and make their ways successful.
Also, at the same time they honor and respect the animal. They make sure that the one who provides so freely should receive back in abundance the value that it deserves.
The respect for all creatures is seen in Hinduism but the Cow is considered to be sacred and holy through the tradition and customs. And so, the Cow is worshiped and is considered worthy because of its behavior and innocence that is portrayed in its nature.
Hinduism is one of the world's most diversified religions, having many mythology and deities linked with it. This belief in multiple gods is accompanied by a slew of celebrations.

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Home - Why the Cow is Worshipped in India

The cow is quite rightly venerated in India as the representation of God’s motherly care for us. The cow gives milk to millions.
During the Second World War the British discovered that cow’s urine is a viable antiseptic. Buddha said that cow’s urine is a specific for all illnesses, and I have yogi friends who say the same from their own experience.
Without the dung of the cow that is used for cooking fuel throughout India, many could not eat.
Every day countless households put out the peelings and vegetable parts not used in cooking, as well as the leaf plates on which food has been served. The cows come and eat these things, otherwise they would sit and decay and attract pests such as rats that would endanger the health of many. Cows are the voluntary garbage collectors of India.

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Q: I was contemplating on some aspects of why Christians in India are allergic to Hinduism. One of the aspects I feel is the cow worship by Hindus, and the Christian idea of the golden calf misadventure at times of Moses.
T o equate the Indian veneration of cows with what took place after the exodus from Egypt is ridiculous and ignorant. The Hebrews were reverting to the worship of the Egyptian god Apis who had the form of a bull. Obviously they and Aaron had done such worship when they were in Egypt.
Furthermore, cows often display human emotions, even shedding tears when humans are suffering or in distress.
Cows also evince spiritual awareness. At Ramanashram during the lifetime of Sri Ramana Maharshi, Lakshmi the cow was said by him to understand human speech, and as she was dying he held her head and helped her to leave the body, after which she was interred in a formal samadhi tomb and is still honored there today.
When some friends and I were staying at Sivanandashram in Rishikesh we had daily kirtan.
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