Cousin Blowjob Stories

Cousin Blowjob Stories


Cousin Blowjob Stories

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I was 18 and my cousin was 18 (second cousin… maybe doesn’t even count as incest) and we had been pretty friendly while growing up and pretty confident that we could talk to each other about most shit when we could (she lived about 5 hours away). As younger kids we had played a bit of doctors and nurses etc as a lot of kids do but other than that we had a pretty regular cousin relationship.
Anyway, my cousin was a bit of a tearaway who was going to parties with older people. She was a biggish girl but had a genuinely pretty face and big tits. One day her family visited mine around christmas time and she came in to my room to chat and see what was going on. We chatted for a while, during which I had noticed she had taken to wearing short skirts and was wearing a tight top which in retrospect wasnt very appropriate for a chick of her age but as a teen boy it led me to look straight at her tits and thighs. After the usual greets and conversation she said she needed to ask me a question about guys. I was happy to oblige. She said that at a party she had been to recently that she gave a guy head but had gotten kind of wierded out and was scared of what him cumming involved and being inexperienced, she didnt know what to do when it happened. So she stopped, apologised and walked out… which this guy wasnt happy about but understood.
My cousin then asked me if he should/would have been pissed off and if this was a fucked up thing to do to this guy. I told her it wasnt really as it was her choice but he would have had blue balls and been in agony and maybe she should give him another go one day seeing as he hadnt been a dick about it all.
After that we talked for a bit about other crap like school and stuff but in the back of my mind I couldnt help be turned on and intrigued by this girl sucking a guys dick. I was so jealous as I had never had a blow job or even really kissed a girl at this stage. I wasnt unpopular or anything but was nervous as hell around girls. I wanted to know more about what my cousin had done with this random guy but couldnt ask, both because she was my cousin and because I didnt want to appear to be some amateur in the sex game.
There was a bit of a pause in the conversation when my cousin looked kind of seriously at me and asked if head was all it was cracked up to be. I reluctantly admitted that I didnt know. My heart was racing now and my guts grew tight as i was talking about sex with a girl, my mind went to all the possibilities. I said as far as I knew head would feel amazing but I had only ever jerked off. She then asked if I had ever cum to which the obvious response was yes. After a little prompting I told her the specifics of when guys cum, volume, texture etc and then told her that some girls spit, some swallow and some just jerk it into a tissue or onto their chest, anything was possible, but that I thought it was coolest and had heard that guys liked to have it swallowed.
By this point she was leaning forward in the beanbag she was sitting in, kind of wrapped up in the whole topic. I was horny as fuck but hiding it well lying on my bed. I knew she was my cousin but at that age I didnt give a shit. I was keen as hell for her to say something but assumed that she would not.
I dont think she had any intention of asking at the beginning of the events, but in the end I think a little sympathy, curiosity of what I had described and my openness to her questions got me over the line. She looked quickly at the door nervously, wheighing up what she was about to say. She then whispered and asked if I wanted her to do it a little bit for me, just a little, just so I knew what it was like… I WAS WRAPPED!!!! My heart started beating in my ears as I said yes, barely audibly.
We thought of going for a walk to a park or something but then my younger sister would have wanted to come and shut the whole thing down. Fuck it, how often did this sort of opportunity arise!?!?! We could still hear our families chatting in the kitchen but they seemed pretty occupied so I decided to take the risk.
My breath was catching in my chest and my stomach was churning as I jumped off the bed and ran to shut the door completely.
I shut it, not making a noise, I turned round and saw that my cousing had gotten up and sat on the bed, she looked extremely nervous but was breathing heavily and squeezing her legs together. My guess was she was turned on by the situation and the risk we were taking… but a hard cock in her mouth could not have been far from her mind either. Her chest was a little flushed when she whispered at me to hurry up.
She told me to remember that she was only going to do it for a few seconds just so I knew what it was all about. I didnt care at that point, I would jerk off later. This was going to be awesome!
She was apparently very nervous or excited as she completely made a meal of trying to get my fly undone. I stepped back and undid it for her (a bit fumbly myself), I was an average sized kid, regulation 6 inches, but I was very very hard. My cousin looked at my dick then at me then opened her thighs and pulled me closer to her, her hands on my hips. She hesitated a few times and looked around me at the door a couple of times too. The voices were loud and busy, I thought they were putting her off and she was going to change her mind… until she wrapped her fingers around the base of my dick and wrapped her beautifully warm wet mouth around it, she went down about a half inch past the head of my prick…
All I could think of at that point was the silky wetness of her mouth. It felt so warm and slick with slight little movements and pulses of her tongue and sucking. I had never felt anything like that before. Neither of us made any noise whatsoever as she backed off and looked at me for what I can only guess was approval. Looking down at this girl with her hand wrapped around my dick (glistening with her spit) with her smooth creamy, big tits just below I couldnt believe she was worried enough to stop. She said that the other guy had acted like it was nothing at all and she was worried whether she was doing it well. With that I told her that it was unfucking believable and to keep going. There was a bit of extra noise from the kitchen but no movement so she tossed he hair to one side and put me back in her mouth, bobbing up and down this time.
