Covid has killed zero people and I can prove it

Covid has killed zero people and I can prove it


In this article, I am going to prove that covid has killed zero people because covid does not exist. Using the CDC, the WHO, and the FDA's own words and data, with actual sources you can verify and read for yourselves, I will show you:

  • The CDC admits the numbers are a lie and skewed by at least 95%
  • The CDC admits that they label any and all causes of death as covid
  • No more people have died annually since the "pandemic" began
  • The flu no longer exists and it vanished the exact month covid arrived
  • Covid has never been isolated therefor
  • There is no way to test for covid
  • More people aren't sick since covid arrived than there was before covid arrived
  • Loss of taste is NOT a new symptom

First important fact:

In the below link, you can read where the CDC explains clearly that the number of deaths solely from covid are only 5-6%. Look for the section titled "Comorbidities and other conditions" and read, "For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death."

Below is an older archived version of that same CDC page showing "6%" before they changed it to "over 5%". Important, so one cannot argue "over 5%" may mean 10%, 20%, or 100%. It does not mean that, it clearly means 5-6%.

Another critical piece of information under that same "Comorbidities and other conditions" section is the given chart has a column titled "Conditions contributing to deaths where COVID-19 was listed on the death certificate [1]". 

Below the chart, the reference number [1] states, "[1] Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19, coded to ICD–10 code U07.1."

The CDC is admitting that 100% of covid labelled deaths in their data, may be confirmed OR PRESUMED. This is their own admission that they aren't even testing every deceased person for covid, but in fact, they are also sometimes only presuming it was covid. I'm unsure if there is any published number separating the confirmed from the presumed. I'd love to see it though.

Since now we proved using the CDC's own data and words they are calling any and all types of deaths covid without even testing for covid. Is it a stretch to think they are also labeling unexplained natural deaths as covid? Just pure old age? These are where I'd argue the 5% of solely covid deaths come into play.

I argue my last assumption based on the fact that the global annual death toll has not increased. 

Data sources for the chart above.

Global population:

Global death tolls: (download tab to get raw numbers)

To put this into perspective. They say over 5 million have died around the world of covid. If you add an extra 5 million deaths to any of the above years, you'd get a death rate of about 0.81 - 0.82 for the year. But we didn't get that. We got the same exact death rate even though we are apparently living through a horrific pandemic.

If covid is killing any percent of people, the data would show it, as this is a "new" cause of death, it would compound onto current annual deaths rates. Even if we were to believe the media is hyping covid out of proportion, but it really does exist at a much smaller scale, you'd be able to measure it. But no data shows a new novel virus has killed any more people than the expected annual death tolls while accounting for population growth.

This makes it clear people are not dying from covid at all, and it's all just a shifting of the numbers game. The simple fact is, a new deadly virus would mean more deaths.

Second important fact:

Now let's address the disappearing flu. First, let's prove using the WHO's own data, the flu has vanished. I'm using the US, but you can use any country and find the same exact pattern.

Typical annual flu data. United States - 2019 year

The chart below is exactly what we expect to see and is what you see globally pre 2020.

United States - 2020 year

The below chart shows the flu never returned once covid appeared. First time I generated this chart, I thought it was broken or they stopped tracking the flu. But if you take a smaller sample, you can see the bars are too small to see when viewed for the whole year.

United Stated - 2020 - Week 14 to Week 20

Below we can see they are still tracking, it just went from 20,000 weekly cases, down to less than 100 weekly cases, but never came back up as a normal year does come winter. Even the normal year has small readable bars during the off flu season.

United States - 2018 to current

Below is from 2018 to current. This just shows the pattern of the flu has been broken and the flu has vanished.

You can recreate these charts and even confirm it's the same globally here.

This data clearly shows that the flu has vanished. The only argument I have been given for this massive flaw in the existence of covid is, "they stopped testing for the flu", which is silly. If we stopped counting car accidents today, would people stop crashing? No, we'd still have damaged cars, injuries, deaths, etc.. This applies to the flu as well. Just because we stopped testing for the flu doesn't mean it doesn't exist. People would still be sick, which according to the data is over 20,000 cases a week during flu season. We'd still have the people who died from their flu. But we don't. Why? Because everyone who is sick now with the seasonal flu is labelled as having covid. 

If covid == the flu, then covid does not exist as it's literally THE flu, not A flu. 

If covid exists, then we'd still have the flu and sickness / death numbers would now be higher than previous years as you'd be compounding covid numbers on top of the original flu numbers. Again, we don't see this when population growth is taken into account.

Third Important Fact

Testing. How do we test for covid? Here is a very interesting admission from the FDA

"Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen. Samples were extracted using the QIAGEN EZ1 Advanced XL instrument and EZ1 DSP Virus Kit (Cat# 62724) and manually with the QIAGEN DSP Viral RNA Mini Kit (Cat# 61904). Real-Time RT-PCR assays were performed using the Thermo Fisher Scientific TaqPath™ 1-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix, CG (Cat# A15299) on the Applied Biosystems™ 7500 Fast Dx RealTime PCR Instrument according to the CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel instructions for use."

