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"Soft" swinging or "soft" swapping, where couples swap sexual partners but don't have penetrative sex, has become a viral topic on TikTok after one influencer said it led her to divorce. 
On May 25, Taylor Frankie Paul , a 28-year-old mother of two with 3.5 million TikTok followers, said in a livestream that she and her husband were involved in a "soft swinging" community — they were in an open relationship but agreed not to go "all the way" with anyone outside of their marriage. 
However, Paul went on to say that she slept with another member of the community without her husband's knowledge, and then developed feelings for that person. 
Paul, who refers to herself as Mormon in her TikTok videos, is also a prominent figure in a TikTok subcommunity known as "MomTok," where women share details about their lives as mothers. 
When Paul became embroiled in online controversy, several influencers in the MomTok community denied any involvement with swinging, leading to speculation about what transpired. 
The online fallout seems to have brought Paul, and "soft" swinging, under intense criticism on TikTok, but it's a practice that many couples say benefits their sex lives, sex educator Gigi Engle told Insider. Still, if a monogamous couple attempts to open up their marriage in order to solve relationship problems, or acts outside their agreed-upon rules for swinging, it can lead to trust issues or relationship dissolution, Engle said.
"Opening your relationship doesn't end your relationship. Opening your relationship when you're not ready can be a contributing factor to an already broken relationship," Engle told Insider. 
Paul, who typically posts dance videos with other "MomTok" influencers and vlog-style content with her children , initially went viral on TikTok on May 20, when she posted a video of herself with an online caption that said she was "getting divorced." The video currently has 12 million views. 
On May 23, Paul posted another video , which now has 9 million views, with an on-screen caption that said her life was "falling apart," followed by another which said, "And I can't even speak on why… without bringing them all down with me." 
Many top comments asked Paul to elaborate on what she meant by this, and on Reddit, users began posting threads on internet gossip pages, speculating about the purported separation.
Paul hosted a TikTok livestream on May 25, where she said she and her husband, Tate Paul, who has not spoken publicly about the situation, were in an open marriage and sometimes invited other sexual partners into their relationship. However, the individuals all agreed not to have sexual intercourse with anyone other than their own partners. She referred to this agreement as "soft swinging." 
"I guess soft swinging is when you do other things but you don't go all the way," she said. 
"Soft-swinging" describes having non-penetrative sexual relations outside of one's marriage or primary relationship, according to Engle. The sex educator went on to say people in the swingers' community use the term "soft" swap to denote when they switch partners to kiss or have oral sex but not penetrative sex.
Paul explained she broke the rules of the group's arrangement when she had sexual intercourse with another member of the soft swinging community who was not her husband. As a result, she has now been shunned by the group and feels like she is "losing everything."
She also said she was not the only person to break the rules, saying, "No one was innocent. Everyone has hooked up with everyone in the situation."
After Paul posted the livestream, it became the topic of YouTube and Reddit discussions with many wondering if others in the "MomTok" community had done it. 
Though Paul said the majority of "MomTok" influencers — who have millions of followers between them and often post videos together — were not involved in "soft" swinging, many also made their own public statements denying involvement in the situation. 
On Reddit , various users spread unverified rumors about who participated, suggesting they believe other influencers were involved. The MomTok community has also criticized "soft" swinging as a result, with many online commenters suggesting that an open relationship caused the end of Paul's marriage. 
Taylor and Tate Paul did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment. 
People who are new to the swinging lifestyle, or who are seeing a new couple for the first time, may start with a "soft" swap to "test the waters."
Since penetrative sex is often placed on a pedestal in opposite-sex relationships, it could explain why people characterize any sex act but penetration as "soft," said Engle.
According to Engle, non-monogamous dynamics , whether swinging, polyamory, or an open relationship, work because both partners agreed to the specifics of their arrangement, which they discussed beforehand. But if one partner acts outside of that agreement, it can lead to distrust.
Couples who try any form of open relationship, whether swinging, "soft" swinging, or polyamory, aren't doomed for relationship failure, according to Engle.
She said couples who decide to try swinging together, and who already feel stable and secure in their relationships, often say the practice improves their bond and sex lives. But if a couple decides to open their relationship for swinging and only one partner is on board, or if it's being used as a Band-aid for other relationship problems, it could lead to more issues or the end of the relationship, Engle said.

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Soft Swap Defined
Soft Swap Rules
Bad Relationship
Sex Terms

Like so many couples considering soft swap you may have been together for a long time and although you love your
Significant Other the excitement may have faded from your love life. It's not unusual and certainly nothing
to feel guilty about. It's actually very common. You may have found yourself looking at a member of the
opposite sex and thinking "I wonder?" I honestly believe that a good proportion of our current 50 % divorce rate is driven
by these circumstances. People cheat just to get a thrill back into their love lives.
Aug 15th The Forum is open. Register now !
Last week's hot topic Are Rules Necessary?
Soft Swap is about satisfying that curiousity in a mutually agreeable manner. There are various
levels of Soft Swap and it is considered a mild form of Swinging . This is frequently the level first tried
prior to becoming Swingers . Many couples choose to stay at the lower level of participation in the
Swinger world. Please have a look at the definitions and rules in the side navigation column

Both you and your S.O should be in agreement as to the rules and mutually agreeable activities before entering into
arrangements with other members. This is not the time for surprises that can bring out feelings of
jealousy and derail your efforts.
Think back to your dating days. New people. Exciting times. Every time you started with a new
relationship the excitement of the discovery as things progressed, the thrill of a new lover. Soft Swap allows you and
your S.O. to recapture the excitement and mystery again. And depending on your level of participation; bring
those feelings home to:
Please join our forum. If you are new or contemplating the lifestyle please do not feel embarrassed to ask questions.
We ask that you treat other members with respect and dignity.
Copyright 2010 All rights reserved.

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