Couple Of Months

Couple Of Months


Couple Of Months
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What does "a couple of months" mean? Does this mean one or two months? How about six months? Can I use "several months"?

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"couple of months", "couple of days", does it mean 2 months, 2 days ?
Hi friends,

My question is on using the word "couple". When we say "couple of months", "couple of days", does it mean 2 months, 2 days ?

couple = 2 or couple = some (e.g. couple of times)

Thanks in advance.
Hi Niwantha,

The phrase "a couple of days / months / weeks / minutes" literally means "a few" or "several". A couple of days may coincidentally turn out to be two days, three days or four days. It is not limited to "two".

There is no clear guideline on the largest possible number here, but common sense dictates that a small indefinite number is meant here.

Just as a side discussion, there is a word "coupled", which means things are joined or linked together.
Example: Poverty coupled with a high employment rate created a very fragmented society in country X.

Hope this helps.
Couple LITERALLY means two. You describe two people who are married as a couple.

However, we use it on occasion to mean approximately two. I will be back in a couple of minutes for example ... does not have to be exactly two minutes
I guess formally it would mean two of something, but it could also imply a thought such as "at least twice" in an informal setting.
when is it a couple of months this week or next week
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