Cov19 - more suppressed solutions

Cov19 - more suppressed solutions


From a reader of Lockdown Sceptics (author unknown):

"I wanted to tell you/ask about the idea of T-Cell immunity and the ability to test for it. As you will know, immunity to SARS-CoV-2 through T-Cells is a known thing, with there being reports that those exposed to the original SARS-CoV 17 years ago displaying immunity to the current scourge of the world.

Last Autumn there were a few articles published on companies developing a test to determine immunity:

The first, on the BBC, was a company in Cardiff. I have exchanged emails with them and their test is ready but held up in the regulatory process. The second, mentioned in the Telegraph article, is a company whose product is, again, ready, but held up in regulatory process, although it is not a home consumption product but one for health professionals and trained labs.

Nevertheless, there appear to be tests designed to do the job. Implementing them would therefore uncover those in the UK, indeed worldwide, who have natural immunity and/or immunity after catching COVID-19. The impact of these being made available now would be immense:

1. UK Govt could target only those who were not immune, rather than blanket jab everyone.

2. Those who were nervous of the jabs could find out if they were at risk or fine as-is.

3. The Covid certificates (AKA health passports), if inevitable (I hope not), could incorporate those who have natural immunity, so reducing the prospective ‘apartheid’ such a device would bring in.

So why are they being held up and why is no-one talking about them? It wouldn’t be because the authorities and those who drive the pharma industry want to make the world vaccine junkies would it? Surely cockup not conspiracy?

Perhaps worthy of your attention/investigation."

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