At her age she didnt know any tricks but what she did do was filled with such earnesty, lust and want that it felt perfect. Her soft mouth and hand worked me up and down with my slick, hard cock pulsing with every thrust.
I put my hands on her shoulders as she squeezed my legs between her thighs. I ran my hands up and down her arms and shoulders as both encouragement and to let her know I was enjoying it. Enjoying it? Shit, I wasnt going to last long at this rate. I could feel the familiar warmth and tightness well up into my balls and the head of my cock.
She pulled back after about a minute and looked at me. Oh what the fuck???? She IS going to stop? I looked again at the door and back at my cousin. Remembering what I had said before I asked in quick whispers if she was stopping and that I would not be pissed of if she did (total fuckin lie). She looked a bit embarrased and worried and said she didnt know what to do if I came, I said she could do what she wanted from our talk before. She looked at me and then again at my thick cock and considered what she should say… I dont think she wanted to do what she picked, but by now I think she had let go a bit, she was sucking her cousins cock and wanted to impress and do things right so she said SWALLOW!
I said she didnt have to if she didnt want to but if she did, it would be great and that whatever happened i wouldnt laugh or get angry or anything (I have no idea of what she thought I would do to be honest). I told her I would warn her with a couple of taps on the shoulder when I was about to go. With that I dived back into heaven as she decided she was comfortable with finishing me off in her mouth and started sucking down on my knob again. I checked the door again and asked her if I could feel her tits, I dont know why I asked but it seemed like a whole other thing to be allowed to do at that stage. She had been so cool about it all I figured she was not going to day no. She gave a little nod and high, short moan and arched her back to give me better access.
I lifted up her shirt and dug my fingers down between her bra and tits.. Absolutely silky and soft yet firm. I kneaded her right tit and felt for her nipple, it was small and hard and felt good against the palm of my hand. I gave a couple of satisfying squeezes just as i felt that familiar tightening.
I tapped my cousin on the shoulder and she stopped bobbing at the top of her stroke. Not knowing my body too well I thought I was there but nothing happened and I hovered on the edge. My cousin looked a little confused, but with my dick in her hot, wet mouth and her blue/grey eyes turned up to me it just looked hot. I apologised and gave a quiet laugh to which she responded with what looked like a smile but around a cock. I mimed a wanking motion to which she nodded and gave me a few wet, long strokes with her hand with her lips wrapped around the head of my cock.
The tap this time was no false alarm. I shook involuntarily and came hard. Happily, this accidentaly led to the tit in my hand jiggling perfectly in my line of sight as I looked down at my cousins cute face as she moved her hand slightly back and forward, my thick warm cum squirting onto her tongue.
She later told me that just before I came, my dick hole opened noticeably and my shaft pulsed with each warm squirt.
She looked like she was about to pull away for a second but held on for about three squirts and then swallowed her first ever load of cum. A couple more shots and I was done, she swallowed those too. She sucked gently as she slid her mouth off my cock. She then again looked at me as if for approval. I felt drained and my balls hurt a little from coming so hard. I smiled and gave her a mouthed wow and kissed her fully and long on the cheek (for some reason, that felt appropriate). She smiled and looked down at my cock as I gave her tit another quick squeeze and we both giggled.
It was a little awkward after that as we straightened ourselves out. We didnt know what to say or do… what do you say after something like that? We went and joined our families outside who assumed we were awkward bacause they thought we had a disagreement. Little did they know my cum was in my cousins stomach and my dick still sensitive and throbbing from when she had sucked it out of me.
Posted by kathy1971
on Thu, Aug 27, 2009

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My younger cousin sucks me off in the parking lot.
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My little cousin Jennifer has always been special to me. Growing up, I was closer to her older brother John given we shared the same interests, drinking in particular. Jenn is 7 years younger than me, which was quite a large age gap when we were younger. Time went by and I was finishing up my final year in college when I began to notice her social media pictures. It turns out my little Jennifer grew up into a selfie loving princess, displaying her cute, facial features with every picture she uploaded. Her long, thick lashes, and her flawless eyebrows made her big brown eyes even more attractive. Before long, I was wanking to almost every new picture she uploaded.
I knew if we were to ever hook up it wouldn't happen for years, so I had to slowly bide my time and put in the work. We're cousins after all, if I wanted her I'd have to be more patient than ever. I'd have to show her that I love and respect her; that despite being related I want to share a sensual experience with her more than anyone else.
