爆料碎片:“C-19終結遊戲” Covid End Game~精英們玩法一窺!

爆料碎片:“C-19終結遊戲” Covid End Game~精英們玩法一窺!


一位「精英」向我透露,你接下去讀到的關於 “Covid終結遊戲” 的內容以後,一切將變得一清二楚。

我不會告訴你這人是誰或者為什麽。這麽說吧,我和這個人待了幾天,他們在新西蘭有個藏身之處。這是我第一次和一個知名的高凈值人士(身價數十億美元)一起「出去玩」。這是在 Queenstown(皇後鎮),為他們工作後的一次偶遇。他們吃了晚飯,喝了酒,並進行了討論。他們邀請我去他們的家中度過周末。這篇文章我處理一下,這就發布。






新政府需要世界上一些最優秀的人才,他們幾乎都是出於自己的自由意志,並對建立一個新世界政府的事業充滿信心的。在他們看來,他們是不惜一切代價拯救人類的一股蠻力。我被告知,那些拒絕的人會被 “處理” 掉,但在大多數情況下,他們會把這個人帶到更廣泛的群體中,通過討論,他們被說服了,並開始致力於他們的這項事業。大多數時候,作為第一步,這些「頭腦」(智能人)是在申請虛假工作,並經歷過罪惡心理的訓練等等。


為了實現這個計劃,我偶然的問道:“我該怎麽辦?... 你如何讓每個國家的每個公民反對他們自己的政府?我眞的不知道了。” 因此這樣,他們便給我講了一些基本的東西。

從某種意義上說,領導人、科學家和媒體向你們保證,這種治療方法是 “安全有效” 的。


  • 少數質疑「治療」的異常值的人會以各種方式被毀壞名譽和被審查
  • 被批準的「治療」是生物製劑/毒藥,需要 2-3 年才能完全實現。
  • mRNA是他們等待中的先進技術。
  • 公開信息確保人們乞求「治療」,並排隊等候。






有人還告訴我,當這種情況發生時,先想想《瘋狂的麥克斯》(Mad Max),然後想想新西蘭的《極樂世界》(Elysium)。還有幾個像新西蘭這樣的指定區域,但由於地理和基礎設施,新西蘭被稱為 「第1區」。

一旦群眾擺脫了政府和所有那些 “背叛” 他們的人,他們就已受夠了。此時,新的全球政府將成為偉大的「救世主」。我被告知,這將是一個「容易推銷」的產品。




An "Elite" confided in me, what you are about to read about the covid end game will make everything crystal clear. 

I will not tell you who, or why. Let's just say I spent days with this person and they have a bolthole in NZ. It's the first time I've ever 'hung out' with a known, high net worth individual (billions). It was a chance encounter after doing some work for them in Queenstown. Dinner, drinks were had, and discussions took place. I was invited to hang at their place for the weekend. I am posting this now after processing it.

They were loose lipped and open with me but did say if I mention these things, that 'we never met'. But laughed and said no one would believe it anyway, so 'have fun', just keep their identity out of it.

They said we have nothing to worry about here, so in-spite of what they told me, he told me to consider myself one of the luckiest humans alive to be in NZ right now.

They asked if I took the vax, and were relieved when I said no. They said kiwis would get the antidote anyway but some will not make it to that point. After all, someone had to run things here 'for them'.

I initially asked what they thought the 'end game' was for all this covid stuff. They asked me what I thought it was, with great interest, but I wasn't close.

They basically said this...

  • a plan was devised many years ago, and for many years that is all it was, a plan. They had to wait many years for the technologies available to make the plan viable. And to recruit the appropriate individuals.
  • This is definitely about a new global government being put in place (details will continue)
  • This new global government is already in place operating for years in complete secrecy, waiting on the sidelines, moving the chess pieces.
  • The new government required some of the top minds on the planet, almost all of them came on board of their own free will and with a full belief in the cause of a new world government. In their view they are brute force saving humanity at all costs. I was told those who refused were dealt to, but in most cases, they would bring the person to the wider group and through discussions, they were convinced and became committed to the cause. Most times, these 'minds' were applying for fake jobs and going through psych evils etc as a first step.
  • This plan is ongoing and the most complex global chain of events ever put into motion.

THE PLAN is essentially to turn every citizen of every country, violently against their own government. How they are doing this is pure genius and pure evil.

To achieve this plan, my chance encounter asked how would I do it?.. how would you turn every citizen of every country against their own government? I really have no idea. So they laid out the basics for me.

  • There must be a global engineered 'sickness'
  • There must be mass fear, panic and paranoia
  • Leaders, Scientists and Media must converge on consensus of a treatment
  • that treatment would be essentially handed to them without them even realizing it
  • Initially, there can only be few 'sanctioned' treatments, all other treatments must be deemed 'dangerous, unsafe and banned'
  • Leaders, Scientists and Media are manipulated, to believe this 'treatment' is the only option, the only way to keep you and your family safe.
  • Leaders, Scientists and Media in a sense, give you their word that this treatment is safe and effective
  • Children were also targeted to inflict maximum pain and anger when it goes bad.

I found this part interesting. Our leaders, scientists and media are NOT complicit in this plan or actually part of this plan in any way. NONE of them, not even Fauci. They are mere fodder to these elites, serving a purpose then will be "discarded" or "fed to the angry" ! They have been played.

  • The few outliers who question the 'treatment' are discredited in a variety of ways and censored
  • Sanctioned 'treatments' are biologics/poison that takes 2-3 years to be fully realized.
  • mRNA was the advanced technology they were waiting for.
  • Public messaging ensures people beg for the 'treatment' and line up for it.

We could say, the plan is well underway at this point and so far hugely successful. The mRNA uptake has been huge and the people all believe the 'treatment' is the only way back to normality.

I was told it has exceeded their wildest expectations!


This is where the final plan executes.

The tables turn on the vaccine narrative. I was told in time the vaccine will increase infection and increase death. That billions will die, and the people will be enraged and burn their governments to the ground. Their leaders, scientists and media will be torched, hunted and hung in the streets. BOTH sides will burn their governments to the ground. The pro-vax side, completely betrayed and dying will rage.. the non-vax side will rage for what their gov allowed to happen.

I was also told when this happens think "Mad Max" for a while, but think of NZ "Elysium". There are a few designated zones like NZ, but due to geography and infrastructure NZ is known as Zone 1.

Once the masses are free of government and all those who 'betrayed' them, and they have suffered enough. This is when the new global government will emerge as the great savior. It will be an "easy sell" I am told.

This was my brain dump. I probably left out quite a bit. They waxed on about this but somewhat ignored direct questions. They said they liked me and want me around when the dust settles, that I was hugely useful to them.

I dunno, part of me just thinks they were f'ing with me. I do feel better about being where I am right now.


sk1nnybob User ID: 80418647
New Zealand
09/28/2021 03:46 AM

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