


2. Unlimited refunds. Price - $1000.

Here, I will guide you on how to getting refunds over and over not only on Amazon, but also on other major stores. However, you hardly want to get refunds from other stores, because on Amazon refunds are faster and more successful.

What's Included?

⚡️ Methods to getting more than 3-5 refunds for one address.

One of this methods to get more refunds on already used address is to add a typo to the address (like, backstreet 10 > backk street No. 10). Doing so, will make it nearly impossible for their system to detect you. However, you have to do it right and I'll show you how, as well as show you other methods.

⚡️ Methods to find new US, EU addresses online.

For example, you can get a new address through a reship services. They give virtual address where you can ship to. Reship service receives the package on your behalf and than ship to your real address. It's easy, especially since I'll give you a list of services that aren't oversaturated. Also, there are 3 other methods thats are even easier.

⚡️ List of trusted refunders that work using other, faster methods (instant refunds).

⚡️ PayPal claims.

You can obtain 2 refunds on one PayPal account from any store that accepts PP (preferably eBay). If you use paypal often, you can try again after 6-8 months, if not, it's a one-time thing. You can only use your personal account or friends' accounts, fake accounts are not allowed.

That is it!

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