Source (page 40):

The FDA admits the CDC has no isolate of covid. To produce a means of testing a person for covid, they created an "assay". From what I can gather, an assay is a man-made representation of a covid isolate so they can test people against this isolate to diagnose for covid. But I thought covid was everywhere? Registers, menus, airplanes, any surface you can imagine, the 20 foot walk to your restaurant table, even the ocean some idiots have claimed. Covid is everywhere but the CDC doesn't have access to it to create a real test to test us against the actual virus isolate? 

What came first, covid or the assay of covid? How did we know patient number one had covid? He had symptoms of the flu, they said it was something different, then instead of taking his illness and isolating and proving it was something new then testing others for it, we created some nonsense assay in a lab using cow and/or monkey kidney dna instead, and started testing people against that telling everyone they have covid. This is actually the official story they give us and people buy it.

To this day, the covid virus has still not been isolated. There are a couple of fake stories claiming it was, but upon further digging, they admit they used invalid methods, more monkey kidney DNA. Those stories are just fake news headlines because most people refuse to read the actual article or any data for that matter. Many people have FOIA requested every administration they could for evidence of covid being isolated and they have all been ignored or replied to stating the requested information is not available. People have gotten administrations to admit in court that they do not have a covid isolate.

Other tidbits

Argument against the anecdotal arguments of, "I know family members who caught covid"

Me too! And those same family members were sick 1-3 times every year prior to the existence of covid too. Long long before Wuhan cured the flu. How many people do you know who have been officially diagnosed with the flu since covid arrived? Zero!

Argument against anecdotal argument of, "I got sick and lost my sense of taste."

This has always been a symptom of the cold / flu / congestion. I lose my sense of taste every time I get a cold like sickness. Always have as long as I can remember. I believe most people just never noticed until the TV started saying loss of taste. My proof of this is that many of us as young kids, when we were forced to eat or drink something we didn't like, such as cough syrup, we'd hold our nose while drinking it. Why? It would block out the taste, temporarily of course, because once you started breathing again, the flavor was still in your mouth. But this is because taste and smell are directly tied to each other. Once your nasals are congested, your sense of taste also weakens. Most people conflate sensations for taste. Sensations such as spicy, sour, bitter, hot, cold and aren't even noticing the actual flavor is lacking. One other potential cause of this is mask wearing. If you were to wear a blind fold for a few months, then take it off one day, your eyes would be weak, it would hurt. Same goes for bed ridden coma patients. A couple months bed ridden, you have to relearn to walk. Well, wear a mask for months on end, maybe this heightens your loss of smell and taste during sickness. Just a theory of mine.

Argument against anecdotal argument of, "This is the worst I've ever been sick"...... 

said every sick person every year. Everyone feels like death when they get a bad cold / flu. It sucks every time. But there is some truth to it being the worst. As you get older, your body is more toxic, so unless you change your health around entirely, the older you get, the harder each bad sickness will feel. Until the day, that final sickness wipes you out.


This all boils down to three simple facts. The fact the CDC has no proper way to test for covid as they can't even isolate it AND the fact the CDC clearly shows at best, only 5% of people have died of presumed covid, but how many were just old age? We don't live forever. Pair this with the fact that the flu is gone, and I'd bet my life that the 5% of deaths from covid, are just old age, unexplainable deaths, or blatant lies. We've all seen the stories of them labelling suicides, drownings, overdoses, alcohol poisonings, and even MURDERS as covid. If you haven't, duckduckgo it. There are a lot of them and I don't feel like finding them all.

To prove covid exists and kills people at any percent.

  • You'd have to explain how the global annual death toll has not changed even though a new deadly virus is killing people
  • You'd have to explain where the flu went without covid being equal to the flu
  • You'd have to explain why and how people dying of, on average 4 other causes, are being labelled as covid
  • You'd have to explain how we can test for covid when the covid virus has still yet to be isolated

If you leave this article unable to answer the above questions then you should then ponder these follow up questions.

If covid doesn't exist then

  • Why the lockdowns?
  • Why the masks?
  • Why the government handouts and massive unemployment payouts?
  • What the hell is that vaccine for?
  • Why the vaccine passports?
  • Why close down schools? Leading to big spike in teen suicides?
  • Why did they murder people with ventilators?
  • Why did they send people into nursing homes to die?
  • Why the fake hospital overloading stories when there are countless videos of empty hospitals and countless nurse dancing tiktok videos because they had nothing better to do?
  • Why the fake building material shortage and inflation?
  • Why the fake food shortage and inflation?
  • and many more...

At this point, we can only theorize to the answer for all these absurd things, but one thing is for sure, it's not a good reason.

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