Luckily she was a bit of a flirt, and we would occasionally cross the line and go beyond the boundaries that cousins usually share. During the summer before she first attended college, I managed to pry out of her that she thinks giving head is gross and that she would never do it given how disrespectful it is to a woman. I assured her she would when she was older, and to my dismay I ended up being correct. She began dating a guy after only a few months into her first semester in college. I was heartbroken, for years I fantasized about being her first blowjob. I wanted my cock to be the first one she would ever wrap her lips around. But it turns out I waited too long to make my move. I didn't have the courage to take it from flirting to the next stage, and sure enough after she started dating him we stopped keeping in touch.
Fast forward a year later and she is still in a loving relationship with her boyfriend. I saw her last week for the first time in years, and wanted to share how I wish the night really ended.
I crack open a bottle of rum in the parking lot, having just arrived with my friends at a community fundraiser. A lot of my family was in attendance, so drinking prior to the event was a must so I can loosen myself for what I assumed to be a dull night ahead.
After having a couple cigarettes and knocking back half the bottle amongst my buddies, we walk inside the banquet hall, in attempts to find some girls to talk to. It was trickier for me given most people in attendance were related to me, as I had no intention in hooking up with a family member at that time.
From my peripherals I see someone approach me, when I hear a familiar voice.
"Long time no see bro, how you doing man?"
John, one of my coolest cousins who I haven't seen in years showed up to the fundraiser, and we reminisced for a few minutes as we went to the bar and had some shots. As we walk back to his table my body freezes as I seen Jenn for the first time in years. I always pictured her as a little child, but here she was sitting next to her mom, looking like a grown, beautiful woman. She smiles at me and stares at me with her big brown eyes that I adore ever so much.
"Nice to see you again Brandon, it's been a while" She said.
I've zoned out momentarily, staring at Jenn when I snap out back into reality after a few seconds. "Uhh...yea I know right you too." I think to myself how stupid I must sound as I give you a blank expression not knowing what else to say. I join your family at your table, upping my normal alcohol intake as I feel the need to mask how clearly nervous I am around you. My phone buzzes as my eyes light up when I see it's from you. I give you a quick glance at the table, and my eyes immediately dart back to my phone as I open your text.
"Why are you ignoring me? You haven't looked at me since you sat down."
I bite my lip, knowing I should stop acting like an idiot.
"You're the one ignoring me ever since you got a boyfriend."
I put my phone down on the table, as I pretend to focus on the guy making a speech at the podium, when in reality I'm anxiously waiting to hear my phone vibrate. I suddenly feel a gentle pinch on my arm, as I look up from my seat to see you heading outside towards the bathroom. I look at John, who is distracted by his phone and decide to take that as my queue to get up and follow you. I walk outside, and see you leaning against the exterior of the building.
Jenn stares at me for a minute without saying a word. Then after what seemed like eternity she blurted out:
"Is that what you think, that I've been ignoring you since I started dating him? How could you even think that, you know how much I've missed you, how anxious I was to see you tonight?"
My mind is racing, unable to comprehend everything she said so I take a moment to digest everything.
"Jenn...I...I missed you too, I guess I just felt like you found someone better and didn't need me anymore. I was so depressed when I saw your facebook relationship status change."
I look back at you, as I see a look of confusion staring back at me.
Jenn whispers "We're do know that right?"
Nodding my head as I look back down at my shoes, unable to look you in the eye as I go on.
"I was really jealous of him, I really wanted to be your first..Well you know, the thing I've always wanted from you."
I slowly look up, as you cross your arms in small protest as if to defend yourself from the words I've saying.
"I don't know what to say, you're my cousin...I mean if you weren't then maybe - I mean don't get me wrong I still love my boyfriend but I guess I've always had a thing for you. But that doesn't mean I'm going to...well, give you head."
I let out a gentle moan as I hear you utter that word - head. My little cousin Jennifer, talking to me about giving head. Sure she might have phrased it in a negative way saying she doesn't want to give me head, but hearing her say the word was a turn on nonetheless.
"I suppose I've just really wanted it from you, we were so close back then so I felt it would be really sensual between us. And you really do have the perfect face for it, you really do have the cutest, big brown eyes Jenn"
I finally work back the courage to look up at you, as you bite your lip trying to hold back a smile. Hearing me say how pretty you are, and how I see you so much differently than other girls makes you feel so special. You give out a small sigh as you give in despite you trying so hard not to put yourself in a position that your boyfriend might disapprove of.
Jenn moves a bit further away from me, still wanting to keep her distance.
"That's really flattering, if I didn't have a boyfriend then maybe but even then we're still cousins, it would be so wrong."
Nodding my head again, I decide to take the lead. I extend my hand and grab yours, easily fitting your tiny palm in mine as I walk you to the edge of the parking lot towards my car. At first you are a bit hesitant to follow me but you know I'd never hurt you so you come along anyways. I gently position you against the passenger's side door window, as I lean forward with one hand on the glass behind you.
Jenn looks at me in disgust, thinking how much of an asshole I am to lure her out here by herself to try and get her to cheat on her boyfriend. I can see her about to flip o
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