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Kentucky Stereotypes


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Views on Kentucky by Non-Kentuckians collected by Kentuckians
I know the title of this page is very odd, but I promise it makes sense. As seen in the “Why You Should Read Page,” incest is a very common stereotype of Kentucky. By definition, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, incest is “sexual intercourse between people who are very closely related,” based from the Latin incestus , meaning “sexual impurity (“Incest.”).” Now, you may be wondering, “How did they get from Kentucky’s obsession with blue or racism to incest?” It all started with Jack’s- aka me- simple presentation of his findings on blue things in Kentucky.
Besides the popularity of blue at UK, I went outside the box and looked for unique blue associations. Besides bluegrass- the actual grass and the type of music, I saw the state has a dark blue/navy as its main color. Sometime in high school, I learned about the “blue people of Kentucky.” This is not a joke; the pigment of their skins are blue. He remembered that and thought a picture of a blue man would just be an eccentric slide in his presentation (see Jack’s “Presentation” board on his Pinterest). Instead, I was bombarded with questions that I could not answer fully. The only word I said to explain it was “incest.” Below is a video describing one of the first known encounters with the real-life Blue Man Group- it’s a joke, not an insult. Click the link in to watch a 3 minute clip of a description/reenactment of one of the first public encounters with the blue members of the Fugate family.
“This video has no connection to incest. Why should I believe this?” Upon further reading, there is further evidence that this is in fact directly related to incest. The Fugate family had a disease-methemoglobinemia, having hemoglobin that does not work properly and cannot supply oxygen to the tissues. If one has 10-20% of methemoglobin, there will be no serious health affects but will cause purple lips, blue skin, and “covered-in-chocolate” looking blood, showing deoxygenation. This disease has a recessive gene, meaning it is rare for people to share this gene. To simplify biology, if both parents have a recessive gene, it will show on their offspring. Since the disease is so rare, Dr. Ayalew Tefferi of the Mayo Clinic concludes that the most common way for one to show this disease is by in-breeding (James).

If one’s first experience in Kentucky is either Louisville or Lexington, incest may not be the first stereotype of Kentucky to come to mind. Growing up in Kentucky, a child hears different myths and legends about the state, ones about different cultures and costumes. Growing up In Louisville, I always heard rumors about the Appalachian/Eastern Kentucky region. They never were true to me, just rumors and stories. I never thought these rumors could come so close into my life. With researching the Fugate family, I learned that this family from Troublesome Creek in Hindsman, Kentucky to the University of Kentucky’s medical hospital in order to get studied on. This modern campus has so much history on it; everyone should come explore it and see.- Jack
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Last night my cousin Amanda and her husband came over for dinner and to watch the Big 12 Tourney. 

We had so much fun that we could barely stay awake until the end of the games. Party animals over here.

Dan and I tag-teamed the mushroom chicken in garlic white wine sauce (click *here* for the recipe) while the veggies were roasting. 

Uncle Ben provided the yummy rice. 

Amanda brought a chunk of heaven peanut butter pie for dessert (click *here* for the recipe). 

Dan took a piece before we could take a picture. I can't blame the guy. Knowing that a few uneaten pieces remain in my fridge is killing me right now. Killing me. 

I woke up craving cereal, but there was no cereal to be had. I improvised breakfast cookie dough cereal by mashing up a banana, a tablespoon of almond butter, and 1/3 C oatmeal and topped it with a cup of skim milk. Perfect fuel for a long run.

After my 10 mile run I was in a hurry, so my second breakfast was to-go.

Lunch was courtesy of my boyfriend Joe and the microwave. Super quick, easy, and tasty!

Yes, I am that girl. The girl who brings curry and tuna to eat in a room of cubicles. I am sure my neighbors LOVE me. 

I also grabbed a handful of quinoa chips before bed (3).

Yesterday I Smash -ed through 10 miles. I am now convinced that anyone could run while watching a musical. Try it. 

Today I am running in the Wesport St. Patrick's Day Run. This race will always hold a special place in my heart because it was the first race I ever ran. Five years ago.

The daily musings of a Kansas City girl who attempts to juggle running, clean eating, and motherhood. Hang on - it is a bumpy ride!

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